View Full Version : Fl/cl?

September 9th, 10, 12:41 AM
So, i just got done with Fooley Cooley and...jeez i dont understand anything about it. Its cute, and funny, but..confusing. Could anyone explain it to me? Or..anything they know about it? Heh..im lost.

Bandit Keith
September 9th, 10, 12:55 AM
simple its about growing up and becoming a adult.I had to watch it about ten times to get it but yay its basically about a person growing into a adult nothing like a hidden meaning in a anime but it also has other stuff that would take a wall post to explain .also the artist or group what ever you want to call a band are the pillows they did the music thats in the series.

side note this pretty well sums the shows input http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd4FbPpBhZA still the shows meaning is growing up its pretty funny do to the fact each time I watch FLCL I pick up more hidden meanings .I swear the makers of the series had to be on drug's or something to make such a wakkey ,cool and meaningful anime

September 11th, 10, 06:15 PM
You're supposed to be confused. The anime isn't meant to be taken serious or make any sense, it's mainly just plain silly. That's why it's such a awesome yet weird show.

October 6th, 10, 08:31 AM
FLCL is easily my favorite anime of all time and I'm still not %100 clear on the details of the plot. One of the most re watchable animes, especially considering it's length.

October 8th, 10, 02:22 AM
Because the plot isn't suppose to be any sense? :p And yea, I agree, it is a pretty cool anime.

Bandit Keith
October 8th, 10, 02:43 AM
Well in truth I did abit of looking around and it was meant first as a experiment on graphic's and ideals that would not make a make even one ep combined and second a telling of a kid growing up.Kinda freaky but its true

October 8th, 10, 03:25 AM
Yes, it's probably true that FLCL was mainly a experiment by Gainax. But it's FLCL, it's not about the MC growing up, it's just random dicks and shit. Utter nonsense that laughs at you in the face for trying to analyze what the hell it's throwing at you in each episode.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

I don't mean to sound like I'm rude or anything, haha, but just saying.

Bandit Keith
October 8th, 10, 03:32 AM
Well now your getting abit Fowl,Besides the first name of it was Furi Curi

which that meaning of the name was nothing dirty there on the first name anyway you can't just say its nonsense,Speaking of anime being '' just random dicks and shit'' then watch this one I guarantee you will learn the meaning of that phrase for anime stand point as this ones truly'' Utter nonsense that laughs at you in the face for trying to analyze what the hell it's throwing at you in each episode.''http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FQif9eKv6s

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 PM ----------

oo and I can hardly watch that series for what you will see happen at about 1.20 minutes in

October 8th, 10, 03:35 AM
I would rather not watch that anime, I had seen reviews for it and such. But that does suit the description I gave for FLCL, pretty much. Which by the way, the original title is 'Fooly Cooly', instead of 'Furi Curi' which does mean something quite perverted. I rather not push the line with language though, lol.

Bandit Keith
October 8th, 10, 03:54 AM
I'm telling the truth the name it was before going to dubbed was Furi Kuri plus it Can mean fooly cooly but it can mean other things depending on how its used oddly,Atlest thats what a English to Japanese dictionary reads on anyway I never trust those type of books to much mess ups on what the terms and such are.

Anyway this is a out take from a website article on it'' The series is significantly different from most anime programs being shown at its debut, mainly due to the large influence of Japanese pop-rock culture in its subliminal storyline''

but heres the wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLCL

October 8th, 10, 04:02 AM
Let's just leave this at 'abnormal weird show that makes meager sense', okay? :p

Bandit Keith
October 8th, 10, 04:06 AM
Well I can compromise with that logic.

October 22nd, 10, 06:24 AM
Never thought it was supposed to make much sense. It is a very fun show to watch and has a bit of everything thrown in a bit pot of awesome. Sure the story is out there but not in a bad way. I'm sure there is some deep philosophical message embedded into the show that most people do not get ( including myself). Overall a great show, too bad it is so hard to get on dvd but soon Funimation is Re-releasing it so that will be FUN.

Bandit Keith
November 28th, 10, 09:44 PM
Looked on the wiki The underlying theme is Naota's coming of age as he becomes more mature and learns to express his feelings.

wiki for proof http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLCL