View Full Version : Powers?

September 10th, 08, 12:39 AM
If you could have ANY powers or abilities that a character in an anime or manga have, what would they be and why? If you could only have ONE ability that a character from an anime or manga had, what one would you pick and why?

(Go ahead and skip my answers and reply if you'd like, they're rather lengthy!)

Personally, there are WAY too many jutsus in Naruto for me to pick, there are so many of them, and they each have their pros and cons. Two of my favorite characters are Haku and Kimimaro. I can say that I picked these characters not because of their jutsus, but because of the stories surrounding them. But as far as favorite jutsus, I like the Hyuga line of Byakugan and definitely Gaara's sand techniques. (If you're an avid reader of the manga and are caught up with the manga chapters in Japanese, Naruto's new techniques are impressive as well.) Also, not that it's any specific thing besides hard training, but the way Itachi was doing his kunai throwing when Sasuke was young, (You know, flipping in the air and hitting targets BEHIND him.) I'd like to be able to do that too. xD

I'm not caught up in Bleach yet, but I WOULD like to have Ichigo's spiritual pressure and I'd definitely want to be Uryu. (Hot Quincy archer all dressed in blue and white. =P )

Again with the archer in Inuyasha, I'd want to be Kagome or Kikyou.

Not that it's anything supernatural, but I'd like to have L and Light's high level of logic. (Death Note)

My favorite manga/anime is Hellsing, and I'd want to be Sears Victoria, just so I could carry around that giant gun and use it. xD

Not even exactly sure what it is that Lain does, (Serial Experiments Lain) but it'd be awesome if I could stick a couple plugs up my nose and hack into the internet. XD

So, if you've read through all of mine, congrats! You get +10 friend ex. pts.

September 10th, 08, 12:47 AM
id probably like ichigos death god powers and a soul slayer

September 10th, 08, 01:07 AM
Probably vash the stampedes arc angel cannon that can blast holes through the moon ^_^ I love trigun :3.

September 10th, 08, 01:18 AM
something like ikuto's power in shugo chara ^^
nd control time

September 10th, 08, 01:37 AM
ooo... I wish I could be like Moka and be a VAMPIRE!!! XD Go Rosira+Vampire! And I spelled that wrong I think!! XD I want to suck your blood!

September 10th, 08, 02:03 AM
The power to sit in a chair like L rofl.
Actually, Naruto's shadow clone technique would be pretty awesome for skipping work. =D Spend the day relaxing, AND get money.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:06 AM
I want to have flight like in dbz.Id fly myself everywhere.I probably never be late for anything that way.

September 15th, 08, 04:44 AM
I would love to have the tranformation powers and instany transmission powers like Goku had in Dragon Ball Z/GT which be awesome powers to have in your daily life.

Girl in Very Messy Pants
September 16th, 08, 12:07 AM
The ability to float\fly like in DBZ. (Though I'm not a really big fan of DBZ, it's the most recognizable example. Flying's been done in countless anime, ya know!)

September 17th, 08, 08:32 PM
Alchemy definetly Alchemy

September 20th, 08, 10:39 PM
I'd want Haruhi Suzumiyas ability to alter the world while not knowing about it.
It would be cool to live in a world altering to my preferences.

But if i should have something more realistic than basically being god, i'd want to have those attractive red-colored eyes like Ayanami Rei or Nagisa Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion has.

September 20th, 08, 11:40 PM
I want the power to....Hell just give me all the powers muwahahahahaha :3 I only use them for my entertainment.

Lil' Robbie
November 11th, 08, 05:05 AM
Dark Yuugi's "Penalty Game" ability from the first series of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga

I think it'd just be fun to screw with my opponent's heads after beating them in a game XD

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:20 AM
I'd go for a vampire such as Alucard's Immortality and regeneration.

Or... or... I dunno. I'll have to think of more.

November 11th, 08, 07:04 AM
I'd love to have the powers of SSJ 3 Goku. Flight + Instant transmission + Massive earth shaking powers = epic win and would be awesome. I'd also like to have the telepathic abilities equivilant of Nanoha and Fate from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.

December 2nd, 08, 05:29 PM
Give me the power of Spiral Energy, and I can show you how all other powers mean jack squat. What's that? You're completely invincible against all attacks? Guess what *DOOSH* You just got flamed, because I altered the probability of hitting you! >:D

...yeah, TTGL gets really crazy.

Being real here, honestly the one power I'd love more than any other would be chronomancy. There's no real example of this in any anime/manga I've seen, or at least on the level that I'm thinking. However, Ben 10 Alien Force has one episode concerning a time beast let loose and the character they end up calling Paradox - his powers is most like what I'm envisioning.

Past that... I dunno. Something bulky and earthy, or lightning-based; Crono from Chrono Trigger comes to minde for the last one. (Luminaire!)

December 4th, 08, 08:29 AM
Thanks!! You just reminded me of another power that I like. I'd LOVE to have the abilities of Lumiere from Kiddy Grade. She can control ANY electrical device with the flick of her wrist.

December 4th, 08, 07:23 PM
Oh, and me reminding you reminds me - the ultimate power so far that I can think of? Magneto's powers of course. Magnetism is so stupidly omnipresent in the universe today, there's very little it doesn't affect. Especially with the world so dependent on computers and electronics, it's very easy to manipulate stuff.

I think Eustass Kidd of One Piece is supposed to have a similar power, I dunno. They've not really shown much of him, but it appears he does have some kind of magnetic power he uses to repel cannonballs and take soldiers' weapons to form a gigantic junk-metal arm...

Girl in Very Messy Pants
December 4th, 08, 09:22 PM
Wait, I change my mind! I would actually rather have Baby's (from Dragonball GT) abiltiy to take over the minds and bodies of other people. The world would be one big happy family of babies!

Elemental Anon
December 4th, 08, 11:30 PM
I want the power to....Hell just give me all the powers muwahahahahaha :3 I only use them for my entertainment.
Another Cartmen.....

June 13th, 09, 11:25 AM
secondng the alchemy movement, just the ABILITY for alchemy to work like it does in FMA even if i dont have the 'no transmutation circle' ability like ed, just, being able to investigate so much, to build and make new hings, not talking about either transmuting gold or bringing people back from the dead. theres so many technologies that could be fasttraked, solar energy, cold fusion, maybe more gold, buut mostly because its an intruigingly good element in research and use, just to make it more readily available for use, research techniques i could workwith faster.

but yeah i dont need or want flight, immortality, or ghostly powers i just wanna learn as much about the world as possible,

June 13th, 09, 11:47 AM
id take yusukes spirit gun from yu yu hakasho

June 13th, 09, 12:24 PM
alex mercers shape shifting powers from prototype and flying

June 17th, 09, 02:52 AM
I'd like ravens creepy mind powers... then i would have to walk to the fridge to get a soda i could do it with my mind... yes i chose that power based on laziness

June 17th, 09, 03:19 AM
Being able to liquidfiy into any state or from without evaparating, immortality, hyper-rejuvinating, advanced psychic abilities, pain immunity, teleporting at will, and instant elemental manipulation.

June 17th, 09, 03:26 AM
id also probably take the power of being able to change my age. kid w3ith a spirit gun and age changing powers coooooooooooooool

June 17th, 09, 03:44 AM
I would like the presence of Spike from Cowboy Bebop. <3

June 22nd, 09, 11:39 PM
I want to be able to destroy planets like they do in DBZ, that would be sweet. You could hold the moon hostage for money...
Or like Alma from the FEAR video game series, I would like to be able to melt peoples skin and muscles until all thats left is a bloody skeleton, also cool.

June 23rd, 09, 05:02 AM
Does being incredibly cute count as a Power? ... Didn't think so Hehe ^^ Well then I'd have to say the insane Athletic abilities of Ranma~! Even if it isn't exactly a SUPER Power It's still pretty awesome being able to do back flips and be in complete control of the martial arts~!

July 21st, 09, 04:21 PM
First off, props to dpgrl12. *thumbs up*

If we're going off qualities as well as actual powers, I'd say the insight and charisma of Captain Justy Ueki Tylor.

August 21st, 09, 04:45 AM
Would also like Spiral Power.. (well technically I already have it but spiral is what I have times 1000)

I want what Largo can do in megatokyo, how he has a ninja at his call and bekon and can randomly get a rentazilla and is awesome at videogames. meh you just gotta read it to understand that what he does is a power in itself.. :<

September 3rd, 09, 09:54 AM
The abilities of Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo (OAV version)

Flight, teleportation, phasing, regeneration, ability to throw energy bolts and form an energy sword, the ability to summon (and if she's got at least two gems) control spirits, the ability to fuse with inorganic matter creating a giant doppleganger and a vastly extended life-span (she's at least 700 years old). She's also implied to have a degree of super-strength but that's never properly clarified.

It's also implied that there are other abilities that she doesn't have access to because she's only got one of her three power gems.

Bandit Keith
December 27th, 09, 07:16 AM
secondng the alchemy movement, just the ABILITY for alchemy to work like it does in FMA even if i dont have the 'no transmutation circle' ability like ed, just, being able to investigate so much, to build and make new hings, not talking about either transmuting gold or bringing people back from the dead. theres so many technologies that could be fasttraked, solar energy, cold fusion, maybe more gold, buut mostly because its an intruigingly good element in research and use, just to make it more readily available for use, research techniques i could workwith faster.

but yeah i dont need or want flight, immortality, or ghostly powers i just wanna learn as much about the world as possible,

Im with this guy on be immortally seeing as you can only cheat death so long till you die oo and I cant desices so this is my list of powers I would choice from if I could chioce one

1 the power to steal powers or copy them

2 alchemy namely like eds with no transmutation circle

3 be a host to one of the nine tailed beasts

4 the power to go ss4 seeing as no one would know how I was

5 soul reaper with there soul slayer having a banki

6 have the death note

7 have the power to heal myself including missing body parts

8 to be half demon

December 27th, 09, 07:50 AM
This hasn't really been translated into any Eastern Comics that I've seen but there's a character from a western comic called Starman called Shade. Basically his power is shadow manipulation, now you might be thinking "Oh hey, that sounds like Shikamaru" and I'd tell you "STFU you're wrong." Just listen and you'll find out.

Basically where Shade differs from Shikamaru is that he doesn't control other people through shadows rather he can change the physical properties of shadows themselves. In that he can travel great distances in a short time through shadows, create shadow constructs (Like golems, shields, weapons created from shadows.) and spread out shadows over a large area.

That's the power I want. :3

January 19th, 10, 03:26 AM
Being a Death God from Death Note (Minus all those rules about interacting w/ the human world)
Having Nagato's super powerful Alien abilities from Haruhi Suzumia
Having the extra invisible hands of the diclonius from Elfen Lied (it'd be like telekenesis, only a lot more awesome)

February 23rd, 10, 04:34 PM
id take Aizens zanpato Kyōka Suigetsu

February 23rd, 10, 07:48 PM
If I could have Kaname's powers from Vampire Knight, that would be sick.
but since he has so many powers, and I would have to pick just one, I would go with Sasuke's Chidori

March 1st, 10, 10:08 PM
i would love to have ranmas curse and i would like to be a werewolf.

March 14th, 10, 11:03 AM
I would want the powers and abilitys of Ryoko Hikubi Washus daughter XD RYOKO RULES!

March 19th, 10, 11:27 AM
Teehee... I want all sorts of powers :p
I want highly morphic shadow energy that I can make into wings or tentacles or weapons. I also want the ability to plant illusions in other people's minds.
Another cool ability would be the ability to negate force and gravity. It would be the ultimate shield because nothing could hit you and you'd be immune to fall or crush damage. And if you can negate gravity, you can levitate anyway.
Lelouch's Geass is always desirable anyway...

Bandit Keith
July 19th, 10, 10:26 PM
time to breath life into this with the power of necro posting

the powers of atomsk the pirate king
