Conversation Between Starynight and PastelWolf
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 298
Sure! sounds cute as can be
Oh okay. Let's have them meet in the human world, and once all four of them are in the Digital world, Sora and Mimi ready to hang out with Davis as usual, he shows Ken off to them.
Hehe yes thats what I'm saying
This is Mimi were talking about. Ken would be the one force to play dress up with her! Unless that's what you're saying.
Sure! and that means that ken's new friend shed be forced to play dress up a lot!
Okay cool. And are you okay with Mimi and Sora being together? And Mimi being a baby?
Hi! I just responded to them its ok to take your time!
Hello! How are you doing? It's your turn on our rps. Sorry for not responding to them as quickly as usual.
Well perhaps N gets more public about his babying andddd Davis begins to show off Ken?
Hey. Any ideas on the futures of both of our rps?