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Conversation Between Mahiro and grandsword
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 59 of 59
  1. grandsword
    September 5th, 18 01:07 AM
    I meant that more as the kind of comedy thing where one the character that seems to be the serious one is easily broken of their façade. its less powers on the riolu's part and more knowing how to push his kid brother's buttons.

    as for how the tf part works, well, part of the whole AU is that pokemon and humans are less like different creatures and more like ethnicities. pokemon-human families are common, and results of such unions, if born "human" have the capability to change to a pokemon form; rather than evolving like full pokemon can.

    and the gardevoir was in pullups. lol
  2. Mahiro
    September 5th, 18 12:48 AM
    Also is the gardevoir diapered?
  3. Mahiro
    September 5th, 18 12:47 AM
    I see I was curious since the boy seemed to actually change betweenthem is he just quite emotional? Or does riolu have powers of some variety and how does he turn the other kid into a riulo?
  4. grandsword
    September 5th, 18 12:43 AM
    well, the dynamic is that the two are brothers, though ironically, the riolu is actually the eldest brother. the gardevoir in the one pic with the pokeball cake is the middle child. and the delphox is the mom.

    but anyhow the direct scenario is that despite often feeling jealous of his brother for staying young (in appearance, anyhow), jacob (the human) tries to act like the grown up one between them.

    of course the riolu (I..dont have a name really for him) takes advantage of this to sort of take the piss out of his "big little bro", acting like the kid he looks like, but excirsising his authority as Jacob's big brother to..well, pull stunts like the pic and bab him out.
  5. Mahiro
    September 5th, 18 12:24 AM
    The sequence is so fucking cute!!!! I love the first half the most but seeing it come full circle was really nice too. So in this scenario what's the dynamic here? Like how are these charecters linked and is the regression intentional?
  6. grandsword
    September 5th, 18 12:17 AM
    what a coincidence~
    how about something based off my pokebab sequence https://sta.sh/2xahow81u7a long story short, its based in an AU where humans and pokemon are on equal footing society wise, and even have families together.
  7. Mahiro
    September 5th, 18 12:00 AM
    Fire away love Ive been in a bit of a pokemon moof myself. Bit I'm open to most things atm.
  8. grandsword
    September 4th, 18 11:28 PM
    well, i'd be happy to try.
    I have a few ideas to be honest.
  9. Mahiro
    September 4th, 18 10:10 PM
    Hello there love I don't beleive we've met. I'm quite bored atm though and was looking for people to rp with.

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