View Full Version : ad or dl

February 20th, 09, 06:54 AM
hi i was just wondering if you think of your self as an ab or a dl and what you use to classify each because i have looked in to descriptions and some places make me think that i should call my self a ab but others make me think i am a dl so i thought that you guys are a good place to put this out and i can get some good honest ideas and thoughts ty

February 20th, 09, 07:05 AM
hi i was just wondering if you think of your self as an ab or a dl and what you use to classify each because i have looked in to descriptions and some places make me think that i should call my self a ab but others make me think i am a dl so i thought that you guys are a good place to put this out and i can get some good honest ideas and thoughts ty

um, you forgot ab/dl.

as far as i know those are two different things, and you could be both.

February 20th, 09, 07:33 AM
relay i always thought that one was just the diapers and maybe a few other things and that the other was the act or something like that... i have not thought about the possibility of them being something that you can be both sorry if this post is confusing i kinda confused myself a little typing it

February 20th, 09, 04:52 PM
I am definitely a dl aka diaper lover and I have been one since the age of thirteen if not younger if that is possible.

February 20th, 09, 08:04 PM
I'm more of a DL ^_^; I like the whole AB Thing to an extent and don't mind people who are at all, I think it's cute ~ Buuuut can't really see myself doin the whole thing through.

February 20th, 09, 08:09 PM
im more of a dl since like 10 or sumthin so since i was really young

February 20th, 09, 08:45 PM
I have graced the ab world since age 12

Bump: I have graced the ab world since age 12

February 20th, 09, 09:26 PM
Well I didn't say before so I guess I'll say it now. I'm a DL. Been one since like 12 or 13 or something.

February 21st, 09, 01:35 AM
The world of deviance is great, I myself swing from AB to DL and am oft in between; primarily the latter- although a proper classification is as yet unmade.

February 21st, 09, 01:45 AM
ive been a dl since as far back as i can remember...like age 4 think...

February 21st, 09, 02:45 AM
ive been a dl since as far back as i can remember...like age 4 think...

arent you a little bit of an AB too?

February 21st, 09, 03:22 AM
I would suppose so, binky boy

February 21st, 09, 03:28 AM
I would suppose so, binky boy

Arent YOU the same..?

February 21st, 09, 03:33 AM
Perhaps I am...


February 21st, 09, 03:34 AM
Perhaps I am...



I win.

Mwahahaha(Your old sig, remember)

February 21st, 09, 03:37 AM
ahh the memories
Yes, that is my evil plan, see sig


February 21st, 09, 03:38 AM
ahh the memories
Yes, that is my evil plan, see sig


too bad it sucked anyways. Your current one is a notch above.

February 21st, 09, 03:43 AM
Thankyou panda.
~bows in exceptance to your exception

February 21st, 09, 03:45 AM
Thankyou panda.
~bows in exceptance to your exception

Don't get me wrong, your sig still blows. But it doesn't suck AS bad.

February 21st, 09, 03:48 AM
Well at least I don't blog about what a computer nerd I am.
Or for that matter, blog!

February 21st, 09, 03:49 AM
Well at least I don't blog about what a computer nerd I am.
Or for that matter, blog!

Are you insinuating that I blog, and that I'm a computer nerd?

February 21st, 09, 03:50 AM
Mostly the computer nerd not so much the blogging.

February 21st, 09, 03:54 AM
Mostly the computer nerd not so much the blogging.

You sir, are totally wrong. You should get your act straight.

February 21st, 09, 03:57 AM
I don't get your stuborness panda

Geo G.D
February 21st, 09, 06:21 AM
I think of myself as a DL, but then again, I haven't had the chance to be babied.

baby lucario
February 21st, 09, 06:24 PM
im a DL but, i do get babied so..... idk maby both. im more into the diapering than getting babied

February 21st, 09, 06:28 PM
same but a little babying wouldn't hurt as well

February 21st, 09, 10:38 PM
I don't get your stuborness panda

Because I am no nerd. Calling me a nerd is an insult to me. I'm a geek. Get it right. They are very different. I've explained it too you about 10 times over. And I don't blog. I don't know what you are smoking.

February 22nd, 09, 12:29 AM
what is funny is that i on the other hand i think of myself as a nerd... and that geek was the insulate... i wonder if we think of the terms the same... lol

February 22nd, 09, 02:51 AM
what is funny is that i on the other hand i think of myself as a nerd... and that geek was the insulate... i wonder if we think of the terms the same... lol

You need to look up the term geek and the term nerd. Nerd is much more insulting. Geek is actually a compliment to me.

February 22nd, 09, 03:50 AM
well after looking it up in wiki (even thought it said something about being derogatory) i still think of my self as a nerd and think geek is a insult... but back to the topic after reading posts in this area i have classified myself as more of a dl but some ab tendencies (there now we are back on topic

Lord Kade
February 25th, 09, 08:00 PM
I consider myself a dl with a few ab thoughts once in a while

February 25th, 09, 08:05 PM
I consider myself a dl with a few ab thoughts once in a while

Yeah that's what I consider myself to be. Right now anyways.

March 30th, 09, 06:21 PM
yea, i'm more dl w/ ab tenancies every once and again. And I definitely agree w/ panda and co. here, you can most certainly be both, the marker though, is basically whether or not diapers are a sexual device for you or not that makes you dl (more or less), where as ab is really more of a preference of behaviour and how you like to act, rather than what turns you on (again, more or less).

March 30th, 09, 09:14 PM
Pure DL here. Can't say that some babying fantasies with the opposite sex has ever occured though.

March 30th, 09, 11:30 PM
Definitly DL. I could never be AB because I get seriously pissed off if anyone talks down to me. I require equality among all except those who relinquish it (which would mean ABs).

March 31st, 09, 12:12 AM
DL.. I can't really say I have many details... although, lately it's been shifting somewhat because it's not ALWAYS sexual for me anymore
sometimes I just wear because I can

March 31st, 09, 12:48 AM
Definitly DL. I could never be AB because I get seriously pissed off if anyone talks down to me. I require equality among all except those who relinquish it (which would mean ABs).

problems much mr piffle?

March 31st, 09, 01:53 AM
problems much mr piffle?

Yes, I have control issues. Its a problem stemming from being a) second born and b) being the only person in the house capable of taking control, but my mother won't allow it.

March 31st, 09, 02:07 AM
Yes, I have control issues. Its a problem stemming from being a) second born and b) being the only person in the house capable of taking control, but my mother won't allow it.

move out then? that's what id do.

March 31st, 09, 02:19 AM
move out then? that's what id do.

Problem: a) I'm already out, but every other week I have to go back. b) No matter how far away I go, I will constantly be haunted by my experiances with them.

I'm the second born of five, I have no power, myself and the fourth youngest have autism (I'm high-fuctioning. Its a fancy way of saying I have trouble with school and friends), my mother is a guilt-triping bible-thumper, my grandmother who lives with her is a oppresive bitch who nobody will stand up to.

My sister constantly insults me. "Your a retard" "Your stupid" "You can't sing" (That one has been disproven but she still sticks to it.) "Your an idiot" "Why do you come here" "Your sexist" (Just because I hate them and actresses? Between their oppresion and actresses unreality I have never talked to a real woman.) My god, its amazing I still retain some humanity!

It is only by the grace of almighty God that I haven't either killed myself, killed them, or both! And with bullies, school, back pain, and constant insults from, not only family but teachers and peers, its a wonder I'm still sane. Sometimes I wonder if I am still sane...

Sorry for the rant, you got me on a really bad day and topic.

March 31st, 09, 02:42 AM
Tah just your friendly neighborhood troll trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Problem: a) I'm already out, but every other week I have to go back. b) No matter how far away I go, I will constantly be haunted by my experiances with them.

Why do you have to go back? There doesn't seem to be any reason you should go back. Even if you are still haunted by the experiences, being away from them is better than staying near them.

I'm the second born of five, I have no power, myself and the fourth youngest have autism (I'm high-fuctioning. Its a fancy way of saying I have trouble with school and friends), my mother is a guilt-triping bible-thumper, my grandmother who lives with her is a oppresive bitch who nobody will stand up to.

Again, you can't leave. As for school I can't really say I had problem with friends seeing as I had my own little group of them, which today are still really good friends that I hang out with all the time. As for school, I never cared. After sophomore year I just stopped caring and I failed all but like 2 or 3 classes. Though my senior year I just ended up not going to that specific high school and getting into some pseudo high school/home school and i made up 2 years in 3/4 of a school year. As for your mom and grandma? I personally wouldn't take any bullshit from them. I honestly would either reply back to their bitching or ignore it. Either that or leave.

My sister constantly insults me. "Your a retard" "Your stupid" "You can't sing" (That one has been disproven but she still sticks to it.) "Your an idiot" "Why do you come here" "Your sexist" (Just because I hate them and actresses? Between their oppresion and actresses unreality I have never talked to a real woman.) My god, its amazing I still retain some humanity!

You know its funny. I wouldn't think you would take shit from someone like that. Do what I do, ignore it or insult her back until she stops. Again, I would not stand for this at all. I'm also a laid back guy too, I usually don't really care what people call me. And as for being sexist? Who the hell cares what they think, if you aren't, then you obviously aren't. Though me myself I can be sexist and racist when I want too, though I don't deny that at all.

It is only by the grace of almighty God that I haven't either killed myself, killed them, or both! And with bullies, school, back pain, and constant insults from, not only family but teachers and peers, its a wonder I'm still sane. Sometimes I wonder if I am still sane...

What you need to do is relax like I do, I'm probably one of the most laid back guys you know if you actually got to know me. I ignore anything anyone says or does or I just don't care, thus I'm more or less stress free except maybe for few things that bother me every now and then. Anyways, if it keeps up, make a stand. Blow up on them, hold nothing back, point out every little detail about what the hell is wrong with them. Now I'm not saying this is a good thing but it will blow off some of that steam. It really isn't good to bottle up your anger. It just makes you depressed and gives you some pretty weird thoughts.

This is all I have to say on this, nothing more. I ended up going around in circles with this one, but I haven't had a good advice/rant in awhile so I decided now was the time.

March 31st, 09, 02:56 AM
Why do you have to go back? There doesn't seem to be any reason you should go back. Even if you are still haunted by the experiences, being away from them is better than staying near them.

I have to go back. I'm sixteen, my parents are divorced, and my father refuses to let me sleep in a motel when the kids come over.

Again, you can't leave. As for school I can't really say I had problem with friends seeing as I had my own little group of them, which today are still really good friends that I hang out with all the time. As for school, I never cared. After sophomore year I just stopped caring and I failed all but like 2 or 3 classes. Though my senior year I just ended up not going to that specific high school and getting into some pseudo high school/home school and i made up 2 years in 3/4 of a school year. As for your mom and grandma? I personally wouldn't take any bullshit from them. I honestly would either reply back to their bitching or ignore it. Either that or leave.

Autism dumbass. I'm high functioning autistic so friends aren't something easily found. Also, I have to care about school, I need the grades to get into a decent chef school so I can make a living. And what am I gonna do about my mom and grandma? I have to spend the time with them and there is nowhere else to go. And replying or ignoring only makes things worse, and then they ground me or bitch to my father who grounds me.

You know its funny. I wouldn't think you would take shit from someone like that. Do what I do, ignore it or insult her back until she stops. Again, I would not stand for this at all. I'm also a laid back guy too, I usually don't really care what people call me. And as for being sexist? Who the hell cares what they think, if you aren't, then you obviously aren't. Though me myself I can be sexist and racist when I want too, though I don't deny that at all.

What am I gonna do? She's the first born and I have no power in that house! And she is in the only place where my laptop can connect to the internet, so what the fuck am I supposed to do? And yes, all call them and actresses bitches, but their all mean and unreal people.

What you need to do is relax like I do, I'm probably one of the most laid back guys you know if you actually got to know me. I ignore anything anyone says or does or I just don't care, thus I'm more or less stress free except maybe for few things that bother me every now and then. Anyways, if it keeps up, make a stand. Blow up on them, hold nothing back, point out every little detail about what the hell is wrong with them. Now I'm not saying this is a good thing but it will blow off some of that steam. It really isn't good to bottle up your anger. It just makes you depressed and gives you some pretty weird thoughts.

Relax? Your a fucking troll! And an arrogant one at that! And again, if I blow up I get in fucking trouble and end up worse off than before! The only thing I can do is save it for the rants I make on the internet!

This is all I have to say on this, nothing more. I ended up going around in circles with this one, but I haven't had a good advice/rant in awhile so I decided now was the time.

Oh go blow it out your ass! Advice my sweet, white behind! Ha!

March 31st, 09, 03:13 AM
I have to go back. I'm sixteen, my parents are divorced, and my father refuses to let me sleep in a motel when the kids come over.

Autism dumbass. I'm high functioning autistic so friends aren't something easily found. Also, I have to care about school, I need the grades to get into a decent chef school so I can make a living. And what am I gonna do about my mom and grandma? I have to spend the time with them and there is nowhere else to go. And replying or ignoring only makes things worse, and then they ground me or bitch to my father who grounds me.

What am I gonna do? She's the first born and I have no power in that house! And she is in the only place where my laptop can connect to the internet, so what the fuck am I supposed to do? And yes, all call them and actresses bitches, but their all mean and unreal people.

Relax? Your a fucking troll! And an arrogant one at that! And again, if I blow up I get in fucking trouble and end up worse off than before! The only thing I can do is save it for the rants I make on the internet!

Oh go blow it out your ass! Advice my sweet, white behind! Ha!

Oh really? I try to help you and this is how you reply? I guess kids will be kids. PLEASE grow the fuck up. OBVIOUSLY you just can't take advice from me that I thought would be useful. Don't go down talking it just because it won't work for you. It works for me ROFL but I guess you are just too damn troubled for anything to work at all. You know it's funny, your story that is. Honestly, I read it and I laughed, though I didn't wanna mention that just because I knew how much you'd bitch, oh and I bet you'd make friends if you didn't look like such a faggot. So I guess since I have no advice to offer you apparently, let's go back to something specific you said.

It is only by the grace of almighty God that I haven't either killed myself, killed them, or both! And with bullies, school, back pain, and constant insults from, not only family but teachers and peers, its a wonder I'm still sane. Sometimes I wonder if I am still sane...

Please embrace your desire to kill yourself, because obviously nothing will help you and you are only a burden to this world. Really, I'd like to see it. Make a youtube video of it LOL. I would put it on my favorites and laugh out loud at it every time I seen it and think "One less retarded emo kid in the world."

And yeah, I'm a troll, but my previous post was not a trolling post, this one is. I hope you are happy. I sure am.

Side note: God I hate emo kids who think everything hates them. They just all need to die, they are just a burden to the planet.

I'm waiting for your reply, it's gonna contain something about me having a dysfunctional family or how you aren't a faggot or how i'm such a troll on these forums. When I see it, I'm gonna laugh. Hard. Why? Because you bitch way too much it's just funny. Though I do applaud your attempt to piss me off, Sorry but not today JR. Try some other time when you are in a less bitchy mood. ROFL

March 31st, 09, 03:22 AM
Oh really? I try to help you and this is how you reply? I guess kids will be kids. PLEASE grow the fuck up. OBVIOUSLY you just can't take advice from me that I thought would be useful. Don't go down talking it just because it won't work for you. It works for me ROFL but I guess you are just too damn troubled for anything to work at all. You know it's funny, your story that is. Honestly, I read it and I laughed, though I didn't wanna mention that just because I knew how much you'd bitch, oh and I bet you'd make friends if you didn't look like such a faggot. So I guess since I have no advice to offer you apparently, let's go back to something specific you said.

Please embrace your desire to kill yourself, because obviously nothing will help you and you are only a burden to this world. Really, I'd like to see it. Make a youtube video of it LOL. I would put it on my favorites and laugh out loud at it every time I seen it and think "One less retarded emo kid in the world."

And yeah, I'm a troll, but my previous post was not a trolling post, this one is. I hope you are happy. I sure am.

Side note: God I hate emo kids who think everything hates them. They just all need to die, they are just a burden to the planet.

I'm waiting for your reply, it's gonna contain something about me having a dysfunctional family or how you aren't a faggot or how i'm such a troll on these forums. When I see it, I'm gonna laugh. Hard. Why? Because you bitch way too much it's just funny. Though I do applaud your attempt to piss me off, Sorry but not today JR. Try some other time when you are in a less bitchy mood. ROFL

I just want to say this last thing right now. If I ever see you, I will be the last thing you see, you fucking 4chan troll. Go back to they'er fucking forums where you can be an asshole and not stick out. All trolls need to die, their a burden. All trolls, emos, queers, and shitheads need to die. And when we all go to hell for being what God made us, I'll see you there you fucking asshole. And if I was a faggot, do you think I would give a shit what you thought? Your just a fucking homophobe prick who will probly (knowing you) go to prison for child porn and get ass raped by some big black man named Bubba. Go an hero, whatever the fuck that mean you fucking homophobe troll 4chan asswhore son of a bitch. Go fucking die.

March 31st, 09, 03:37 AM
I just want to say this last thing right now. If I ever see you, I will be the last thing you see, you fucking 4chan troll. Go back to they'er fucking forums where you can be an asshole and not stick out. All trolls need to die, their a burden. All trolls, emos, queers, and shitheads need to die. And when we all go to hell for being what God made us, I'll see you there you fucking asshole. And if I was a faggot, do you think I would give a shit what you thought? Your just a fucking homophobe prick who will probly (knowing you) go to prison for child porn and get ass raped by some big black man named Bubba. Go an hero, whatever the fuck that mean you fucking homophobe troll 4chan asswhore son of a bitch. Go fucking die.

ROFL see I knew you would make such a post. You are so predictable ROFL. Please, come to washington. I'd very much like to see this happen.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
March 31st, 09, 04:04 AM
Piffle... Watch what you say. Some emos may not be too happy with your rather... forward opinion. People who hate emos aren't much of anything.

Anyways... Back to the actual topic. I don't think of myself as a DL at all. I am actually, at least what I like to believe, a total adult baby (Well.... Teen baby for the next month.).

March 31st, 09, 04:06 AM
Piffle... Watch what you say. Some emos may not be too happy with your rather... forward opinion. People who hate emos aren't much of anything.

Anyways... Back to the actual topic. I don't think of myself as a DL at all. I am actually, at least what I like to believe, a total adult baby (Well.... Teen baby for the next month.).

i love how i wasnt put into this rofl.. anyways wouldnt a teen baby technically be a teen baby until they are 20?

March 31st, 09, 06:33 AM
I really have very little to do with anything baby-related. It's solely about the diapers and physical/social implications of them.

March 31st, 09, 07:39 AM
i'd like to think of myself as a diaper lover

PaddedPrinceling Joey
March 31st, 09, 11:03 PM
You make a good point... I guess it is how you look at it. Legal adult baby or actual like... age.

April 1st, 09, 09:12 AM
I just want to say this last thing right now. If I ever see you, I will be the last thing you see, you fucking 4chan troll. Go back to they'er fucking forums where you can be an asshole and not stick out. All trolls need to die, their a burden. All trolls, emos, queers, and shitheads need to die. And when we all go to hell for being what God made us, I'll see you there you fucking asshole. And if I was a faggot, do you think I would give a shit what you thought? Your just a fucking homophobe prick who will probly (knowing you) go to prison for child porn and get ass raped by some big black man named Bubba. Go an hero, whatever the fuck that mean you fucking homophobe troll 4chan asswhore son of a bitch. Go fucking die.

soo....Panda's a homophobe, but queers still deserve to go to hell, anyway? eh?

April 1st, 09, 09:13 AM
soo....Panda's a homophobe, but queers still deserve to go to hell, anyway? eh?

dont worry about his mindless bitching.

April 1st, 09, 01:55 PM
i think i am just a dl...but i do want to be an ab someday. it's just that i still haven't found that perfect mommy yet...

April 1st, 09, 05:30 PM
they have a website for that, you know..... :P

April 1st, 09, 07:53 PM
i really wish i found a perfect mommy(which would b my gf if i get 1 and i hope i do and wouldn't mind babying me every now and again)

April 2nd, 09, 10:28 AM
DL definitly, allthough ab can be really sweet at times im just not into it

Toddler Naruto
April 4th, 09, 10:52 AM
If I was able to wear diapers again, then yes I would be a DL. At the moment though, I'm just an AB.

Btw, I'm really an AB/DL, but the poll doesn't have that option.

April 6th, 09, 10:44 PM
I just enjoy wearing a diaper BUT i like to see others being dressed as babies.
I am just a DL