View Full Version : Adopted by my sister(private)

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May 6th, 09, 08:20 PM
2 boys mother die in a car accident but they live but are terribly truamatised. with no one else to turn to soical services go to their sister who for6 yeas has had nothign to do with the family cos they rejected her all the time and took the mic out of her cos she was differnt to them now one set of grand parents were dead 1 survigin brother of theri mum is locked in a mental institution and their mums sister and grandparents perished in the crash as well. so now with no other choice the boys are taken to their estranged and bitter sister who they havnt sene for 6 years and now accompanied by asocial worker who knowcks on her door.
the older of the 2 can rember much better then the younger one what their sister waslike last time they saw her in person. but they send her christmas preants and cards every birthday but sadly nonelse did abigail is a very bitter person now .

name:Abigail Blackthorn
age: 18
apperance: attractive medateranin women with oen red eye and one blue eye and straight black hair.
bio: disowned her fmily after they push her to ofar with there taunts and rejection of her and And she actullly killed their abusive father but none is sure how and at the time she sent to juvi but allowed out on bail after what hed done to his children was found out.
shes her borhters last gaurdinan and her brothers were the only ones who she loves for the ywere theyonly ones who loved her , when she heard about the crash al lshe asked was are my brothers alright.....

May 6th, 09, 08:30 PM
name:andrew blackthorn
apperence to be younger than 8
bio: loved his sister even though she was dis owned his mommy never wanted to disown his sister is one of his favorite realitives also he can never have children because of a abusive father

May 6th, 09, 08:34 PM
(stik with lookign maybe 10 or 11 since the other boy whom i set this rp up with is his chracter is 8)

May 6th, 09, 08:42 PM
name: jessie
age :10
apperance is of a 10 year old who is verey scared he hadnt seen his sis in 5 years .his hair is jet black with green eyes.
the 10 year old had liked his sis until there parents disowned her then he missed her very much.
__________________________________________________ __________________
Name helen borne
age 29
apperence tall with black hair and blue eyes and very skinny.
occupation: socail worker.

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ----------

*the boy was walked up to the door by helen she was just the normal kind of socail worker didnt care much and she held his duffel bag which was all he had to his name other then money and a house he couldnt touch till he was 18. she knocked on the door that boy was still holding the teddy bear his sister had gave him on his 5th birthday.*

May 6th, 09, 08:44 PM
i nher villa in spain where she retreated to abigail is wraping somthgin around a dolls nek when she hears aknock at her door , she hid the doll and game to ope nit

she calls fro mthe other side

"who is it if your a sailesperson get the fuck of my drive or im callignthe cops"

May 6th, 09, 08:47 PM
"are you Abigail Blackthorn?"*she looked to you as i hid behind her legs being scared. i had always been afraid of knives since dad accidently cut me with one.*"my name is helen borne im a social worker"

May 6th, 09, 08:48 PM
waht do you want idont have the money and i havend done anythgi nto any kids they said i had till then end of the month to pay

May 6th, 09, 08:50 PM
Abigail this is your little brother behind me your parents are dead. they left you a large some of money and i was hoping youd take in your brother he has no other family to go to"

May 6th, 09, 08:56 PM
only one bortheR? whers my other oen and your seriosu those basterds actully left me somthign how very nice of them *puts the knife down * and opens the door *

she iswearing a blak top and sweatpants wiht her hair up i naponytail shes ver ysweaty liek shes bene doing ahrd exercise, her knuklesare bloody aswell

so wheresmy brother and wehre my other bother ? he better be with you . yo umay as wel lcome in

May 6th, 09, 08:57 PM
*she pushed jessie and andrew forward showing the two to you*

---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

*she smiled looking to you *"there both here" *she smiled pushing both boys to her*

May 6th, 09, 08:58 PM
your both here thatsarelive alririfhgt helen coenon in yo uto as wel li think we need to tal kabout some things do we?

May 6th, 09, 09:00 PM
*the lady brought them in and the boys plopped down on the couch as the lady pulled out some papers*"yes well your parents left your brothers each a million dollars and well you are the last bit of family they have and if youll sign this paper theyll be your children*she handed you the papers*"they wont be able to touch there inhertetence till there 18. the reading of the will be done by your parents lawyer . iot will be a week from now on saturday at 12 pm at his office"

May 6th, 09, 09:56 PM
where is his ofifce , and can i use that 2 milian as well>? or atleast asmall amout of it waht else do i need toknow ?

May 6th, 09, 10:14 PM
any way andrew was going with his mother

May 6th, 09, 10:21 PM
abi reads the contract and it mentions once amonth hthe social worker wil lcome to chek ther progress. she red it all and knoing her brothers werealone without her she signed the agreement

May 6th, 09, 10:49 PM
*he looked to his sister scared as he sat on the couch he missed his mom . even know she wasnt the greatest mom and hit him more then once.*

May 6th, 09, 10:49 PM
andrew loved his sister very much and would do anything for her

May 6th, 09, 10:55 PM
*helen looked to the lady*"his office is by the McDonald.well yes youll be able to use that money but its supposed to be for the kids"

---------- Post added at 06:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 PM ----------

**jessie looked to his sis and hugged his teddy curling up on the cvouch sucking his thumb*

May 6th, 09, 10:56 PM
hmm whats this andrew wondered

May 6th, 09, 11:19 PM
what have yo ugot there andrew > and iknwo its for them but loo karound you they cant leave in this palce without me finding some money to renavate it

May 6th, 09, 11:24 PM
"well yes mam well ill just leave you to your siblings."*helen stood up walking to the door and leaving with the papersw you signed. jessie sat on couch sucking thumb cuddling his teddy.he hadnt been talking ever since mom and dad died.*

May 6th, 09, 11:26 PM
wait helen is thereanything esle i should know about the m 5 years is along time

May 6th, 09, 11:30 PM
andrew overheard the conversation

May 6th, 09, 11:30 PM
*helen smiled looking to you*"well jessie there is going to need alot of care he hasnt spoken since your parents died."*she looked to you*"um they go to the school down town they have to be there by 9 am . i think you can figure out anything else"*jessie just laid there not talking as helen frowned.*"and jessie was injured in the crash and he needs diapers "

May 6th, 09, 11:35 PM
(i thought it wassecratly wanted diapers in out planing not needed them it probably better itsasecrat desire thats just my opinon though)

all right thank you helen take care

May 6th, 09, 11:38 PM
(i think itll be better if he needs them)
*he laid on coouch sucking thumb being scared as helen left*

May 6th, 09, 11:40 PM
(why yo uthink that?)
abi loosk at her brothers how am igoign to look after yo uto, i only just have enough munny to live on my self i dont think il lbe able to support all three of us but i might be able to support you 2

May 6th, 09, 11:41 PM
ill be the second kid in diapers by choice

May 6th, 09, 11:44 PM
(well i geuss we could do it where he likes them in stead)
*helen came back over handing you a bank card*"this has 50000 of there money on it" *she smiled*"the pin code is 2597 its for the mellon bank"*she walked out and jessie just laid there silently. he was wearing under his jeans but noone would know*

May 6th, 09, 11:47 PM
thank you again helen i should beable to give them a god standerd of living atleast til ligo bak to work thanks for yo uhelps se yo ui na couple of weeks.

abi walks over and sits with her brothers an d starts to cry as she draws them both into an embrace

May 6th, 09, 11:50 PM
(i figured shed need the money)

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

*he cuddled up to his sister crying into her cheast as he did this the back of his diaper was exposed*

May 6th, 09, 11:55 PM
(why dont yo uboh liek diapers but not need them ? if oy umust have diapers and ifind out later)

hugs her brothers to her and cries her eys out but itsnot allsadness

May 6th, 09, 11:56 PM
ok ok)
*he cuddled into her and sucked his thumb yawning*

May 7th, 09, 12:00 AM
doent notice the diaper atall

May 7th, 09, 12:02 AM
*he just put his head on her breast cuddling and crying*

May 7th, 09, 12:07 AM
pullsandrew closer and strokes both their hair its late at night and they end up fallign asleep o nthe couch

May 7th, 09, 12:15 AM
*he looked up to her when he woke up in the middle of night and moved a little andwent looking through house*

May 7th, 09, 12:19 AM
here eyes are open but shes sound aslepe her strange one red oen green eyes

the house is cool and plant but very spartanly furnished, jsut some batterd couches in the front room a tv and phone onatable then a room set out liek i gym, aroom that is locked and inaccessalbe a simple bathroom and theonly other room furnaished is a bedroom, with awardrobe a bed and a desk and abedside table with pads on it . the house is tidy and clena but not homley and some rooms are invery bad condition

May 7th, 09, 12:21 AM
*he opened the fridge looking through it finding a can of soda and walking back to the couch and sitting down drinking it.*

May 7th, 09, 12:25 AM
ther wasl12 eggs in thefirdge with chese and ham and milk and bottles of water and chocolate and somthing a few bits of veg

May 7th, 09, 12:27 AM
*he just sat drinking his soda and then finished his drink and laid his head in your lap*

May 7th, 09, 12:50 AM
abi wakes up hey sport not much of atalker are you she says strokign his hair

May 7th, 09, 01:03 AM
*he snuggled in looking up as he cuddled your belly*

May 7th, 09, 01:08 AM
can yo utalk to me little guy? she says i thin kandrew is asleep

May 7th, 09, 01:09 AM
*he cuddled up smiling*"i missed you"

May 7th, 09, 01:11 AM
i missed you too dont mis mum and dad though she says bitterly

May 7th, 09, 01:14 AM
"sissy will you be my new mommy?"

May 7th, 09, 01:19 AM
i cant be your mummy little guy im your big sister thatswhatsimportant but yo uknow i dont have aclue how to lookafter kids you know
(leave it til ltommrow with bravo okay im going to bed now anyway take care sleep well

May 7th, 09, 01:21 AM
ok cya later pleasent dreams)

May 7th, 09, 01:22 AM
(ty yo utwo bye bye Hugs)

May 7th, 09, 04:17 PM
(hey you wanna start up again)

May 7th, 09, 04:21 PM
(not right now im working yo ucnaif you want)

May 7th, 09, 04:36 PM
"sis you dont have to worry itll be fun"*he put his head on her boob cuddling*

May 7th, 09, 04:57 PM
i dont think it wil lbe fun relly sport i dont know anything about kids im bad tempered and im not exactlty cuddley, i have loads of debts my house has all sort of ilegal weaponms in it and irts got hardley any furniture

May 7th, 09, 05:04 PM
"Well thats ok well whip you into shape like you used to be"

May 7th, 09, 05:14 PM
*ignoring most of the previous conmmet* this is npt an enviroment sutable for kids

May 7th, 09, 05:16 PM
"well we could always move into the mansion"*he looked up to her*"mom left it to me"

---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------

"i eased dropped on the will making"

May 7th, 09, 05:23 PM
fuck that ihave abetter idea whyodnt we sele the mansion and do up this house , this is a luxry villa in spain right nextto the beach and that mansion always did give me the creesp

May 7th, 09, 05:31 PM
"ok but we need to make this house way more warm its kinda scary"

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

"and i want to decorate my room"

May 7th, 09, 05:33 PM
we wil ldo but first things first things to do,
1) set up funds for us
2) go shopping for clothes and food
3) set up plans ot sel lthe house mum and dad and oyuguys lived in the house is bak in england isnt it or was it the states i forget ive not visited for a6 years
4) sort out this house
(we need to wait for bravo we can pm rp if yo uwant to)

May 7th, 09, 05:36 PM
*he looked to her smiling*" sis could you sing me a lulabye and hold me ?"*he cuddled in sucking his thumb still holding the teddy*

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------

(we could always start a private rp just for me and you if you like)

May 7th, 09, 05:38 PM
not relly im not good at that sort of things

(sure one where we are both lkids perhaps or we could pm rp but thisone waits for bravo who wont be on till alter tonight)

May 7th, 09, 05:40 PM
(ok well could you be the mom to)

May 7th, 09, 05:41 PM
maybe im thing of advneture type rp somum may not be needed anyway lets go to pm and chat there

May 7th, 09, 05:43 PM
ok mom on yahoo or in the chat)

May 7th, 09, 05:54 PM
(wel lyahoos not working for me atm we could do pm we could do chat but im not keen on it if yo uhave tahoo add [email protected] to it and send a request to that adress

May 7th, 09, 06:21 PM
(yeah i messaged you on that name)

May 7th, 09, 07:04 PM
you dint nothign came through

May 7th, 09, 08:20 PM
ohhh hey sis what the heck ohh welll i see him ohh he looks cute

May 7th, 09, 08:22 PM
what are yo utalking about andrew

May 7th, 09, 08:24 PM
my brother in the story thats what

May 7th, 09, 08:25 PM
(iknwo its inthe tstory use bracets or somthing for occ)

May 7th, 09, 08:26 PM
okay i will next time

May 7th, 09, 08:29 PM
he is kinda cute isnt he

May 7th, 09, 08:30 PM
yes he is sissy he is very cute

May 7th, 09, 08:36 PM
*stopped talking looking to his

May 7th, 09, 08:54 PM
waht are oy ulookign at me liek that for james?

May 7th, 09, 09:36 PM
*he just cuddled up hugging her*

May 7th, 09, 10:38 PM
andrew as well decided to cuddle up to her

May 8th, 09, 12:32 AM
enough cudlding oyu to we need to get some sleep , for now all ive got is 2 couchs and some sleepignbags idont think yo uwant toshrae abed with me

May 8th, 09, 02:37 AM
"could i sis the house creeps me out"*he looked up smiling*

May 11th, 09, 11:37 AM
abi gets up and gets acouple of lseeping bags for her bothers and pillows, here yo ugo guys the only palces oy uhave otslepe right now are my bed with me ot the couches in here i think oyur bot hto old to sleep with your sister but il llet yo utwo chosoe while i sort stuff out

May 11th, 09, 03:53 PM
*jessie looked up to her and smilied*"could i sleep with you just till we get me a bed this house i kinda creepy"

May 11th, 09, 06:12 PM
its not that creepy its fairly new actulyl id have thought yo uwould fele lto old to sleep with your sister

May 11th, 09, 06:18 PM
"please?"*he looked up giving her puppy dog face.*

May 11th, 09, 06:30 PM
cmon you 8 oyu too old to be slepeign with your big sis

May 11th, 09, 06:31 PM
*he looked up and began crying hed been very emotional more like a 4 year old then a 8 year old.*

May 11th, 09, 06:48 PM
abi was naturelly emotianlly distnat and calous and un compromising she dint careif her did or not but would rather he didnt she liked her space.

May 11th, 09, 07:19 PM
*he fell to ground crying he missed mom and dad and being comforted.*

May 11th, 09, 07:30 PM
abi knew he wanted comfort but thought he wasover doing it slightly but she did it anyawaget up of the floor kido youll get diryt come here*open arms for a hug*

May 11th, 09, 07:45 PM
*he cuddled into her arms crying into her breasts*

May 11th, 09, 07:45 PM
whyd yo ufal lonto the floor anyway

May 11th, 09, 07:49 PM
"i didnt mean to my legs gave out.they were still asleep" "

May 11th, 09, 07:55 PM
aslepe from what msut have benen along flight when did yo uarive in to spain

May 11th, 09, 07:58 PM
just last night and i was on the couch curled up next to you thats why "

May 11th, 09, 08:06 PM
fairy enough no yo uget ready for bed okay

May 11th, 09, 08:09 PM
*he ran into the bath room and grabbed his pjs which were footed and black and took off his diaper throwing it in trash can and then wiping self off and came out in the sleeper. looking to her.*"really warm"

May 11th, 09, 08:19 PM
yo u inspain now kid yo udont wnat ot be wearing that youl bake every nigth

May 11th, 09, 09:29 PM
"but its winter and it was freezing last night"

May 11th, 09, 10:20 PM
yo usaid yo uonly arrived her last nigt it waswanit in america its spring going into summer her yo usaid yourslf your so hot

May 11th, 09, 10:21 PM
andrew sleeps peacfully

May 11th, 09, 10:24 PM
abi wrasp andrew up in his sleepign bag andleaves hi mon the couch
then does the same for jessie good night kids ill be gettin you up tommrow and im jsut im my room wit hthe door open if otyo uwant me though i cnat belive im saying that

May 11th, 09, 10:26 PM
"ok sis"*he went a took off the sleeper and put on just a long shirt and came out*"better?"

May 11th, 09, 10:30 PM
liek isay idontmind waht outu wear to bed its jsut much warmer her then it wasbak home thatsall

May 11th, 09, 10:34 PM
"well this is much cooler and it covers everything"*you heard a faint crinkle as i walked*

May 11th, 09, 10:50 PM
thinkgs nothgi noff it til liget to thebathrooom and see a wet nappy in the trash and i pick it u[ and take it to you
what the hell is this jessie? i say sternly

May 11th, 09, 10:55 PM
"um um um "*he made his ways to the door and tried to run out and was crying*

May 11th, 09, 11:01 PM
the door is lockd kida i jsut want an expalination as to why my kid brother who wasl ast in the bathroom left a wet diaper there

May 11th, 09, 11:19 PM
*he pulled up his shirt showing his diaper*"i need them since the accident"

---------- Post added at 07:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ----------

*you could see a scar that was where a pole went threw his bladder*

May 11th, 09, 11:27 PM
and when were yo ugoing to tell me this james *not sounding impressed atall*

May 11th, 09, 11:40 PM
"Well because i thought you were going to be mad"*he looked down crying*

May 11th, 09, 11:57 PM
iam mad but only becuse yo udint tell me do oy umenontop ofeverything elseim gona have ot hchange diapers now anythgi nesle yo uwant to tell me that you neglected she sounds angrey

May 12th, 09, 12:31 AM
*h elooked up to you scared*"no im sorry sissy"*looked scared*"you hate me now your going to send me away"*started crying hard*"you dont have to change me i can do it"

May 12th, 09, 12:37 AM
bi calms dow n abitof her darker side ocmeht through.
"no sweeti i wont send yo uawy *hugs him* uditn know what came over me forgive me i mso sorry

May 12th, 09, 12:41 AM
"you promise sissy?"*he looked up cuddling her boobs*

May 12th, 09, 12:57 AM
andrew has nightmares about his sister which causes him to wet the bed

May 12th, 09, 01:14 AM
abi felesthe nightmares hes having with her esper powers and relsies the nightmares are jsut ified (night i gotta go it s 215 and i havelectures in 6 hours am take care)

May 12th, 09, 01:21 AM
(ok cya later have fun)

May 12th, 09, 05:58 PM
im not good with kids bro how did yo uboth end up with me yo umust have ha no other oprions atall

May 12th, 09, 06:11 PM
"no no one else wanted us together"*He smiled looking up to her.*

May 12th, 09, 06:19 PM
why is that if oyur adopting kids and htey are bothers liek yo uto and close they always need to be together

May 12th, 09, 06:23 PM
"yeah well they didnt like me cause im a freak now"

May 12th, 09, 07:11 PM
and hwy are oy ua frak show huh who told yo uthat
(gotta go)

May 12th, 09, 08:04 PM
"aunt margret she told the adoption person i was a freak cause i was in diapers."

May 12th, 09, 10:03 PM
us aunt margeret stil laround i might in viter her ove r and give her a peaceof my mind for that behavour, unless oyu have somthign of anut margrets icould have do yo uhave anything like that?

May 12th, 09, 10:25 PM
"actually i did you "*hands you he wallet*"stole it out of her purse"

May 12th, 09, 10:49 PM
why did yo utake this kiddo abi asked alitlte onccnerd cos althogu shewasadarkand bitter person she washonest and dint like people who wernt

May 12th, 09, 11:00 PM
"she called me a freak"

May 12th, 09, 11:05 PM
fairy nuf but thats not right and idont want yo udoiing it again.

(what about magical regression stil ldoign it or waiting for arfan im in mixed minesabout arfan inthat rp )

May 12th, 09, 11:10 PM
andrew who loves his sister tells her that he had an accident

May 12th, 09, 11:12 PM
well hun im sure oyu cnasort yourslef out jsut take of toyur cltohs got haveashower and put thesleepign bag in the washign hamper

May 12th, 09, 11:13 PM
( igave up on it its not as fun as it was with just me and you

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

*looked to sis*"sis can you tuck me into bed like you used to when i was little?"

May 12th, 09, 11:14 PM
(for that one ithink imight prefer it if it was jsut me and you but we cna speak to arfan)

i dont rember doing that ever but your inasleepign bag til ltomrow i cant relyl took you in

May 12th, 09, 11:16 PM
okay i will be ure sissy to do that

May 12th, 09, 11:17 PM
"but i wanna sleep in your bed"

May 12th, 09, 11:19 PM
sorry sis i think i have had an accident

May 12th, 09, 11:21 PM
*gave her pouty facE*

May 12th, 09, 11:22 PM
i kjnow yo usaid andrwe and itold yo uwhat to do about it your not ababy after all
im not ready for that yet either sharing my bed and hellpgin my perfectly able bodied bother with his toilenting problems

May 12th, 09, 11:27 PM
*he ran to his sleeping bag and began crying as he laid in it*

May 12th, 09, 11:33 PM
im sorry for doing that

May 12th, 09, 11:34 PM
crys in sleeping bag*

May 12th, 09, 11:35 PM
andrew hides in his room

May 12th, 09, 11:38 PM
ab lays on her own bed not wanting to have her borheters ot look after if she washoneest she could barly support her slf how could she support nad rase to kids
abi gets up and puts the wet sleeping bag into the washer ther is a pair ofmatresses in another room but thatsall the furniture there each with sheetson and pillwosandsleepign bags

May 12th, 09, 11:44 PM
*comes in andrews room and hugs him*

May 12th, 09, 11:45 PM
andrew tells him its not his fault

May 12th, 09, 11:52 PM
"i miss mom and dad they used to tuck us in every night"

May 12th, 09, 11:57 PM
i do to but you did not know this but dad disowned her because she would not tolerate abuse

May 13th, 09, 12:00 AM
anna sitsalone thinking cos at this stage shedoent felel she can form being a single un attached labourer/life gaurd to a gaurin for an8 and 11 year old eh oshe had to raise and supprot and feed and knowing she wil lahve otchange and gicve alor t of themoney over to make the house better for them cos al lthough it wasnt cold in this part of spai ther was laots of dust and other stuff that could cousemajout health problems . sehallso need ot mke the palace more homley she hated it and she lived there but in 2 years she had never had the money or tiem to d oit up.

she starts to cry ilently toher slef abotu wath gravity of here new role

(dada disowned me because i was an abisive drunkard who often hurt you to and the others disowned her becuse of her gifts and her sinsiter bleiefs)

May 13th, 09, 12:46 AM
*he cried into his brother*

May 13th, 09, 12:53 AM
(thats why abi was thelasteprson who expected to adopte her bohters cos she hurt them when they were younger)

abi finishs washing and drying the wet clothsand slepeign bak and leacvesthe drier running, waht are yo uto doing she asked them in hte roo mdoorway

May 13th, 09, 12:56 AM
(wait she abused them?)

---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

*jessie hid his face in his sleeping bag tears streaming his face.*

May 13th, 09, 01:03 AM
(wel lshe smked them a bit when they got her angrey which is veyr easy to do and somtimes when she was very drunk and shouted at them and called htme names but not very much shestryign to chnge but haiving real dificulties with it night night liek before when she found the diapershealmost reversed bak ot how she was als oweever they need comfort she wasther forthem but ionly if they came to her mum and dad were great paernts but abi was a dark chaild

May 13th, 09, 01:16 AM
*he looked up to sissy*"i miss mommy and daddy"*he had mentally regressed into a 3 year old*

May 13th, 09, 01:18 AM
(why would he suddnely regres there has to be a GOOD couse for suddne regresison night)

May 13th, 09, 02:52 AM
(psychologically he regressed cause of the emotional stuff it happens)

May 13th, 09, 10:19 AM
i dont miss them atall says abi coldly

May 13th, 09, 02:18 PM
*he looked up you could see he was scared abd fragile.*"me mis mama"*he was now bawling*

May 13th, 09, 02:18 PM
*he looked up you could see he was scared and fragile.*"me mis mama"*he was now bawling*

May 13th, 09, 03:30 PM
thoughts to her self : great hes becoming infantile cos of the trauma of mum abd dad dying .what to do? i hope he gets himslef together soon or im not gonan be able cope . i guess huis needsare more importent then my want for peeronsal space right now .

abi: its okay jessie oyu and andy cna come and lsepe in my bed with me

May 13th, 09, 03:31 PM
*jessie put his arms up to her looking to her his eyes still sopped with tears*

May 13th, 09, 04:17 PM
waht doyo uwant jessie? lets go lie down in my bed you to

May 13th, 09, 05:48 PM
*he came over taking her hand and walking with her looked up like he was a 3 year old*

May 13th, 09, 06:12 PM
(or hsi sisteris tall and hes nto i havnet noticed mot three year olds looking up i na certai nway but neverm ind )

cmon andy yo ucna coem as well dont worry about your accidnet im not angrey

May 13th, 09, 06:14 PM
*he put his arms up to her he was aloy shorter then her.*"will you cawwy me?"

May 13th, 09, 06:19 PM
im not strongenough ihad spanish flu before and im stil lrecovering

May 13th, 09, 06:20 PM
*pouted and went to her room*

May 13th, 09, 06:23 PM
cna oy ugive me a coupel of minutes kid im jsut gettin into my pjamas

May 13th, 09, 06:31 PM
"okay sissy"*goes and brushes his teeth *

May 13th, 09, 06:34 PM
get s into her pjamas and looksat the picture on her necklcein aclasp onf her and her brothers looking happy when they were younger ther wasanemty die that used ot have mum nad dad in it but when they disowend her she burned hte picture while jessie was brushing his tetht sah also cheked if her bed mat was in the right place for when she went to sleep

May 13th, 09, 06:36 PM
*he came in after brushing his teeth having a little on his face and knocked on her door*

May 13th, 09, 06:38 PM
finishsadjusting the bed mat so its difectly below her crothcwoudl beif shewaslay ing donw and then puts hte shets bak over covinerg it up okay come ine ask andy if eh wants to as well

May 13th, 09, 06:46 PM
*ran to andys room*"andy you wanna sleep with me and sissy?"*he came back not waiting for anser figuring the invite was out there and came into sissys room.*

May 13th, 09, 06:57 PM
abi then brushesher teaht and relives her slef before lying on her bed with a book woih atitle that jessie cnat red becauseitsnot in english and it is very old looking
" jessie dont forget to go to the toilet before bed " she calls

May 13th, 09, 07:00 PM
*he crawled up beside her laying his head on her bheast and began falling asleep sucking her shit *

May 13th, 09, 07:03 PM
abi very quikly rmeoves him to her side and is very embaresd and wodinering what the hell he was playing at she wil ltlak to him tommrow she carriedon reaidn her boog holindher hands higher this time so it was less comfortable for but only cos jesse action had jsut really disturbed her

May 13th, 09, 09:10 PM
andrew told her that he loved her very much

May 13th, 09, 09:17 PM
wnat to sleep in here with me and your brother kido?

May 13th, 09, 11:10 PM
sure thing sissy.....

May 13th, 09, 11:11 PM
*rolled over laying beside her*

May 13th, 09, 11:13 PM
cuddles up next to sister

May 13th, 09, 11:22 PM
abi letsthem be close ot her but makesapoint never to let jessie do what he did ever agai nit creaped her out way to much

May 13th, 09, 11:23 PM
sorry sister for shaming you

May 13th, 09, 11:45 PM
when did oy ushame me what are yo utalking about

May 14th, 09, 12:28 AM
having a accident thats what

May 14th, 09, 12:28 AM
why would that shame me askad abi

May 14th, 09, 12:33 AM
i dont know mom and dad were ashamed when that happened

May 14th, 09, 12:39 AM
id have thought theonly one who flet shmed would be you but if dad and mum got ashamed aswell thats bad parenting accidnets happen a few daysago one even happend to me so dont woryr i jsut dint want to clen you up thats all cos iknwo you could do it your slef

May 14th, 09, 12:40 AM
okay i will be sure to clean up

May 14th, 09, 12:47 AM
you did d o i menai dont mind washing stuff but washign yourslf your doing okay?"
lookslikes jessies asleep perhaps we should be to

May 14th, 09, 12:53 AM
sure thing im okay with that

May 14th, 09, 12:57 AM
basicly cositso degrading having someon washign yo u and idont like degrading people
*on the wall there is a dart boed with pictures of mum and dad and theothers on it but itsnot darts that are in the board ists throwing knive

May 14th, 09, 03:03 PM
*jessie laid curled up in the bed snoring*

May 14th, 09, 03:04 PM
she went to slepeed sanwiched between here brothers stil lwondering how she is going to cop with looking after them, themoney want hteprob,e but the skills we missing

May 14th, 09, 03:19 PM
*started whimpoering in his sleep*

May 14th, 09, 03:22 PM
starts wetting in her sleepwetting her bed mad and both of her borhters

May 14th, 09, 03:27 PM
*he began soaking and messing himself*

May 14th, 09, 03:30 PM
(yeh buthes whering a diaper so it donet mater)
abi continues to sleep

May 14th, 09, 03:33 PM
*he cuddled into her smiling his diaper was super messy and began leaking*

May 14th, 09, 03:34 PM
the bed mat watunder both ogf the m and abi still ahndt owke up

May 14th, 09, 03:37 PM
*the boy woke up crying still in 3 year old mind*

May 14th, 09, 03:42 PM
abi wakes up felelign her wet crothch and mat cursing inthe 4 differint languageds she can now speak and feels ver yvery sashamed

May 14th, 09, 03:47 PM
*he looked to his sister crying like a baby he had messed his diaper.now he would actually need someone to change him because he was in the 3 year old mind*

May 14th, 09, 04:00 PM
9yourmakignthis very awkward for abi)

fuckign hell wahts upo with you sehesaid still angrye with herslef so takesit out on others

May 14th, 09, 04:08 PM
*he began crying harder as the stench hit her nosE*

May 14th, 09, 04:13 PM
well change your slf then instead a cryign about it

May 14th, 09, 04:19 PM
*looked up scared*"me nio know how me to little me owy 3"

May 14th, 09, 04:29 PM
bolocks oyur only three you betternot be doign this to annoy me

May 14th, 09, 04:49 PM
"what you mean?"*he looked up still crying a little*

May 14th, 09, 04:50 PM
you siad your three i siad your not because your 8 you stink i suppsoe il lhave ot change you then

May 14th, 09, 04:52 PM
"me no 8"*he looked up in his mind he was only 3*

May 14th, 09, 04:57 PM
(menally maby buthe would know his rfell age andmental regressiononly affects certain parts of the mind usally emotions and langue but most stays the same including knowledge )

your 8 for cryign out loud i could show yo u if you liked .
getshim of the bed alittle roughly and then remberssomthing, ive got nothing to change yo uinto you wil lhave to sleep naked

May 14th, 09, 08:46 PM
*he snapped out of it and ran to the bathroom changing into a new diaper*

May 14th, 09, 09:04 PM
god dammit i can't belive i wet the bed ohhh wait its not me sorry for the languge sis

May 14th, 09, 11:06 PM
abi blushs now hun that was me shae says embraesd (thanks jessie i appriciate that il l let yo ube ababy lated but you need to get abi to warm to yo ufirstor shes going to becnostanly angrey and disapointed)

May 15th, 09, 12:52 AM
*jessie laid in bathroom he was a freak*"i cant control anything and i turned into a baby mentally."*she rocked back and fourth crying*

May 15th, 09, 12:58 AM
abi hears the crying and knocks "are yo udecent kiddo?"

May 15th, 09, 01:09 AM
"yeah"*he sat there wiping his eyes and got up and went to sink putting water on his face*

May 15th, 09, 01:11 AM
can i come in kiddo??

May 15th, 09, 01:14 AM
"yeah you can"*he looked at the waste basket and grabbed it planning on taking it out.*

May 15th, 09, 01:14 AM
wel lcna oy uunlock the door for me then whay are oy ucrying and lockign your slf in here

May 15th, 09, 02:04 AM
"im not crying "*he unlocked the door and looked to her as he held the basket*

May 15th, 09, 11:39 AM
waht ya doing bro she asked and what were yo ucryig nabout before,

May 15th, 09, 12:38 PM
"cause im a fucking freak its not like mom or dad really cared. mom and dad use to talk behind my back while they thought i was sleeping saying how i was such a dis appointment. this wetting stuff didnt just happen it wasd there the whole time i was a bed wetter. mom was so ashamed and she used to hang my sheats outside for everone to see how much of a freak i was."*he pushed past her walking outside to the trash can and going bacxk to the couch and laying on it now curled in a ball.*

May 15th, 09, 01:20 PM
goes out to the couchand sits eith him pulling him otn to her lap, you were telling meh ow supprotive and stuff they were before and how you imsed them oy uwere sitl lin diapers and jsut potty traing when i left or wasthrown out to put it more honestly im surprisedit stil lhappend though . im osrry i was so hard on you before but i waandrey at myslef so i took it out on you but ishouldnt have relly your inly 8 i STILL wet the bed and im 18 occasially ileak sometimes aswell , ibetmum wasosashamed cos she had the same problem its less commen in boys then girls

May 15th, 09, 02:08 PM
"sis i lied mom used to make me go outside every morning and wash my sheets on the front lawn with one of those old washing tubs and a wash board. and dad used to hit me each day i wet which was every day"

May 15th, 09, 02:36 PM
why did yo ulie to me i mena alot could havehappend in 5 years if id have stayed there i probebly would havebene drivne otkilling htem my slef but inever relised they treated yo uso badly they did love oy uin other areas im sure evn if there punishments were unfair want to know the rel reaons they banishied me? you might not love me by the end of it

May 15th, 09, 03:40 PM
"cause i thought youd hit me just like mom and dad did.im sorry.i know why you hit us and mom and dad didnt like it fucking hipocrites"*he looked up to her frowning*"i dont care it was a long time a go acunamata"

May 15th, 09, 05:01 PM
i dint just hit yo ukidod i also insulted yo uan dasiawful thing mainly while iw as driunk but not all the time there waanother reason as well, yo uknwo yo uguys always went to church every sunday and i never ever came wit hyou even when i was young,remeber the unualitems mum anddad found in my room? the small dagger ,the dolls? mum and dad banished me nto cousei hit oy uthough that was part of the reason but mainly it wasbecuseof my beliefsand practices scred them do yo uknow what a witch is sport?

May 15th, 09, 05:08 PM
"yeah i know what a witch is are we talking harry potter or the witch from robin hood and the prince of thiefs."

May 15th, 09, 05:14 PM
no we arn not , follw me i want to show yo usomthing we are talking witch who cnause natuerl magik to help or hur people

May 15th, 09, 05:17 PM
"so you mean like wiccans?"*he followed her looking up as he smiled*

May 15th, 09, 05:20 PM
excactly *walsk with yo uto my room and reachs under my bed and puls out a small chest and opens it.there is a leeahter bound book, a blak andred outfit, a dagger with a belt and sheth two staw and sa kdolls and a circly of blackthron brances and a couple of rowen wreaths

May 15th, 09, 05:22 PM
"so do you believe in god or do you worship the devil ive never really under stood it"

May 15th, 09, 05:30 PM
DONT say we worship thee devil only the blackestwitches worship thedevil she says very strenly no i worship a godess called shadira but nio i dontbleive in god in the normal sense more like spirits and shadira but daddy being a preist dint like his daughter worshiping what he thought wasahwathen god

May 15th, 09, 05:33 PM
"yeah thats why i have this"*he pulled off his shirt showing the mark dad had branded him with a christain cross after his baptism.*"dad burnt the metal into me"*he looked to you scared.*"he thought i was forsaking god by reading methology"

May 15th, 09, 05:44 PM
(letnot make dad too scry okay jessie he wasjsut a pasisonate preist but not a fantic okay os he hit his kids but he wasrelly loving aswasmum aprt from her embaressment pf you letsay both paretnts loved us all then forsaked me cosiwant christan and they had your safty at hert makesitseme moretracic when they died that way

May 15th, 09, 05:49 PM
"well sis its in the past and you cant change the past"*he looked to you smiling happily*"sis im sorry about the diapers"

May 15th, 09, 05:50 PM
il lhelp yo urepotty train kido it wil lbe better ofrboth of us that way

May 15th, 09, 05:51 PM
"Well sis can i tell you a secret?"*he looked up to her smiling*

May 15th, 09, 05:53 PM
sure you can kiddo wahts the secrat

May 15th, 09, 05:55 PM
"sit down please"*he looked up to her smiling*

May 15th, 09, 05:59 PM
sits don on her bed with thestil lsleeping andy goon

May 15th, 09, 06:03 PM
*crawled up and sat in your lap*"well i like to be babied and wear diapers"

May 15th, 09, 06:09 PM
fucking helll no way do yo uknwo how much extra work tat would mean for me

May 15th, 09, 06:11 PM
"im sorry i thought youd udnerstand"*Walked off to couch crying*

May 15th, 09, 06:12 PM
how cna iunderstand that bro your 8 and want to be ababy that cnat be right

May 15th, 09, 06:16 PM
*sat crying on couch and hugging his knees. he thouht his sister would atleast give it a chance*

May 15th, 09, 06:21 PM
feeling rotten abi calsl up the social worker even though its very early monring

*ring ring*

May 15th, 09, 06:24 PM
*the woman ansered and was in a very cherry mood.*"hello helen bornes home"

May 15th, 09, 06:32 PM
sorry to wake yo uso early helen its abi blackthron i need some help and i dontmean money i cnat look ater these kids im only 19 my self and i wasawful to them in the past and ijsut cnat don it shestarts to sob