View Full Version : Adrian Setsuko

June 8th, 13, 09:26 AM

Name: Adrian Setsuko
Race: Yukihyou-jin (Snow leopard)
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Weight: 148lbs
Hair: White, and speckled with grey spots
Eyes: Bluish-grey
Gender: Male
Birthday: August 17th
Nationality: Half-Asian; Japanese descent.

Appearance: Adrian has long, white hair that goes quite a way’s down his back and it is speckled here and there with grey spots, a curious inheritance from his kemonomimi lineage. His long tail, which is much thicker and fluffier than a normal neko-jin’s, is also like this as well. His ears, just like his hair and tail, are the same way and his right ear has a piercing. Adrian’s Japanese blood runs strong through his veins, however, and affects most of his features. He, like most people descended from Japan, has a longer, oval-shaped face, higher cheekbones, larger eyes, and a pronounced nose. They are fairly soft and so is his pale complexion as well, telling the story of someone who goes to great lengths to take care of his skin. His body shape is also reminiscent of his heritage. Adrian is not a broad or sturdily built guy; he is actually slender. Do not take that to mean he lacks muscle capacity, however. Adrian is a toned guy with clear muscle definition. You would not think it, though, given the clothing style he often has.

Adrian’s fashion style is often a mish-mash of other styles, is retro, or just plain, as it has been said many times before, “hipster-like.” His clothes are often ironic, brightly colored, or a reference to something in popular culture. Oftentimes, he will pair his fashion up with either sunglasses or glasses. If he is not wearing anything that can be described like in the above, it will most likely be something that shows off his body, such as tight pants or button-up shirts and leaving the buttons undone.

School: Adrian, spurred on from an early age by his tiger of a mom, focused hard on his studies and in his teenage years he became one of the top in his class, missing valedictorian by one slot. After that, he took his good grades and went to college on a full ride, eventually getting a teaching degree in History, something that had become his passion to learn about and also discuss.

Personality: Adrian is a take-charge type of person. He is not the beta male people might think of when they think of Japanese male. Adrian is bold and will make his intentions well-known to all of those around him. When he wants something, he will go for it, as they say. He is also quite playful and loves to use his words to dance around people. A clever cat, Adrian is exceptionally creative and when something can’t be done one way he will make sure to find a way to do it. In other words, he is also persistent as well and almost predatory in his nature.

And while others might remark him as a ‘hipster,’ he mostly refutes this by saying he’s just the type of guy to go against the crowd for the sake of going against the crowd. Maybe he wants to stand out or maybe he just doesn’t want to conform (often rejecting Asian societal inclinations like blending in), but Adrian likes to be unique.

Character History: Adrian Setsuko’s family, a few generations ago, was one of the first to come to Erehwon following the growing anti-Japanese sentiments among the Americans during World War II. Adrian’s mother, however, was the first in the family to marry a non-Asian. Yukiko, her name was, married a Caucasian-Erehwonian man, and she was ostracized by her family for it. Despite this, she stayed with her husband, Jonathan, and together they had a beautiful baby boy who took his mother more than he did his father. Jonathan, however, had felt bad for causing the familial relations to crash and decided he would take Yukiko’s last name to, as he told her, ‘restart the family name, newer and better to prove them wrong.’

Adrian grew up in the Japanese districts of Erehwon for a time before Yukiko and Jonathan decided to move out when Jonathan got a new job that was a way’s away. From there, Adrian lived a relatively normal life with his mother pushing him to be the best that he could be. Yukiko also worked as a math teacher at the school district Adrian went to, so he is quite used to having a teenager as a parent.

Things took a sudden and complete turn for the worse when Adrian’s parents were both killed in a car crash. They had gone out for the night to see a musical, something Adrian had not wanted to go with them for. On their way back, they had been hit by a semi-truck driver who had fallen asleep at the wheel. It was then that Adrian was put in the foster care system and taken to a foster home where he spent the remainder of his teenage years.

From there, he went to college, quickly picking up an interest history, finding the intellectual debate regarding it rather invigorating. His natural academic tendencies led themselves well and Adrian soared through college, and his dream soon became to teach other kids about the wonders and amazement of history, hoping to spur the same movement in them as happened to him. When he got out of college with his teaching degree in hand, Adrian found himself in a rather lucky situation: there was a job offer in the same town as a foster home looking for adults to help raise wayward children. He remembered his own past with foster homes and sought to return the favor that he was given.

Seeking both, he applied to them and was met with a resounding “yes!” from both the school and the Quinns, one of whom worked at the school in question.

Various Other Bits:

~Adrian speaks fluent Japanese and English

June 8th, 13, 09:34 AM
*stamps this approved*