View Full Version : Apoclypse's RP bios.

January 8th, 13, 12:22 PM
some of the OC's are anthropomorphic and are restricted to RP worlds where Anthromorphic people are (beast people or part beast people)

OC #1


Age: 18-50 depending on his role and what world he is in.

Height: 6'0-7'2 again depending on role and world but also age.

Weight: between 250 and 450 lbs

Skin color: Caucasian or deeply tanned.

Hair Length: Buzzcut, trimmed, Flat top, Mohawk, shoulder length or down to his butt depending on the roll.

Hair color: Brown, Red, or black

Eye color: chromatic. (changes with his mood but is usually bluegreen which is his calm or neutral color)

build: between slightly athletic to professional wrestler.

Background 1: a high school/College football star who after having an accident on the field was rendered incontinent. despite this set back he returned to the field rather quickly and leads his team to victory after victory with his brilliant mind and quick actions. Goes to college to get a degree in teaching. loves children and hopes to have several with his High school sweetheart who after one of his games he popped the question too and she accepted but putting the stipulation that he has to get a college degree in something worthwhile before they are married. He comes from a well to do family (not rich but close) and knows how to save a buck but still have a wonderful time. His parents are Father (a local General store owner) and Mother (a High School English professor)

Background 2: Former special ops soldier who after suffering an injury on a mission was rendered Incontinent and was given a Medical Discharge. After leaving the military he turned his talents to Mercinary work for the Government while also taking College classes in medicine to become a doctor so that he could "clense his soul" of the lives he took by saving as many as he could and helping those in need. unmarried but wanting children he turned to babysitting (long term) while in school while "between missions" to help pay the bills. very strict with children but also being fun he causes himself much heartache when his babysitting jobs are done as he has to leave the children he becomes attached to.

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Bio #2

Anita Grace Fredrickson.

Age: 13-48 depending on roll

Height: 5'6-6'0

Weight: 180-260

Skin Color: Caucasian (white)

Hair length: mid back to lower butt.

Hair color: Black, red or black with red highlights

Eye Color: light green to dark Jade depending on mood.

Build: High School Track star- moderately bulky (like an athlete that has reduced the number of times the have been working out and training to focus on other things and ended up having children)

Bio1: As a child Anita got extremely sick and was hospitalised for three months to recover. as a result of the illness she was rendered partially incontinent (great loss of bladder control but still able to tell when she has to go sometimes) and needs to wear diapers in case she misses the "signals" of having to pee. loving music and art she decided she wanted to be an "arts" teacher when she grew up and in college got two bachelor's degrees in education. 1 majoring in Art (painting drawing sculpting etc...) and one in music. after getting her second degree and becoming a teacher at a private institution Anita decided that the joy she got from teaching children could only be surpassed by having a child of her own. A firm but kind disciplinarian she only resorts to spankings as a last resort or in drastic situations (such as when her daughter runs out into the street without looking for traffic) on her vacations she travels the world to different countries to absorb more cultural knowledge and artistic inspiration though she loves the art and music of the orient the most.

Bio2: (this is for Pokemon RP's only)
Anita is the daughter of a highly intelligent and respected Pokemon professor by the name of Oxheart. on both sides of her family is a latent Psychic gift that has show itself as small flashes but never came to be of much use for her parents or grandparents. Her own powers almost literally exploded onto the scene when she was three years old and was in trouble and trying to hide from her mother to avoid a spanking. after running a few tests her mother determined that she had Alakazam grade telepathy and some telekinetic powers. unfortunately to compensate for this massive power her brain shut down all control over her bladder and bowels causing her to be permanently incontinent.
one day while on an outing with her father to help him do some research they found a baby Articuno bawling over the corpse of its mother and through Anita's telepathic powers, they were able to calm it down and find out what had happened. Making a vow to let it go if it ever chose to leave Anita was allowed to capture the little ice bird in a premire ball and they have been together since caring for each other as sisters.
loving Pokemon with all her heart Anita had to beg and plead with her mother and father to be allowed to go on her first journey when she turned 10. The reason it took so much convincing was in simple fact that they didnt want her to be alone in the world with just her Pokemon and a backpack full of diapers for when she had an accident. They both feared that if she went out on her own others would find out about it and cause her no end of grief and make her never want anything to do with the creatures she loved so much. After completing her first journey around Kanto which took her a year and a half she came in 3rd in the indigo plateu tournament and decided to take a break from traveling by helping her father with his research. which took up another year and a half before she got the bug to want to travel again. Wanting to travel in the region she was born in next Anita made her way to Jhoto and Professor Elms.
If she is in a role before she gets to the Jhoto region she has problems controlling her powers and ends up constantly battling "inner demons" that are trying to make her take a path she does not want to live. one such demon is one trying to make her take a place at the side of her Uncle Giovanni and train to be his "successor" when he goes to leave Team Rocket. However she does not KNOW that he is the leader just that the demon want's her to join TR and become the best evil psychic there is.

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Bio #3 AKA fursona #1

Hisoka Raiden

An Ahtromorphic Bengal Tiger.

Age: 15-36

Height: 6'0-6'5

Weight: 280-360

Skin Color: appears to be white but is covered by thick Tiger stripped fur.

Hair length: thick coat on entire body but short fur on tail.

Hair color: Orange and black

Eye Color: Amber gold

Build: professional wrestler

Bio #1 Mutated Anthro: as a human Hisoka was a highly intelligent person and was captain of the high school football, boxing and wrestling teams having showed his prowess in each early on in his freshman year. after graduating high school he went to college to be a biochemical engineer and after graduation got a job at a highly respected and renowned company as a biochemist working on a way to make people live longer healthier lives. one day after working with his project as he was leaving the lab what he thought was a new employee rushed past him and accidentally spilled what was later to be found out a mutagenic chemical on him. after washing it off he went to the zoo to clear his mind and watch his favorite animal the Tiger go about its day. after paying off the zoo and signing a waiver he was allowed to feed the most docile of the Tigers by hand causing him to be exposed to the Tigers DNA from its saliva. during the night he painfully transformed into a mantiger. after his transformation his employers terminated his job though gave him a nice severance package and he is now working in the WWBWF (world wide Bestial Wrestling Federation)

Bio #2 natual born anthro: as a child Hisoka loved to explore the woods behind his house. one day while exploring he fell down a ravine and cracked his head on a rock at the bottom as well as getting scrapped up and bruised really bad from the fall and breaking his leg. waking up in the hospital 2 days after his accident he was shocked to see the cast on his leg but was even more distressed by the fact that he could feel that someone had put a diaper on him. after throwing a tantrum about it his mother explained to him that when he fell he injured his brain pretty badly, specifically the part that controls the bladder and bowels, and that the dammage was too exstensive to repair so he would be needing Diapers for the rest of his life. after he was told this he threw another fit and despite being injured and in the hospital was resoundingly spanked for his misbehavior after which his parents decided to move to a new community to give him and them a fresh start. the community they moved to was one where his mother's sister lived most of her adult life as a teacher and had told them all about. NewHaven was a community of people who liked to wear, or needed to wear diapers all the time or those who took care of said people. this community was founded for the soul purpose of making those who were in diapers to feel normal and relaxed about wearing them without the stigma that most of the world gave them. shortly after moving there Hisoka was in the park with his mother sitting on the grass having a picnic while he played with his handheld game not wanting to be outside in just his Diaper and a shirt (which he could see just about ALL of the children there were and even most of the adults) when a Female Tiger child came up and asked if he wanted to play. after being prodded by his mother Hisoka agreed and had fun making a new friend which he kept into his adulthood. after he graduated highschool Hisoka got three college degrees, one in medicine, one in education and one in childcare. combining his knowledge from his degrees he opened the towns first giant daycare and preschool which took children as young as 6 months to as old as 17. those old enough for school were enrolled there in the after school program to keep them out of trouble while their parents were working. those between 15 and 17 were allowed to help take care of the children under 10.

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Bio #4 Aka Fursona #2:


Age: Appears to be 18 but is unknown.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 250

Skin color: caucasian

Hair Length: trimmed- shoulder length

Hair color: Red on head ears (which look like a cats with a 5 point tuft on the tips) and Tails(6)

Eye Color: Emerald Green.

Build: Slightly athletic.

Bio: Born on Asgard he is the youngest son of Odin the all father. his appearance is that of a normal human but he has the ears of a cat with 5 point tufts on the tips and 6 tails of a fox much like the demon foxes that were known to have plagued Earth in times long forgotten. trained in combat, magic, law, and honor Blackflameheart became a great asset to Odin and upon his coming of age ceremony he was given three gems of massive power. An Asgardian emerald, with its power he has the ability to control nature in the form of making plants grow, speaking with animals and healing. An Asgardian Amethyst, bequeathed to him by his cousin Hel, queen of the underworld, he was given power over shadows and death. with this gem he can hide in full view of other people so long as there is a tiny bit of shadow in the area and he is able to slay those who are evil with a thought. and finally an Asgardian Ruby, found in the forges in the great volcano these gems are known to have great destructive powers. with this particular ruby he has the ability to control fire, and lightning with limitless possibilities of use. After taking these Gems he followed his older brother Thor to the planet Earth to live a lifetime there and to learn of a new world first hand and not just from stories, tomes, and recounts from his brother. while on earth he was allowed to do whatever he wished so long as he did not cause trouble or tip the scales of balance too far in one direction (such as destory all those who were evil by nature who appeared.) in being allowed this he explored a side of himself he was afraid to do back on asgard as Odin and his mother would never have understood it. he started wearing and sometimes using diapers around his place of living and after learning how to use a "computer" and the "internet" learned that there were others like him who enjoyed acting like giant babies. after meeting with some of these people secretly at an ABDL convention he decided to stay on earth forever and to enjoy life as a "mortal" (though he could never die) with a diaper fetish.



Age: 24-30

Height: 5'8

Weight: 150

Skin color: caucasian

Hair Length: shoulder to mid back length

Hair color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Build: Slightly athletic to Amazonian style

Bio 1: A demigoddess who is able to commune with, heal, and change into Animals iliane prefers a life of peace and harmony with her friends and family. With her Love and Mentor in magic she has had one daughter who has as of yet unknown powers. She loves the lifestyle of AB's/DL's

Bio 2: A ninja from a Village hidden in a mountain pass on a small island she has become a master at stealth, speed and Ninja skills. As a kunoichi of her village she grew up knowing that despite having skills in the ninja art there is no profit in being a ninja alone. As time went on she noticed that more and more villagers were going around wearing diapers. Some out of need, others out of want, and others still out of some strange style of punishment. After doing much research on the matter of AB's/DL's and diaper punishment she decided that she would branch out into not only being a Kunoichi but also into that of being a "mommy for hire" for anyone who wanted it or needs a sitter for their kids. She has prices comparable to other's in her field and has even set it up so the customer can choose from 5 levels of care. 1) Diaper changes only. 2) Diaper changes and preparing 1 meal a day. 3) Diaper changes and 3 meals plus slight "mommying" to the cared for meaning she would treat them like a toddler/little kid a bit. 4) Diaper changes 3 meals and full on babying of the cared for and very rarely a spanking if the cared for is "bad" otherwise earning "time out's" and 5) full blown super strict mommy where she changes and feeds the "child" and spanks them every time they misbehave. The last part is only available to be purchased by the actual parent of a child for babysitting needs and is only for very roudy children.
OC # 6

anthropomorphic Maltese Tiger

Age: 38

Height: 7'0

Weight: 380 (mostly muscle)

Skin color: white but covered with blue fur with black stripes

Hair Length: mid neck in the back.

Hair color: black

Eye Color: green

Build: Herculean (Spartan like)

Former Marine Corps sniper and black ops specialist Saber was discharged from the military after a severe injury that left him permanently incontinent. The day of his discharge he was approached by some men from the government that had the highest level of security clearance who offered him a chance to continue working for the government with his skills that didn't "require you to be in the military." After talking with the men he was offically made a "SPOOK" someone who did missions too dangerous, politically sensitive, or worse for regular military black ops members to do.

When not on missions as a Spook he has a tendency to do charity work such as helping out at soup kitchens, volunteering at the community center for the local youths, buying toys for orphans, entertaining the elderly and many others. His favorite thing to do to relax is babysit his baby sister and spoil her rotten by giving her whatever she wants most of the time. Though he will make her earn some things if they are big or expensive.

has a masters degree in chemistry with a minor in computer programming that he managed to get from Notre Dame after his discharge

Currently married to Kylea a natural antrho-Maltese tigress and has a 3 1/2 year old son Saber Jr. spends as much time with the family as possible and is currently being treated for severe PTSD brought on by his photographic memory keeping the faces of every man he has killed fresh. lives in Atlanta Georgia and is starting to settle into a quite life and considering getting a job at a local hospital or pharmacy as a chemist for research purposes.
OC's 7 and 8

Kylea and Saber Jr.


Anthropomorphic Maltese Tiger

Age 35

Height 6'0

weight 250 (althetic muscle)

Skin color white but covered in blue fur with black stripes

Hair Waist length and dyed red

Eye color light green but turns jade when pissed

Kylea is married to Saber and is a stay at home mom. she is a former highschool track star and holds the records at her highschool for long jump, the 440, triple jump, pole vault, discus and shot put. She spends most of her day cooking, cleaning, and taking care of their 3 1/2 year old son Saber Jr and does all the party, get together, and special occasion planning. She loves being a stay at home mom and despite having a degree in child education she chooses to stay at home with her baby boy and raise him to be a good boy though he does earn plenty of time in the naughty corner or over her knee.

Saber Jr.

anthropomorphic Maltese Tiger cub

age 3 1/2

height 3'10

weight 50 lbs

skin color White but covered in blue fur and black stripes

Hair black and reaching his shoulders in the back

Eyecolor Blue but turns green when very angry or scared

Bio 1
very rambunctious and playful Saber Junior rarely pays attention when he is playing and easily forgets what he was just told by his mom, dad, or babysitter and as a result has had plenty of time in the naughty corner or over his mom or dads lap for a swift spanking. He is quick to tell you he is not afraid of anything and will go to extreme lengths to prove it. as a result of this one day he was playing in his sandbox out back making sand castles when he found a small green ring in it. shrugging he slid it on his finger thinking it was just a toy ring and went back to playing. shortly after his discovery of the ring a kyu wearing a similar ring and surprisingly a thick diaper under his jeans floats down out of the sky and starts talking to him. Saber Jr finds out that the ring is one of millions that belong to the "green lantern corps" but he is confused by this and asks the kyu to wait where he was and ran inside to wake his dad saying "theres a stanger by mah sandbox who needs ta speek wif ya." Saber Sr on guard grabbed his revolver out of the safe just in case and put it in the holster on his vest before going out to talk with the kyu...seeing it was a lanter Saber Sr explained to his son what he was and since he had found the ring he was one too. but he also told the kyu that he did not want Jr to go anywhere without a partner untill he was old enough to drive...or at least experienced enough to work alone. nodding the kyu explained he was supposed to mentor the new lantern anyway and started that day by showing him how to use the ring and lantern combined as well as teaching him the oath.

Bio 2
very rambunctious and playful Saber Junior rarely pays attention when he is playing and easily forgets what he was just told by his mom, dad, or babysitter and as a result has had plenty of time in the naughty corner or over his mom or dads lap for a swift spanking. He is quick to tell you he is not afraid of anything and will go to extreme lengths to prove it. He loves watching wrestling on TV but idolizes nobody other than his father and those his father calls his equals. He vows to join the marines like his dad one day and to do everything he can to either meet the same rank as his papa or outrank him.