View Full Version : Aw man,this sucks

January 27th, 09, 12:13 AM
I went to the bathroom and after I was done peeing I got my underwear on then out of no where I messed myself :(.Then it took me forever to clean myself.I also want to ask you something....I have been having accidents alot lately.Should I tell my parents?

January 27th, 09, 12:16 AM
ummm...ya...i think u should tell them

January 27th, 09, 12:16 AM
this is a joke right? how can you just 'mess' yourself without realizing it?

January 27th, 09, 12:18 AM
yes. there might b something wrong with u and it'll get worse if u don't say anything

Bump: this is a joke right? how can you just 'mess' yourself without realizing it?

it wouldn't b a joke i know because it's happened 2 me b4

January 27th, 09, 12:29 AM
yes. there might b something wrong with u and it'll get worse if u don't say anything


it wouldn't b a joke i know because it's happened 2 me b4

yeah the only time i could see myself 'messing' myself without intent is if i had diarrhea, which has happened to me before.

Side note: DON'T rip ass if you have diarrhea.

Still I don't believe you could just 'mess' yourself without any reason unless you are incontinent or something.

January 27th, 09, 12:53 AM
That sounds like quite a problem if it happens again, if not it might just be a fluke.
yeah the only time i could see myself 'messing' myself without intent is if i had diarrhea, which has happened to me before.

Side note: DON'T rip ass if you have diarrhea.

Still I don't believe you could just 'mess' yourself without any reason unless you are incontinent or something.

Well by definition it would be incontinence but it still has to start somewhere.

January 27th, 09, 12:55 AM
I guess im a bitter old guy :P

January 27th, 09, 03:18 AM
Ur not even 20!!!!!!

January 27th, 09, 03:19 AM
Ur not even 20!!!!!!

hush your mouth youngin

January 27th, 09, 03:22 AM
U don't know my age... guess it
see sig

January 27th, 09, 03:24 AM
U don't know my age... guess it
see sig

LAWLS 12?(questionmark)

Eternal Sunshine
January 27th, 09, 03:29 AM
Wow you certainly should tell your parents and get yourself checked out. You might have a serious problem that your body is trying to warn you about.

And, just to clarify, I in no way am intending to freak you out or make you paranoid. Just trying to say you should get yourself checked out.

January 27th, 09, 03:30 AM
What, huh, why???!!!

January 27th, 09, 03:31 AM
well if it turns out to be true, yes. I think its a joke, but i could be wrong.

January 27th, 09, 03:33 AM
oh wait not me, I thought this was the thread where I compared gay coming out of the closet and... OK NVM

January 27th, 09, 03:41 AM
topic much?

(niggah this 20 character minimum is bullshit.)

January 27th, 09, 07:37 PM
wearing a diapeee solves all problems of accidents=)
and panda...just get over the 20 character thing...learn to speak in full sentences...lol

January 27th, 09, 08:48 PM
I perfer a good:

January 27th, 09, 11:03 PM
wearing a diapeee solves all problems of accidents=)
and panda...just get over the 20 character thing...learn to speak in full sentences...lol

I DO speak in full sentences. I don't need that from you. You are the one who's made at least 100 'lol' or 'haha' posts. At least all of my posts involve at least 2 words, that are actual words.

January 27th, 09, 11:04 PM
there werent that many lol and haha posts...maybe 50...

January 27th, 09, 11:05 PM
You don't help your situation.

February 2nd, 09, 05:02 AM
that seems like a problem... and yes i would tell someone if that happened to me