View Full Version : baby friend

July 22nd, 10, 12:30 PM
this rp is for e and my friend only its about an 11 year old girl that is walking form school sens she lives alone sens she lost her mom and dad but has kept it a secret some one was looking for a girl so sister to have as a pet and see the 11 year old and grabeds her

* my charters name is mimi she is shy and timitvhttp://media.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/50425/anime%20cat%20gal.jpg

*mimi was strugleing* who are you?

July 22nd, 10, 12:37 PM
He stayed quiet as he brought her into a House in the middle of the forest outside of town. He threw her inside the house and locked the door after slamming it shut. "put these on." He said as he tossed a bag of diapers at her.

July 22nd, 10, 12:45 PM
(can you be lilly now?)

*mimi blushed* no way!

*his younger sister came out her name was lilly* haha you got me a pet* as she began to dress her up http://diaperedanime.com/gallery/data/543/rid423.jpg*

July 22nd, 10, 12:52 PM
Lily Smiled and playfully started to remove the girl's clothes. She then lifted the girl's lower body and slid a diaper under her bum. She then forced her legs open and powdered her crotch and bum, Next she pulled the front over the girls crotch and finally pulled the tabs around her sides and tapes them to the front. "all done!~" She exclaimed with a giggle.

July 22nd, 10, 12:56 PM
*mimis head was red* im not your pet i didnt agery to this!

July 22nd, 10, 12:58 PM
Lilly giggled. "Well you are now~ and noone is gonna come for you either. you live alone and never made friends so you could hide it~" She said as she got up close to the girl. "You're mine now to do with as i want!~" She then giggled once more and kisses the girl on the cheek.

July 22nd, 10, 01:05 PM
*mimi blushed* buti dont wanna be a baby i still need to go to school

July 22nd, 10, 01:14 PM
"to bad~" She said happily. "Or... so long as you keep your diaper on and wear a tracking device you can go to school. but while your here your my lil' baby girl!~" She says with a smile and giggle.

July 22nd, 10, 01:17 PM
*mimi blushed* but we are the same age* and hoping she could get help form her one friend at school*

July 22nd, 10, 01:21 PM
"does it matter sweetie? I'm the one with the older brother who has a gun." She said confident this would scare her.

July 22nd, 10, 01:30 PM
*mimis turned white* umi just ment we are in the same grade?

July 22nd, 10, 01:36 PM
"yep!" She said with a smile. She then started to remove the girl's school uniform giggling lightly. "Time to dress the baby!~" She said with a smile on her face.

July 22nd, 10, 01:56 PM
*mimi blushed* um what do you mean dress me?

July 22nd, 10, 02:00 PM
"Your a baby~ so you have to wear clothes that fit better to a baby~" She said as she pulled out a frilled shirt from a box filled with childish clothing.

July 22nd, 10, 02:03 PM
*mimis head was red* huuuuuuuuu alright you just hurry ok!

July 22nd, 10, 02:07 PM
She smiled and then pulled the shirt onto her and giggled. "The baby looks so cute in her frills!~" she says with a large smile following her words.

July 22nd, 10, 02:10 PM
*mimi blushed* does it have to say im not potty traned

July 22nd, 10, 02:14 PM
She giggled and nodded. "It's so cute for a baby to wear shirts like that!~" She said explaining with a smile.

July 22nd, 10, 02:15 PM
*mimi blushed* but im not a baby8 as she began to wet her diaper*

July 22nd, 10, 02:22 PM
Lily giggled noticing the yellow tint growing from the crotch of her diaper. "The way your body works says otherwise hun~" She said giggling.

July 22nd, 10, 02:24 PM
*mimi blushed as she had just wet her pink diapoer* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

July 22nd, 10, 02:30 PM
Lily giggled and said. "Time for the baby to lay down so 'Mommy' can change her!~" She smiled as she pulled a new diaper out of the box.

July 22nd, 10, 02:32 PM
*mimi blushed but laed down* i hate this

July 22nd, 10, 02:35 PM
Lily giggled as she undid the girls diaper and then used a baby wipe to clean her crotch and bum and then slid a new diaper under her bum, she then pulled the front over her crotch and then took the tabs around her sides and tapes them to the front. "All dry baby~" She said as she patted the front of the diaper.

July 22nd, 10, 02:42 PM
*mimi blushed* how long are you gonna keep me in daper?

July 22nd, 10, 02:43 PM
"As long as i want!~" She says smiling. "Like i said, you're my baby, Potty training happens when i want it too~" She said right before giggling lightly.

July 22nd, 10, 02:44 PM
*mimi blushed* can i just plz have something to drink im thersty

July 22nd, 10, 02:46 PM
Lily then handed her a baby bottle filled with orange juice. "Drink up baby~" She said in a childish tone to her.

July 22nd, 10, 02:54 PM
*mimi took it and began to suck on it*

July 22nd, 10, 02:56 PM
Lily smiled and watched the baby drink from her bottle. She moved her so she was leaning on her chest. "Thats a good girl... drink up lil' one~" She said cooing the the girl.

July 22nd, 10, 03:01 PM
*mimi finished it and let out a loud burp* oops

July 22nd, 10, 03:04 PM
Lily giggled and patted her diaper. "You know... You may be dressed like a baby... But some things are still teenager... Like these~" She said as she groped her breasts. " Or the fact that felt good to you~" She said with a mischievous smile.

July 22nd, 10, 03:06 PM
*mimi blushed* um i um

July 22nd, 10, 03:07 PM
"It's okay hun~ it's not your fault~" She cooed and snuggled the girl to her own breasts. "I'm just a perv~" Smiled looking down at her.

July 22nd, 10, 03:18 PM
*mimi blushed* there not your toys!

July 22nd, 10, 03:21 PM
Lily smiled evilly. "Well lets look at it this way. you're MY baby, making you My property making them my property as well." She said smirking and groped her once more.

July 22nd, 10, 03:24 PM
*mimi blushed* fine!!!!!!!!

July 22nd, 10, 03:25 PM
She giggled. "your so cute when you get all worked up like that..." She said as she lowered down and licked her ear.

July 22nd, 10, 03:28 PM
*mimi blushed* what are you a lessben?

July 22nd, 10, 03:32 PM
She smiled. "maybe i am~" She said giggling lightly as she continued playing with her breasts.

July 22nd, 10, 03:42 PM
*mimi blushed as she used her like a toy

July 22nd, 10, 03:49 PM
she giggled. "Does the baby like being used?~" She said continually playing with her breasts and then rubbing her nipples softly.

July 22nd, 10, 03:56 PM
*mimi blushed like it a little but lied* n n no i i dont

July 22nd, 10, 04:00 PM
Lily smiled and then slid one hand down and let part of her finger get into her diaper. "Then i guess i need to play somewhere else then~" She said as she started to slide in more.

July 22nd, 10, 04:12 PM
*mimi pulled away* plz no i prfer you play with my breast

( did you read th rping rules?)

July 22nd, 10, 04:16 PM
(i wasn't gonna do it. she was gonna pull away anyhow.)

She smiled. "Like i thought..." She pulled out and kissed her cheek. She let go of her and got up.

July 22nd, 10, 04:19 PM

*mimi was holding her self* why are you doing thids to me?

July 22nd, 10, 04:21 PM
She smiles. "Because your the only one i could do it with~" She giggled and then walked over to a couch and lay down on it.

July 22nd, 10, 04:48 PM
*mimi blushed but laed down but on her tummy*

July 22nd, 10, 04:51 PM
Lily smiled and rubbed her back softly. "So where do you wanna sleep baby? With Mommy or in a crib?" She said looking down on her.

July 22nd, 10, 04:53 PM
*mimi blushed* ill take a baby crib

July 22nd, 10, 04:58 PM
"Okay hun~" She then started to nod off while rubbing her back. "I think it's time for baby's first nap~" She said as she picked her up and then brought her to her room and set her in a crib large enough so she couldn't get out on her own and then Lily went over to her own bed and quickly went to sleep.

July 22nd, 10, 05:03 PM
*mimi wasnt tiered so she just sat there trying to think of a way out of here*

July 22nd, 10, 05:07 PM
Lily slept calmly and giggled in her sleep. She turned and kicked her feet in her sleep and drooled a bit on her pillow.

July 22nd, 10, 05:08 PM
*mimi just fell asleep and woke up in the morning wet

July 22nd, 10, 05:16 PM
Lily Smiled looking over her. "Hey~ how's my lil' baby doin'? She said with a giggle. She was happy that she had a baby to play with and take care of.

July 23rd, 10, 11:53 AM
*mimi as fast asleep with the baby rattle she had next to her*

July 23rd, 10, 11:59 AM
Lily Smiled and watched over her. "So cute~" She says. "Almost time for school..." Lily says as she looks at the clock. "Time to get going..." She said as she walked toward the door.

July 23rd, 10, 12:03 PM
*mimi opened her eye* hu what time is it?

July 23rd, 10, 12:04 PM
"it's six fourteen. I gotta get ready. So if you promise to wear your diaper and a tracker i'll let you come with me." She said smiling. "But no funny business!~" Lily giggled.

July 23rd, 10, 12:06 PM
*mimi noded* k ill be good i just want out of this* as she saw her school uniform she had on yesterday on a chair* i get to wear my unifrom?

July 23rd, 10, 12:08 PM
"Well duh... it's kind of a rule..." Lily said as she picked Mimi up out of the crib and set her near her clothes. "Now get dressed!" She said rushing the girl.

July 23rd, 10, 12:11 PM
*mimi grabed her clothse and put them on* ok im ready!http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z247/skye126/anime%20girls/school_girl.jpg

July 23rd, 10, 12:17 PM
Lily Smiled and then took her by the wrist and dragged her out the door. She was in a rush as she was leaving later than usual because of waiting for Mimi. Lily looked over to Mimi. "If you need to be changed at all today then come see me at lunch time on the top of the building okay hun?" She said after walking into the school.

July 23rd, 10, 12:20 PM
*mimis blushed* um i yes mam* as she followed her to school emabrested sens her diaper was wet right now*

July 23rd, 10, 12:28 PM
Lily went off to her class and left a tracker in Mimi's shirt without her noticing it.

July 23rd, 10, 12:30 PM
*mimi was sitting in her math class ready to take it*

July 23rd, 10, 12:34 PM
During class Mimi felt her wet, and now cold diaper pushing up to her crotch. Lily was in English class and not really paying attention.

July 23rd, 10, 12:38 PM
*mimi was holdingh er diaper* plz stop

( dont play me plz)

July 23rd, 10, 12:41 PM
(sorry. i was only saying what would actually be happening in her situation.)

Lily wondered how much longer it's be till lunch. "mmmm...." She said as she looked at the clock.

July 23rd, 10, 12:53 PM
(its ok)

*mimi was on the roof wating for her

July 23rd, 10, 12:56 PM
Lily smiled as she saw Mimi. "Hey sexy~" She said in a seductive voice. "does someone need a new diapey?" She says in a new more childish and cooing tone.

July 23rd, 10, 12:58 PM
*mimis head was red* yes i do!!

July 23rd, 10, 01:01 PM
Lily giggled. "Well i forgot to bring any this morning because we were in a rush. So you'll just have to wait till we get home." She said in a kind of awkward tone.

July 23rd, 10, 01:02 PM
*mimi blushed and showed him she grabed one diaper and a thing of aby powder* i thot youed forget so i grabed it

July 23rd, 10, 01:04 PM
Lily giggled. "Good girl!~" She exclaimed as she took them from her. "Now lay down then hun." She giggled lightly.

July 23rd, 10, 01:14 PM
*mimi blushed but laed on her back* there happy

July 23rd, 10, 01:17 PM
Lily undid Mimi's diaper and put it in a bag, she slid the new diaper under her bum and powdered her crotch and bum. Lily pulled the front over her crotch and then the tabs around her sides and tapes them to the front. "All done!~" She says as she gets up and throws the bag into the trash.

July 23rd, 10, 01:24 PM
*mimis head was red* its so embaresing when you do that!

July 23rd, 10, 01:25 PM
Lily giggled. "Your the one who wont stop pissing herself~" She said giggling knowing full well why she was wetting.

July 23rd, 10, 01:28 PM
*mimi blushed* you wont let me use the bath room!!

July 23rd, 10, 01:29 PM
"I know i know~" She said as she walked down the stairs as lunch was about to be over.

July 23rd, 10, 01:30 PM
*mimi blushed and helled her tummy* my tummy hurts

July 23rd, 10, 01:31 PM
Lily was already down the stairs and didn't hear Mimi's whining.

July 23rd, 10, 01:37 PM
*mimi was holding her tummy and bomp in to her only friend* um hi kimmy

July 23rd, 10, 01:39 PM
Lily was sitting in her class and smiled.

July 23rd, 10, 01:42 PM
(play kimmy plz)

*mimi blushed* um hi i um i need your help!!

July 23rd, 10, 01:45 PM
Kimmy looked at her friend. "Whats wrong Mimi?" She asked looking confused.

July 23rd, 10, 01:48 PM
*mimi sat on the floor holding her legs* this crazy girl lilly she kiddnaped me and is making me be her baby

July 23rd, 10, 01:53 PM
Kimmy looked confused. "You're kidding me right...? That girl in our class?" She said looking awkward.

July 23rd, 10, 01:54 PM
*mimi lifted her skirt* still look like im kidding?

July 23rd, 10, 01:56 PM
Kimmy giggled. " You look so cute in that~" She said looking at her with a smile.

July 25th, 10, 02:17 AM
*mimi sight* so what are you gonna come over to her house and help her with me?

July 26th, 10, 11:56 AM
She smiled and moved up close to Mimi. Kimmy smiled and then kissed her friend on the lips. "Sure, if it means i can have some time with you Mimi..." She said in a gentle and seductive voice.

July 26th, 10, 12:00 PM
*mimis head turned red form that* i um i um

( can you bring the other girl in to right now)

July 26th, 10, 12:06 PM
Lily walked up to them and noticed how close they were. "Well well I guess my baby found a play mate huh?" She says with an evil smirk on her face.

July 26th, 10, 12:08 PM
*mimi blushed* um she is my friend

July 26th, 10, 12:12 PM
Lily smiled. "Come to my house after school, I'll let you play with Mimi all you want there." She said as she walked off to class.

Kimmy giggled and looked at Mimi. "Wonder if she'll make me be a baby too?~" She said as she kissed Mimi again. "See ya there sweet Mimi." Kimmy got up and then walked off to her classes.

July 26th, 10, 12:16 PM
*mimi blushed and was walking home after school* um i um see i behaved all all day so um does that get baby out of haveing to mess for a whittle while

July 26th, 10, 12:20 PM
Lily smiled and walked with her new "baby". "Well you know hun, that other girl seemed to like you allot... If she comes over then i guess it'll be fun." She said with a smile.

July 26th, 10, 12:23 PM
*mimi smiled* really you mean it?

July 26th, 10, 12:40 PM
Lily nodded and smiled. "What ever makes baby happy, Mommy has to do." She said as she pinched her cheek lightly.

July 26th, 10, 02:12 PM
*mimi blushed again* um i um can we just get home beforei leka!