View Full Version : Baby neko rp

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January 3rd, 09, 10:46 PM
ok in this rp i am 2 this is an rp where u can choose to be a mom dad baby neko brother sister or anyone else u wanna be u could even be a god damn pshyco killer for all i care. but every member that joins can choose to be a part of my family permanently or temporarily (for people who want to start their own family and lives and stuff) untill we get enough members for them to make their own the first boy and girl mems are my mom and dad (unless they really dont want to be a parent) or can be my bro or sis) unless they no wanna be in my family at all) u can jump in any time but any character u mae is a neko.if u jump in tell ur name age gender and what u want to be. in the rp my name is ayumi. ok just have fun ^^

January 3rd, 09, 11:57 PM
*Sneaks down from ceiling but loses balance and falls only to break nekos desk*
Otacon:You should be more careful >.>

January 4th, 09, 12:01 AM
Age:2 in cat years
I wanna be ur brother! :3

January 4th, 09, 12:51 AM
otay ^^ XD i really like ur metal gear solid icon lol btw how u dfind me everywhere i go lol

January 4th, 09, 12:52 AM
wait im 2 in human years so whats the diff in years between cat and human?

January 4th, 09, 01:02 AM
I dunno pancake I think?

January 4th, 09, 07:59 PM
lol wtf is pancake

January 4th, 09, 10:03 PM
yumm *drools*

Let's just say 16 mmhmm

January 4th, 09, 10:25 PM
Name: Kathryn Ravenclaw
Age: 28 in dolphin years
Role: I will be your mommy.

January 4th, 09, 10:27 PM
yay more family :3

January 4th, 09, 10:41 PM
ok so ur going to take care of me (name in rp: shiori) (2 in human years) oh and btw i think dolphins have the same life span as humans so ud be like 28 lol

January 4th, 09, 10:42 PM
oh yea and snake (idk if thats what he wants to be clalled) as soon as i find some more people we can get this rp really going cuz its the kind where u can do anything u want

January 4th, 09, 10:52 PM
name:ray sledle

age:17 in cat years

role: older brother

occupation:sword assassin

family duty: looks out for younger siblings and family as a guard

January 4th, 09, 11:24 PM
I'll just repost my bio :3

January 5th, 09, 12:23 AM
i hope more people join soon

January 5th, 09, 12:33 AM
yes that would make the rp so much more fun for all invloved.

January 5th, 09, 12:38 AM
I'll join as Snake's Aide... Otacon
Otacon: Hello *waves in the MKIII Screen*

January 5th, 09, 01:06 AM
*Zombie voice* NEEEEED MORE PEOPLE!!!!!

January 6th, 09, 12:39 AM
who the fuck is sasuke? and let me get this straight iim 2 and my name is shiori snake is my brother arfan is my mommy and ray is the older bro *btw if u want to be an assassin u could be or main enemy and #1 threat ;)* and then some1 i have no idea who she is is sasukes aid

January 6th, 09, 12:44 AM
I asked Sasuke to join but......he made it confusing
Sorry :3

January 6th, 09, 03:16 AM
sorry i meant Snake's aide i made a bad typos x.x

January 6th, 09, 10:57 AM
its ok ^^ *satsuki (me) toddled out of her baby bed with a saturated diaper annd began looking for her mommy, after she found her she began snuggling up close to her* i thought its time to get it going =/ even if its with something like that (btw r u only snakes aide even though were siblings?)

January 6th, 09, 11:18 AM
*begins to cry as im cuddled up with mommy*

January 6th, 09, 03:45 PM
"what is wrong my my sweet satsuki and how can mommy make you batter other a possible diaper change?"

January 6th, 09, 04:17 PM
Name: Jeremy
Age: 26
Role: I can be your daddy ;)

January 6th, 09, 10:38 PM
mommy I is thirsty :3

January 6th, 09, 10:55 PM
*sniffles* i had a bad dweam

January 6th, 09, 11:23 PM
(Yea as a helper for Snake x.x if you are familiar with MGS >o>)

January 6th, 09, 11:30 PM
"dont worry satsuki mommy will make it all better with a diaper change and some nice ootamel for breakfast."

January 7th, 09, 12:32 AM
*hugs mommy tight*

January 7th, 09, 12:34 AM
"i'll help."

January 7th, 09, 12:34 AM

January 7th, 09, 12:38 AM
"wats the matter snake?"

January 7th, 09, 12:40 AM
I feelz lefted outz ;,;

January 7th, 09, 12:41 AM
I feelz lefted outz ;,;

"how about this i'll let u help if u do wat i say that good 4 u?"

January 7th, 09, 12:46 AM
( so ur gonna take up my offer and be like the antagonist in the rp and let snake join u?)

January 7th, 09, 12:47 AM
^w^ kay

January 7th, 09, 12:48 AM
( so ur gonna take up my offer and be like the antagonist in the rp and let snake join u?)

(na not that i'm the older bro who's job is 2 b a sword assassin)

January 7th, 09, 12:50 AM
yeah >:3

January 7th, 09, 12:52 AM
^w^ kay

"come on then."

January 7th, 09, 01:06 AM
what are we gownna do big bruther

January 7th, 09, 01:10 AM
"well ur gonna help make breakfast 4 u and ur sister."

January 7th, 09, 01:43 AM
*falls asleep while holding on to mommy*

January 7th, 09, 04:16 AM
cans i be your lil bro 1.5 human years

January 7th, 09, 11:56 AM
name: kirara
age:10 but looks 5 as she is very small
gneder female
appearece : kirara is a beutiful young neko who looks more liek a tiger girl then a normal neko as her fir is pure white with black stripes with saphire blue eys .

back rground : she is homless and wears diapers though she doent actulyl need htem she whers them for security and wil luse them somtimes. she also has a set of throwing knives for defence and is good at martialarts

part of the fmailye: gets adopted fomr the street and becomes a bigg sister

January 7th, 09, 12:57 PM
um konner we already got to much family as it is dude lol but u can start ur own family and when others join then yous can bewhat ever you want to be (u can even be an assassin like creed) and awsome i wanted a big sis ^^ as u can see i have a lot of bors, i just wish arfan would get online soon cuz i still need to get out of my wet diaper lol =p

January 7th, 09, 01:04 PM
hes working . telel me is the rp here or in cht cos im dotn knwo how to acess chat rp
kira is a ninja aswel lasbeing homelss her main weposn are her fighting skils butshrhas nujaku aswel landthrowing knives

January 7th, 09, 10:19 PM
( hug? XD u seriously gotta slow down and check ur tyrping for spelling errors cuz i cant read what u said =p)

January 7th, 09, 11:59 PM
i siad is the rp here or in chat cos if its in chat i dont know how to access it and i said kira is a nija with mostly martialarts as her weapon but also uses throwing knives and nujcku

January 8th, 09, 12:14 AM
oh! ok! no just go to search and type in neko then scroll down and look ;)

January 8th, 09, 12:19 AM
*frilly voice* ChEeSe DoOdLe OuO

January 8th, 09, 12:27 AM
kiara "spiritstripe " konoko was sat on a bench in thepark eating fish and chips that shed jsut boaught with some money she made and waslookign into the window of a very happy lookign fmaily with lots of brothers and only one little girl and she longed ot be free of her life as a homless nija she want a fmaily to accept her but most were to scred since she had quite a grim reputatio nso seh just went on hoppping . she was naked aprt fomm a dandolia of throwing knives and a pull up diaper and the bpack on her back. she wastiny andlooked like a 5 year old or younger even thoug hshe was older...

January 8th, 09, 01:57 AM
*frilly voice* ChEeSe DoOdLe OuO

that's not till later

January 8th, 09, 02:00 AM
(????? waht was that talkign aobut nayway i malittle confused)
kirara finishs her food and goes to her little hsakc where she sleeps as she is nackerd

January 8th, 09, 02:03 AM
*looks out the window and sees a little girl on the curb opens window*

"hey u homeless?"

January 8th, 09, 02:11 AM
*gets woken up by her older brother yelling to the homelss girl) big bwother whats wrong? (looks out the window and sees what hes staring at) i tink dat giwl sad can she come in her with us? pweexe big bwother

January 8th, 09, 02:11 AM
(and XD snake)

January 8th, 09, 02:12 AM

*goes and picks up girl and takes her in.*

January 8th, 09, 02:14 AM
*thr girl kicks her feetinto creeds chest hard and flips out of his grasp then lands in a neat cruoch *
"i recomend oyu dont do that agin mr what do yo uwant with me any way ?

January 8th, 09, 02:22 AM
Snake: You wooked sad... D= pwease don't kick mah big bwother...he ish friendly

January 8th, 09, 02:23 AM
*walks over to them* he was only twying to helps u cus u dont have a home

January 8th, 09, 02:23 AM
*slaps snake in back of head* i was talking meany

January 8th, 09, 02:24 AM
(XD snake u coulda had a V8)

January 8th, 09, 02:26 AM
(Noo cheesecake is bettah, unless you is obese den you no needz it >:3)

January 8th, 09, 02:27 AM
( or ur black then u need kfc and watermelon XD oh wait no thats racist....)

January 8th, 09, 02:28 AM
*talks to the homeless girl* ur wearing a diaper wike me!

January 8th, 09, 02:29 AM
( or ur black then u need kfc and watermelon XD oh wait no thats racist....)

nahh kfc and kool-aid

January 8th, 09, 02:29 AM
yes iam so waht of it? and if oyu wantto help me dont let oyur brothers near me for awhile i dont do wel l with men

January 8th, 09, 02:32 AM
>:3 Snake: I ish 2!!!

January 8th, 09, 02:35 AM
"I am here to give you a home of want one and I can help you feel more comfortable with a roof over your head."

January 8th, 09, 02:39 AM
i dont care your stil l male

and who are you lady? whos home is this and wh oare oy upeople

January 8th, 09, 02:39 AM
i sowwy i didnt means to make u mad *eyes become teary* i jus wnated to help

January 8th, 09, 02:40 AM
mommy i no think she wants to wive wif us can we go home my diaper wet

January 8th, 09, 02:42 AM
i mtalkign to the adult kid not you i have much to do pelase leave me be now .

January 8th, 09, 02:44 AM
(i thought u wanted a home and a family >.>) u is a bish

January 8th, 09, 02:45 AM
Snake: D=. Dat girl is a meanie

January 8th, 09, 02:45 AM
( i thought that would be necessary XD we can say i heard it off of something off of tv)

January 8th, 09, 02:48 AM
( no she does want a home but she hasnt sdelt with norml people for along time and shes got certin conditiosn that make her a dnageorus ninja but not a peopele perso yet)

how aold are yo utwo that yo ucnat evne talk properly jeez now waht part of leave me alone did yo unot get
(kiraradonet trust anyone)

January 8th, 09, 02:48 AM
( i thought that would be necessary XD we can say i heard it off of something off of tv)

(well...it's only the truth)

January 8th, 09, 02:51 AM
i dont care if is onwy 2 u stiwll in diapers wike me meany

January 8th, 09, 02:52 AM
*goes inside the house gets some of snakes cheese doodles and brings thm out to kirara* (lol btw y u take the demon cats name off of inuyasha?)

January 8th, 09, 02:52 AM
Snake: haha
Kirara and kilala

January 8th, 09, 02:53 AM
"I am their mother who take s car of them at all times and I would like to at least give a trial to see you like living with us."

January 8th, 09, 02:54 AM
(( kriasattitude is delibrate later she softewnns up but i liek cuasing conflict early o n it makes things more intersting)

wahts your point yo usilly girl ? my reson for waering diapers are my own but ibet yo uwil lfind mine stay clean longer then yours

January 8th, 09, 02:55 AM
*goes inside the house gets some of snakes cheese doodles and brings thm out to kirara* (lol btw y u take the demon cats name off of inuyasha?)

(i dint iiwas using it for a chracter s spirit gaurdian for ages i neverathched inuyasha )

the tiger gir lsnatches them devours them then gives the packet back without a thanks. als o lady do yo uthink i want to live iwht abunch of babies wh ocant evne tlak probperly or keep their pants dry? * the family notice she has anumber o weposn and give she semes so youg this is qute worring adiaper and a bnadoiar of knifes and abet with nuchucks in it is al lshe iswaering,

January 8th, 09, 02:56 AM

January 8th, 09, 02:58 AM
*blushes* so =( at weast im not big wike you i bewong in diapers but u wook like a big baby

January 8th, 09, 02:59 AM
but if u wike wearing diapers ill share some wif you....

January 8th, 09, 02:59 AM
*blushes* so =( at weast im not big wike you i bewong in diapers but u wook like a big baby

yeah! >:3

January 8th, 09, 03:05 AM
*this last commet cuases kirar to draw a dagger and put it close t o snakes neck but not neko girls *
are oy ugoing to say that agin kid? she asks dnageorusly

January 8th, 09, 03:07 AM
*pulls out M9tranq and shoots*
Go to sweep bish

January 8th, 09, 03:08 AM
*doesnt do anything to protect snake but diaper finally beginsto leak causing a noticably giant wet spot to form on the front of her pants* (and in the rp my name is satsuki ;) ) huh?

January 8th, 09, 03:09 AM
Mommeh satsuki wet herself

January 8th, 09, 03:09 AM
(ignore snakes last comment >.> ) no mk 29 oicws allowed >=( cant u read the sign?!

January 8th, 09, 03:11 AM
( XD well damn she never changed it, and it got wet as soon as i woke up on the very first post to start rp)

January 8th, 09, 03:11 AM
Neglective mommy?

January 8th, 09, 03:12 AM
the tiger remove the dart unefected due to her nija trainig then whaks him with a well palced tiger claw i nhsi stomach winidng and knoking him oover

and im kiara " spiritstripe" konoko mybe youve heard of me starts to fele l alittle drowsy waht did that little turd do to me. *quckly admisnsters somthgi ntoherslf that conteracts the effect of the trank .

(night night folks)

January 8th, 09, 03:14 AM
>:3 you win this time

January 8th, 09, 03:14 AM
*hugs her while shes sleeping* night night sissy

January 8th, 09, 03:14 AM
(oh and b4 u go read sister rp)

January 8th, 09, 03:15 AM
next time il ldo more damge kid no leave me alone iam so tired

January 8th, 09, 03:15 AM
I am telling you we have a neglative mother

January 8th, 09, 03:16 AM
next time il ldo more damge kid no leave me alone iam so tired

>=D I'm sure

January 8th, 09, 03:17 AM
i tink snake went night night too mommy *grabs him by the ankle to the house slowly dragging him over jagged rocks ragged asphalt and some chigarweed* tere we go iwe home snake ^^ *does all this without knowing that ur back is prob bleeding and u now got chigars*

January 8th, 09, 03:18 AM
pweese no hurt my bwother kirara =( *hugs good night* bye bye

January 8th, 09, 03:19 AM
umm owwie

January 8th, 09, 03:25 AM
sowwy bubby =/ *feels bowels realese* i need mommy *begins to cry* (yea we need child services over here >.> lol)

January 8th, 09, 03:27 AM
yeah. ^^;
I afraid to go cause dat

January 8th, 09, 03:28 AM
man ill get a ban for that....fuck u diaper anime so what in rl i got bladder weakness probs got a prob with it ?

January 8th, 09, 03:30 AM
quickly edit that or you Getz temp ban!!

January 8th, 09, 03:38 AM
idc ill make a new profile and if i get ip ban ill hack >.>

January 8th, 09, 03:39 AM
"woah we dont need any confkict here at all and snake please say you are sorry for being rude to our guest."

January 8th, 09, 03:40 AM
But she left...<<;

January 8th, 09, 03:42 AM
*wets* darn coodint howld it anymorez D=

January 8th, 09, 03:50 AM
*I change everyones diapers with care, dress them in their pj's, and tucks into my with me with the sides up.*

January 8th, 09, 03:54 AM
awee I'm not tired mommy...

January 8th, 09, 04:03 AM
"you can play in my room until you are tired snake and when you rae tired climb into bed with mommy&satsuki."

January 8th, 09, 04:05 AM
nevermind I'll go to bed
*crawls in bed with mother and Satsuki*

January 8th, 09, 04:08 AM
"good night my sweet babies and I hope we can find anew home for that poor girl zzzzzzzzzz."

January 8th, 09, 12:14 PM
*sits on patio on second floor looking at the night sky*

"wat happened 2 that girl 2 make her not like guys?............... well she'll warm up to me eventually. i better keep my distance 4 the time being."

January 8th, 09, 01:03 PM
*notices snakes in the bed too, gets jealous, and pushes him off the side and goes back to sleep*

January 8th, 09, 01:03 PM
*cuddles up closer to mommy sucking on my thumb*

January 8th, 09, 03:00 PM
"you are right about her behavior and attitiude which are based livin g the streets which no family."

January 8th, 09, 10:08 PM
ya but she'll warm up 2 us eventually. as they say good things come in good time.

January 8th, 09, 10:26 PM
i was asked to join
user bio
age: uknown adolescence
skills: elitist in ninjitsu and kendo
but i am not in the family i am the menace

January 8th, 09, 10:28 PM
*walks up to kirara* you there little girl do you know anyone named satsuki she is a little girl who i am here to take and deliver to a scientist so he can extract her powerful magic aura from her tell me and you live tell anyone what i told you or refuse to speak up and ill kill you swiftly with my sword

January 8th, 09, 10:32 PM
who are you mr? *then tiger clawss him in the stomach for metionig little knocking him down. get lost creep

January 8th, 09, 10:41 PM
*quickly grabs you by the throat and snakebites the pressure point in your neck causing temporary paralys* your gutsy for a kid in diapers huh? but i think ud make a pretty good ninja but unfortunatly for you i dont train babies *unsheathes sword*

January 8th, 09, 10:43 PM
*goes outside to help kirara*

January 8th, 09, 10:45 PM
so yo uthink your tough that yo ucn beat up a litlte girl do yo u *gags* wel lthas very sad
wh oare yo u and waht do yo uwant *thernmention to her diapers csues and unexpeceted vioelnt reactio nwhiel tlaking she unshehts asmal ldagger with her limited movement dipped in a powerful poisen and slepeing draugh and ajbs iit inot him hard then presses somthign so it beomces barbed then paseses out

January 8th, 09, 10:48 PM
*sees satsuki throws kirara to the ground and grabs satsuki by the throat* "hehe there you are. sorry kid but im gonna have to take your magic aura then kill you" *quickly rushes back to the underground lab jumping through the trees* thoughts: ill go back for that other girls later she would make a good ninja

January 8th, 09, 10:52 PM
thoughts: i better go ahead and get this dagger out that old coot has an antidote *unsheathes sword and cuts out the dagger* "hmph shes pretty cocky" *enters the underground lab, throws satsuki in a cell and takes an antidote* "hmmm maybe if i create a trail for them to follow ill capture that assassin too if he comes to save her"

January 8th, 09, 10:56 PM
kiara soone wakes up thestrangerdint know who spirit strkie was and how she got the name the posine /sleping draght starts to take effect on the strnager and kria gives chase anfd soon finds the stranger. and saysy
" iam spiritstrike perhaps youve heards of me i know most of theadakr nijas have your bigger and streong that cnat be denyed probebly better triangd but your really sick if the try to stele lkids hsow me yo uhave some honour fught me and spre my sister
your better then iam in many watys but i have somthgin yo ulack, i have somthign to gfight for so bring it on

January 8th, 09, 11:20 PM
*hears wat is happening and stands in front of the girls facing the ninja*

"leave now or suffer."

*pulls sword out*

January 8th, 09, 11:22 PM
"I hope everyone is ok right now and I will help with any wounds that occurred in the recent fighting."

January 8th, 09, 11:24 PM
*notices snakes in the bed too, gets jealous, and pushes him off the side and goes back to sleep*

hey >:3

January 8th, 09, 11:26 PM
wwho are yo u.are yo uworking with that other wierdo who kidnapped that baby?*its plain kirar hsnt senen the new arrival lbefore
thwkira stands next ot the sowrds men and fomrs the tiger claw that leadins into her signuiture and devastating technighwuq that she wasknown for

January 8th, 09, 11:30 PM
"i'm known as the silent shadow. i'll b back i have 2 take care of someone 1st. i know this guy is expecting me but a small surprise will b waiting 4 him."

January 8th, 09, 11:38 PM
"I have a fancy computer that Shane gave to me when I arrived in the house and it might be able to track that scum that took my daughter satsuki."

January 8th, 09, 11:39 PM
i wil ldela with him * as her eyes strt to glow blue* dont stay here shadow now im chrging i cnt pull back . her haneds start to glow then she runs lignting dfast inot the stranger and then says spirititstrike nojutsu and the claw conecets and sends the bady guy flying inot the wall with more htne jsut a winded hes motionless for now . then kira frees her sister and tkaes her home and collapse when she reaches htehouse aprantly thayt amaxzing attack drined her alot
( conner this wason;y lthe first fight ther wil lbe others so dont get mad youvej sut bene beat oaky there wil lbe plenmty more )

January 8th, 09, 11:52 PM
*picks up kira and lays her on bed*

"i guess i'll sleep in the hall."

*goes gets satsuki and puts her back in bed then sleeps in hallway.*

January 8th, 09, 11:56 PM
kria sleeps for a few hours then she wakes up needing to pee badly so she lets lose i nher diaper thne starts traing before the others awke

January 9th, 09, 12:08 AM
( XD conor my bro in rl and saw ur posts and was like ....wtf i was inside my hide out -_-) *wakes up and warches kirara* hewo

January 9th, 09, 12:11 AM
(the evil one and waht wwwere oy ulike wtf for i told yo u sprit strike nwas asignificnat nick name ididnt i . also she tacked hi mcos he was not ver yvcarefull leaving a tral right ot his door rather then the fake tril he wanted me to follow)

hello sasuki how are yoi im tfelelig nmuch stonger now were yo uscred last night ?*saskuki ntoice the slight discolouration on the front of kiras diaper *

January 9th, 09, 12:11 AM
*silently watches kirara from the tree branches* thoughts: how the fuck did i get my ass kicked its like they all just appered there

January 9th, 09, 12:13 AM
(actually i wanted u to come so i could capture u and help u train but u didnt even come u just appeared -_-" and slow down i know what my sis meant when she says its hard to understand you >.<)

January 9th, 09, 12:14 AM
wakes up and sees kira training but desides 2 leave her alone and watches in the shadows

January 9th, 09, 12:17 AM
sees the man again and jumps down*

wat do u want? leave now or suffer the consequences."

January 9th, 09, 12:19 AM
kiras tecniniwue is expenalt and he flet her jutsu evne though he want i nthe roo mso she is obviously powerful but she ahanst tpped her ful lpower yet the sahdow who is far more experioanceed cn see this also kira s cnt yet snese hiddne he knows htis cos she hasnt noticed him yet

(waht happend was yo uleft a careless trail that kirara followed thaat rather then your set up trial . also al she saw was a strainger trying to hurt her famaily she dindt think maybe he want ed to trin her espec since he siad steal your aura and kil l me . see where im comming from?)

January 9th, 09, 12:27 AM
*wasnt expecting the assassin, becomes starteled, loses footing on tree branch and slowly falls to the grond hitting several tree branches" @.@ ouch *gets up shaking head* *mumbles* asshole >.> "i didnt come to do anything u jerk i came to see how good she was then i scared the crap outta me now ive been exposed >.< actually im a ninja but i work for others if they hire me like a mercenary idc about killing anyone in particular it was my job >.> although that kid satsuki may be a todd;er but has a strong magic aura. too bad she doesnt know how to control it or even know what it is because its highly unstable and can do anything just watch your asses >.>

January 9th, 09, 12:29 AM
*giggles at watching the man fall* silly =P

January 9th, 09, 12:31 AM
kirara then sees the srranger and walsk out
" waht are oy udoign here stranger dint my spirit strike jursu teach you anything waht do yo uwant ? and waht are yo utlaking aobut

January 9th, 09, 12:43 AM
"wow i fall out of a tree and the baby laughs at me -_-" and u need to cool it kid ur not the only one around here who can use techniques >.> i just dont like using them on girls expecially little girls, and girls still in diapers at that >.< and a good ninja wouldve realised i was there as soon as i came. but i cant believe you didnt know about thatchilds aura. everyone has an invisible aura that represents strangth courage and wisdom if they excel in wisdom the aura is blue if they excel in strength its red and if they excel in courage its green but very rarly the aura will be a diffrent color than any of those ,purple for ninjitsu skills, orange for telekenesis, black if that person requires stable (learned and controlled)magic, and silver if that person has magic ability but its uncontrolled or unknown to its user i myself have a purple aura because i can use shadow techniqes and can see other people auras, im guessing when she grows up she will be able to control fire, use telepathy and telekinesis and be able to mess with other peoples minds , if shes really powerful she'll be able to read and controll the out come ouf the future"

January 9th, 09, 12:44 AM
and by the way kid i couldve easily escaped ur spirit jutsu by dissolving into the shadows of the underworld

January 9th, 09, 12:44 AM
then y did u take my younger sister as well as kira?

January 9th, 09, 12:48 AM
amazingly strnager htat dont help aginst my jsutsus and he dint take me coner i jsut tracked him to his lair and slammed him . mr if oy ugcould have avoind my jutsu why dint you huh. if oyu could have you would have burt al liwanted to do was get my sister home i jsut wanted oy usubjued.*both boys notice the discolouratio no nher diaper which makesher point slightly harder to take seriously. strnager oen last thing never underestimate your opponet jsut cos im smller then yo uand loo k babyish dont mena im waek understand

January 9th, 09, 12:51 AM
oh and i did notice u as soon as u arrived

January 9th, 09, 12:55 AM
"ok for one i had no damn idea u were there so didnt have time to react but i will now if u think your so high and mighty!" *performs hand motions at blinding speed and a giant hole of darkness opens up under u causing u to fall down then closes up around your neck so ur hands feet and the rest of your body are trapped in the abyss and are directly above the ninth gate of hell and just in case u can use a jujitsu with ur eyes *suppresses her abilitys for a temporary time* for about thirty minutes your just like everyone else, you have no ability and once u admit that i am supirior to you i will let u stay there...but i should warn you for every hour r there ull sink even deeper so in 8 hours youll fall through the abyss and into the ninth gate of hell" oh and u the assassin heres a present for you *does the same thing to him as he did to kirara* im tired of being attacked >.>

January 9th, 09, 12:55 AM
wwaht are oyu on about ? as osns as i arrived iwasonly in side trhe house then i saw you throug hthe window tlking to that git there

January 9th, 09, 12:56 AM
"oh and to answer u i took ur baby sister because that guy hired me to take her to him....i took that other girl though just because i was hoping to train her and make her better"

January 9th, 09, 12:57 AM
wait a minute if u werent the girl outside then who did i paralize?!.....oh sht -_-"

January 9th, 09, 12:58 AM
(omg XD i forgot to log her off before i posted so yes i am conor -_- i swear we need to remember to log off >.<)

January 9th, 09, 12:58 AM
(if mutl chractering use diffnet text or somthing pelase if thats not to much trouble makes it weasier to split up if ther in thesmae convo)
you know mr iam stood here anmd if oy uwanted to trin me and make me better why did oy utlakaobut stelaing my sisters magical aura thne killing her or was that me do yo u really think im gonan cooparate if oy uoopen a concersation wliek that or dont you think when yo uopen your gob?

January 9th, 09, 12:59 AM
>.< srry about that

January 9th, 09, 01:01 AM
( its oaky iknwo you two are bro and sis its jut easier for me that way liek ill try to slow down so you can read it better. im not sure oy uneed ot log off each time jsut say which chracter is talking or use dinfert colours it donet really matter)

January 9th, 09, 01:02 AM
" it was my job child" *releases you from the abyss along with your brother * i had to deliver that baby to him but when he extracted the aura there was no way he could do it without killing her, and why r u talking like a baby cant u pronounce words correctly yet?" (and no shes not multicharactered i forgot to log her off before i posted >.<)

January 9th, 09, 01:03 AM
( btw i thought u didnt wan to be apart off there family yet)

January 9th, 09, 01:04 AM
" by the way kid.....um i think ur dam burst -_-"

January 9th, 09, 01:06 AM
( i was just sugesting a posibly easier way i should mention iam slightly dyslexic which acocunts ofr some of my mistakes and spelling errors however its mostly rushing too much)

im not talking like a baby waht gave you that idea are you incinuating somthing? *forgets she is in awet diaper and look s liek a 4 year old* for your infomation ther is somewords i cant pronouce pwoperwy yet looks down and blushes as she forgot she woke up then wet her diaper cos it was conveiant

January 9th, 09, 01:06 AM
" heres you gows sissy" *gives her an unopened diaper

January 9th, 09, 01:07 AM
=/ hmmm *confused as HELL*

January 9th, 09, 01:08 AM
"u think that pitiful excuse 4 a gen jutsu would work? watch this."

blinding hand signs

monster appears and grabs man

"leave now."

January 9th, 09, 01:11 AM
are yo ucalling my spiritstrike jutsu ,. do yo urelly think thatsal li can do now iam realy insulted il lahve oy uknow i am thestrongest child nija in this countyr and posibly the world and oy usay my jutsu was weak. that want fully chchrged yo uknow GRRR why does eveyr one asumme that jsut cos im smal l that im weak it makes me so mad

January 9th, 09, 01:17 AM
i never said that u just need 2 control it more and i'm willing 2 help

January 9th, 09, 01:20 AM
i n waht way was it not controleld you wenrt even there to witness it. it had the effect of imobilising him so wahts hte problem.? and why are oy ulooking at me like that

January 9th, 09, 01:23 AM
=/ hmmm *confused as HELL*

to clear thinks up for you sukkair waskidnapped and kira wnet ot help her and then creed apperaerd in the new bad guys base thats conner . then kira knocked hhim over and imobilised hi mwith a jutshu then cmae back with sasuki and felelaslepp the the next day the bad guy arrived agin and now me and creed are talking to him you can chip i nany time if yo uwant

January 9th, 09, 01:26 AM
*kicks bad guy and runs*
Take that! >=D

January 9th, 09, 01:27 AM
"clear ur mind and concentrate."

January 9th, 09, 01:27 AM
ok thats it! *makes a transmutation circle in the air with hands, the circle then glows red and he becomes a giant demon* if u really want to make me your enemy go ahead! but as you can see a made a deal with satan long ago, i gave him my soul and in rutun have everlasting life and cant be killed! *roars and rips the bites the monsters head off* "ill let you think twice bout this question, are you sure you want me for an enemy?"

January 9th, 09, 01:28 AM
*grabs snake and starts to crush his bones by gripping him with unbearable force in his hand* "give up or ill kill your little brother"

January 9th, 09, 01:29 AM
cant be killed ? i ahveencounter soul seleorsbefore they cn al lbe killed stop waisting oyur time on petty illusionos and either go or stay and talk. i dont make a habit of makign enimies and icna see that is an illuson a clever and powerful iluson but an ilusion al lthesame and shadow yo usaid my jtsu was poor. your sick stranger really yo uare i cll theclesti llight to bnaish this demon and restore the man he was and that the sclestialsmay show him love he needs.

*though nowehre near aspowerufl as thestrnager she glows and flots up and a voice that is nto hers speacks through her*

you are a great wariior conner but killign hthis innocnet child wil learn yo unothing let him go and be at peace if oy uwish to stay teh nstay and tlak but dont not threathen this child or the young girl yo uare better then this demon i implore you dont do this

January 9th, 09, 01:31 AM
ok thats it! *makes a transmutation circle in the air with hands, the circle then glows red and he becomes a giant demon* if u really want to make me your enemy go ahead! but as you can see a made a deal with satan long ago, i gave him my soul and in rutun have everlasting life and cant be killed! *roars and rips the bites the monsters head off* "ill let you think twice bout this question, are you sure you want me for an enemy?"

ahhhh me and beezlebub go back =D
But don't try to kill me
If you insist

January 9th, 09, 01:32 AM
"sissy he weal he not fake!"

January 9th, 09, 01:35 AM
*yourelaise kira cnt here oy uand she is currnetly occupied by a hire force then herslf *

conner let the boy alone are oy ureally that heartless , fight the demon dont let it consume yo u it wil lbe your own destruction. fight it and let him go if oy ukil lhim your fate wil lbe sealed

January 9th, 09, 01:36 AM
no I want him to do it sister

January 9th, 09, 01:36 AM
kira u can beat him just believe and consintrate clear ur mind

January 9th, 09, 01:38 AM
*laughs* an illusion is it >=) *crushes snakes body, and summons demons that rip the assassin to shreds" give up and ill bring them back to life with reanimation jutsu or ill keep them dead becase right now they are in hell so either u give up and they come back or refuse to and let them burn for all eternity"

January 9th, 09, 01:39 AM
*turns head 180*
Connor you can't kill the dead!

January 9th, 09, 01:40 AM
"and i am conor >=) i have not been possessed by the demon i am the demon for you see i was about to die, i wouldve gone to heaven but god wouldnt give me a second chance so i made a deal with satan for eternal life and ultimate power as long as i agreed to let him have full control of my soul thus when the world ends i will be in hell but i can killl all i want now so i dont need to fight anything but you"

January 9th, 09, 01:41 AM
"ur right i cant *sends you through the ninth gate of hell* " but satan can keep your soul and body"

January 9th, 09, 01:42 AM
( and god dammit u think id spell my own god damn name wrong?! look at my username its spelled conor >.> i dont have the american spelling i got the irish)

January 9th, 09, 01:44 AM
(no its real clesletial power jsut liek yours is areal demon)

you were warnd coner as the kira and clestials become one and
then strijkke him down tearign the demon fomr hsi body and banishing it and seriosuly injsunig him then one of them brings snake back to l thereal world and kira lands o nthe gorund compeltly dreined but conner is now wel land trully beaten aswell he relaises he has underestimated hsi opponet and it has cost him dearly.

conner realsies that was no illusion the pretyt white tiger girl had a true link with the celestial powers thoug hitseffects onher little body were colosal but the power she unleashed was more so .

January 9th, 09, 01:45 AM
"hmph fine i see you want me to be ur enemy" *releases them from hell and dissapears into the shadows* " and by the way change the little girl u god damn child neglectors sh soiled herself >.> (not kirara satsuki) "good bye for now i will kill you next time but for now i got more important matters"

January 9th, 09, 01:46 AM
Satan is mah homie
Ive known him for over 700 years
Your father doesn't love you does he?

January 9th, 09, 01:46 AM
*makes kirara burst into hell fire flames* "u shall burn!"

January 9th, 09, 01:47 AM
Te celstials save her fomr the flames and she is unharmed for now then they say to him after the fgir lhad passt:
out we dont wnat oy uas an enemy conner niehter does that poor family al lwe want is to bring yo uback form the darkness and save you. its not to late to change conner we cn help yo upurge the darkness if oy ulet us if oy udont you wil lnever win aginst us this is our promise toyou . then they are gone

and kira is grey creed knowsthatwith some tring she cn tap this amazingf power and use it yo uher own contorl but not yet

January 9th, 09, 01:51 AM
(its boring if oy ukilled thechracters thisearly notice the clestials dint kill oy uevne thoug hthey had the chance cos htye want yo uto change not die as ademon of chos)

January 9th, 09, 01:54 AM
yeah....ima go watch crayon shin chan

January 9th, 09, 01:58 AM
( irl or rp > snake that comment made before worired me slightly please refrin form that okay if oy udont mind the saten is my homie thing, its disturbinmg)kira slepes for alogn time then wakes up finding the clestial powers had made her wet and mess her diaper so she goes to find mommy for a change she knows she dont need diapers shewaersthem purly ofr pelasure andsecurity so thsi wetitng and mesisng comes as ashock to her

January 9th, 09, 02:03 AM
a puff of smoke shows and sneeks up behind and cuts off the man's head.

"that's y they call me the shadow."

January 9th, 09, 02:06 AM
(who thedmeon? or somone else whos acontract cos we dont want to kil lthedmon yet we want to help him)

err sasuki? what is the women who looksafter us called i need ot assk her for a change *she staggers alittle *

January 9th, 09, 02:13 AM
my name satsuki sissy, and her name is mommy

January 9th, 09, 02:14 AM
but she is nto my mummy waht would i cal lher rfelesthefront and abkc of her diaper in dismay*thne reachs for her rucksack
(im goiong to bed soon but not wuite yet okay so if i go ofline suddnely ive gone to bed)

January 9th, 09, 02:15 AM
i need a diaper change =(

January 9th, 09, 02:16 AM
i dont know but does dis mean ur my big sister kiwara?

January 9th, 09, 02:18 AM
wel laslonfg as that oni is around yo uneed theclestials to protect yo uand the fmailit y which means ive got to stay here . im not sure if im your big sister really im nto much biggeer then yo uwhich is really embaressing i suppsoe i could be but i dont knwo whow we should as kmummy and make her aware of the risks of the oni

January 9th, 09, 02:20 AM
i wish i had a big sissy i no wike my bwothers =(

January 9th, 09, 02:22 AM
( irl or rp > snake that comment made before worired me slightly please refrin form that okay if oy udont mind the saten is my homie thing, its disturbinmg)kira slepes for alogn time then wakes up finding the clestial powers had made her wet and mess her diaper so she goes to find mommy for a change she knows she dont need diapers shewaersthem purly ofr pelasure andsecurity so thsi wetitng and mesisng comes as ashock to her

1. Irl on YouTube but on tv in rp

2. It's strictly platonic (I'm straight) and I'm no satanist if that's what you thought I was implying....I'm bhuddist

3. Where IS our mommy? O.o

January 9th, 09, 02:23 AM
i wish i had a big sissy i no wike my bwothers =(

>:3. Why not?!

January 9th, 09, 02:27 AM
( do oy uobth want kriar to hello p with diapers while mummy isnt here pretending to be mummy or hjsut as myslf of course she has to lear nfirst. i wasnt oimplying that yo uwere asatenist its jut im beliving christian so i take things re saten ver ysrerious ly jsut so yo uknow . im not a prude )

kiara looksaround for mummy and donet find her so finds away t o change herslf andputson oneofher fresh speacial diapers that are the only cloths she wears that and some finger gloves.

January 9th, 09, 02:28 AM
*kirara grows to the size she should be for her age* i wished u was big then it came twue

January 9th, 09, 02:29 AM
( ya its annoying how arfan is always missing so could u play both the roles of ur charater and our mommy until she comes back?)

January 9th, 09, 02:31 AM
(she is only 9 yo uknow so shesnto really big anywaty andshe wassmal lcos it made her acute furriy that everyoen understimated id liek ot kepe it that way but we wil lsee waht happens

err okay but im not mwant to be this tall saskuti this hurts me i feell liek my bones are streched nad really sroe pelase wsi hjme back to my right size im stil lgbigger then yo u jsut noyt that much *starts to tear up form the pain of being streatched*

January 9th, 09, 02:32 AM
( i cna try but imake no priomoses okay )

kiearastarts to cry pelase wish me bakc to my right size sis this is agony

January 9th, 09, 02:32 AM
( do oy uobth want kriar to hello p with diapers while mummy isnt here pretending to be mummy or hjsut as myslf of course she has to lear nfirst. i wasnt oimplying that yo uwere asatenist its jut im beliving christian so i take things re saten ver ysrerious ly jsut so yo uknow . im not a prude )

kiara looksaround for mummy and donet find her so finds away t o change herslf andputson oneofher fresh speacial diapers that are the only cloths she wears that and some finger gloves.

(I know watcha mean...I think...and the other thing might be alright...but yeah)

January 9th, 09, 02:36 AM
*their mom paces back and forth wiating for the rturn of her baby girl satsuki from who knows where in the world."

January 9th, 09, 02:38 AM
kriara ans asaskuki walk to see mom and both arei nurgent need of a chnge surpisingly kirara more then sasuki
(waht d oyo umean sanke ? o hthe demon slave nthats sligtly diffnert if thats waht your refering to)

January 9th, 09, 02:46 AM
i sowwy sissy pweese no cwy *wishes back to same size* i wuv you *hugs* but i mish mommy *wishes me and kirara home but leaves snake and shadow there* mommy! *hugs mommy*

January 9th, 09, 02:46 AM
(u need a diaper change more than me?1 wow but i even soiled myself o.o)

January 9th, 09, 02:48 AM
kriara ans asaskuki walk to see mom and both arei nurgent need of a chnge surpisingly kirara more then sasuki
(waht d oyo umean sanke ? o hthe demon slave nthats sligtly diffnert if thats waht your refering to)

(I had it backwards. See I understand your Christian and sadly since Arfan is never here you could change us in the mean time)

January 9th, 09, 02:50 AM
( wel lrember seh was jsu t chanellign theraw power of clestial spirits and she is a very small girl that is also kinda irl i e the diaper change)

waht shall i cal lyo u lady? and pelase will yo uchange me i pooped and peed alot forsomereaons bfore and i brruahgt suki home for yo u some oni tried to take her

January 9th, 09, 02:51 AM
*somehow finds his way home*
Yay mommy
I awlmost gotz murdereded but den big sister saveded me =D

January 9th, 09, 02:51 AM
(snake mommys not in rp just to change us >.> she also loves us (well me she adopted u u just dont know it and she hates you >=) ) and feeds us and stuff u dumb dumb =P)

January 9th, 09, 02:52 AM
sissy do u want to be a baby wike me? then u can wear diapers wifout getting made fun of

January 9th, 09, 02:52 AM
(rember kira is a homless kid )#
(nigth night guys cya tommorowe)

January 9th, 09, 02:53 AM
i wove my diapers i no wanna be potty twained =(

January 9th, 09, 02:54 AM
No kitty dats mah pot pie

January 9th, 09, 02:57 AM
( i mean u dont gotta be a 5 year old u can be 2 if u want ^^ or u can just be incontent although i thinks its cuter when u cried as a 5 year old in diaprs then it would be if u were a real baby =p )

January 9th, 09, 02:57 AM
*wishes snake to the cornfield (off the twilightzone)*

January 9th, 09, 02:58 AM
*kria blushs at her cleecbrating brotehr

" im not to osure sweeit cos i like to be independant and i dont liek to hassle i odnt really get made fun of for liking them and they are kinda ther if i want them but id rather nto need them liek yo uguys to im sure understand

January 9th, 09, 02:59 AM
(night night eveyr oen swwet dreams i hate time diffences im in england and oy uguys areall in america i felel so left out )

January 9th, 09, 03:15 AM
*Kathryn wakes up when she hears her kids are finally home. then she hugs&kisses them all, and starts making diner for everyone in the house.*

January 9th, 09, 03:17 AM
(night night eveyr oen swwet dreams i hate time diffences im in england and oy uguys areall in america i felel so left out )

where I live in America it's 10:15pm right now

January 9th, 09, 04:29 AM
Sakura just moved in next door and came over to introduce herself. Walked in the door wearing a poopy diaper under my skirt.

I wear diapers out of choice
Moved from Osaka Japan
In need of friends
Now that you know me "will someone please change my diaper"

January 9th, 09, 05:05 AM
"sakura did you make another messy for aunty Kathryn to change and come into the house so I can chnge you before you get a rahs on your bum bum."

January 9th, 09, 05:33 AM
OK "giggle"

January 9th, 09, 06:08 AM
*Kathryn starts changing Sakura's massively messy&wet diaper, then wipes her lclena with wipes, next she rolls up&pitches the dirty diapers in the trash, oils, powders, diaper Sajura snugly in a athick nighttime diaper with kitties on it, after that she washses her hands, and tucks Sakira into her big bed with her&satsuki with the sides up.*

January 9th, 09, 06:15 AM
I see i'm spending the night here

January 9th, 09, 11:38 AM
*notices sakura* hewo whos you?

January 9th, 09, 11:38 AM
(oh and thats another reason england sucks =( )

January 9th, 09, 11:40 AM
oh otay i sowwy

January 9th, 09, 12:15 PM
(oh and thats another reason england sucks =( )


January 9th, 09, 01:06 PM
kira emrges form practicing i nthe roo mshe now shres with satsuki and sees tge bnew girl , hello htere who are you ? my name is kira
(afranf if a strnager cmae to the door in a messy diaper yes youd changew her but would you make all that fuss i dont think to u would it might semem alittle wierd to the new girl)

January 9th, 09, 07:27 PM
(not in real life but it works in the rp) "I will convert the extra closets that noone uses into bedrooms and bathrooms for all of my special kids."

January 9th, 09, 09:17 PM
*plays with tail*

January 9th, 09, 09:20 PM
Watches sasuki with amumsment then says
"waht do we do now?"
(i wonder are oy u arfn cgonna ask why kira never wears clothes yet stil ldoent fleel the cold?)

January 9th, 09, 09:26 PM
*walking around in a forest meadow* demonic voice inside of head: "what the hell are you doing?! you know satan wants that girl so go get her!" thoughts: "shut up oni the last time i remember your merged with my soul so im the one in control plus we just got our ass kicked by a little girl in diapers u really wanna go through that again so soon?" demonic voice: " you fool that was no little girl by any means that was a goddess who has inhabited that little girls body and merged with her spirit like you and me" thoughts: hmmm good if thats the case then were headed to the right place right now when i take ur form and power your to buly, slow and cant even jump high, but were going to satan to have him give us demonic wings razor edge claws an aerodynamic body and slimer fiigue so well be able to run, dodge, strike, and kill faster ill also have him grant me the power of the dead. if he wants that girl so badly then he wont refuse" *uses hand signals and opens up the ninth gate of hell then enters* *10 minutes later walks out with angelic demon wings, foot long razor claws, and is 7 feet smaller then the giant demon he once was* hehe now we can kidnap that kid *returns to ninja form and runs out of the forest* demonic voice: i swear ur such a dumb ass >.>

January 9th, 09, 09:35 PM
*sends an army of 500 undead soldiers to satsukis house and orders them to capture the 5 year old girl in the diaper* "hmm i better control my elitist undead soldier from the outskirts of ton so i can be safe but syill make sure the job gets done myself" demonic voice: "your lucky she doesnt know shes in habited by a goddess or shed be able to tap into the ultimate power but even if she did her human body is too weak maybe if she wear older shed be able too but all that power would make her implode" thoughts: "and exactly what is that power?" demonic voice: its a giant wave that destroys the arth only saving who she to save -_- thoughts: wow whn she can use it were screwed arnt we -_-" " demonic voice: yup -_-"

January 9th, 09, 09:37 PM
demonic voice: oh yea when she finds out how to tap her tre power she can also purify ur soul of all evil meaning ill be back to the underworld, satan will lose his grasp on your soul, and youll be a regular mortal again -_-" thoughts: this sucks -_-"

January 9th, 09, 09:39 PM
*hugs tail and falls asleep*