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January 14th, 09, 09:39 PM
*she vanishs then trips yo uup and sits with her diaperd bum on your face then farts then flips off you*

"never diss my size agin devil boy its funnty yo udont regonise me cos i gregonise yo uahvent yo uclicke who iam yet."
and it hurt wen u tripped me plz dont do it agen-fake cry-

Bump: kira dont mean a thing to me
y should it

Bump: kira dont mean a thing to me
y should it

January 14th, 09, 09:41 PM
kicks you quite hrd * "your lying and are oy ugonn stop me jsut beglad i dint have to poop oh and oyur a lusy actor

January 14th, 09, 09:44 PM
-looks around gets up and walks away- i think u mean that purifying girl am i right

January 14th, 09, 09:46 PM
ah hso yo udo know her wel li mnot her since she is now dead but cnayo uguess who i might be?

January 14th, 09, 09:47 PM
the only other person i can think of is my...... -shakes head and runs-

January 14th, 09, 09:51 PM
*the strange girl soon cathcs up *
look devil boy i mnot gonna hurt you get a spine and stop runnig i jsut want to tal kand maybe help you. i promise i wont abuse oy uany more perhaps yo uwant a name from me ?

January 14th, 09, 09:53 PM

January 14th, 09, 09:56 PM
okay my name is kithara i could be descirbed as kiras yang does that make any sense to you i mwarning oy unot to go to lucias and lsel lyour soul its not worth it

January 14th, 09, 10:00 PM
y should i listen to a girl wearing a diaper-thinks of what he is wearing-sigh...i wasnt goin to any way but i hv other stuff to do and i hv actaully been searching for my sis and i found her in that house

Bump: (r u still doin adventure rp)

Bump: (r u still doin adventure rp)

January 14th, 09, 10:02 PM
(yes but i runalot of others os give mefew mins)
who si your sister maybe i cna help you fnd her

January 14th, 09, 10:05 PM
its ok i hv already found her but her name is sasuki(i think)
i wanna go now

January 14th, 09, 10:07 PM
sasuki is badly injsured near t oa hosu ethat ithink is yours her throut is partially slit il lcome with yo uand heal her

January 14th, 09, 10:09 PM

January 14th, 09, 10:13 PM
is somthign funny devil boy? dont make me beat yo uagin

January 14th, 09, 10:17 PM
nothing, nothing at all -mumbles- this diapered midget is so cute its funny

January 14th, 09, 10:18 PM
kithara smilesalittle at hearing this , so tele me whats oyur name devil boy?

January 14th, 09, 10:21 PM
first stop calling me devil boy
my name is raiku

Bump: and y r u smiling

Bump: and y r u smiling

January 14th, 09, 10:23 PM
okay raiku oit is iand im smilign cos yo usiad this diaped midgit is so cute its funny i liek being called cute she giggles schildishly

January 14th, 09, 10:27 PM
ur very strong too unlike me:(

January 14th, 09, 10:36 PM
*wishes spirit back into body* *gasps for air*

January 14th, 09, 10:37 PM
maybe we should get bak to the house now

January 14th, 09, 10:38 PM
yes follwo me through thr portal*opens aprotal to your hosue and sees sasuki stil lbrethign but only jsut and heals her wounds and takesaway al lthe pai npermantly

January 14th, 09, 10:41 PM
thats good now i need sleep or just to realx somewhere quiet-looks over at sasuki then walks away smiling-

January 14th, 09, 10:42 PM
wel loaky il lwatch the baby for a time

January 14th, 09, 10:46 PM
goes out side and just stares at the sky-

January 14th, 09, 10:47 PM
the new kithara wasits with the new girl waiting for her to see wh oshe was as she was slepping

January 14th, 09, 10:49 PM
*emerges from the ground* muahahahaha! i am the most powerful being in the cosmos now!!!!! i got satan to increase my power 110X then i slaughtered him, became ruler of the underworld and gained all his power! im 1110X more powerful then before >=) i even have new abilitys and wings, and horns!" *takes flight then grabs charlay while flying* " so you want to join me do ya?! then you gotta survive a test!" *flies away* your test is...you have to try and injure me once we get to the battle field >=)"

January 14th, 09, 10:49 PM
-comes back in and lies down on sofa the goes to sleep-

January 14th, 09, 10:50 PM
thoughts: hehe they havnt even seen my new sword of eternal darkness or my trident of flames >=)

January 14th, 09, 10:50 PM
huh hey who are you and y did u wake me-bites him to make him let go-

January 14th, 09, 10:53 PM
*emerges from the ground* muahahahaha! i am the most powerful being in the cosmos now!!!!! i got satan to increase my power 110X then i slaughtered him, became ruler of the underworld and gained all his power! im 1110X more powerful then before >=) i even have new abilitys and wings, and horns!" *takes flight then grabs charlay while flying* " so you want to join me do ya?! then you gotta survive a test!" *flies away* your test is...you have to try and injure me once we get to the battle field >=)"
(this is strting to get boring conor no one lieks an invincible chracter but i have a plan sice ther is two kiras now also as soon as oy uwnet near saten hed attack yo uratherthen incress yor u power sicne youve benen purified )

January 14th, 09, 10:55 PM
b.battle field

January 14th, 09, 10:56 PM
thoughts:....wait a minute before i flew off....how did satsukis soul return to her body?! "ok if you want to join me nows the time to prove your worth i want you to kill them" *hands sword of darkness* "hmm no.... this sword weighs 3,641 pounds i dont think u can weild it...." *creats a smaller version of the sword of darkness and hands to charlay* "hehe now youll need armou"r *forges dark helm boots gauntlets and platebody* here equip your self and be prepareed to kill her but i want that baby alive" *hands a mirror shield*" that goddesses powers consist of light so they cant penetrate your dark armour unless you remove it, use the mirror sheild to deflect any projectile shot or throw back at her consumed in darkness, and the sword of eternal darkness has almost unlimet power u even poke ur finger gently with it your finger will be chopped off, its that sharp so it should be easy to subdue that 5 year old human body of hers so if u cant kill the goddess kill the body shes in"

January 14th, 09, 10:56 PM
( not yert conors jsut starting to bug me alitlte and ive told hi min the above post why)

January 14th, 09, 10:57 PM
"i am the new ruler of the underworld i was the demon she thought she purified but i was only faking then i killed satan and gained his power plus u said u wanted to join"

January 14th, 09, 10:58 PM
-turns around and stabs him then runs- SOMEONE HELP ME OUT AHHHHHHH

January 14th, 09, 10:58 PM
( im not invinsible but uve never killed me besides u said i had to actually want to be purified or it would have no effect all i did was Lie)

January 14th, 09, 10:59 PM
(yea and i stabbed u go me)

January 14th, 09, 11:00 PM
*pulls out sword of darkness* " did you really think a sword of darkness would kill me? get your ass back here" *grabs* "if you dont obay ill kill you" (in case you havnt noticed im taking the story line from the legend of zelda >.>)

January 14th, 09, 11:01 PM
(no thepurifycation spll doentwork fully but it works enough to make oy uanenimy beisdes dontmkae it to oeasy isaal lim saying and dalittle peace isnt harmful we dont need confilct al lthe time d owe)

kitara standsiatreeanexact replica or kiara " he y yo udemon get oyurass down here . wh ydont we talk yo umust be oni im kithara im sure yo urembver theotherone theone yo ukilled do you she wil lbe bakc soo nyo uknow then your doomed os lets jsut talk

January 14th, 09, 11:06 PM
*turns around to fly backwords, unsheathes trident of fire, then blasts the tree branch shes on causing her to fall* or u can hit the ground and let me go back to my lair >=)

January 14th, 09, 11:08 PM
kithara simply hovers where the tree was i have a grude with you lets see if yo ucn fight with out stupid tridnets and magik jsut your skilsslvs mine

January 14th, 09, 11:09 PM
*notices aura* thoughts: strange that girl is diffrent although the same she doesnt have the same aura as the last one besides leaving that baby alone isnt a good idea is she stupid...or >=) now is my chance to take the baby and consume her magic...nah thatll makes it too easy" *drops charlay from the air* "hehe that had to hurt"

January 14th, 09, 11:09 PM
you are a coward just flying away to hide
(can i randomly just hit him once having him land on the floor)

Bump: ahh

Bump: ahh

January 14th, 09, 11:11 PM
*flashsandappers by the baby and im not gona let oy uahve her either
form whereim stood oyusmeem liek nothgi nmorethanacowerdly baby hiding behind a mas of grnaduer and ugliness and oyurattitude doeslittle ot change this *sumosn a soft pad ofr chrly to land on

January 14th, 09, 11:11 PM
*takes out trident again this time shoots another beam and hits kithara directly in the chest* "hehe nice try twerp at least your normal size and not in diapers but ill make u incontent eventually just to see your embarrassment" *steps throgh the ninth gate of hell*

January 14th, 09, 11:14 PM
turns invisible(i hv to do this bit) then some how manages to get through the gate.

January 14th, 09, 11:15 PM
*enters hell and seals of gate and immedeatly drops to knees and clutches chest* "dammit oni that twerps prification thing really did do something...it weakened me, but hell will restore my power once i devour demons souls into my own for power demonic voice: you dont know how to use the trident offlames or the sword of darkness, when used correctly the sword of darkness can completly transform even the purestsoul into the darkest evil and the trident of flames can burn them to the soul until there is no soul >.< too me your a noob >.>

Bump: *seals the gate trapping charlay in the abyss until the gate is open by me again* (and btw its not lucious its lucifer =p)

Bump: *seals the gate trapping charlay in the abyss until the gate is open by me again* (and btw its not lucious its lucifer =p)

January 14th, 09, 11:16 PM
*takes out trident again this time shoots another beam and hits kithara directly in the chest* "hehe nice try twerp at least your normal size and not in diapers but ill make u incontent eventually just to see your embarrassment" *steps throgh the ninth gate of hell*
( im guessing your chracter is areal coward isnt he connor as i say dont overpower yourslf make it worht continuing the sml lsize is her normal size btw adn thediapersareagin for fun/security )

*shrinks her slf back to her norml size s and rediapers her slf dam it thsi guy is pathetic kira i hope oy ucome back soon* checks on the little girl *

(thats delibrate thegodess and saten had history and that was his human name )

i nhel lhe hers avoice hsione is thesweet and kinfd voice of the rela kira

yo uwil lnot be fre of the purification spell oni cos o uy resited it and lied it wil lhurt oy ufor each gallent act devouring the souls will pprobably only sate the pain for ashort time and iknwo yo uknwo who iam yo ukilled me

January 14th, 09, 11:18 PM
T,T wtf

January 14th, 09, 11:19 PM
-teleports to the demon- i hv not come to fight now
tell me y u r doing this you have beaten satan so just rule the under world and any one who goes there
or come with me and liv with us
u r weaker right now so come with us and we can heal u instead of devils dying for u

January 14th, 09, 11:23 PM
charly the wi llbe no healing for him he must leanr to suffer so he stops making others suffer cmae the voice thatwasclearly kira

January 14th, 09, 11:24 PM

Bump: if u make him suffer you will be almost as bad as he is either he continues and we kill him or he stops and we help him

Bump: if u make him suffer you will be almost as bad as he is either he continues and we kill him or he stops and we help him

January 14th, 09, 11:34 PM
*wakes up and sees kithara and thinks shes kirara* kiwara! =D *hugs and cuddles*

Bump: *wishes charlay back from hell* tere u go =)

Bump: *wishes charlay back from hell* tere u go =)

January 14th, 09, 11:35 PM
agreed however i am waiting for someone and i cnnt fight him with out her my yang is missing fomr here i must wait

January 14th, 09, 11:37 PM
i'm sooooooooooo confused ;~;

January 14th, 09, 11:40 PM
what u mean kiwara?

January 14th, 09, 11:40 PM
no sasuki i was talking o well -turns invisble and goes for a walk-

January 14th, 09, 11:44 PM
what u mean kiwara?
(kiar ia si nhel lred y to confront gconor she is waiting for kithara who is near yo u who llooks exactly liek kira but is more agressive and less wordy more actiony)

kira donet revel herslf but gkeeps talk to charly
kithara walks to sasuki and she looksexactuly like kira

(to aid oyur confussio nsnake kria is dead and her soul was splitinto to entities one dark one light, now connor is thelord of the underworld and is about to be killed but the pair of kiras need ot be together and oni turned out to be lying so now the girls areafter him)

January 14th, 09, 11:52 PM
you guys

I wost the game T~T

January 14th, 09, 11:57 PM
kithara hears her name beign called by her yin and vnaishs into hell and finds her soon with chrley the to then hold hands and say for darkness ther is light for light ther is dark ness now make us one and then kithat atrurns black wwith red eyes and kithara goeswhite with blue then they mergein bliding light to become karia theavatar of the godess of light a nd life theyare now a single women one half dakr with blac khair in red clothesand blue and whit we on the other side i nher hand appers a stafff. now yo uwil lmemt you end triator,defiler ,liar prince of darkness and she gets ready to fight

January 14th, 09, 11:59 PM
*mummbles your not kiwara.....*begins to get upset and goes to hell then shoots a giant beam of light at conor making a gaping hole through his chest* u killed my sissy! *sends a giant bolt of light energy down and strikes conor at the head*

Bump: (srry guys i forgot conor was still logged in but at least i can just get him now instead of having to log out =p)

Bump: (srry guys i forgot conor was still logged in but at least i can just get him now instead of having to log out =p)

Bump: *sends demons, absorbs there bodies to recreate my own and gain there strength* thoughts: oni! ho.....how did she.... demonic voice: oh no its as i feared, shes become so upset shes learned to use all of her magic attacks but there is one that deeply concerns me because it will instantly purify anything....even hell itself recreating another heaven, and i dont wanna turn into an angel!

Bump: *sends demons, absorbs there bodies to recreate my own and gain there strength* thoughts: oni! ho.....how did she.... demonic voice: oh no its as i feared, shes become so upset shes learned to use all of her magic attacks but there is one that deeply concerns me because it will instantly purify anything....even hell itself recreating another heaven, and i dont wanna turn into an angel!

January 15th, 09, 12:06 AM
-teleports into the middle of the two- why are you fighting this is not the way to do it
i cant stand anymore figting

Bump: (and this isnt really ment to b about fighting is it)

Bump: (and this isnt really ment to b about fighting is it)

January 15th, 09, 12:08 AM
the godes then strikes the demonlord down after a logn battle
" yo udidnt really belive oy ucould winn did yo u lucias ? evil never triumphs yo uahve two choice now , we slay you dand oy unever live agin or yo uarereborn as achild and oyu cna have anew start taek your pick and shoose wisly

January 15th, 09, 12:08 AM
" ok kid fine if its a battle you want its a battle youll get!" *makes a giant barrier keeping all but me and satsuki out*

Bump: "hehe this barrier is unique nothing can enter and nothhing can escape not even magic attacks"

Bump: "hehe this barrier is unique nothing can enter and nothhing can escape not even magic attacks"

January 15th, 09, 12:10 AM
(waht shes not akidany more and youve jsut benen soundlty whooped rember sasukis attack then a finishing blow fomr the godess youd have hardly any strehgt left also shes agodesses you probably couldnt kepe her out give me some credit )

January 15th, 09, 12:12 AM
*sends out two white waves of purification that repeadetly hit the demon over and over again ripping the fabric of the demons essence itself slowly, then transports out of the barrier while watching the waves bounce of the barrier sides and repeaditly hit*

January 15th, 09, 12:14 AM
if only i could help-runs away in shame-

January 15th, 09, 12:16 AM
*roars in tremendous pain* thoughts: oni! what is this! demonic voice: well this....is the ultimate attack i was talking about....this is going to purify us,destroy me, and destroy everything but your human form.....god bye friend ill see you in heaven thoughts: argh! noooooooo! a baby with this extreme power! it cant be possible! *slowly walks ut of the barrier and falls into the unseen lake of fire and starts to be incenerated* noooooo! *sinks in until you here nothing but a muffled roar of pain and then the bubbles stop*

January 15th, 09, 12:19 AM
-continues running-thoughts: well the fight has ended and i was use less

January 15th, 09, 12:20 AM
the godess adds herown prurification to the babies and then lifts the broken man out of the fire . now your humanm agin oyung man yo uhave thechnce for a new start a true new start you were ver ybrave now wahtage would oy uliek to start your new life as? *sasukis waves finshpurifing hell with thegoesdes ow npower aswell and it starts to bloom into a forest and thelake of fire turns christa lblue and the smoke and fire vnaishs

January 15th, 09, 12:22 AM
-stops running- i wonder if i will be missed -thinks of kira and sasuki-

January 15th, 09, 12:25 AM
after the godess is done and lets thenew strnafger remain andadult her wor kis dodne once she checkal ltint is washed form hi mand she morphs back into yi nand yang and both of them goe and hug ther new freind

*all is welel now why not come and live wit hus ? kithara picks up the sasuki who is very wor nourt from her purification and they al ltake him home to ther houese

January 15th, 09, 12:28 AM
*turns back into human form* thoughts: oni!.......r.i.p oni and dont worry you will be avenged >=( *equips mirror shield, dark armor and sword of eternal darkness and flees hell*

January 15th, 09, 12:28 AM
-continues going but walks-

January 15th, 09, 12:29 AM
(wait a minute im conor not satsuki u deal with that baby but i will not be sub dued yet >.>)

Bump: *escapes through hells gate but keeps an enchanted stone* thoughts: this stone will give me magic abilitys and will let me return to hell whenever the need arises but first...i will make a grave for oni after ive got them of my trail

Bump: *escapes through hells gate but keeps an enchanted stone* thoughts: this stone will give me magic abilitys and will let me return to hell whenever the need arises but first...i will make a grave for oni after ive got them of my trail

January 15th, 09, 12:32 AM
(form her on oak ynor more godlike powers for any one and less conflict do oy ual lagree?)

January 15th, 09, 12:36 AM

January 15th, 09, 12:38 AM
( now we have no more bindigsto gods or demons we jsut have ourchracters and ther powers nothign more maybe we fight dmeosn or angles but we ourslves arnt bound any more it was getting ridiculous . eg now the yin yangarestil lthat but they are sjut nija twins who cn heal and defend aswwelel as use ninjutsu p[power and combat skills )

January 15th, 09, 12:40 AM
can i keep my teleportation

January 15th, 09, 12:40 AM
*transports back to hell and makes a grave for oni then a single tear drop rols down my face* oni: hey whats all the crying abou? conor: HUH?! WTF?! didnt u get purified?! oni: hahaha! no -_- i abondoned your ass and escaped >.>. unfortuanatly i can no longer aid you my power all i can do is aid you with advise for i am naught but a wandering spirit..... conor: *sighs* u just wanna go ahead and live with them? oni: yuuuup -_- although that baby wont remember anything about her using any of her new powers so at least she wont kill us...hopefully.... just lets go *spreads wings and begins to fly to sasukis house conor: *grabs his talons and jumps of when they arrive* *sighs* i cant believe they turned hell into a medow -_-"

Bump: (actually your already bound to ur character as am i so there is no turning back for us i am a demon u are a goddess im just not your enemy anymore >.>)

Bump: (actually your already bound to ur character as am i so there is no turning back for us i am a demon u are a goddess im just not your enemy anymore >.>)

January 15th, 09, 12:41 AM

January 15th, 09, 12:42 AM
kirar kithara and sasukui and chrly are havbinving a picknic with mummy hwhen he comes

January 15th, 09, 12:44 AM
yay pinik

January 15th, 09, 12:48 AM
(ok its spelled satsuki ---" and u said well have a picnic with mummy when HE comes back....what is it a prision rapist named candi?!

Bump: *unsheathes sword of darkness* might as well have some fun.....*throws oni trident of fire* enguard!

Bump: *unsheathes sword of darkness* might as well have some fun.....*throws oni trident of fire* enguard!

Bump: oni: *shoots with fire ray* conor: *runs around* im on fire! save me jesus! im on fire! save me with your witch craft tom cruise! ahhhhhhh! save me oprah wifrey! *stops, drops, and rolls* oh my dear jesus! oni: *disspearses the fire* -_-"

Bump: oni: *shoots with fire ray* conor: *runs around* im on fire! save me jesus! im on fire! save me with your witch craft tom cruise! ahhhhhhh! save me oprah wifrey! *stops, drops, and rolls* oh my dear jesus! oni: *disspearses the fire* -_-"

January 15th, 09, 12:53 AM
( XD conor =p) *cuddles and falls asleep in kiras arms*

January 15th, 09, 12:54 AM
-watching him- ahahahahahaha

Bump: teleports to da girls- hewwo peeps

Bump: teleports to da girls- hewwo peeps

January 15th, 09, 12:59 AM
(lol he got that off of teledega nights XD its actually a funny movie =p)

January 15th, 09, 01:00 AM
hu did wat
wat is telediga nights

January 15th, 09, 01:02 AM
no mummy as in arfnas chracter they arewaiting for yo u before the y stat )

January 15th, 09, 01:04 AM
(omg go to you tube and look up telladega nights if youve never seen the movie then ull know >.>) *wakes up* is you kirara sissy?

January 15th, 09, 01:05 AM
the yinyang repply together
" one of us is can yo utelel which one "

January 15th, 09, 01:05 AM
(i think my characters speech may be regressing)

January 15th, 09, 01:08 AM
(how old were yo ubefore ? and regressed seech is somtimes cute though dont over do it but he has benen through a lot )

January 15th, 09, 01:10 AM
(ya im two and even my speec isnt that bad) " i just want my owd big sissy back =("

January 15th, 09, 01:11 AM
i think i was 16 or 18

January 15th, 09, 01:15 AM
*points to yin* ish you kiwara?

January 15th, 09, 01:18 AM
wow may speech ish good for a two year old

January 15th, 09, 01:21 AM
kirara replies yes iam and theother is called kithara we are yi nand tyang good and evil harmon y and discord etc but together we are blaence

January 15th, 09, 01:26 AM
(oh so i guess u wont be her big sister anymore >.> besides shes two i doubt satsuki can understand yin and yang just yet XD)

Bump: (<--------btw look at my avatar thats what my old demon form looked like and what oni currently is)

Bump: (<--------btw look at my avatar thats what my old demon form looked like and what oni currently is)

January 15th, 09, 01:29 AM
no one so far apart from kira knows i am the brother of satsuki

January 15th, 09, 01:31 AM
( yes we arestil lher big sisters and she doent understand yin and yang but that is waht the twins are the avartar is cool )
" kira stays while kithar goes to attned to some private matter

January 15th, 09, 01:31 AM
(wrong >.<!!!1) no u shall not be here brother! *points trident of fire directly at throat* if u choose to reveal ur her brother i swear ill blow a hole through your neck >=(

Bump: (i have one of the wolf i am too and btw i drew that avatar =p)

Bump: (i have one of the wolf i am too and btw i drew that avatar =p)

January 15th, 09, 01:33 AM
(why are oy udoing this connor? surly sasuki has aright to knwo who her brother is weve dis cussed this )

the twins knock thetirdanyttt out of his hand and kitharasays " why should she not knwo hwho her bprther is it is her right

January 15th, 09, 01:39 AM
(<---------oh btw thats what i look like in wolf form (ALSO DRAWN BY ME) ITS FREAKIN AWSOME MAN! >.<) thoughts: because i wanted to be her brother >.<

January 15th, 09, 01:41 AM
she cn have more then one brother wolf yo uahvealot to answer for rebmeber that

January 15th, 09, 01:44 AM
(hes not wolf in this rp remember?) *cuddles up with kirar while sitting in her lap* i wuv u sissy

Bump: (and conor thats amazing =0 i like that pic alot!)

Bump: (and conor thats amazing =0 i like that pic alot!)

January 15th, 09, 01:47 AM
( i knwo so waht of it ? itsatotlaly rnadonmfmaily why cant therbeawolf bother in it since thersesapair of yinyang twins and it is really cool )

January 15th, 09, 01:52 AM
(okay then u win =p)

Bump: (idc if hes a wolf i guess...just sorta weird lol)

Bump: (idc if hes a wolf i guess...just sorta weird lol)

January 15th, 09, 01:54 AM
(and ahving a pair of yinyang twins isnt ?)
night night guys
*kira and kithara goe to sleep in the wamr sun

January 15th, 09, 01:55 AM
*falls asleep by kira*

January 15th, 09, 02:32 AM
night for sure now cya soon

January 15th, 09, 02:55 AM
I'm lost >_____>

January 15th, 09, 03:11 AM
I'm lost >_____>

Me too

January 15th, 09, 03:31 AM
(CUZ U ASSHOLES DONT GET INVOLVED ENOUGH!!!!!! >.< IF UD BE MORE INVOLVED LIKE US U WOULDNT BE LOST!!!! >.> .....sorry just a little pissed off didnt mean to take it out on u two, look just go back and read the last 5 pages ok?)

January 15th, 09, 03:36 AM
(CUZ U ASSHOLES DONT GET INVOLVED ENOUGH!!!!!! >.< IF UD BE MORE INVOLVED LIKE US U WOULDNT BE LOST!!!! >.> .....sorry just a little pissed off didnt mean to take it out on u two, look just go back and read the last 5 pages ok?)

My life is kind of busy and I don't get to the computer enough and when I do it puts me at the last page sorry but I miss things because I loose my place

January 15th, 09, 03:38 AM
no its ok i just get stressed out sometimes because of my daily life >.<

Bump: (i ppurified the demon and split him and oni up now oni is outside of his body and hes a mortal but he can also turn into a wolf and so the conor caught on fire *snickers* started acting like an idiot cuz he didnt know how to put himself out so we went on a picnic and no kira is split up into two people yin and yand yin ig kira yang is kithara and right now im just sleeping nesar my sister kira thats the basics)

Bump: (i ppurified the demon and split him and oni up now oni is outside of his body and hes a mortal but he can also turn into a wolf and so the conor caught on fire *snickers* started acting like an idiot cuz he didnt know how to put himself out so we went on a picnic and no kira is split up into two people yin and yand yin ig kira yang is kithara and right now im just sleeping nesar my sister kira thats the basics)

January 15th, 09, 07:46 AM
(i am the invisible teleporting random block of cheese)

January 15th, 09, 11:04 AM
(yes and also the rp is peace ful now ofr the time being and everyone is together and nice to each other so now it should be easier to follow

January 15th, 09, 12:22 PM
thoughts: oh a fox! "here kitty kitty kitty, here kitty kitty kitty, i wont hurt you, im just going to eat you!!!!! *pounces on kitsune and begins to sink teeth into her flesh* (sorry wolf instincts took over o.o")

January 15th, 09, 12:31 PM
the tinws both cast a kamma ha attakc k and bolw thewolf off the girl and injure him slightly "if your part of this fmaily now yo uare not gonan be eating or hurting the fmaily comprenda says kithara

January 15th, 09, 12:43 PM
"wha.....u mean this tasty and rare delacasy is part of your family to but whyyyyyyyy its not fair! D: *begins to howl* thoughts: well maybe one little tas *mummbles* can this day get any worse >.>te wont hurt *begins to nibble on her ears* thoughts: aw man and shes tastes good!

January 15th, 09, 12:49 PM
kitahra hit him quite hard with kalis "maybe yo uwernt listenteng leave her alone control your instincts sheesh

kira then says yes for once i agree with my sister leave her alone

January 15th, 09, 12:57 PM
thoughts: your cruel bastards...come on oni lets go..... *runs into the forest with oni following right behind*

January 15th, 09, 12:59 PM
kiaragoes after him alone and finds him
"wahts wrong freind why did yo urun away we didnt mean to scre yo uaway my sister is somtimes er over agressive im sorry about that

January 15th, 09, 04:57 PM
u were eating the family after all

January 15th, 09, 05:03 PM
he knows that im sure charley hes not stupid but why were oyu diing it if oy uwerehungrey we could get yo usoem food *spots a rabbit ourt of thecorner fo eyeand in a flash a throwing knife is stuk in =itsheadand it is dead

January 15th, 09, 05:15 PM
free food for the wolf ^^

January 15th, 09, 05:17 PM
yes kirarathen killsanother one and brinks the mto the wolf and takes hte daggers out

January 15th, 09, 05:34 PM
more wolf food hehe

January 15th, 09, 05:56 PM
yep i think two should do but i cna ealsiy kill mroe ther all over the place

January 15th, 09, 06:27 PM

January 15th, 09, 07:06 PM
yeah wonder wher the wolf went t ohe must have snuck away whille we were talking

January 15th, 09, 08:48 PM
no he's behind that tree >__>

January 15th, 09, 09:02 PM
o hyeah so he is kira givees the fresly kileld rabits to the wolf

January 15th, 09, 09:45 PM

January 15th, 09, 09:48 PM
sees snake and chese him then tickels him "hey snake how are yo u imissed you"

January 15th, 09, 10:42 PM
thoughts: why am i stuck in this form oni?! demonic voice: .... i have no clue y are u asking me?! thoughts: good point...WHY AM I ASKING YOU >.< when have u really helped me demonic voice: i told u about the people, their strengths, their weaknesses and stuff =/ thoughts: ok fine you win that round >.> *sees snake then begins to growl* "who the hell are you?!

Bump: *tackles snake and pins him* answer or you die

Bump: *tackles snake and pins him* answer or you die

January 15th, 09, 10:59 PM
kira intercerds dontworry hes afriend and a fmaily member i have rabits for yo u and your not stuck in that fomr yo ucould morph if oy uwanted but if yo udid youd be stuck i nthat fomr

January 15th, 09, 11:11 PM
sees snake and chese him then tickels him "hey snake how are yo u imissed you"

thank you....
Why is there a wolf here?

January 15th, 09, 11:41 PM
very long story bor i doubt youd bleive su if we told you

January 15th, 09, 11:42 PM
*turns into the demonic ninja* its me you fool *unsheathes sword of darkness* "oni make him dance like a duck >.> oni: hahaha my pleasure *uses a telekinetic force to half take hold of his mind and makes him dance* hehe "ok thats enough" *sheaths sword

January 15th, 09, 11:48 PM
kirthara hits him i nthe stomach
why dotn yo uahve any repsvct for this family if oy udont start showiong it yo ucna go back to hell

January 15th, 09, 11:51 PM
leave him alone
hey demon dude just try to be civil k

January 15th, 09, 11:53 PM
yeah we aretying to minimse confilct now not encourage it oaky

January 15th, 09, 11:58 PM
*wishes kithara was mute and unable to move* "u a meanie"

January 16th, 09, 12:26 AM
hey dont b like that plz let her go sis

January 16th, 09, 12:29 AM
"but big bwother she mean =( i wuv kiwara ^^ not here =p"

Bump: (my bad lol im still on conors acc i forgot to log him off)

Bump: (my bad lol im still on conors acc i forgot to log him off)

January 16th, 09, 12:32 AM
o well -tele ports away-

January 16th, 09, 12:38 AM
*turns into human form in full armor then me and ni grab her by the throat and lift her* yes im quite sick of you too ur a threat to me and a bitch >.< i too like kira better so u my bitter enemy must die >.< *unsheaths sword of darkness then lifts it up and is about to strike down*

January 16th, 09, 12:44 AM
*wishes kithara was mute and unable to move* "u a meanie"

(is this kira whos liek thsi ?)

thewhis hdonetwork as it is a curse. thret to yo u all i wanted was oy uto show respect i ma nija yourarmour wont protect yo uform nigha attacks and if i go kira goesaswe llor did yo uforget we are bound togheter *usies a musle control jutsu on dmeon nigja pmakgin his arm spasm and then casta kam a yamay ha o nhim
waht ids your problem with me al lof yo u i dont want coonfilct
so drop it okay i dont want to hurt an yof yo uai jsut want to be accepted wh ywont yo uenve do that

January 16th, 09, 01:01 AM
I want a power!

January 16th, 09, 01:04 AM
o hshut up kid al li wnt to knwo is why wont any of yo uaccpet me sice yo ual lthink the sun shines out of kiras arse waht did i d owrong .?

January 16th, 09, 01:16 AM
yang is always so moody

January 16th, 09, 01:17 AM
finelly someo nrealsies waht iam and thenfore knows i cnat help the way iam im not a doo gooder like kirara

January 16th, 09, 01:20 AM
oi hush updemon brain

January 16th, 09, 01:56 AM
*hugs kithira* i sowwy i accepts you

January 16th, 09, 01:58 AM
aint that sweet -teleports to a bed-

January 16th, 09, 02:00 AM
kitahr higs her back and almsot crushe her waht abotu the rest of yo udunder heads she sighes if a baby cna accpet me cna you

January 16th, 09, 02:03 AM
-shouts- i dont need to i know wat yin and yang r like

January 16th, 09, 02:07 AM
kitahr higs her back and almsot crushe her waht abotu the rest of yo udunder heads she sighes if a baby cna accpet me cna you

I accept you
I think
Well I'm pretty sure

January 16th, 09, 02:26 AM
come here freind remver i did save yo uform that stupid demon

January 16th, 09, 02:38 AM
yeah that was a stupid demon >_<

January 16th, 09, 02:38 AM
"what are ying&yang like and I want to know how you can help me improve you lives here?"

January 16th, 09, 02:39 AM
*hits snake in head with a stick and giggles* meanie

Bump: "mommy!" *runs over to her and hugs her tight*

Bump: "mommy!" *runs over to her and hugs her tight*

January 16th, 09, 02:41 AM
thetwins say together yin and tang , good and evil blakc and white we arespepreteentities but togerhewe are i nharmony .
basicley we are complet opposites but we lookaftereach other and oy ucould help us b yginvig ussomwhere where we can be together al lthe time so if oy ucn sort it we need ot shre aroom togeher if thats not too much trouble for yo uthank yo ufor accpenting us waht d owe cal lyou?

January 16th, 09, 02:46 AM
"you call mom if you want and there some new room since I help renovate with my bonus from my parttime work."

January 16th, 09, 02:46 AM
(im really uncomfortable in the family rp without u or laleeda sunstar =( please post soon)

January 16th, 09, 02:49 AM
oh stupid am i?! *jits snake repedetly then stabs him numerous times* demonic voice: FINISH HIM!!!!!! *pulls snakes spine out through his mouth* demonic voice: FATALITY!CONOR WINS!!! (nice mix of mortal kombat there B-) ) *then dissapears in a puff of smoke*

January 16th, 09, 02:54 AM
(okay ingonres the last post )

wahty are oy uuncomforatble isnt wahts up with it

Bump: "you call mom if you want and there some new room since I help renovate with my bonus from my parttime work."

we cna hel pyo urenavate we are fast and work hard

January 16th, 09, 03:51 AM
"ok that sound like a fair and equitable solution to our room dilemma."

January 16th, 09, 04:02 AM
also er waht about diapers mum do we haveacess ot those

January 16th, 09, 04:28 AM
"yes we do since we have all of our kids wear at some point and the changing rooms are over here if you need a change."

January 16th, 09, 12:41 PM
all of them ? even the older ones wel lyousee we dotngnerallywearthem for need rather we wearthe mfor security and comfort since we oly have each other i someitmes doe ahve accindts since a certin Demon punctured my bladder but kithara doent usally

January 16th, 09, 05:25 PM
"you are welcome here for the rest of you life and I have seen many thing here so diapered people are not a surprise anymore."

January 16th, 09, 05:27 PM
cna u jsut point out we are not people we are sathi right or rakashas

January 16th, 09, 05:37 PM
-teleports in front of mother but acts cool- hello mother

January 16th, 09, 06:06 PM
"hello dear and the changing room are right over there by the bathrooms&laundry rooms."

January 16th, 09, 06:07 PM
thank yo u mum

January 16th, 09, 06:08 PM
never thought id say hello to you

January 16th, 09, 06:15 PM
th tiens goe and sort them slfves out and it is quiet in the house for now

January 16th, 09, 07:13 PM
oh stupid am i?! *jits snake repedetly then stabs him numerous times* demonic voice: FINISH HIM!!!!!! *pulls snakes spine out through his mouth* demonic voice: FATALITY!CONOR WINS!!! (nice mix of mortal kombat there B-) ) *then dissapears in a puff of smoke*

you douchebag
Oh and that is the 2nd most cliché'd fatality ever

January 16th, 09, 11:40 PM
*follows kira with thumb in mouth* kiwa will you change my daiper

January 16th, 09, 11:51 PM
(sunstar wont b on 2night)
ill change u^^

Bump: wat do u say ayumi as seen as kira is busy

Bump: wat do u say ayumi as seen as kira is busy

January 17th, 09, 12:03 AM
(whos ayumi and y wont sun be on tonight? shes satsuki she got same name in every rp)

January 17th, 09, 12:22 AM
it ses different at start o well wat eva

January 17th, 09, 01:26 AM
(omg XD i fogot!) will u cahnge my diaper big bwother?

Bump: *hugs snake* i wuv you =p

Bump: *hugs snake* i wuv you =p

January 17th, 09, 01:27 AM
*hugs back* I wuff you too sissy :3

January 17th, 09, 01:40 AM
yea-changes diaper- there u go

January 17th, 09, 06:28 AM
(what role can i have? i cant think of one honestly...)

January 17th, 09, 04:11 PM
(army >___> why? Uhmmmm be ummmmm gaara!!)

January 17th, 09, 09:40 PM
the twis come back botrh drippign with blood that is there own the come to the housethen both passe out with mtutliple bloody slash wounds , there diapersareripped of and there weapons are gone

January 17th, 09, 10:10 PM
"it wasnt me i swear!"

Bump: *licks up the blood* mmmmmm this blood is really good ^^

Bump: *licks up the blood* mmmmmm this blood is really good ^^

Bump: *stops licking* ....why is everyone looking at me like im insane

Bump: *stops licking* ....why is everyone looking at me like im insane

January 17th, 09, 10:34 PM
kiarawakes up for asecond?> i know it wnt yo u wolf but soome attacked us andthery wereto ofast for us to defend aginst and they took our weposn and for some reason our diapers maybe he want somthgin for us but he is very strotng
*the twinsthen both fall uncoancious and kiarawets herslf

January 18th, 09, 04:52 AM
*hugs kira* "pweeze be ok kiwa =( "

January 18th, 09, 04:56 AM
the twis come back botrh drippign with blood that is there own the come to the housethen both passe out with mtutliple bloody slash wounds , there diapersareripped of and there weapons are gone

Sakura gives them both an ak47

January 18th, 09, 04:57 AM
inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: *pounces on kitsune and grabs her by the neck then growls* make one move i snap your neck u pathetic worm

Bump: *pounces on kitsune and grabs her by the neck then growls* make one move i snap your neck u pathetic worm

January 18th, 09, 06:46 AM
inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: inner thoughts: hehehe looks like my shadow demons did their job.....although they were supossed to do it before i was suppossedly purified now i have no use for them.....butits still prtty sexy to see a girl wet her self as massivly as kira just did hehe damn a puddle like 3 feet wide

Bump: *pounces on kitsune and grabs her by the neck then growls* make one move i snap your neck u pathetic worm

Bump: *pounces on kitsune and grabs her by the neck then growls* make one move i snap your neck u pathetic worm

Too late this fox is a black belt you think you have me cornered but you end up laying on the floor before you can blink. and with a gun to your head you dont dare make a move. from now on leave me alone or you will get more than a warning.

There is a lot more to me than meets the eye and you wouldn't be the first wolf i've killed

January 18th, 09, 11:43 AM
wat is with the fighting-standing on the wolfs back without full weight-

January 18th, 09, 12:03 PM
( it wasnt sahdowdemopns who attacked the twins it wasma amajour boss i intend to bring in later named the blade master shadow demosn in ther hundreds wouldnt kil lthe ttwins sicne most of ther powers specialise in sdestroying demons and othher things and they are really fast ans d skilled themslefves, i find it woring that a grown wolf finds a younggirl wetting herslf sexy)

it trake about 5 days for hte girls to heal but for any norme ml kids it would have taken much longer they healed rapisdly and decide to trsin much harder and be less liek kids more tliek thewarriors they are menat to be so for a few more days they trin almost no stop only stoppign for meals not even stopping to use the batheroom and so itbegins when asked about their attacker thye say he whad red skin and wasto ofast for us and used a katana.

January 18th, 09, 02:57 PM
((training montage))
*Rocky theme plays while they train*

January 18th, 09, 04:21 PM
y dont u jus hav fun and relax-gets on to roof lays down and falls asleep-

January 18th, 09, 05:16 PM
becuse we cnat be taken by surpise agi nand we need to beabl to beat him if he or minos who serve him return the last second of negilgnece and dorpping our guard got us almost killed one minute we were cliiming a tree the next second we got attacked and lost and he could be a threa t toal lof you as wele as us

January 18th, 09, 05:20 PM
hmm maybe{y do they try this hard}

January 18th, 09, 05:23 PM
kira apers ot know waht he is thinking we train thsi hard cos he could have killed us then but he dint
so he wanted somthgin from us probably that we dont want to give and he needs with our permission what he wants we dont know maybe its not jsut us he wants maybe he wantsthisfamilt y or sasuki so we mucst be able to protect our slevesand out fmaily

January 18th, 09, 05:43 PM
how did u no wat i was thinking-thinks of sasuki-

January 18th, 09, 06:17 PM
wh ydoes it matter but is thatanaswer for your question what are yo uthinign about now ? says kira " you loo kdeep i nthought kira is stil lnacked "

January 18th, 09, 06:37 PM
oh yea i forgot to say PUT ON SOME CLOTHES

Bump: here-hands her a diaper-

Bump: here-hands her a diaper-

January 18th, 09, 06:51 PM
fine but icnt diaper myslf and kitharais else where so youd have to d oit since icnat do it myslf cos ineverlearned so its your call
*seems to see nothgin wrong with being butt nakced infont of others .*

January 18th, 09, 06:54 PM
do u want me to...u know

January 18th, 09, 06:59 PM
yo uknow waht? says kira lookign toatlly innocent and everyincelie ka little 5 yo girl

January 18th, 09, 07:03 PM
shall i put it on for ya

January 18th, 09, 07:05 PM
wel l unless yo uwant to see me continue to trin thsi way we realyl dont have achoice do we?

January 18th, 09, 07:11 PM
id be glad to anyway-puts diaper on her-there u r goes bak to roof

January 18th, 09, 07:13 PM
thank you why dont oy utrin with us we cnateach oy uhow to fight better and maybe lear nsome magik from us besdies invisbility if oy uwant .

January 18th, 09, 07:30 PM
i can teleport

January 18th, 09, 07:37 PM
wel l wouldtn yo ualso liek to beable to sumone enrgy attacksperhaps or fight relly well?

January 18th, 09, 07:43 PM
hmm ok ill join but dont u wanna put clothes on
u dont hv to{she is well cute}

January 18th, 09, 07:48 PM
kira smiles but says nothing and kitharretunrs and says " want to knwo wh ywe dont wear gloths raiku? we dont wear cloths cos many of out powers require us to be in blanecewit htheleements with no barrier between us and them fbut only for some of them the otherreson is we dont feel thecold or anything so therslittle need to al lewe cover isour lowerregiosn for dignity but somtimes idoubt kira cares about that

January 18th, 09, 07:57 PM
k but hu r u if u aint kira

January 18th, 09, 08:00 PM
i msure wevemet
im kiras yang andim heridenticaltwin sister wh ywhat is it to you. jsut so yo unow kiramight be relly niave and childliek but ia mnot quite so soft so oy uhurt her then yo uwil lahve me to deal with and she is easily hurt

January 18th, 09, 08:13 PM
-teleports behind her then pokes her- i wouldnt her someone like her

Bump: -teleports behind her then pokes her- i wouldnt her someone like her

January 18th, 09, 08:14 PM
damright yo uwouldnt drivesherelbowe winto his stomach before he cna rteleport

January 18th, 09, 08:16 PM
(wasnt gunna teleport anyway)wat was that for-rubbing belly-climbs onto roof

January 18th, 09, 08:19 PM
pokinggme on my bumm why dont yo ucoem down oyurnot scred of me are you kithara taunts then kiraandkitharastrat fighting each other and arguing about somtghing

January 18th, 09, 08:22 PM
{girls fight too much}walks to a desert

Bump: im off for a week

Bump: im off for a week

January 18th, 09, 08:26 PM
o hwell he wil lbe vback im sure. sniggers kithara " oh he wi llbe back oncehe the sand snakes find him we told him not t o go didnt we

January 18th, 09, 08:30 PM
comes back{its weird, that tower}(the tower i went to uses no outside time,all time stops)hello im back with new powers

January 18th, 09, 08:41 PM
yo uknow youve benen gone like a month ithink qwwaht yo ueman is time stops for yo ui nthe tower cos ithink iknow what tower yo uarethinging of tell me was ther a pair of dragons one red one whithe circlingeachother round a siymbo lof dark and light ? above the entrance siays kithara kira is a short distanceaway playign with a rabbit

January 18th, 09, 08:56 PM
a month? hmmm -turns invisilbe then turns visible covered in spikes scale and sharp teeth- RABBIT YUUUM

Bump: a month? hmmm -turns invisilbe then turns visible covered in spikes scale and sharp teeth- RABBIT YUUUM

January 18th, 09, 09:57 PM
kira sendsyo uflyign with ablast fo force so oy ucnat hurt the rabit and picks it up. " i wont let yo ueat her charlie so dont try or yo uwil lregret it

January 18th, 09, 10:16 PM
its just a rabbit

January 18th, 09, 10:22 PM
i know its arabit but she has feleings too and iwant to keep her kil lanother one yo utry for this one and yo uwil lhave afighr on your hands

January 18th, 09, 10:29 PM
...-walks away and into house-mmm mmm this is good

January 18th, 09, 10:50 PM
ktiara follwos hi mwaht are oyu after yo usly git

January 18th, 09, 11:01 PM
nuthin now-teleports out of house and walks away

January 18th, 09, 11:04 PM
i think hesup to somthign kirtharsays ot herlsf

January 18th, 09, 11:13 PM
-disappears completely-

January 18th, 09, 11:32 PM
definatly up to somtghin

January 18th, 09, 11:58 PM
{they will never know i hope....if they find out its me they will definately kill me}

January 19th, 09, 12:07 AM
(whats he doing ?)
kitharadecides to follwo his magic tria lto see what he is up to follows closly but is never see n while kira goes to lookafterthe other kids

January 19th, 09, 12:10 AM
{kiratha is following...perfect time to show my potential}

January 19th, 09, 12:12 AM
kitara hersthisthought and waits for his repsonse since she is known she waits patently prepreign a kamamyh jutsu to blast him with should he try anythgin as she has theadvnatege of elevation and better eyesite

January 19th, 09, 12:16 AM
-giant fireballs fall from the sky towards her, the ground starts to crack and i come charging with massive armour and a hude fiery sword-hyaaaa take this....flaming ka-me-ha-meee-HAAAAAAAAAAA

January 19th, 09, 12:37 AM
kitahra stikes int the wekspots of the wsasmorurr and stabshim in the kness so he falls over easily doging the sword cos it is so slow then jumps onot his neck and holdsher gdagger to his throat prickign very hard anddrawing alittle blood

"your amrounrandweposn wont safe yo u fro mme i mtreined to find weakspots in ever yarmour and your firblass wouldhaveworked if oy ucould control them butotherwisetheywere jsut inaccurate and weeasy to avoid s o why did oy uturn so hostie all of asuddne i only followed yo ucos isuspected you and this agression proves you have dark intentions now talk or yo uwil ldie and iwont give oy uasecond chance . igave oy uasecond chance inhell afterwhat yo usaid

(i told yo ubig show off attacksandarmour neverwork aginst fast and precise enimes didnt_) +

2 heavy brute force woariror neversbeatnijas raiku i thought yo uknew that or are yo udumb aswell as tratorors pushes the blade harder s ostart talking

January 19th, 09, 03:54 AM
(omg wtf?! would u people stop posting all the damn time >.< i was gone for two hours now i gotta read 4 freakin pages! >.<)

January 19th, 09, 04:00 AM
(lol, this is a hard rp to keep up with, im still thinking up a character...kinda sad)

January 19th, 09, 04:02 AM
If anyone needs shelter from the wolves my room is booby trapped against wolves everyone else is safe. (by the way how many are there???)

January 19th, 09, 04:03 AM
thoughts: "i better help charlay or he'll be dead" *infuses mysoul with oni them turns into a giant demon with angelic demon wings* my old form! (aka my old avatar woith the trident) *puts on demonic armor and equips myself with a mrror shield* that dumb ass better not die *flys to where they are fighting then spots kithara and land* hehe good its you ill have no mercy on u now if only u were kira >=) *unsheaths sword of darkness and stabs kithara multiple times bringing her too her knees& pathetic fool! *bitch slaps her with the mirror shield causing her to be slamed to the ground* today you die *grabs kithara by the throat then slowlyy applies pressure while shooting a flame out of the palm of my hand scorching her neck* thoughts: ive never felt so much power!*throws her to the ground, then skewers her with the trident of flams then traps her in the ground by sticking the trident in the ground with her still skewered* (oh yea ultimate dark combo attacks...its just how i roll) "bitch thats for seperating me and oni the first time" *watches blood slowly come from her mouth* thoughts: she was nothing more than a copy the real one is some where near by but at least i got this one out of the way >.> *puts up a barrier around me and charlay* the real ones bound to attack me so this way we'll be ready

thoughts:huh?! wait that was the real one! ...oh no i can only imagine what kira will do.....oh shit what have i done!

(and i am the only wolf however just then i returned to my old demon form)

thoughts: im demon once more but this time my soul is free from satans grasp! *laughs manically like lalouche*

*traps kitsune in a field of electrical energy* "and you my darling are going to have the honor of becoming my dinner >=)

January 19th, 09, 04:18 AM
((this went from cute to.....WTF?!))

Uhmm sister what are you doing? =/