View Full Version : Babysitter robot ( evil ) Private

April 10th, 09, 01:46 PM
*waks at the mall and look at a robot shop* hmmm oh a text room :) let me check it out ^^ *goes in the room with the title ''Babysitter Bot 2000'' * hmmmm there is nothing in here ?? *stands in a empty room*

April 10th, 09, 01:52 PM
A sales assoiate walks into the room shortly after the young man "hello I see you've found our babysitter bot room it's still in some testing would you like to see it?" the women asks her name tag says terry "oh before we start what is your name?"

April 10th, 09, 01:54 PM
awwww my name is mads xD... but i dont wanna be a baby so no thanks :P haha

April 10th, 09, 02:00 PM
"who said you would be a baby mads..? You know that's not a very fitting name for you" terry says smiling a little wickedly

April 10th, 09, 02:03 PM
ohhh so ok then let me zsee it ^^ ...ummm my name is not fitting me ? why that xD `?

( i alsways use * * to do stuff so its confussing u use it to speak with xD... )

April 10th, 09, 02:17 PM
(yeps *actions* "talking" 'thoughts' are mine with(being ooc))

"well I think you need a cuter name to be as cute as you look" *terry takes mads hand and walks through another door in the room* this room has a few babyish items in it large enough for a young adult and a robot in the middle. *as terry closes the door there is a small click the door was locked from the outside with the two in the room and terry had the only key to the door on the inside.* "this is the babysitter bot" terry smiles looking at it

April 10th, 09, 02:25 PM
ummm o_o...*knock the door* let me go out !!!! NO !

April 10th, 09, 02:28 PM
"sweetie relax is a saftey so you can't go and tell others about our robot. If you could have any name what would it be?" terry asks in a soft relaxing voice

April 10th, 09, 02:31 PM
your scaring me !!! let me come out ! XD!

April 10th, 09, 03:31 PM
"mads relax I'm in here with you. Now I'd like to know if you could have any name what would it be?" tery smiles walking to the robot

April 10th, 09, 03:36 PM
i like my name O_o....hmmmmm then i were smaller my big sis called me mia to tease me .

April 10th, 09, 03:41 PM
"Mia I like it. Actually I love it mia" *terry walked behind the robot and started to flip switches and hit buttons age 3, female, potty training destroy, clean out bowels. Remove cloting. Time delay 15 minutes.* "well Mia can you come here please I want to show you something."

April 10th, 09, 03:43 PM
i liek my name.... hmmmm my sis called me mia to tease me xD

April 10th, 09, 03:45 PM
"you said that but I like mia I think it suits you better now can you come over here"

April 10th, 09, 03:47 PM
umm*comes to you* ???

April 10th, 09, 03:52 PM
*terry walks behind mia and removes a pacifier from her pocket it has two straps that connect in the back and was hard so it couldn't be chewed on there was also a small hole going through it that would let liquids through.* "now you shouldn't have come back here alone it's employies only. And well your not an employe" *terry quickly removed mia shirt revealing his bare chest some gloves were put onto his hands and locked on as well so he would be unable to remove the paci straps next were his pants leaving him in boxers* "your punishment won't be jail but here your going to help test our babysitter robot

April 10th, 09, 03:54 PM
Whooaaa !!!!?? O_o stop it !!

April 10th, 09, 04:02 PM
"I'm afraid not now mia" terry put the hard pacifier into his mouth and strapped in on. "your new name is Mia your a 3 year old girl who has not been potty trained yet." *terry connected a tube to the pacifier and started to pump some liquid into it "oh yes the robot is about activate" the liquid would take a few hours to work it's way through his system and destroy any control he had over his bladder and bowels. The robot started to hum softly and urn around to face mia before grabbing the boxers and pulling them down terry stuck another item into mads bottom a tube wich started to pump warm water into his bowels.

April 10th, 09, 04:05 PM
o_o....................... hmmmh ! *tries to get away* hmhmmmhmaayymmh !! *looks at the robot and gets scared*

April 10th, 09, 04:17 PM
*after a few minutes the liquid flowing into mia's bottom stops "hold it in while you get diapered if you don't you will be getting another one and we will try again" terry says pulling the enema tube out of mia's bottom and laying her on a thick diaper and letting the robot take over. The liquid flowing into her mouth was still going. The robot came over and started to rub baby oil into his skin after shaving him then over powdering him and snuggly pinning an extreamly thick cloth diaper on then pulling up some frilly plastic rumba panties up. "those are your new underwear diapers and plastic lined panties"

April 10th, 09, 04:21 PM
O_O !!! HMMHMH!! !! !! ^*fight alittle against the robot*

April 10th, 09, 04:25 PM
The fight was futial as the robot had it's commands and would carry them out

April 10th, 09, 04:26 PM
( not yet i will say then i leave ^^ )

hmmmm *cant do anything and i feel so wierd in my tummy*

April 10th, 09, 04:32 PM
the liquid into the mouth finally stopped* "there we go your diapered and that liquid that went into your mouth will destroy your bowel and bladder control you'll start to mess and wet yourself hoplessly in a few hours with no control" the enema had worked it's magic and was ready to come out cleaning mia's bowels with it

April 10th, 09, 04:33 PM
ewwwwwwieeee o_o........... *spits comes out of the pacifer* ....>-<

April 10th, 09, 04:38 PM
"it's way to late for that it's already started working you should also be starting to mess yourself soon" terry picks up Mia and walks over to another room and opens it it's like a dugeon only it's lighter there are soft colors to brighten it up pinks yellows and soft blues. *this is where you'll get a bit of punishment." terry said as she showed mia the new room

April 10th, 09, 04:43 PM
o_o.......?!....*shakes on my head fast*

( now i leave... so make a long and great story like u set me in a robot there babied me like feeding, ties me, some bugsss appears like the feeding with poder and baby food on the diaper spot. ^^ so make it really humilliate me <3 and remember to dress me in a way there is so cute.... and also alittle embarrasing.. and unnice to wear ^^ <3 ) see you maybe tonight <3 love ya )

April 10th, 09, 05:41 PM
"oh but we have to punish bad little girls" terry says smiling. The robot comes in behind them carrying a small dress that would not cover the large thick messy diaper "yes I think that will do." terry takes the dress and puts it onto Mia despite her small stuggles. "the more you fight the more we have to punish you". On the back of the dress it said "sissy baby being punished" terry bent down and pulled out some ropes and started to tie mia's legs together at the on knees making it hard to walk or move without help from terry or the robot. Shortly after mia's legs were tied together a collor was placed on her neck "sissy baby" is what it said terry took mia's arms and placed them behind her back "babysitter robot tape arms behind back together" terry ordered and the robot sprang to life and started to tape the arms together out of the way. "oh you look so lovely in that sissy frilly dress so many frills your sister was right mia is better then mads." terry giggled "oh yes the robot will feed you every 30 minutes then leave you it also will not change you unless I order it to I really hope all of those bugs get worked out soon" terry smile and left the room.
The robot started to hook up then first feeding a half gallon of warmed milk that terry set out. Terry walked in a few minutes later with a baby bonnet in hand "we can't forget the few key items" she smiled as she helped mia to the wall and strapped her to it facing out using arm straps to keep her against the wall *terry placed the soft purple bonnet on the new girls head and tied it on then lifted up her feet one by one and tied satin booties matching the bonnet on* "there you go if I didn't know better I would say you were a baby girl"

April 10th, 09, 08:43 PM
*shakes head and is sil fighting against u to baby me. suddenly some smell comes in the room from my diaper*

( back^^ just alittle ^^ <3 *Kisses* hmmm im using my Wii so im slow typing..)

April 10th, 09, 11:15 PM
"ah it looks like baby made her first messy I think that you will stay in it for a while I don't want to change you now it's too early for that my little mia" terry laughed a little "this is your punishment you will be my baby" terry smiled

April 11th, 09, 02:13 PM
O_O.... hmmhh! *shakes head* ( long one again <3 where terry leave and the robot goes so wrong in many was <3 :D )

April 11th, 09, 02:39 PM
"well I think it's time for your change now" terry said as she took her new baby daughter from the wall. And laid her down. "babysitter change baby please" terry said and walked to the side of the room to watch and take notes on what needed to be worked out

April 11th, 09, 02:42 PM
*lays there all helpless*......

( took u long to write that dear <3)

April 11th, 09, 02:49 PM
(mes sowwie me had to think on what to write <3)
The robot had a soft hum as it aproached mia laying there in silence and started to take off the frilly rumba panties and the very messy and wet diaper. Grabbing some baby wipes it started to wipe down mia's privates then grabbed some baby food instead of oil. A pencil quickly took down notes "object identification" opening the jar of baby food the robot started to spread it around carefully. Then grabbed the baby powder and over powdered the new baby. Taking a new diaper the robot snuggly pinned it on and replaced the rumba lanties

April 11th, 09, 02:52 PM
( like wrong ite, grab ^w^ <3 )
>_<.......*feels so gross*

April 11th, 09, 02:54 PM
"well it looks like there's object identification that needs work." terry said from the far side and walked over to mia taking out the paci "was the robot delicate?"

April 11th, 09, 02:57 PM
*shakes head no* T_T

April 11th, 09, 03:02 PM
"hmm well that will need to be worked on as well" terry says writing that down. "well I think it's nap time for my little baby girl." terry smiled and picked her up carrinc her to the crib arms still tapes behind her and legs still tied together.

April 11th, 09, 03:05 PM
*dont wanna sleep* ( awww just let the robot do freestyle ^^ <3

April 11th, 09, 03:09 PM
"you don't have a choice in this matter" terry said handing Mia to the robot "you can talk the paci is out screaming is pointless only you and me will hear it"

April 11th, 09, 03:11 PM

April 11th, 09, 03:12 PM
The robot starts to rock you though it's a little hard rock.

April 11th, 09, 03:13 PM
O_O ...!!!mmhuuuooo!! hnmhhyyy

April 11th, 09, 03:17 PM
"there are more bugs then I thought." terry sighs taking more notes the robot places Mia into the crib and places 3 strapps over her legs stomach and chest there was no getting out with out help now

April 11th, 09, 03:18 PM

April 11th, 09, 03:21 PM
Terry walked over and holds a bottle in your mouth "drink"

April 11th, 09, 03:24 PM
*drinks it*............

(awwww the robot :D <3 i love the bugged robot <3333)

April 11th, 09, 03:27 PM
"good that should help now I have work to do I'll leave the robot here to watch you as that's whAt it's made to do" terry walks to the door "if you need somethng command it if won't let you out though" terry unlocked the door and walked out and the door closed and locked back up

April 11th, 09, 03:29 PM
hmhhhhuuu...*looks mad at the robot*

April 11th, 09, 03:34 PM
The robot seems lifeless as it stands there

April 12th, 09, 01:17 AM
*yells wierd stuff because og the binky* ( long one <3 )

April 12th, 09, 01:38 AM
(I can't really do long ones when I have very little to work with sweetie)
The robot hummed to life and stuck a tube into the binki and poured some baby food and milk into it so that it would go easily through the tube
Terry was off talking to her boss "the project babysitter robot finally has a volenteer in the room now here are my current notes from one change and one rock"

April 12th, 09, 01:43 AM
( wwoooooooow 20 mins wait for reply :o........ and btw... what canni do gagged and tied??? )
o_o*shakes and luckily gets the binky out* im not a baby nor a girl!!!! let me go!!! *spits on the robot so something happens inside it*

April 12th, 09, 01:48 AM
( sorry I'm in 2 other rps. You wernt gagged just tied.)
Sparks fly from the robot and cut the straps and rope then picked Mia up and started to burp her somewhat hard

April 12th, 09, 01:51 AM
oww owww owww!! my back!!! owww!!! *shakes*

April 12th, 09, 02:02 AM
the pats to the back soften slightly and continue waiting for a burp

April 12th, 09, 02:04 AM
owww!...*fake burp*..... stop it!!! *hits it on the head*

April 12th, 09, 02:06 AM
The pats stop then Mia is sat into a playpen to play with baby toys the playpen is too large to get out of and the tape binding her arms is taken off

April 12th, 09, 02:08 AM
o_o'....*throw some dolls at the computer* LET ME OUT XD!!!

April 12th, 09, 02:11 AM
The dolls simply bounce off and do nothing

April 12th, 09, 02:14 AM
hmmmm...*thinks* my dress is dirty!!

* it still is alittle wierd after the spit in it*

April 12th, 09, 02:19 AM
Terry thanks her boss and heads to see mia

April 12th, 09, 02:20 AM
awww i thought it would listen.... darn.... *look at Terry* O_O let me out!!!

April 12th, 09, 02:28 AM
"oh is it babies play time now" terry cooed pcking a few toys up

April 12th, 09, 02:30 AM
fuck off -_-....

( i really getting bored now... i like the evily wierd stuff like the robot getting wierd or punishment to humiliate me and so on ^^ <3 can u make a long one now? punishment, feeding, diaper change, dress up, plzz <3 )

April 12th, 09, 02:38 AM
Terry regags mia with a pacifier trapped into her mouth "now we can't have you being foul mouthed" picking her up terry takes mia over her lap and grabs a paddle and starts to spank mia hard with it diaper messy wet and still on
(I don't like to always be mean I'm sorry if you get bored of that it's not my nature to be mean of you don't like it then drop the rp)

April 12th, 09, 02:40 AM
(awwww dont be mad :(.....)

owwwww!!!! owwwwhmmmm!!

April 12th, 09, 02:48 AM
(I'm not I'm just saying sorry I sort of snapped there...)
Terry kept spanking for severl minutes then peeled off the diaper and wiped her cleaning her bottom off then spanking her some more "we will have now foul mouth language do you understand?"

April 12th, 09, 02:50 AM
*pain sounds and shakes yes*

April 12th, 09, 02:56 AM
"good now time for a bath" terry smiles and carries Mia to the bathroom behind anothe room filling the tub with warm water and a honeysuckle sent

April 12th, 09, 02:58 AM
*whispers to myself* now i can flee......

April 12th, 09, 03:01 AM
"what in a dress?" terry says "all you can do is get into the nursery door is still locked there" terry smiles as she undressed the boy nownher baby girl I'm looks

April 12th, 09, 03:03 AM
*blushes*...... no!!

April 12th, 09, 03:11 AM
"I didn't think you would" terry picks the boy up and sets him into the warm water and starts to wash his hair

April 12th, 09, 03:13 AM
*looks mad*.......

( sleep well <3 )

April 12th, 09, 03:17 AM
(you as well <3)
Terry smiled and tickled mia lightly as she washed making sure to get him clean

April 12th, 09, 07:22 PM
( im so honey >____> make the next messege so good plz)

April 12th, 09, 07:28 PM
(don't ned to know that...)
Terry rinsed Mias hair and grabbed a sweet smelling body was and started to lather her up and massaged her carefully relaxing her with each touch "you'll get use to your new life soon I hope"

April 12th, 09, 07:30 PM
( ohhh ssorry....)

April 12th, 09, 07:42 PM
Terry started to drain the water and rinse mia off with warn water pulling him out and wrapping him in a large fluffy towel patting him dry carefully

April 12th, 09, 07:45 PM
(hmmm good example about a babysitter robot is if u read the newest picture in here with Jade :) )

*gets all clean but pee on u by a mistake* O_O.....

April 12th, 09, 08:16 PM
Covers the towel over you as you finish peeing "see you need diapers now". Terry said as she grabbed a new diapernand waited for you to stop before oiling your private powdering you then taping up the diaper snuggly.

April 12th, 09, 08:17 PM
awwwww but... me no want too...

April 12th, 09, 08:28 PM
"you have no choice unless you want to spend time in diapers in jail" terry said as she snapped a diaper cover up and grabbed a new dress for Mia to wear

April 12th, 09, 08:29 PM
*looks kinda sad*.............okay.....

April 12th, 09, 08:36 PM
Terry smiles and slides the dress on mia and there's a small click as a little gold lock gets locked "shale we strap you to the wall again little mia

April 12th, 09, 08:44 PM
no !!! please.... dont do it...

April 12th, 09, 08:50 PM
"well alright we can go wonder the store it's almost closing timeim sure most of the costomers are gone now"

April 12th, 09, 08:51 PM
*gets nervous*......why?

April 12th, 09, 09:20 PM
"well you don't want to stay back here do you?"

April 12th, 09, 09:23 PM
no.....*looks down*;.....

April 16th, 09, 01:29 AM
( lets try again Pyroh!! <3 )