View Full Version : Back in the Day

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 05:41 AM
I'm just looking for a simple one on one RP with someone. So, if you're lookin' to be a mother, feel free to join. There's no real format to it, just some simple info.

Now, there is one person who has access to that which is merely age and the confines that come with it. Little did one boy know, that one person happened to be his mother. Upon his entree into high school, he was starting to slack off, and all starting going downhill.

But here, his mother thinks of something that might make her and her baby happy, or just her. Or maybe he'd perk up his game plan. It wasn't difficult, grounding the boy, and putting him on diaper punishment. But then... she started to slip this herb that makes people younger into the baby food she would feed him.

Name: Joseph VanSchaick
Age: 17 (to start)
Appearance: http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k...g?t=1226036099 (http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k455/Zetsuya_end/Zero_relaxin_by_crazylegz42.jpg?t=1226036099)
Np real bio needed.

November 10th, 08, 05:52 AM
ill do it but we will have to start tomorrow cause i have to go to bed

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 05:55 AM
Umm, alright. Cool.

November 10th, 08, 05:57 AM
Name: Sarah VanSchaick
age 38
appearence (sorry couldn't find a picture) blond hair with blue eyes has teh same basic face as her son

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 06:05 AM
Alright. I'll probably post something in the morning to start.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 10th, 08, 11:47 AM
It had been a month since Joey had been forced back into diapers for his punishment, and he was still proving to not care about his grades. Though he was now wearing the diapers all the time, and was forced to do all the things a baby would do at home (outside of his homework), things still didn't improve. His mother's threats didn't seem to be of any effect anymore, as he woke from his evening nap before dinner. He knew that if the diaper he wore remained dry, he'd be forced somehow to mess it. And so, he closed his eyes, letting the diaper swell.

November 11th, 08, 05:05 AM
Walks into room "are you wet my little baby"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:06 AM
"Yes mom..." he said quietly. He had learned by far to not ever lie to his mother, not now that he was at her mercy as "her baby" again.

November 11th, 08, 05:08 AM
"Good boy" grabs a new diaper and the baby powder along with teh wipes "now stay still so I can change you"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:10 AM
Joey nodded reluctantly, as he remained laying where he was. There was no escape from this.

November 11th, 08, 05:13 AM
Takes off his diaper and wipes all around where the diaper covers then she thinks "you know go take a shower then i will give you a new diaper"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:18 AM
"Alright.... It's alright," he nodded, in which he got up and walked out from the bedroom to the bathroom. He began to run the water immediately.

November 11th, 08, 05:25 AM
"Make it quick because you have to get to school" yelling from downstairs as she starts making breakfast

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:28 AM
Joey sighed, remembering school. He was never very fond of it, especially since he couldn't even escape his mother and his punishment there. After about five minutes, he came out, a towel wrapped around his bottom half. "Alright mom," he called aloud.

November 11th, 08, 05:29 AM
walks upstairs "Lay down on the bed" grabs teh diaper she had gotten earlier and the baby powder

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:30 AM
Joey was quiet as he laid upon the bed. It was pretty... useless. Next, he would get his baby food, which would then be a ride to school.

November 11th, 08, 05:35 AM
applies teh baby powder then slips the diaper on under joey "i am doing this for your own good" takes out two sets of clothes one a red shirt with jeans the other a blue shirt with tan pants "which do you prefer"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:46 AM
"Red..." Joey said quietly. He was still laying there, in merely the diaper. It wasn't that bad, but it was terrible.

November 11th, 08, 05:50 AM
Slids the jeans up him then helps him up so she casn finish it and button them "I will put the shirt on you after breakfast so my little baby doesn't get it all dirty" takes hand and start staking joey downstairs

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:52 AM
Joey waddled along down the stairs after his mother, to the kitchen. He was pouting. Pouting!

(Starting at dinner, you should start mixing in the special ingredient.))

November 11th, 08, 05:53 AM
Picks him up and outs him in a highchair then puts a bib on him "would the baby like carrots or spinich for breakfast today"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 05:58 AM
"Carrots..." he replied with, looking down. He was surprised his mother had went out of the way to go and buy a high chair of such size.

November 11th, 08, 05:59 AM
opens the jar and grabs a spoon "ok open wide"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:02 AM
The oversized baby opened up his mouth, waiting for the incoming food. He despised having to be fed the mush that was within the jars, especially since he had to eat nearly five jars to fill up.

November 11th, 08, 06:05 AM
put the food inhis mouth and continued the process for all teh jars. once done she pipes his face then takes his bib off "looks like the baby was hungry" takes him out of teh highchair ten puts the shirt on him and hands him his backpack "come on or you will be late"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:08 AM
Joey was quiet as he took his back pack and followed his mother out to the car quietly. He felt pretty stupid for being dressed by his mother.

November 11th, 08, 06:10 AM
Helps joe into the carseat in the back of the car and then gets into the front and heads to his school "dont forget honey that if you need a change go and see the nurse"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:15 AM
"I know... I know..." Joe said quietly. He was already embarrassed enough,and it was just bad when you had to waddle down the halls.

November 11th, 08, 06:16 AM
Stops at teh school gets out and helps him out of the car seat "good bye my little baby and have a good day at school"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:17 AM
"Bye mom..." he said as he walked away quickly. It was bad enough he had to wait for his mom to unbuckle the car seat, since "babies couldn't do it". He would face another day of humiliation.

November 11th, 08, 06:19 AM
dives home and starts to mix together her baby's dinner with her own secret ingredient

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:20 AM
(Skip to after school?)

November 11th, 08, 06:21 AM
Finishes mixing it then tidies up the house looks at the clock and sees it is time to go pick up her son. gets into the car and drives to her baby's school

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:23 AM
Joey sighed, sitting on the front step of the school awaiting his ride home. He had denied a ride from someone else, because he wouldn't be too happy later after a event like that.

November 11th, 08, 06:27 AM
drives up and sees her little joey "how was my little baby's day at school" takes his hand and walks him to the car

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:28 AM
"Same as always..." Joey replied as his mother took him to the car. He was quiet as he was buckled into the car seat, annoyed by all the annoying buckles.

November 11th, 08, 06:29 AM
Finishes buckling him in and starts to drive home "did you have any accidents in school today"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:30 AM
"No accidents..." he said shaking his head. Although, he had wet himself so that he nurse wouldn't tell his mom that he wasn't coming for a change like he was supposed to.

November 11th, 08, 06:34 AM
they get home and she takes him out of the carseat and leads him into the house "do you need a change now"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:37 AM
"No.. not yet..." he said shaking his head. He despised having to use the diapers, but he knew his mother would expect something soon.

November 11th, 08, 06:39 AM
"ok go up and play with your toys for a little while"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:41 AM
Joey smiled, sheerly because he knew that was what his mother had wanted to see. He went into the living room and plopped down, making a couple of toys crash together.

November 11th, 08, 06:43 AM
finishes the house chores she had not finished and then walks into the living room "ok honey we have to go out to the store" she says "and do you need a change yet"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:44 AM
Joey sighed a little, shaking his head once again. He hadn't gone and done anything yet.

November 11th, 08, 06:45 AM
"ok then" looks at him "then lets go" takes his hand and brings him out to the car and buckles him in teh car seat and then starts driving to the store

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:47 AM
Now, while he was out in the car seat, he was at the point where he couldn't hold anymore. He cringed as his pants grew heavy, and he was left feeling more babyish than at any point that day.

November 11th, 08, 06:49 AM
They arrive at the store and she goes to the back of the car and helps him out of the carseat and then holds his hand sand starts walking to the store

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:52 AM
"Mom... I need.. a change..." he said walking awkwardly feeling the mess in his diaper. It was awful to him, seeing as he was sitting there in close contact with ti.

November 11th, 08, 06:54 AM
"ok i will change you in the store come on" continues walking to the store

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:55 AM
Joey continued to shift uncomfortably, unknowingly making it worse for him than before. Normally, he hadn't had a need to wait, since he'd just let his mother know and get it done there. He whined a little as they got in.

November 11th, 08, 06:57 AM
walks him into teh ladies room "hey isn't that your friend over there" pointing to a girl about his height as she pulled down teh changing table and put him on it

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 06:59 AM
"Don't do this mom," he whined a little, covering his face. It was embarrassing enough to have to wear the diapers, then having to get them cleaned up in the lady's bathroom. It was awful.

November 11th, 08, 07:02 AM
pulls down his pants then takes his diaper off adn slides it out from under him, she wipes him completely then adds teh powder. lastly she puts teh new diaper on him and puulls his panst back up. she throws teh old diaper away and then takes him of the changing table "that wasn't so bad now was it" smile and takes his had and leads him out of the bathroom

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 07:04 AM
"Now it's not so bad," he said under his breath. Joey's face was almost as red as a tomato, and on top of it, he was all in all, rather unnerved by others seeing him diapered.

November 11th, 08, 07:06 AM
gets a carrage adn picks him up and put shim in the seat in the front then starts walking tbrough the aisles

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 07:09 AM
Now, this was getting ridiculous. But rather than say anything, Joey sat there quietly, watching as his mother pushed the carriage down the aisles. It was rather... strange. But he wasn't going to say or determine on whether or not he liked it.

((Crashin' for the night. Later))

November 11th, 08, 07:10 AM
goes and buy more baby food and a bunch of other things then lasly she gets more diapers
"the carriage is full can you hold these"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 11th, 08, 12:32 PM
Joey frowned, seeing as all the things were still for him, and he quietly took the diapers his mother had seleced and set them within his lap. They were... a signal screaming 'this kid has to wet himself!'

November 12th, 08, 03:44 AM
"Now since you were such a good little boy im going to get you a little something, what is it my little baby wants"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 03:46 AM
"Big boy pants," Joey replied bluntly. He added "big boy" that way his mother wouldn't try and twist things around. All she could do now was shoot down the idea

November 12th, 08, 03:51 AM
looks at him then goes to the correct place and picks out what he wanted and goes to teh cash register to pay for everything

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 03:52 AM
Joe was utterly surprised. He had gotten what he had wanted? Well, he figured this was a good step for him, maybe his mother was giving in on it?

November 12th, 08, 03:56 AM
Finishes checking out and tehn brings teh carriage out to the car and puts everythng in the trunk. She takes him out of the carriage and and puts him in the carseat and gets in teh car and starts to drive home

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 03:57 AM
JOey sat in the carseat, watching the scenery pass by. It was utterly astonishing that he was obtaining what he thought he would never have again. And after all that, it would be a relief, though he would probably have to be repotty trained.

November 12th, 08, 04:12 AM
Gets to teh house and helps joe out "go play with your toys there is something i need to do"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:14 AM
Joey nodded once again, and so, he waddled into the house and plopped into the living room, grabbing a few toys. He turned on the TV, though most of the TV was V-chipped blocking him from anything outside of Disney and Nickelodeon based TV stations. He frowned as Spongebob played and he smashed more toys together.

November 12th, 08, 04:16 AM
About a hour and a half later she comes and turns teh tv off "come with me"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:18 AM
Joey nodded, since it was his mother's direction. He stood up and steadied himself, awaiting for his mother to lead him to the next room, in which he was now growing curious

November 12th, 08, 04:19 AM
walks upstairs into his room waiting for him to come in

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:20 AM
Joey headed into his room. "What's the matter mom?" he asked, slightly nervous. What could be the idea for this? Was she repealing the diaper punishment like he had thought earlier?

November 12th, 08, 04:23 AM
"sit on your bed, and do you need a change"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:24 AM
"Umm.. it's not too bad, so I think I can stand it..." Joey replied as he sat upon his bed. The diaper squished a little, but it wasn't awful enough now to make him upset. "So what's going on?"

November 12th, 08, 04:26 AM
"are you doing any better in school"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:27 AM
"Ummm not too much better... why?" he asked. Joey had not figured to be asked until she actually had grades in her hands at the end of the term. This could be good.

November 12th, 08, 04:29 AM
"i didn't think so but it is time for your nap I will call you when it is time for dinner" walks out

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:32 AM
Joey nodded once, though she had left. It had become more habit than anything as he flopped onto his bed. The jeans felt uncomfortable, so he pulled them off. His diapered bottom was high in the air, until he rolled onto his side, sucking his thumb.

November 12th, 08, 04:33 AM
After about two hours of down time for her "Joey come on down it is time for dinner"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:34 AM
Joey woke, since he had become a rather light sleeper. His diaper was definitely soaked now, but it was dinner time. He got up, and waddled down, diaper sagging. He helped himself into the high chair, feeling the squish.

November 12th, 08, 04:35 AM
"No need to change your diaper first, don't want you leaking during dinner"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:36 AM
Joey wasn't so sure that hadn't happened already. "Can we just do it in here?" he asked, not wanting to go too far. After all, it wasn't like he was a special case that needed sterile areas.

November 12th, 08, 04:41 AM
Picks him up and put shim on the ground and then takes his diaper off wipes him up applies the powder and then puts a new diaper on him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:43 AM
"Do you keep a diaper in every corner of the house?" Joey asked, as he sat abck up and back in the high chair. It was pretty strange, since it had just been so warm. He shrugged a little, waiting for his mother to lock him in and feed him.

November 12th, 08, 04:47 AM
locks him in the seat and puts the bib on, then goes to the fridge and gets out the food she had prepared earlier for her darling baby "here you go open wide"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:49 AM
Joey opened wide, letting himself get ready for the food. It wasn't jarred, so there was no way for him to tell what was in it, and on top of it, it smelled kind of good.

November 12th, 08, 04:53 AM
put sit in his mouth and smiles "does my little baby like it"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:55 AM
Joey didn't say anything as he swallowed the mush he was offered this time. It felt like oatmeal.. but ti was far from the taste. it was pretty sweet actually. And as a result, Joey nodded, still trying to keep the flavor from the first spoonful.

November 12th, 08, 04:57 AM
Continues feeding him until there is no more left. She wipes him up and takes him down "was that a good dinner" taking him upstairs

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 04:59 AM
Joey nodded simply. He was feeling kind of funny as a result of the dinner. "It was yummy," he smiled. He waddled along behind his mother, quietly after that. He didn't want to tell her the yummy food made his belly hurt.

November 12th, 08, 05:00 AM
"Good now go along and play with your toys until bed time"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:01 AM
Joey nodded as he entered his bedroom and plopped onto the floor. He began to play around to start with some blocks that were laying about. Mainly because those were the first things within reach.

November 12th, 08, 05:03 AM
eats her own dinner and hopes that this stuff she bought works

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:06 AM
As Joey played, he was starting to feel ill, more so than before. He wanted to throw up, but it was spreading through his body. Everything was growing about him, leaving him behind. His teeth were being replaced, and his clothes were big and heavy. He stopped at the age of six, crying simply because he was scared, that... and he still felt the funny feeling.

November 12th, 08, 05:08 AM
SHe heard Joey crying so she stopped eating and went upstairs

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:09 AM
the six year old boy sat in the pile of oversized clothing and in the midst of the toys, crying his eyes out. His nose was running, and his face wet with tears as he had his fit.

November 12th, 08, 05:13 AM
Picks him up smiling and happy that it had worked "oh my poor baby what is wrong" she cradles him and starts to rock him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:16 AM
"I'm no big," he said whining. He whimpered, feeling pretty helpless in all. He would have been naked too, had he not clung to his shirt so desperately.

November 12th, 08, 05:20 AM
She smiled "oh my poor poor baby, lets get you into some smaller clothes" lays hm down and puts a smaller diaper on him along with a red shirt

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:23 AM
Joey was quiet sucking upon his thumb as he was changed into a new diaper. He despised the now, overly babyish designs on it, and relaxed once he was more covered with the shirt. He wasn't fond of the fact that he was basically being a baby.

November 12th, 08, 05:25 AM
Looks at the clock "it is your bed time little one"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:27 AM
"But mom... it's only 8:30," Joey whined as he was told bed time. He really really didn't want to go. And did this mean he was going back to first grade? Or even kindergarten? oh... Things had become too complicated.

November 12th, 08, 05:31 AM
"Dont be a bad boy, just go to bed" her face was stern as she pointed to his bed

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:33 AM
JOey frowned as he waddled to his bed, laying in it. Now all his big kid things were useless to him, and he'd have to work with old clothes that his mother had on hand. He curled up in bed, nodding off once more.

November 12th, 08, 05:38 AM
Smiles and stays up for another two hours transforming her little baby's room into a nursery fro when the ingredient finished. When she finished with teh roo mshe carefully tookl joey so not to wake him and put him in the new crib. when she was done she went to bed herself

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:42 AM
Joey was sleeping rather soundly as he was moved, and his little bit of adult stuff was removed and he ended up waking the next morning, rubbing his eyes. Bars? A foul feeling? He whined, crying aloud. He was still six years old! And now, on top of it, his mother had gone off her rocker!

November 12th, 08, 05:43 AM
She awoke to teh sound of Joey crying. she runs into his room "what is the matter, why is my little baby crying"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:47 AM
Joey whimpered a little, looking at his mother, though he was still laying in the crib," Icky diaper..." he said under his breath. He felt so... weak. So... vulnerable. He just wanted to get this over with.

November 12th, 08, 05:49 AM
she picked him up and carried him to the bathroom where she started a bath, she layed him down and started to take his diaper off

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:50 AM
"Why's dis happening, mom?" he hiccuped. Everything was just so... wrong to him. WEll... sort of. It felt wonderful as well.

November 12th, 08, 05:54 AM
"Why is what happening" she asked then finished taking the diaper off him the put him in the tub

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 05:57 AM
"Me going backward..." Joey said as he was set within the tub. The water was warm, which calmed him a little. But still... it was so aggravating for him.

November 12th, 08, 05:58 AM
"You are just becoming mommy's baby" she stops teh bath and then starts to wash him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 12th, 08, 11:58 AM
Joey wasn't liking the sound of that. That must have meant that his mother was doing this to him, but he didn't fight her off as she washed him. there wasn't a point to it now. She had won.

November 12th, 08, 11:33 PM
she continued to wash him and when she was done she took him out and dried him off and carried him into room

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 01:42 AM
Joey felt so uncomfortable being naked, so he curled up while his mother carried him. It was so weird to be carried around like a little kid, but he wasn't going to fight it.

November 13th, 08, 03:20 AM
Grabbed a diaper from one of the new pakages she had purchased and then applied teh baby powder and slid the diaper under him. She grabs a purple shirt and slips it on him then picks him up again "Time for my baby's breakfast"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:26 AM
Joey laid there quietly as he was diapered by his mother, and let the shirt get tugged on. Breakfast? He shook his head, denying the thought of breakfast, since he still felt funny from the night before.

November 13th, 08, 03:27 AM
Puts him in the high chair and gets the baby food "well since you had teh carrots yesterday you get teh spinich today"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:29 AM
Now, hearing that he was getting spinach, it only convinced him further that he shouldn't eat. He was six years old, so there must be some way for him to deny his mother's wish like the baby food.

November 13th, 08, 03:36 AM
"Come on and open up" she held the spoon to his mouth

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:39 AM
Joey kept his head turned to the side and low, clenching his teeth. He didn't want any food right now. Especially none of the mush he had been eating within a baby's role, and as a baby.

November 13th, 08, 03:40 AM
She stopped "be a good boy and eat your food"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:44 AM
Joey shook his head once more. There was nothing he would do to let her get the food in his mouth. He was still feeling funny, and now, it was feeling more evident again.

November 13th, 08, 03:44 AM
She took one hand and started to tickle him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:46 AM
The small boy giggled, trying his hardest to keep his mouth closed, but soon, he was squirming laughing completely within the confines of the high chair.

November 13th, 08, 03:48 AM
as soon as he starts laughing she sticks the spoon with the food on it and sticks it in his mouth

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:49 AM
Joey frowned as the spoon was inserted in his mouth. He hated being ticklish! After all, his mother had ended up exploiting it in order to stuff the icky food in his mouth.

November 13th, 08, 03:52 AM
"Now swallow"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:54 AM
Joey sat where he was. How would she force him to swallow? He never wanted another bit of baby food in his tummy again.

November 13th, 08, 03:56 AM
"DO it now or does mommy have to punish the little baby"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 03:58 AM
He shook his head. What could she do to punish him? He wasn't going to be pushed around. He didn't have the nerve as a teen, but he would now.

November 13th, 08, 04:01 AM
"Fine" she picks him up and brings him into his room takes all his toys out and then starts to leave "when you decide to be a good boy and eat then you can come back downstairs and you can have your toys back" she closes the door and walks out closing the door

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:03 AM
So... it was a simple grounding? That wasn't hard at all, now was it? While he was there alone in the room, he felt himself shrink up a little more. At the age of three now, he found it more and more difficult to sit still, without any toys. It was a matter of minutes, before he waddled out," Mama?" he called.

November 13th, 08, 04:05 AM
"Yes honey" she looks at him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:06 AM
The three year old boy looked up at his mom. "I sowwy," he whined a little. He was feeling a little more.. childish now that he was a toddler.

November 13th, 08, 04:07 AM
"Good boy" she picks him up and puts him back in the highchair "No open wide"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:10 AM
Whining the entire time, he opened up, and waited. Things were ever so.. complicated. He felt the tingle, but it was faint once again.

November 13th, 08, 04:12 AM
"good boy" she keeps feeding him then when she finishes feedig him she wipes him off and then puts him on the ground "would little joey like to play with his toys"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:15 AM
Joey nodded meekly, wishing for a snug diaper first. But he was the first to avoid requesting that, since it seemed to be the only thing that he could try and control.

November 13th, 08, 04:16 AM
"Here lets get you a diaper that isn't falling off first then you can play with your toys is taht ok"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:17 AM
Joey cursed himself for even letting the thought cross his mind, however, there was a feeling of glee within him for this.

November 13th, 08, 04:20 AM
she runs upstaris and grabs another diaper then lays him down she pulls the diaper that is to big for him of easily and then slids the new one on "is that better"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:22 AM
Joey was surprised by the diaper that merely slid on. "Why dis one swide?" he asked, a tad confused. He appreciated something more.. big boy like, but still.

November 13th, 08, 04:24 AM
"becasue i dont have any diapers this small right now, you play for a little while and then we will go out and get you some smaller diapers ok"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:26 AM
He nodded a little, though he then shook his head. "Dese good," he smiled, as he went to run off and play with all his toys that were now in the living room.

November 13th, 08, 04:28 AM
went into the basement and brought up more baby stuff for her little baby and set it where it needed to be after about a hour "ok honey lets go to the store"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:31 AM
"But mama... I wanna keep pwaying," he whined, plopping himself onto the ground. He realized how much the ground hurt without his diaper, though he didn't want one again.

November 13th, 08, 04:32 AM
"No we need to go so we can get back in time for your nap" takes some pants and slips them on him then carries him out to the car and then head to the store

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:34 AM
Joey sat in the car seat, waiting for the car to come to a stop. He was pouting the entire way, no doubt, but still...

November 13th, 08, 04:35 AM
"we are here come on lets make this quick so we go back home and let you have a nap because you seem very grumpy today"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:39 AM
Grumpy? He... was grumpy? He had been turned from a seventeen year old boy into a little three year old, with a fear that he would only grow smaller still.

November 13th, 08, 04:41 AM
gets him out and picks him up she puts him in the first carriage she finds. she goe sthrough teh store and buys several packages of diapers "now do you need a change honey"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:43 AM
He didn't feel so ridiculous since he was little rather than seventeen in the carriage. He nodded weakly, his meal from earlier have already made a appearance as a new mess.

November 13th, 08, 04:45 AM
She quickly checks everything out then she grabs one of the new diapers and takes him into the ladies room and puts him on teh changing table

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:48 AM
Joey saw the friend from school again in there, and he smiled at her, waving, knowing she didn't think it was him. He received a wave and a smile, while he awaited his change.

November 13th, 08, 04:49 AM
Takes off his pants and then his dirty diaper "man did you make a big mess" she wipes him down and applies teh baby powder and then puts a new diaper on him pulls his pants back up and then carries him out

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:52 AM
JOey could definitely feel the difference in the diaper from before and now. It felt as though ti were three times thicker, but yet... it wasn't like the diapers he had when he was a teen. The boy missed diapers so thick he couldn't or could barely walk.

November 13th, 08, 04:55 AM
She takes him home then carries him to his room "now it is time for the little boys nap" she puts him in th crib she had put out then turns the light off and walks out

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 04:56 AM
Joey was a little... upset by all this. Laying in the crib, he sniffled and cried, until he finally drifted off to sleep./

November 13th, 08, 05:03 AM
"Come on honey time to wake up" she is standing right ove rthe crib waiting for her baby to wake up

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:05 AM
Instinctively when he was awakened by his mother, he felt more.. babyish than before. Starting to cry and scream and kick as a result of being so... small.

November 13th, 08, 05:08 AM
picks him up "oh shush shush it is ok mommy is here for you" she starts to rock him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:10 AM
Joey's cries died down little by little, seeing as he had been so.. upset. And now, here he was, quieting down as though he weren't even three.

November 13th, 08, 05:16 AM
"theres my good boy" she carries him downstairs and goes to the fridg nd takes out a bottle "here you go this is for you"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:18 AM
The bottle received no hesitation, as he took it and popped the nipple of it into his mouth. He suckled on its contents happily, glad for something.

November 13th, 08, 05:19 AM
"good boy" she held him in her arms as he continued o drink the bottle

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:22 AM
Joey was so... calm now. His hands were wrapped around his bottle, and kept drinking until he got to the point where he was suckling only air.

November 13th, 08, 05:28 AM
She took the bottle away from him "someone was thirsty, would you like some more"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:33 AM
Nodding again, he wanted to play too though. A sweet bottle this time, maybe. He wasn't really going to worry all that much, as his feet kicked.

November 13th, 08, 05:35 AM
She got him another bottle and fed it to him like last time

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:38 AM
He suckled upon the bottle once more, this time, reaching his full capacity as he finished up. the bottle was still half full.

November 13th, 08, 05:42 AM
She noticed he had sropped and she took the bottle out "does my baby want to play with his toys a little now"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:53 AM
"Yesh, mama," he smiled. He wiggled, trying to get down on his own without his mother's help. Joey didn't have a prayer for that though.

November 13th, 08, 05:54 AM
(i have to go to bed)
she puts him down in fron tof teh couch and brings him some blocks to play with "here you go"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 13th, 08, 05:58 AM
((Night night.))

Joey took the blocks without thought and began to play. It was so... simple, and entertaining.

November 14th, 08, 03:36 AM
Watches her baby play with her blocks then after awhile reliezes how much time had gone by "come on you have to stop playing"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 03:40 AM
"Why?" Joey asked as he continued to play. It wasn't very late... At least not to his standards.

November 14th, 08, 03:42 AM
"because look it is 6 and you need to have dinner then take a bath before bed all that in an hour will be hard enough as it is"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 03:48 AM
"No sweepy at seben," he said stubbornly. After all, he had just ate a bottle and a half.

November 14th, 08, 03:51 AM
"Fine tonight you can stay up a hour later but starting tomorrow it is bed at seven so play for another half an hour then you can have dinner" leans back on the couch again

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:00 AM
He pouted alittle. Why was he having to go so early? It's not like he had school so early. the toddler continued to play with the blocks, trying to block the thought of dinner coming.

November 14th, 08, 04:02 AM
Due to her lack of sleep the last few nights she slips into dream land

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:10 AM
Joey smiled a little, looking over. His mother was sleeping now. He got up and waddled out of the room, hoping to find some way to escape or something.

November 14th, 08, 04:11 AM
Grabs a pillow on the other end of the couch and cushions her head with it and continues sleeping

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:17 AM
Joey continued to look around the house, as he found a funny plant. Was this the weird thing that did this to him? There was only one way to find out... But he didn't want to..

November 14th, 08, 04:19 AM
Continues sleeping now on her side

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:24 AM
Eventually, curiosity began to work over his common sense as he plucked a little piece of it, and started to chew on it. Minutes later, he found his theory to be proven as he shrunk to the size of a 18 month old, and began to cry and scream.

November 14th, 08, 04:26 AM
hears teh screaming and falls off the couch "ouch" walks over to see her now 18 month old child "oh my poor baby what did you do"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:32 AM
At the foot of th baby in the clothing laid a piece of the plant that had been purchased. He was crying because of the fact he had done something so foolish. "Mama!!!" he screamed, still crying.

November 14th, 08, 04:33 AM
picks him up "yes yes mama is here"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:36 AM
Joey continued to cry, pretty upset by the events sparked by his own infantile curiosity. He was the reason that he was going to be in diapers for just about all time.

November 14th, 08, 04:41 AM
"looks like someone was going around touching things they werent supposed to" she rocks him and brings him over to the couch

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:45 AM
Joey whined as he was rocked, though he quieted down to a whimper. The baby wanted a pacifier now.. He didn't know why, but his cries built back up again.

November 14th, 08, 04:47 AM
brings him up into his room and puts a smaller diaper on him so that it fits his new size. then she walks over and grabs something and walks back over "does baby want this" shows a pacifier

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:48 AM
Wearing once more, for the fourth time that day, only a diaper, he spotted the pacifier as his little hands reached for it. It wasn't even anything seriously needed, he just wanted it.

November 14th, 08, 04:53 AM
put sit in his mouth "there you go is that better"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 04:56 AM
Joey sucked on the pacifier, looking up at his mom. would he ever get to grow up again? The baby wasn't really sure anymore... and at this point, he had given up.

November 14th, 08, 04:59 AM
"Now i get to raise you all over again maybe to be a better boy" picks him up and brings him downstairs

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:00 AM
Joey cringed at the thought. Being reared once more by his mother was not bad, but it definitely was not the best situation that could happen.

November 14th, 08, 05:04 AM
puts him in the high chair "time for dinner" goes and gets out some baby food

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:06 AM
the baby sat in the high chair, watching his mother get yet another jar. It was rather... boring to him. What could he do?

November 14th, 08, 05:07 AM
grabs a spoon and starts putting it toward his mouth "come on baby open wide"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:09 AM
Joey really didn't want more baby food. "Mama?" he asked, trying to sound like he was pleading for something different. but he was unsur eof whether it would work or not.

November 14th, 08, 05:12 AM
"yes honey"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:13 AM
"Weawuh food," he said. He was amazed to have been able to sputter out the combo of words so well. He felt really proud of himself.

November 14th, 08, 05:14 AM
"this is your food honey now open up"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:18 AM
The little boy sniffled, as he was left no other option aside from the mush. There were few opportunities, one of which was simply... growing small enough to have to bottle feed.

November 14th, 08, 05:22 AM
"now open wide so mommy can feed her little baby"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:23 AM
Joey reluctantly opened his mouth, waiting. The mush was far far less than he wanted.

November 14th, 08, 05:28 AM
puts it in and reliezes he really doesnt want it "would my little baby prefer a bottle instead"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:34 AM
The little boy nodded. A bottle would be much preferred over the mush. Mush wasn't appealing in the very least.

November 14th, 08, 05:38 AM
S,iles and then goes and warms up a bottle she picks him up and carries him upstairs into his room and sits down in a rocking chair and gives him the bottle

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:40 AM
Joey sucked on the warm bottle, letting ti settle in his tummy comfortably. It was very nice, and he couldn't help but giggle, spitting up a tad.

November 14th, 08, 05:42 AM
takes the shirt she is wearing and wipes his mouth where he had spit up while still holding the bottle

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:45 AM
Now, Joey finished sucking down the milk of the bottle, and yawned feebly. He was already tired? It was still early in the evening.

November 14th, 08, 05:48 AM
"my little baby is tired, now is my baby messy"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:51 AM
Joey hadn't felt anything, so, he didn't believe he was messy. Although, he had been wrong twice today about that. He wiggled a little, realizing now that he was indeed messy, as he whined.

November 14th, 08, 05:54 AM
"seems like someone made a mess" stands up and carries him over to the changing table and chnages him into a new diaper then she gets out a red footed sleeper and starts to put it on him

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 05:56 AM
Joey was fairly calm this time as he was changed, he didn't mind it one bit. He actually enjoyed it. He kicked happily, making his dressing get difficult.

November 14th, 08, 05:59 AM
laughs as he starts kicking and manages to wrestle the sleeper on "seems like i have a realy happy baby here" picks him up "but it is time for the baby to go beddy buy"

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 14th, 08, 06:11 AM
Once his sleeper was on, the sleep began to take him again. After all, it was only a temporary fix to his sleep susceptibility.

November 14th, 08, 06:14 AM
puts him in the crib and then puts the paciifier back in his mouth then kisses him on the forehead "goodnight my little baby"