View Full Version : Battle RP of epic proportions

December 12th, 08, 12:43 PM
This will be an epic battle rp with a good solid storyline just look at my posted bio for back story
I thought a break from all the reform schools would be a nice change

The line-up so far:

Spiky - Human Psychic?
Arfan - Blood Elf?

BirdistheWord (Kamelot)- Fallen Angel
Chaoswolf - Demon Werewolf (Or is it Werewolf Demon?) (Is he here?)
KittyKimmy - Demon?

People in RP:

December 29th, 08, 08:02 AM
As always, Im up for any Rp with action or fighting in it.

December 29th, 08, 08:08 AM
Glad to hear it this thread got a worse response than Germany's invasion of Poland... T.T

December 29th, 08, 08:16 AM
lol it isn't good or evil it is just a point of view ;) ooo a battle sounds fun XD ill join as long as I can blow things up

December 29th, 08, 08:20 AM
The Storyline: there are two sides Nightwatch and Daywatch

Nightwatch: The armies of light - They watch the night and have kept the people safe from evil since the middle ages...
Daywatch: The armies of Darkness - The true terrors that walk the night their mission is to destroy the Daywatch

This RP consists of original characters that must choose Nightwatch or Daywatch and a class IE: Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Angel

Each of course has their own racial abilities IE:Werewolves are superstrong, and of course disabilities IE: vampires can't go out in the sun. But you can aslo choose powers as well like telekenisis or firecasting ect.

Mephisto's Palace: A castle-fortress built by Mephisto located in hell it is guarded by a nearly endless frozen tundra and the frozen river Styx. It is from here Mephisto has created his army to destroy the forces of Light and claim the throne of heaven it is also here he has watched for the signs of the final battle that is to come...

The RP will start with Mephisto at his palace holding a large banquet to rally for the support of the others for the battle ahead, but the armies of light, under the cover of moonlight, sail silently across the now unfrozen river detremined to stop him at all costs. The people attending the banquet agree to help Mephisto. The armies of light arrive to challenge them and the battle begins.

December 29th, 08, 08:22 AM
And yes wolf you can blow stuff up but you'd need to be Daywatch

December 29th, 08, 08:27 AM
Name: Chaos Wolf
Species: Demon Werewolf? (if its ok lol)
Side: Daywatch
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"- 7'2" (Human to werewolf)
Weight: 255lbs - 566
Skin/ Fur color: White skin/ Black Fur
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blood Red
Description: Black oversize suit jacket over a red vest with black cargo pants. He wears a medallion over his neck and wears black sneakers.
Attitude: Kind and likes to help others but can go off on rampages and will try to destroy anything he sees as a problem.

December 29th, 08, 08:29 AM
Awesome a Sneaker-Wearing Derewolf!!!!!!

December 29th, 08, 08:31 AM
Lmao ^_^ thaaats me :3

December 29th, 08, 08:32 AM
Any way you'd still need to edit it as I had a template that we should use check out "Nightwatch vs. Daywatch" under the Rps then post it here and ill aprove it : )

December 29th, 08, 08:35 AM
Oh crap sorry O.o ill do that right away

December 29th, 08, 08:40 AM
Oh and post the template here for me as my phone doesn't have a "copy" or "paste" function - thanx

December 29th, 08, 08:42 AM
Ok guys this is the template you need to fill out and repost in order to join in

Name: Your players name
Side: Nightwatch (Good Guys) or Daywatch (Bad Guys)
Class: What your player is ie. Vampire
Weapon: Your player's weapon of choice
Description: What your player looks like
Background: Your player's life story (but shortened)
Abilities: What your player can do

December 29th, 08, 08:50 AM
Thank You Much

December 29th, 08, 09:12 AM
Name: Chaos Wolf

Side: Daywatch (Bad Guys Rawr >:o)

Class: Demon Werewolf

Weapon: Axe and Great sword(or just one or the other)

Description: (human form) White Skin, Dark Brown Hair, Blood Red eyes, Over sized black suit jacket over a red vest with black cargo pants and black sneakers. Muscular build with a height of 5'11" and weight of 255 lbs.

(demon werewolf form) Black fur with some red scale patters on his face and back, razor sharp teeth and a muscular build and a height of 7'2" and weight of 566 lbs. Also has red scales on some parts of his hands. Blood red eyes that have no pupils. All clothes but his cargo pants and black suit jacket are taken off causing them to rip in certain places. He also has a set of curled demon horns on his head. He also has chains wrapped around his body.

Background: Son of one of the greatest demon warriors of the night with an unknown mother. His origins are very cloudy since as a child he was raised by his aunt do to his fathers death. He was trained by one of his fathers older friends at the age of 10 to the age of 18. He has a few of the same powers as his father once had and a few of his own. He decided to walk in his fathers footsteps to destroy the light but to also find more answers about his life.


Human Powers

Shadow Wall: Creates walls out of shadows to block things or cage them in

Swarm Of Shadow Rats: Creates a swarm of rats out of the shadows that hunt down their prey and consume it bit by bit then scurry back to their master once done completley consuming it and come back to him to transfer the energy into his body.

Shadow Tentecles: Creates Tentecles underneath the victum that drag it down screaming for mercy until its completley pulled into the darkness.

Shadow Cage: Encages a victum in a sealed shadow ball that fill sup with demon acid that burns the victum slowly.

Blackout: Kills all light around him so his prey is disoriented and scared while he closes in for the kill.

Echo Of Torment: Releases pulses of painful waves from his hand that slowly tear his enemy apart and disorient them.

Pit of the damned: Opens a hold underneath the prey thats send them through a hellish gateway filled with spikes, hands that like to rip things apart and fire that will slowly melt them in painful agony.

Demon Axe and Demon Sword Powers

Consume: His axe opens up its blade to reveal a mouth lined with razor sharp teeth. He can either swing the axe at the prey and catch it within its mouth or the axe and release its several wip like toungues to ensnare the enemy. If one tounge is cut several sprout from it

The Devils Eye: The eye of the sword glows gore red and paralyzes the prey filling their minds with horrible images of their worst fears making it much more satisfying.

Wrath Of The Fallen: Swinging his axe or sword down onto the ground giant spikes made of dead demons and dead angels rises from the ground. Each demon and angel has died alonside their weapon making the sword points stick out when the spikes rise form the ground.

Khornes Fury: Axe Blazes so hot with the God of Bloods fury that it disintegrates any challenger around.

Locusts Of Nurgle: The Axe opens its maw and releases millions of furry and hungry disease filled locusts to consume prey.

Deception Of Tzeentch: The Sword releases a magical wave that contorts the evironment and changes the enemies form into their enemy making them attack eachother and the remains of the fallen ones are converted into twisted walls of moving flesh that consume anything in their path.

Alure Of Slaanesh: Sword releases a purfume like substance that wafts through the air and confuses the enemey with halucinations of things they lust.

Weredemon Form Powers

Howl Of The Blood Moon: Howls in such a tone that it causes the enemys head to explode filling the air with blood.

Baptism Of Fire: Breathes a stream of fire that begins with a dragon head shape and chases down his prey with it. The flames will burn andything to ash.

Chains Of Torment: The chains on his body fly out toward the enemy and wrap around them then pull and twist riping them apart.

Summon The Fallen: Summons demons and recently fallen angels to fight for you with swords and spears.

(If its to much ill gladly remove some of them XD sorry when I think evil powers I can go overboard >.>;)

December 29th, 08, 09:17 AM
Umm I was thinking one weapon but I kinda like it so I'm limiting it to what you think your character can carry but please be reasonable so yeah that's ok as for the powers that just means it won't get boring : )

December 29th, 08, 09:20 AM
lmao thanks XD and im not immortal or anything I can get killed and I wont godmod I promise I dont like that stuff o.o

December 29th, 08, 09:51 AM
I took mine direct from Goethe's Faust this time :P

Name: Mephisto the Archangel
Side: Daywatch (Baddies)
Class: Fallen Angel
Weapon: Sword of White Woe [One-Handed Longsword]: Forged by Mephisto himself countless ages ago it burns with the fires of hell
Description: 5'7" Black hair Black eyes wears red robe not perticularly muscular and has very pale skin
Background: Mephisto once was Gods right hand charged with the task of judging souls. When god created man he had his angels bow to mankind who were created in his likeness, Mephisto refused saying his allegiance was to god alone. He was banished from heaven and sent to earth never to live never to die....a fate worse than death. When he awoke on earth he had found that his blonde hair and bright eyes had turned dark to remind him that his defection from god had cost him his soul. Mephisto wandered the world for many centuries never finding any who would live alongside him. He created a vast army to take the throne of heaven and called it Daywatch for he would watch the day for the time when the final battle would begin.
Abilities: Mephisto is an angelic being and having eaten from the tree of life he is unaffected by aging. Mephisto was given total dominion over the soul to judge the souls of the wicked. He can assume the form of any entity of a persons past but he will still have black eyes. He can read a persons soul and tell their intentions, if they are good or bad, what they desire, What their next move will be, ect and finally worst of all he can take a man's soul from them if they are tempted into sin.

December 29th, 08, 10:00 AM
That not a godmod I just don't age and I already have plans for my death

December 29th, 08, 10:31 AM
I'v got a question, as a normal person in the Rp can I still help/fight for a side, or am I stuck in the middle of the battle?. or is it my choice? I'd like to start out as neutral in the begining and, can I have an ability or two or a weapon as a normal person?, I'd like to be a normal person because, Im always someone who has some kind of inhuman abilities.

if its no to my questions, then I might be a vamp or an angel or something.

let me know and I'll create a bio.

December 29th, 08, 10:43 AM
No see what happened is you never said what side you wanted to be on... but I acknoledged you anyway choose a side make a bio and ill change it

December 29th, 08, 10:52 AM
Note: People in RP means they are in the rp but I don't know which side or what their class is

December 29th, 08, 11:05 AM
No see what happened is you never said what side you wanted to be on... but I acknoledged you anyway choose a side make a bio and ill change it

Oh, okay, I didnt chose a side because I wanted to be just a human, with a human ability like being a psychic,or something of the sort , and a gun that shoots silver bullets or something. I didnt realise you had to be an inhuman character.

December 29th, 08, 11:10 AM
A psychic is pretty in human to me and that's fine you can choose anything but you would have to choose a side

December 29th, 08, 11:34 AM
A psychic is pretty in human to me and that's fine you can choose anything but you would have to choose a side

I know its inhuman, but not as inhuman as a vamp demon or angel.

Name: Jonathan
Side: Nightwatch (goodies)
Weapon: .357 magnum with silver bullets.

Background: his parents were killed by a group of demons, and to this day, he has vowed to fight all that is evil, he is an average sized person, 5-10, 180 pounds with a muscular build, black hair, and green eyes, he has chosen silver bullets and a large revolver as this is the only human weapon he knows of that can harm these evil entities.He also ingests/eats, in various forms obscene amounts of wolfsbane, laurels, and garlic, as a means of protection against demons, werewolves, and vampires, but this protection only makes his quarry think twice about attacking him, once they smell his scent they know it would be painfull to land an attack or bite, but the ingested herbs do not make him invunerable to the effects of being bitten by one of his enemies, and he constantly fears for the day he may be converted into one of the creatures he despises

Abilities: Jonathan has but one ability, the ability to see an inhuman creature, such as an angel, demon, vampire or werewolf, as they truly are, inhuman. even if they are in a human from, he cannot tell for sure what they are, but simply can tell they are not human, all he sees is a twisted, contorted human face, imposed over their normal one, that is his means of searching for and fighting against the creatures he hates.

by the way, any baddies feel free to try to turn my character into a inhuman by means of a bite or attack, him turning would make the story more intersting I think.

And after all my time of chat roleplaying this is my first temporary character...yay!

December 29th, 08, 11:37 AM
Wow umm reminds me of Hunter the reckoning with the whole ingested herbs as means of protection but badass none the less

December 29th, 08, 11:52 AM
Wow umm reminds me of Hunter the reckoning with the whole ingested herbs as means of protection but badass none the less

I just took that from the folklore/mythology about the creatures that if you ingest what their allergic to/dont like they dont like to attack you, never heard or seen of what you speak of tho, thanks for the comment about it being badass, thats what I try for, your character is badass also, I look forward to going up against him in the rp, tho I dont know how far my character will get, he'll probably end up being food for one of the bad guys, he'll probably taste good with ketchup. lol.

who knows if he makes it through this rp without dying, I may add him to my list of characters.

December 29th, 08, 12:03 PM
I literaly lifted my char from a concept album by my fav band Kamelot which was taken from a 1940's German novel called Goethe's Faust anywho Hunter the Reckoning was a game for the PS2 about zombies that had taken over the world minus a few survivors. The main charachter a crossbow wielding priest is constantly in fear of him or others being turned to zombies.

December 29th, 08, 11:31 PM
Anywho we needs more peeps

December 30th, 08, 01:16 AM
Name: Kevin Dein Side: Daywatch Class: Demon Abilities: Can transform into human, while human can build a wall of flames, breathe out fire and has fast agility. In demon form can create meteor showers, shoot out fires from palm, make lava flow from the core of the earth Weapon: a black sword created from the heat of the core. always remains hot and demons like him can wield it. bow and arrow of sorrow and pain. the tip of his arrows are ash grey and can melt/burn any obstacle it hits. Description: out of 1000 ppl in hell there is one who contains a special ability. The demon lord sends them out to earth to spy on the darkwatchers. Kevin in his demon form is 6' 10". In his human form he is 6' 5". His human appearance: red eyes, black hair, black suit with a red tie, red pants and grey sneakers. Demon: bla ck horns, red shirt and black pants, nails are sharpened and two sharp teeth sticking out

December 30th, 08, 07:45 PM
Oh my dark side does find that this rp will be fun -smiles evilly and licks his blade

December 31st, 08, 08:51 PM
Name: Monica Perez
Species: Blood Elf
Side: Nightwatch
Gender: Female
Age: 21(looks 12 at oldest)
Height/Weight: 5'7" 125 lbs
Eye/Hair/Skin Color: she has deep emerald green eyes, she has violet hair with red highlights, and she has ultra tan skin that would look reddish brown on a human.
Description: She wears a forest green blouse, matching bra&panties, a lon skirt in smae forest green color, long socks for warmth, and green&blue tennis shoes with her cute outfits.
Attitude: friendly to almost everyone and she is alwys ready for new challanges in her life.
Powers: telekinesis, telportation, and the sense for when danger is near for her team&other people in the

January 1st, 09, 11:12 AM
Thanks for joining Arfan. We still need more people but the scripted beginning to ensure this RP starts with a bang is done... (See page 1 for details)

January 1st, 09, 12:42 PM
And we also need the leader of the nightwatch Michael the Archangel I'll post the bio soon and anyone interested can pm me or just post

January 1st, 09, 01:30 PM
Anyone can use this bio he's a major character in the plot so pm or post if you want it

Name: Michael the Archangel
Side: Nightwatch
Class: Arch-Angel
Weapon: Sword of the Archangel
Description: 5'7" Blonde hair Blue Eyes 176Lbs slightly muscular with pale skin and angel wings, often wears white robes
Background: Michael became the archangel after Mephisto's banishment from Heaven. He peacefully served through the centuries judging souls to enter Heaven. When Mephisto's early Daywatch started killing inocent people the Nightwatch was formed for the purpose of protecting inocent people he was appointed the leader of Nightwatch, but he was given special orders his true mission is to find and kill Mephisto.
Abilities: Same as Mephisto but without the ability to steal souls or change forms. He can also Fly

January 2nd, 09, 09:25 AM
And suggestions are always welcome

March 10th, 09, 07:12 AM
Ok so i guess ALL positions are available now
Chaoswolf left
Arfan found better things to do
Spiky is M.I.A.
Kimmy Left
and I am still trying

---------- Post added at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

Well I guess I'll start over....

March 10th, 09, 07:27 AM
Alright. Where do I start ^^ and get on skype nao.

March 10th, 09, 07:39 AM
lol i dont want to be the main char but i will join (as i said in the other topic)

Name: Shiva Kihano
Side: Nightwatch
Class: Half Elf/Half Roc warewolf
Weapon: Long Bow with enchanted quiver of silver arrows (more in ability) wolf form Enchanted Claw covers
Description: a 7 ft elf with large black Roc wings. she wheres a black cloack when not flying. upon spreading wings pulls down the cloack to reveal a black tunic she has dark green eyes and long flowing black hair / wolf form a jet black warewolf that is 2x bigger then in elf form... keeps the wings (but cant use them to fly only glide) still same 7 ft hight... changes to ware if she gets in close combat
Background: shiva was rased in a land raviged be war. from the time she was able to draw a bow she was fighting to defind her king... at age 6 she began learning magic to enchant her arrows... then after she turned 16 she was awoke in the night by sound of footsteps comeing to her door... as she was traned soon as the door opend and she saw that it was an enemy he had an arrow in his head and she was rushing to the king... by the time she made it he was dead she spent the next year wandering untell she found nightwatch which she joind with
Abilities: enchanted quiver lets her never run out of ammo and has spells layed on it to let her charge her arrows with one of the 4 base elements or poision then after drawing the arrow she can enchant the arrow to a grater degree.
dayight spell, bind, will push, stone skin, flight, night eyes, shadow melding, multi arrow

ware form

frinzy, bezerk, elimental claw/tooth, spiret wolfs x 5

if i need to explane any i can. so how is that?

edit i saw underworld 3 the other night and had to play a werewolf... but i like the bow thing alot... if there is anything wrong tell me cuse i am flexable on most things

March 10th, 09, 10:53 PM
I'm going to go with Islamic mythology on this one and use my favorite angel. Don't worry, I won't godmod because that doesn't make for a fun game.

Name: Azriel

Side: You know; I’ll let you pick this. I can go with either.

Class: Fallen Angel

Weapon: Scythe

Description: Azriel is generally covered in long black veils that appear similar to a traditional burka as they display none of his body save for gloved hands and pure white feathered wings. Under the layers of fabric he is a beautiful and birdlike man with mahogany skin and long ebony hair. He has cold wounded black eyes that appear to have lost all their sparkle of hope.

Background: As a test, God sent three of his angels to earth to return to him with a handful of dirt. However the earth cried out and begged the angels not to tear it apart and each time the angels returned empty handed, except for Azriel. He ignored the cries of the earth and returned to God with the handful of dirt.

The award awaiting him however was not praise from his Father but instead condemnation for his uncaring actions. He was then given position of the Archangel of Death since his heart had been unmoved by the pleading. When the apocalypse ends and everything on earth has died Azriel was told that he would die alone one hundred times over to teach him the meaning of his actions.

Abilities: Everything that Azriel touches with bare skin falls sick and prolonged contact will cause death. His looks though stunning leave more people frightened than inspire poetry, causing a sudden chill in the air.

March 11th, 09, 10:41 AM
Name: Diashi
Species: Demon
Class: Demon
Side: Nightwatch
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 20, but his age is in the 100s
Height: 6' 2" in human form and 7' 5" in demon form(Yeah. He's fucking tall.)
Weight: 180lbs - 300lbs
Skin/ Fur color: Caucasian in human form but his skin turns a dark shade of red when in demon form.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Almost a greyish black
Description: In human form he usually is seen wearing dark blue jeans with a white shirt along with a black coat. He has hair that covers his eyes and goes all the way around.
Description in Demon form: His skin turns a dark shade of red along with goat legs and giant horns and ragged wings almost like angel wings. His clothing turns to into a black chain mail kilt around his waist and has chain plate covering his chest.
Attitude: Pretty distant from others. He won't really do anything until something is done to him. When he gets in the mood he is a bloodseeker.
Weapon: He gains a Greatsword in Demon Form.
Abilities: He can manipulate fire(Let me know if this is a bit much.) Also has some telekinetic abilities such as dominate mind and a teleport ability.

March 12th, 09, 05:24 PM
Ok so i guess ALL positions are available now
Chaoswolf left
Arfan found better things to do
Spiky is M.I.A.
Kimmy Left
and I am still trying

---------- Post added at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

Well I guess I'll start over....

Im still up for it, I disapeared for a while, because I was banned for some reason(might have been going off topic), but Im back, for good now, so you can still count me in.

March 12th, 09, 08:59 PM
so i modded my char cuse i saw the 3rd underworld movie and had to change her

March 13th, 09, 02:47 AM
Could I join? I like to kick @$$

March 13th, 09, 03:27 AM
i know that we still need more people mojo so just post the bio useing the form that cw posted

March 14th, 09, 04:57 AM
Hey guys , sorry I'm gonna have to post a new rp.... it will be the same but its just hard to keep track of whos in the rp with all these old posts...

March 14th, 09, 05:36 AM
cool you going to post a link to the new one or what

March 14th, 09, 06:01 AM
Yup, Here
