View Full Version : Beyblade Rp

September 15th, 08, 01:56 AM
Anyone remember that old anime cartoon, beyblade? The one with the spinning tops and the animal spirits called bit beasts sealed in them, constantly battling? Well I do, and I'd like to do an Rp taking place in the second season of the show, V-Force.

I'd be playing the part of Mariam from the team, the Saint Shields. For those who don't remember, the saint shields were trying to take the sacred bit beasts from the main character team, the bladebreakers, since they believe they are incapable of protecting them from falling into the wrong hands.

Anyways, Mariam tends to not get along with her team, and they do sometimes belittle her and out right degrade her abilities. Maram will start getting depressed, and this will affect her blading abilities, and as such will cause the others to degrade her more. In her currently state, she'll start wetting the bed, and her team will find out. Eventually, she wind up wearing diapers to bed, and eventually start needing them during the day.

If anyone's interested, please let me know. However, I don't want babying exactly after she is diapered during the day, anyone else needing diapers, or such things like that, just Mariam. Being treated younger because of her wetting is fine though. Also, I'd like to be somewhat related to the series, so someone with general knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks :D

September 15th, 08, 02:05 AM
I am interested in rping as one of the female bey blade v force characters on the show please give me the backstory for each character since i have not watched the in about six months so I need a story refresher so we run the rp based of the show.

September 15th, 08, 02:20 AM
There are only 3 females in the series besides Mariam, and Mariam's team is an enemy to all of their teams, not to mention they all show up at various points in the series.

Hilary is a strict school girl in Tyson's class. Class president, straight A student, in the start of the series she believed beyblading was just a spinning top game. Later she learns the truth, through her adventures wih Tyson and the blade breakers team.

Salima is apart of the future team psychy. It was organized by an organization bent on ruling the world, but needing the sacred bitbeasts to do so, which the bladebreakers posess. Speaking of posses, the organization gives team psychy cyber versions of the bladebreakers bit beasts, which posses them with their overwhelming strength. Salima is freed when the bladebreaker, Ray, defeats Cyber Drigger.

Queen (Yes, that's what they call her) come in towards the end of the series. She along with her brother, I assume he's her brother, King (go figure) are bey hunters. They travel around searching for bey parts, collecting them by any means necessary, even destroying their opponents beyblades. She and King are hired by a mysterious organization, same one from team psychy, to knock out one of the bladebreaker tag team pairs in the world championship. King and Queen take on Mariam and her teamate+brother, Joseph, and destroy their blades, winning the match and stealing their blade's attack ring.

If you're serious about this Rp, and that goes for everyone, then please have some knowledge of the series, look it up if you must. I'm not saying lok up the spinning beyblade beyparts, just the characters and storyline, that's all.

September 15th, 08, 02:26 AM
I will rp as Hillary and I will check out the tv show online to undertsand her character better so I can do the show based rp justice.

September 15th, 08, 02:30 AM
Look up the series first before you choose, those 2 never did speak a word to eachother during the series. The best way would be to Rp as one of her teammates, but if you can find a way to make it work, then go for it. I'm sorry if I sound rude, or outright bitchy, it's about that time of month for me, if you catch my drift (blush).

September 15th, 08, 02:32 AM
yep and I don't envy people who have to go through all of that pain as a normal part of being born female which I feel are better than& equal to most men.

September 15th, 08, 02:34 AM
.........Go on. I love being kissed up to, even more when talking about the superior sex.

September 15th, 08, 02:38 AM
I prefer to rp as a female because it is more fun than rping as a guy since I get bored trying rp as myself in the story instead of rping as someone from the fun gender which is where my feminine takes wings to set my soul free.

September 15th, 08, 02:47 AM
it's about that time of month for me, if you catch my drift (blush).

awww... I'm sorry. I hate that time of the month... >_< Some guys don't understand the pain of it at all.

September 15th, 08, 02:53 AM
yes I fully understand it since I am a sensitive guy which is a dying breed and if I could hug in person I would so you will have to settlefor a great big vitual sympathy hug from one friend to another.

September 15th, 08, 02:55 AM
thanks afran, hammyluna, it means alot to me. Anyways, I got to hit the hay, got morning classes tomorrow...ugh.

September 15th, 08, 02:55 AM
huh? I didn't direct it at you arfan/ XD Just letting you know

September 15th, 08, 03:00 AM
It is cool and I understand how other people feel since I have empathy which is something that the vast majority of the people lack which is sad since we all should acre as about other people as we do care about ourselves on a daily basis

September 21st, 08, 03:04 AM
Just had a brain blast. It could be after the series ends to, it would make things alot easier, so all that's required is common knowledge of the series.

September 21st, 08, 06:35 AM
Leter rip! -shoots missle- kills other player- O_O o.....wrong game

September 21st, 08, 05:34 PM
Here's an idea of what beyblading is for those who don't know, you'll have to click on the next parts to watch the entire episode, but only parts 2-4 contain the actual battling.


September 26th, 08, 05:06 PM

September 26th, 08, 06:26 PM
I never rly like dthat show XD just kinda ridiculous :3 like medabots or w/e except less cool lol