View Full Version : Bleach: My OC Fight ( Still a work in progress )

Stellar Dreamer
April 12th, 10, 05:55 PM
Ichigo, Chad and Uyru were faced with there most Powerfull foe. The Arrancar with the number 666 on his back. The arrancar stod at least 6 feet tall with knee lenght sharply spiked and unruly black hair that normaly hid his demonic red eyes. he whore a hooded longsleve arranacr ternch coat style arrancar jacket with a red sash as his belt. his zanpakuto was on his bak and was just as tall as he him self was. the handle was a western style.

The three mad there move first Chad takeing the first chage useing his right are to jet him self twords the Arrancar only to have his wrist grabed and ten being tossed to the side. Ichigo appered and fired a point blank getsuga only for the arrancar to Flash step in to the air where Uryu was waiting.

Uryu fired his barrage of arrows bown wards at the Arrancar who in tern sheilded him self with his arms. apon landing Uryu recenved a devasting back hand from the unharmed Arrancar sending him through a near by wall.

Chad Fired a massive plast at the Arrancar who intern knocked the blast to the side with his hand. Chad stood there just long enough for the Arrancar to pounch a hole in Chads chest.

Inraged Ichigo Released His Bankai. How Ever Chad was NOt Finshed yet. His power's stured and his arm and upper body changed.

Chad Useing His Left Arm sent the Arrancar through the floor in to the ground below, fireing a super charged Burst of energy down wards in to the crater where the Arrancar layed couseing a massive explosion.

When the smoke cleared the Arrancar stood up driping blood from what was left of his right arm....how ever he just smirked as the arm reformed.

Chad Let out a monsterous roar as he once again charged The Arranacr.

Chad Used a over powered la muerte sending The Arrancar through walls. The arrancar got right back up and Flash steped behind Chad sword drawen ready to take off Chad's head only for Ichigo to clash swords with him.

The two flash steped all over clashing there swords till The Arrancar managed to kick ichigo to the side and reengage Chad in combat. Chad Fired el directo at the Arrancar sending him back a few feet. The Arrancar the tosed his sword aside and engaged Chad in Hand to had. The Arrancars speed was tomuch for Chad and soon Chad was unably to defend him self as he was pounded to the ground. after Chad was finshed The Arrancar terned to Ichigo once again.

Ichigo Fired of twin getsuga's only for the arrancar to side step each and counter with a golden cero. ichigo was forced to use his mask in order to block the cero. the arrancar gave off a wicked lough as he summoned her sword to him.

" Incase all in your diamond flames : Diamante Wyvern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " The arrancar yelled releaseing his sword. his body was run throughby diamond spikes witch started to incase him in diamond. the sudenly the diamond shattered. The arrancar stood there with a dragon like armor that looked like diamond bones. his face was coved with by his helm and on each arm was a long scyth like blade. his dragon like wings spread an cast a massive shadow. " I grow bord of your face ......" He said in a spanish accent.

The arrancar gave a bow the flash steped appering in front of Ichigo. " Now DANCE! " he roared as he flash steped and attacked from all sides. Ichigo blacked as much as he could. " now.......die!!" the arrancaryelled fireing a super charged golden cero at Ichigo.

ichigo's painfull yell echoed through out the area.

" How sad. " the arrancar said seeing that Ichigo was down and out. but as he terned he was hit was a wave of ice.

Rukia ran over to Ichigo. after a bit Ichigo, Chad, Uyru and Rukia regrouped and went to retreat.

however the Arrancar was suddenly blocking the escape. the four readyed them selfs for the fight to come. as two more allies appered.

Renji and Neliel stood by ichigo and the others.

" Trash is Trash. and trash needs to be gotten read off. " the arrancar said

" DANCE Sode no Shirayuki! " Rukia yelled.
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" Bankai! Hehio Zabimaru! " Renji yelled.
" Declare. Gamuza! " Neliel said.
Chad once again toke his full form and Ichigo released his Bankai and used his mask.

" very well.....Come! " The Arrancar said

Rukia Fired kido form a distence while uryu fired his arrows. The arrancar side steped and blocked the attacks and the clashed blades with Ichigo till Chad charged in rideing on hihio Zabimaru's heas and BOTh fired massive blast's at the arrancar.

April 12th, 10, 07:27 PM
Um, Arrancars don't flash step, they sonido...I think that's how it's spelled anyways. Not bad, easy to picture.