View Full Version : Bleach Prediction's

October 4th, 11, 06:05 AM
With the start of the new arc, in the manga at least, Ichigo regains his power's (Shocker Right?). What i'm wondering is, did he lose Hichigo? because if he did i think i'm going to stop reading (should of done that a while ago). Discuss what you thinks going to happen..... Only if you are actually up to date with the manga, Note: the anime doesn't count due to a crappy filler arc.... anywho feel free to tell me this is a stupid thread, already knew that, but what the hell.

October 5th, 11, 01:44 AM
Just go read YuYu Hakusho. When you notice that Bleach has nothing left to borrow from that series, you'll find that the quality is most likely going to drop.

Bandit Keith
October 5th, 11, 01:57 AM
Just go read YuYu Hakusho. When you notice that Bleach has nothing left to borrow from that series, you'll find that the quality is most likely going to drop.

in all honestly DBZ is the source of Yu Yu Hakusho and Yu Yu Hakusho is the source of Bleach and Bleach is ripping off not just those but others and the Bleach series will go on with looping on the same ''Ichigo gains power saves someone in basically the same setting and such loose power'' in other words Lather rinse and repeat

October 5th, 11, 03:45 AM
Of course it's going to be a cycle. That's what Shonen anime is all about. Bear in mind that the target audience for Bleach is 7 - 11 year old boys. Most kids that age seem to be more interested in cool fights and less in an engaging story.

Bandit Keith
October 5th, 11, 04:11 AM
Of course it's going to be a cycle. That's what Shonen anime is all about. Bear in mind that the target audience for Bleach is 7 - 11 year old boys. Most kids that age seem to be more interested in cool fights and less in an engaging story.

True but in America(I know for sure as I'm American) Bleach is rated for higher age groups then that I think it was it was at first rated pg-14 but it later at a point went to rated R I recall last I checked therefore your statement is only half valid for its true in the fact Japanese/Chinese have it rated for 7-11 year olds but in North America the rating is higher

October 5th, 11, 06:48 AM
Dragonball Z is definitely further away from Yu Yu Hakusho than Yu Yu Hakusho is from Bleach. Dragonball started as a comedic parody of Journey to the West and got cerebus syndrome. It might be a fighting shounen series, but it's not quite the same.

I definitely remember thinking how much Bleach was like Yu Yu Hakusho when I started watching it, even though it has it's own newer concepts. I don't think it's as relevant to bring DBZ into the picture. Obviously it has all the tropes of a standard nakama fighting shounen series though.

Doxy still has a point Keith. It doesn't matter that American's are more whiny in their censorship, Bleach is still targeted at pre-teens and young teens. Obviously it has fans outside it's demographic, but it's still aimed at the shounen demographic.

I think the Bleach concept is kind of cool, but it's too annoying to watch/read

Bandit Keith
October 5th, 11, 03:54 PM
Dragonball Z is definitely further away from Yu Yu Hakusho than Yu Yu Hakusho is from Bleach. Dragonball started as a comedic parody of Journey to the West and got cerebus syndrome. It might be a fighting shounen series, but it's not quite the same.

I definitely remember thinking how much Bleach was like Yu Yu Hakusho when I started watching it, even though it has it's own newer concepts. I don't think it's as relevant to bring DBZ into the picture. Obviously it has all the tropes of a standard nakama fighting shounen series though.

Doxy still has a point Keith. It doesn't matter that American's are more whiny in their censorship, Bleach is still targeted at pre-teens and young teens. Obviously it has fans outside it's demographic, but it's still aimed at the shounen demographic.

I think the Bleach concept is kind of cool, but it's too annoying to watch/read

I know Doxy has a point was just stating the difference in its rated view age outside of Japan

October 5th, 11, 04:40 PM
But that has nothing to do with the target audience for which the show was created. The fact that My Little Pony has a strong following with 20 - 40 y/o men is merely a bonus for its producers; the fact is the show targets young girls. Bleach operates on the same principle. The fact that it's given a more mature rating in America means nothing - the show is made for young, Japanese boys. If you want a more engaging storyline and less of the 'rinse-and-repeat' shonen writing, you are better off watching something else.

October 6th, 11, 12:27 AM
But that has nothing to do with the target audience for which the show was created. The fact that My Little Pony has a strong following with 20 - 40 y/o men is merely a bonus for its producers; the fact is the show targets young girls. Bleach operates on the same principle. The fact that it's given a more mature rating in America means nothing - the show is made for young, Japanese boys. If you want a more engaging storyline and less of the 'rinse-and-repeat' shonen writing, you are better off watching something else.
This +1

They don't make Bleach for nerdy American adults. They make it for young Japanese boys and anyone else who likes it are free to give them money too.

October 11th, 11, 03:20 AM
in all honestly DBZ is the source of Yu Yu Hakusho and Yu Yu Hakusho is the source of Bleach and Bleach is ripping off not just those but others and the Bleach series will go on with looping on the same ''Ichigo gains power saves someone in basically the same setting and such loose power'' in other words Lather rinse and repeat

And really you're focusing on generalities. I'm talking about actual story elements and extremely similar parallels between the two series.

And they both had the chance to not have become a typical battle manga. I loved Yusuke's ghost chapters where he was trying to perform good deeds and Ichigo's episodic shinigami jobs with Rukia living in his closet.

October 19th, 11, 11:42 PM

Possibly the most hilarious situation Rukia has ever been in XD

Bandit Keith
October 20th, 11, 12:12 AM
Just for the sake of being on topic my predictions/interpretation of the series is here http://bladevstwilight.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d36gfqz

and also this summed up my thoughts on specific parts of Bleach http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5848641/1/What_the_Hell

Stellar Dreamer
October 25th, 11, 07:34 AM
-_- Bleach is still awesome IMO. I like the story. I like the fillers as well.