View Full Version : Boarding School RP

January 18th, 09, 05:13 AM
James' cheeks flushed awfully, as he stood in the Incontinence aisle of the local pharmacy. Truth be told, it wasn't the local pharmacy - it was actually a pharmacy or two down from the closest one to his boarding school's campus, far enough that he'd had to take a short bus ride to get to it. Still, it was, he thought with a cringe, a necessary trip, one that he was hoping to be done with, as fast as he could.

You see, James had started up at his new school just earlier this week. It was his first time away from home, and, on his first night, he'd found that such occasions could be rough. He'd dreamt about wandering the school's hallways, desperately searching for the bathroom, until he wet himself, only to wake up to find that he'd done just that, in his bed. If his roommate hadn't been such a heavy sleeper, he would have been caught, for sure. And the same thing had happened the night after and the night after...until, this morning, he'd run out of sheets.

And, so, he was sucking it up and doing the only thing he knew would give him a leg up on the problem and possibly help him avoid humiliation - staring at shelves stocked with various brands of diapers for adults and teenagers, along with plastic pants, rubber sheets, and so on and so forth. The only problem, he found, was that he didn't know which ones he was supposed to get!

That wasn't good.

((OOC: Ideally, I'd like it if someone would post in as James' roommate and catch him, somehow, but, failing that, feel free to do whatever. :D))

January 20th, 09, 05:02 AM
(what gender is the roommate, and I will get back to you to join, if noone else shows any interest by tuesday afternoon.)

January 20th, 09, 06:36 AM
Konner was a young genus he was sent to the boarding school because his old school couldn't challenge him enough. he was far advanced for his age but for one thing he had poor control over his body functions he tried to keep it secret and kept to himself most of the time his room was right near the door and he stayed locked in it most of the time

January 20th, 09, 06:41 AM
Justin was the so called, popular guy on campus. What nobody knew though was that he was also a bedwetter. Fortunatley he was able to aquire his own room so he sleeps alone, but...everyone loves coming to hang out. After a few of his freinds would sleep in his room it got too scary to hide his little problem...so now he wears diapers secretly.

January 21st, 09, 09:28 PM
carrie silver was a small blind girl who had just plain white eyes though despite this her balance was amazing and her hearing was too she was james room mate and although she had no incontinece issues herslf shewas very weak and frail but wasa wonderful lartist and musician. she is aproximitly ythe size of a 6 year old but she is very clever and caring. she had ended up being his room mate cos obviously she couldnt see so ther was no embrasmment for either child when it came to getiing changed etc.