View Full Version : Can't load pics anymore

January 5th, 10, 07:13 AM
I can't find where you go to post a new picture.

It's as if somebody (in a very cruel joke) hid the option in the most cryptic place possible.

What must I do, I've a new pic done.

Jet Prower
January 5th, 10, 07:26 AM
Bro, didn't you just see that all those features are being turned off for the time being?

January 5th, 10, 10:43 AM
Indeed, a news article states the following in so many words.

Parts of the forum are systematically being turned off in preparation for a complete server move, first part of the forum to be affected by this is the gallery.

Basically for a short period which could be up to 72 hours (providing the transfer takes place without hitch in which case it could take longer to work out the bugs) the gallery has been closed for new images as part of the first phase meaning there should be no data loss and that no one tries to upload things while the moving takes place as the gallery will be the first part of the data to be transferred as it accounts for a good 90%+ of the work, after the gallery comments will be closed shortly followed by the forum as it should be relatively easy to complete the rest of the process within a day if that (along with the usual beta testing to make sure things are working correctly).

After that it would just be transferring the domains over to the new server which can take upto 48 hours but generally l find it much quicker, still going by what l have read (havent had a chance to speak to Ai) we will be jumping from a dual core machine with 2gb of ram to a quad core machine with 8gb which will hopefully end the current spat of crappy service this current server has been giving us, basically allowing us allot of free resources we would be charged the earth for with the current host.

In any case please bare with us for the time being things will return to normality shortly once everything has been initiated and tested.