View Full Version : caption planet

Bandit Keith
March 5th, 10, 05:57 AM
I was wondering can some help me with finding caption planet on the net for I can't even find the shows on dvd.oo and if you find a place with the dvds or where to watch them please post the link here.

if not in right place please move this thread mods.

March 5th, 10, 07:43 AM
sry i cant find any. Are you into old cartoons as well?
also. did you try youtube or megavideo id they have any Captain Planet Videos.

Bandit Keith
March 5th, 10, 07:50 AM
yes yes and yes for all that I have been looking all over the net like a scub coral .sorry play on a anime alien that is fast be looks for ever posable thing they can find to work with.well youtube they have nothing on the show but megavidio it mite have one up for a day and be removed for one resen or another.dvds would be nice to find to buy as well.

March 5th, 10, 11:56 PM
Well, first off, it would probably help if you spelled the name right - "Captain Planet" not "caption planet". You might find more results if it's spelled correctly.

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:04 AM
I was half asleep when I made this thread and my last post.so I was bound to make spelling errors on this I have searched with it spelled right alot.

March 6th, 10, 12:09 AM
Well, I can stay up for 24 hours and still notice spelling and grammar errors.

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:18 AM
not all people are like that after about 3 months of 2 or 4 hours asleep per night you tend to not note spelling or grammer errors.now before this turns into a flame war.lets drop it ok.

now to a more related note only thing I can find is junk meaning games toys fan sites fan fiction and abridged series of the show no place to watch the true show or place to get it on dvd .

March 6th, 10, 12:30 AM
not all people are like that after about 3 months of 2 or 4 hours asleep per night you tend to not note spelling or grammer errors.now before this turns into a flame war.lets drop it ok.

now to a more related note only thing I can find is junk meaning games toys fan sites fan fiction and abridged series of the show no place to watch the true show or place to get it on dvd .

Then you need to learn to use Google.

Third or fourth link down I found pretty much all the seasons.

I highly doubt you actually looked for more than 3 minutes.


Copy it and try it out. Jeez.

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:32 AM
I did but then agian I don't look past page 50 of pages and it was about 1 year ago I searched and I used yahoo but most of yahoo puts alot of the crappy stuff first.

Daimein Vale
March 6th, 10, 12:36 AM
well there is megavideo, hulu

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:39 AM
hulu thats a laugh they don't have it but thrash gave me a good link.

March 6th, 10, 12:39 AM
I did but then agian I don't look past page 50 of pages and it was about 1 year ago I searched and I used yahoo but most of yahoo puts alot of the crappy stuff first.

It was on the FIRST PAGE of Google and it was the third or fourth link. Just wow. This is the whole distinct reason I lose faith in humanity. and just for the record what I googled was "Captain Planet episodes" I bet if I type in "Captain Planet DVDs" I'll find the DVDs too. Why don't you give that one a shot and search it yourself instead of not looking at all and expecting people to find it for you.

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:45 AM
ok f off I most of the time typo in just the name of what I want to find on the net.I don't waste time to ask people to search on the net for that unless I can't find what I was looking for.

March 6th, 10, 12:50 AM
ok f off I most of the time typo in just the name of what I want to find on the net.I don't waste time to ask people to search on the net for that unless I can't find what I was looking for.

Look HARDER next time. You even KNEW what you wanted! You don't just type in something as vague as "Captain Planet" into a search engine and expect to find what you want right away. You'll get EVERYTHING that has to do with Captain planet. Fansites, history, videos made by OTHER people, etc. You gave me a headache posting this.

Bandit Keith
March 6th, 10, 12:55 AM
fine don't post and btw I was not its just I was thinking atlest one wiki would be found as well in the 50 pages or even something like the captain planet t-shirts .fyi I'm a big fan of some old shows and new ones so sue me I was intrusted in the other stuff as well.

March 6th, 10, 12:59 AM
fine don't post and btw I was not its just I was thinking atlest one wiki would be found as well in the 50 pages or even something like the captain planet t-shirts .fyi I'm a big fan of some old shows and new ones so sue me I was intrusted in the other stuff as well.


Second link when I typed in JUST "Captain Planet". You want me to keep going?