View Full Version : ~Cardiac's In-Depth La Lune Races~

Cardiac Arrest
May 27th, 16, 10:47 AM
This is a thread specifically for detailed writeups for player-races in the La Lune Academy roleplay. Periodic updates and additions are to be expected, so keep an eye out!

Have an idea for a race you'd like to see implemented into the setting? Send a message to myself, Zinnia, or Xero, and you just might see it happen in the near future!



A variant of the Aether-Born? A people brought about by infernal taint from hell itself? A previously unencountered species of intelligent humanoids with alien traits and mannerisms? Hypotheses abound exist upon the nature and origin of those known as Tieflings, but any veritable sources have since been lost to the sands of time. Not much is known about the enigmatic race outsiders call devil-folk, but the fact of their existence is enough for most.


Tieflings appear as typical humanoid figures, typically ranging between five foot six inches and six foot two inches in height, with their own varying outliers. True to their nick-names, Tieflings trend towards outlandish tones of red in their skin, from light tints to a solid brick red in standard variation. Skin tones dipping into pale blues and purples have also been observed, but are generally regarded as fairly uncommon. In addition to sharing typical human variation between common eye colors, it is not uncommon to find a tiefling with eyes of bright yellow, crimson, unnatural green, or even solid black. Tiefling eyes vary widely throughout the race, with some bearing the normal outwards setup of sclera, iris, and pupil, while others bear only a single solid coloring throughout the entirety of their eyes. A majority of tieflings sport a natural darkvision, capable of observing in the absence of a light source.

Without fail, a tiefling bears a pair of horns atop their head. These horns can take on any manner of variation, though antelope-style curves and ram curls trend towards fairly common. Tails are not universal throughout the race, although they are common enough that a tailless tiefling is a rarity.


Tieflings, without fail, are a reclusive folk. Having historically been looked upon with distrust, fear, or disgust, they have since learned to treat any other races with an equal amount of distrust. It is no longer known when the first Tiefling settlements popped up upon the map, but they have since been slowly growing in number and size, to the concern of many surrounding communities. Though trade routes are established between these settlements and outside sources, very little has been learned of the life beyond the walls which keep tieflings in and outsiders away.

Without fail, a Tiefling Settlement is referred to as a Cloister. While each Cloister comes with its own cultural differences and such, a number of details persist through each:

-A Tiefling Cloister is always surrounded by a fortified stone wall of no shorter than thirty feet
-A Tiefling Cloister is always in an out-of-the-way location where it can not be easily found
-If a Tiefling Cloister is found bordering any sort of natural barrier (Lakes, Mountains, Rivers, etc) said barrier is seamlessly implemented into the Cloister’s design.
-Tiefling Cloisters are incredibly thick with magical energy, to the point where it can be felt in the air
-Tiefling Cloisters are governed by an Archmage, typically a descendant of the tiefling who founded the Cloister
-Tiefling Cloisters refuse entry to any non-tiefling without sponsorship by three or more residents.

Cloisters of note include the settlements of Raven’s Perch, Hallowed Shade, Persistence, Whitestone Keep, and Sanctum.

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~~More to come~~