View Full Version : cats always do land on there feet o_o

October 30th, 08, 11:27 AM
okay today i either had a miracle or just a very true scientific fact

as i was sitting on my computer today my cat slipped between our 3 story high balconys bars on th and proceeded to talk on the edge and before i knew anything i hear a loud thump and knew he had fallen off as i rushed downstairs expecting the worst and a horrifying scene....something happend he walked right up to me perfectly fine no scratches no bruises no broken bones...he landed in a pile of rocks with concrete underneath for gods sake

so maybe its a miracle or cats have iron legs i really dont now i just really wanted to share this amazing experience

October 30th, 08, 11:49 AM
yeah they have always landed on their feet that I have seen. How high is the balcony?

October 30th, 08, 11:59 AM
3 stories high

October 30th, 08, 06:15 PM
holy crap its jesus! H'es come back as a cat!

October 30th, 08, 06:25 PM
Strike 1 of his nine lives ......

well cats can fall from high places there legs are all most like springs in a way but 3 stories 0,0 i think thats pushing the limit and he was very lucky...... i make sure you watch him close for next couple days that he doesn't start limp any as could be hairline fractures.

glad he seems be unhurt :)

October 30th, 08, 06:28 PM
Its Jesus cat what you expect lol but seriously yeah
That was one lucky fall xD

October 30th, 08, 06:42 PM
-_-' lol cats dont always land on their feet but yes they do it most of the time. My cats and my friends cats have landed on their backs and heads a few time lol. Oh and no its not a miracle XD just look at the cats leg structure and you will see it is built for a higher amount of shock absorbtion then alot of other animals.

October 31st, 08, 12:01 AM
Actually, as I understand it, it is actually safer for cats to fall from higher places than from lower places. The secret is the physics, cats can spread out to increase their area to catch the air, and lower their terminal velocity. Once falling at terminal velicity, you cannot fall any faster, thus limiting the amount of energy the cat can have on impact.

This is well known and I did a quick google on it so you can read about it.

October 31st, 08, 01:29 AM
Goggle the mystical tool :3 lol
But yeah Cats are great better than dogs ^^

October 31st, 08, 10:52 AM
.....TB im going to forgive you for that....but not much >.> -holds back the rabid wolves

October 31st, 08, 03:29 PM
0.0 -Jumps up tree- hey! what happend to freedom of speech!? -Throws rock at Rabid wolves-

November 4th, 08, 02:32 AM
its dying :3