View Full Version : Character List

May 29th, 19, 09:13 AM
Character List:

Ashley - farm girl grew up in a small religious town. Smart but naive. Abused by the priest. Mother died during childbirth. Father doesn't know how to deal with his grief and treats Ash as one of his farm-hands more then a daughter. Father has money but it's never spent on Ash. It's either saved, goes to the church or put into the farm. Her Father lives cheaply and is strict with money meaning that even if Ash needs new clothes/shoes he won't buy any until he has to/forced to.

Sam - can be considered 'white trash' has a short fuse not book smart but has street smarts. Can be sweet and rather soft. Often gets pulled into bad situations by her older brother and ends up being worse off than before each time despite knowing and not wanting to get involved but feels she has to and is obligated to do so. Easily manipulated. Abused by her Mother. Father is a alcoholic but not abusive. Brother is a narcissistic/psychopath. Very poor family.

Nancy - somewhat outgoing but insecure and tries to hide her insecurity. Tends to seek out attention in someway sometimes even bad attention. Normal parents, normal childhood. Feels as if there's nothing 'special' about her and tries to do something to stand out of the crowd.

Wendy - awkward and prefers to stay in the background. Never been the center of attention and doesn't looks to be the center of the attention. Works hard and rarely has a life outside her work tends to ignore her depression and everyone else to the point of becoming a loner. Due to self-estimate issues she hasn't moved on to a better job or even asks for a raise. Carries the weight of feeling like a burden and failure on her family. Strict and successful parents. Over-Achieving older sister and talented artistic younger sister.

Max - Party animal. Tends to be a rebel. A joker. Hangs out with the the wrong type of people and gets into trouble often. Doesn't really think anything through at all. Thinks everything is a laugh until something bad happens. Can become quickly depressed once she realizes how bad things are but often has no way of escape. Doesn't have a good relationship with her parents but they weren't abusive just normal family trouble. Somewhat poor but not terribly so.

Zack - Enjoys getting into fights, can be a trouble-maker, loner by choice and chooses to live a rough-lifestyle because he can. Comes from a well-off family who do care for him. Didn't like the status-quo or listening to his parents. Bit of a brat.