View Full Version : Cleaning out the gallery

July 13th, 09, 08:38 AM
As you may have all noticed, over the past week a few of us moderators have been cleaning out the gallery because it was long overdue for some renovation. The reason why we have not notified you for each picture that was removed because we removed 1500+ images. 1500+ messages would take too long of a time that would be better spent doing something else. Samiel and I have now finished cleaning out the gallery of pictures that include, but may not be limited to:

~The Jade Chan comics
~Just plain creepy images (We were fair about this. Samiel and I have strong stomachs.)
~Images that just don't belong

We removed a LARGE amount out of the Doujinshi section and the Unknown Artist female section and in the future we will be cracking down hard on what is submitted here at Diapered Anime.

A few things to take note of in the future:

Duplicates: You just found a great diaper picture and you thought that you'd share it with us here at DA. Before uploading it, however, try to take the liberty to see if it's already been posted here. If it has already been uploaded, DO NOT UPLOAD IT. Duplicates just take up server space and, in turn, cost Ai more money. Since he already gives so much for us, let's try not to make the costs heavier for him. Also, if pictures are mostly the same and the only thing that changes is a few colors or a few facial emotions here or there, they are going to be removed.

Child porn: There was a very surprising amount of child porn here on Diapered Anime. Do not post pictures here if the picture shows a character under 18's genitalia. It's not allowed. That goes for penetration of any kind for characters under 18, too. If you submit child porn on here, expect a harsh warning from a moderator. If you submit it often enough, you're going to get banned. We do not need or appreciate that stuff here.

Jade Chan comics: The Jade Chan comics that are made by Palcomix are not allowed here nor any of the other sister sites. We've already removed it all with Ai's permission as they can be quite a controversy. Do not submit any more Jade Chan comics.

Now, I'm pretty sure that we made a few mistakes here and there. That we may have missed a few pictures and whatnot, but if you ever see a picture that's against the rules, report it. The staff is not omniscient. Sometimes, we need your help.


~DA Staff~

July 13th, 09, 10:23 AM
excellent job cleaning up the site ive been apauled at the crap people would put up. maybe you might set up a pixel checker program for duplicates.. no 10 pixels in the mid center are a like :):D excellent job on teh clean up,, and one last cheesy note id be happy to troll around for crud images. please sign me up for a mod position promise id be good.:cool:

July 13th, 09, 10:29 AM
Ironic that Ai said this a while ago:


According to the laws this website follows, images are not considered child porn unless they are photorealistic. Lolicon, while ranging from slightly disturbing to obscene is NOT illegal. It is NOT pedophile material. No child has been harmed in the making of it. No crime has been comitted.

Was there a change of policy or the Western governments are doing something bad?

July 13th, 09, 10:48 AM
1500+ images? wow that's alot this might sound odd but as much as this is an adult site..... there still isn't stuff that shouldn't b on here. though thank god the extras of the same pics are god man that was annoying

July 13th, 09, 11:54 AM
Ironic that Ai said this a while ago:


Was there a change of policy or the Western governments are doing something bad?

Ai did say this, Mutsu, you're absolutely right. However, we long discussed it. And there actually has been a slight shift in American policy. Men have started getting arrested for possession of lolicon, and tried. The problem with lolicon is where to draw the line--and we have finally come to an agreement. Blatantly sexual lolicon will be removed. This involves the explicit showing of genitals, clearly sexual acts, that sort of thing, in clearly underage children.

July 13th, 09, 11:57 AM
However, we long discussed it. And there actually has been a slight shift in American policy.

The American government is up to no good. Evil, evil America. :mad:

July 13th, 09, 12:09 PM
Mutsu, let's try to stay on topic. The other reason why many of the pictures were deleted is because of complaints from other posters (See Creed an Hyperdyne's above posts)

July 13th, 09, 12:13 PM
The other reason why many of the pictures were deleted is because of complaints from other posters (See Creed an Hyperdyne's above posts)

Didn't Ai said this many times already? "If you don't like it, don't look at it"

Sadly some members are not cooperative.

I personally wish the furry pictures would be deleted, but I don't complain and move on.

July 13th, 09, 12:15 PM
So where am I on this? The reason why I'm ask is I'm one of the top 3 poster, and have experinented on how far we can post... and I think I gave birth to ken32.

July 13th, 09, 12:29 PM
This was not discused and is also agaist AI wishes i now pointed it out to tim for him to deal with

July 13th, 09, 12:30 PM
Actually Stevie, it has been discussed with both Ai in great detail. Or else it wouldn't have happened.

July 13th, 09, 12:33 PM
We will see then its strang as he on vacation for last nonth and no one been able talk to him to discuse this !

July 13th, 09, 12:34 PM
Fusu and I got in touch with him on Skype just last night.

July 13th, 09, 02:20 PM
im not going argue as i said we will see i be in touch with both AI and Tim shortly myself...

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------

chated with tim and samiel still need talk to Ai but everything is in backup some ware so dont worry folks . i might not like it even lot my stuff got deleted but il just leave it at that for now . Tim assures me that this was discussed with Ai and il take his word for it for now.

Winnie Cooper
July 13th, 09, 02:21 PM
Interestingly, Stevie - no one was able to get in touch with you for quite awhile here. We were told you left the site.

As Samiel said, it was discussed with the admins of this site. That's the whole reason they are even here.

July 13th, 09, 02:25 PM
As for the rest of you who might be noticing this thread--please, don't be afraid to let us know what you're feeling. However, please also try to provide the reasons why you feel this way, whether it be good or bad.

July 13th, 09, 02:27 PM
takeing a break to get my head on straight isent leaving the site Tim just knew i not been in alot here . but i was still looking in every few days and my skype is listed on the site for anyone encluding mods to get in tutch with me if needed

Winnie Cooper
July 13th, 09, 02:29 PM
I sort of wonder ab out the Jade-chan images. Can anyone tell me why they cause a controversy, without causing one themselves? lol I can understand removing the Jade-chan images with the genitals showing, that's just good sense, but not all the images show that.

I guess most do, though.

At any rate, I asked about them before and was told that while they were banned at AOTK, they were okay here, and that's why I never removed any myself.

July 13th, 09, 02:39 PM
I'm saying this as a member here.

As for the rest of you who might be noticing this thread--please, don't be afraid to let us know what you're feeling. However, please also try to provide the reasons why you feel this way, whether it be good or bad.

There has to be a win-win situation for this. Alienating either side is not a great idea in the long run.

I sort of wonder ab out the Jade-chan images. Can anyone tell me why they cause a controversy, without causing one themselves?

It's just a guess but there will be a potential permission issues with PalComix that they were posted.

July 13th, 09, 02:41 PM
no Pal comics fully alows there work to be posted else ware as long as its not modified in anty way shape or form

July 13th, 09, 03:03 PM
I sort of wonder ab out the Jade-chan images. Can anyone tell me why they cause a controversy, without causing one themselves? lol I can understand removing the Jade-chan images with the genitals showing, that's just good sense, but not all the images show that.

I guess most do, though.

At any rate, I asked about them before and was told that while they were banned at AOTK, they were okay here, and that's why I never removed any myself.

I told Ai that the Jade Chan comics were on here, since they were problematic on AOTK. His response was "[7/12/09 7:51 PM] Ai: we have them on DA?" and then promptly removed them all himself.

July 13th, 09, 03:22 PM
Ohh, you removed all the Jade Chan pics. Ok, sorry if i was out of line in posting those. I had told everyone that they weren't perverted, at least to me, but hey i completely understand. I had never been told they were out of line by moderators, so i kept posting them. Sorry about that. I will be sure never to post anything like that again.
Once again, i'm sorry.

July 13th, 09, 03:35 PM
Hey, hey. No need to be that sorry, Iwoenai. None of us are going to hound anyone for what they uploaded previously. We will, however, hound people in the future.

July 13th, 09, 03:41 PM
Alright cool. I'll make sure not to post anything like that again.

July 13th, 09, 03:44 PM
im not going argue as i said we will see i be in touch with both AI and Tim shortly myself...

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 AM ----------

chated with tim and samiel still need talk to Ai but everything is in backup some ware so dont worry folks . i might not like it even lot my stuff got deleted but il just leave it at that for now . Tim assures me that this was discussed with Ai and il take his word for it for now.

The only thing of real importance that I moved was two of the doujinshis yesterday. I removed them with Ai's permission, since I was talking to him all yesterday. In fact, he told me 'We might end up removing all of the doujinshi section.' We didn't, but you get the idea. Outside of the doujinshis, you had a LOT of duplicates, Stevie, and I took great care to make sure that they were indeed duplicates.

July 13th, 09, 05:00 PM
It truly is pointless to argue this seeing as how the act has been committed, though it could prevent certain pictures from being deleted in the future. I do agree that some of the Lolicon NEEDED to be deleted due to pornographic references, and personally I believed it could hand out ideas to some pedophiles (if any were on here, which I'm sure there is at least one, considering the hundreds of members on here.), the mods feel it just to remove Lolicon.

July 13th, 09, 05:20 PM
It truly is pointless to argue this seeing as how the act has been committed

Behind members' back. I'm sorry to say, moderators suppose to be honest in front of the members when it comes to critical decisions. DA already has a function of a private club, anyways.

I do agree that some of the Lolicon NEEDED to be deleted due to pornographic references, and personally I believed it could hand out ideas to some pedophiles (if any were on here, which I'm sure there is at least one, considering the hundreds of members on here.), the mods feel it just to remove Lolicon.

Pedophiles would also watch non-pornographic lolicon. Should we delete them as well?

July 13th, 09, 05:46 PM
Behind members' back. I'm sorry to say, moderators suppose to be honest in front of the members when it comes to critical decisions. DA already has a function of a private club, anyways.

The EXACT reason why we didn't tell you when we started was because people like YOU are going to moan and stink about it. Since we're finished, moaning and stinking about it is plain useless.

July 13th, 09, 05:56 PM
i hate to say this but mutsu mutsu is very right

July 13th, 09, 07:24 PM
Ok but i'd like to ask about the many, many pooing and peeing (pants) pics I've seen here. I know i'll get yelled at as most people would say "But maybe after the pic they're diapered" but really, are those pics meant to be on a DIAPER site?

Also the furry pics, will the diapered furry pics be staying? =3

July 13th, 09, 07:28 PM
I hate to be a douchebag, but I love how this image removal was done without me at all. I AM a Super Mod here, and my job IS to handle images, stories, and forum posts. So leaving me out of what I usually do as my job has found me a bit frustrated.

Also, I've noticed some of the "weird" doujin that you removed, are perfectly fine, albeit odd. When did you discuss this clean-up with anyone but yourselves? Did you? Why was I not informed? Am I not still a functioning power on the forum?

This is disheartening and displeasing, I'll be going through the newly deleted images myself and making a second-opinion on them.

July 13th, 09, 07:33 PM
This is disheartening and displeasing, I'll be going through the newly deleted images myself and making a second-opinion on them.

It's displeasing that this was a serious processed without the average members knowing this firsthand.
It's even more ironically frustrated when more than one moderator (stevie and you) is displeased about this happening.

What is going on?

July 13th, 09, 07:40 PM
I hate to be a douchebag, but I love how this image removal was done without me at all. I AM a Super Mod here, and my job IS to handle images, stories, and forum posts. So leaving me out of what I usually do as my job has found me a bit frustrated.

Also, I've noticed some of the "weird" doujin that you removed, are perfectly fine, albeit odd. When did you discuss this clean-up with anyone but yourselves? Did you? Why was I not informed? Am I not still a functioning power on the forum?

This is disheartening and displeasing, I'll be going through the newly deleted images myself and making a second-opinion on them.

If you MUST know, Ai is the one who helped me clean out the doujin section. So, if he helped, then they CLEARLY do not have Ai's approval. Like your Balance of Gemini, for example... Not only one of the things that Ai removed himself, but one of the reasons why I was apprehensive towards informing you.

By all means, go through them, but don't expect much to change.

Also, another point, from now on, try looking in the Admins and Mods section of the forum.

Winnie Cooper
July 13th, 09, 10:52 PM
I'm not mad about the pictures that were removed - it is something that needed doing for a long time. I'm not mad that the members weren't asked - you can't get a general quorum about everything, and that's why there are moderators. We are here to make decisions after talking with the owners and admins of the site - the members are here free of charge and really don't have a whole lot of right to be making demands or decisions about what can or can not be here, to be blunt.

I am a little frustrated, or maybe a lot, that it just up and started with no prior announcement or even a sign that the rules were changing to those of us who have been moderators for the better part of a year or more. We were under a different set of orders, and then we were never told by anyone higher up that those orders were changing, and TBH, I think that is lousy.

I asked quite clearly about Jade-chan pics four months ago, and I was told by two Administrators not to worry about them. Now I am told that one of those two, who answered me then, is all surprised that those pictures are here now, and removes them himself. Like he is surprised and appalled about it, even though I clearly asked and was told then not to worry about them. What's up with that?

The no communication thing is what I am not happy about.

July 13th, 09, 10:56 PM
I agree. Arukan, I understand your concern, but quite honestly, YOU WERE NOT HERE when this took place. We discussed this in great depth. If t he mods just waited until everyone was around for anything to get done, we'd never get anything done at all.

We by the way, includes several of the mods and admins: Vickie, Fusu, Ai, Timmy and myself. Yes, there is a communication issue that we need to work on. That much is clear. I myself am now trying to notify the mods before I take action.

July 13th, 09, 11:27 PM
T_T why did this have to happen when l was called away on urgent business T_T

l havent read this thread totally in depth, however before action was taken there should have been more discussion between the mods and ideally one of the admins should have been present for input, sadly tho on the admin side of things we are spread a bit thin (due to offline stuff, annoyingly it seems all admins that could have had input were elsewhere through no fault of their own =_=)

at present tho l dont have much more to add, lm still getting over my 5 hours train ride standing all the way T_T

July 13th, 09, 11:47 PM
Once again, there was discussion between several mods and Ai. I have given their names in a prior post. But I wholeheartedly agree that there is a lack of communication. That needs to be worked on, and a strategy will be worked out soon to unite the mods, hopefully.

July 14th, 09, 01:26 AM
Like your Balance of Gemini, for example... Not only one of the things that Ai removed himself, but one of the reasons why I was apprehensive towards informing you.

Well, I expressly had Ai's approval when I first uploaded it, so it seems he simply changed his mind. Did you mind to find something like that out? Deciding not to tell me on that basis is not a very good thing for a person with power to do. Witholding information because of a conjectured conflict of interest is reprehensible.

And from now on PLEASE DO inform me of things, especially when it seems I've not been online recently, as I may have been away (and I was) and need to be filled in.

July 21st, 09, 11:13 AM
TBSparky--to answer your question, yes--the wetting and messing pics are staying, because although there is no diaper directly in the picture, it has been decided that it's enough for it to be included. That's why scat has its own section, and the wetting pics go into the "adult baby-related folder."

July 27th, 09, 09:20 AM
i loved balance of gemenai and why did jade chan comics halve to be removed

July 27th, 09, 06:03 PM

July 28th, 09, 10:52 PM
welltechnaicley lolicon manga in pure sex showing children under the age of 12 is illeagel in japan and ameirica the law is if it isd photo realistic the arresting of the man also included him haveing over thousands of imagis of photrealistic kiddie porn the country where the line is defined is japan

July 29th, 09, 03:12 PM
There is still a bunch of junk on SIN

July 29th, 09, 06:08 PM
Images are being looked over, trust me XD

July 30th, 09, 01:43 AM
The definition of junk is up for debate, but I am aware there are multiple posts there.

July 30th, 09, 10:23 AM
yeah they kept wrong images and deleated some not so wrong images

July 30th, 09, 10:31 AM
I simply find it odd that the very thing I was banned for suggesting, turned out to be Ai's solution... but, I'm very happy it worked out.

July 30th, 09, 03:16 PM
yeah they kept wrong images and deleated some not so wrong images
Yeah but the images have to be against the rules >.>

August 2nd, 09, 04:34 AM
God you'd think the mods were taking this worse than the actual membership:


Hey, no disrespect guys, but grow up. :P

August 3rd, 09, 03:40 PM
junk is debateable like storys

August 4th, 09, 12:35 AM
I simply find it odd that the very thing I was banned for suggesting, turned out to be Ai's solution... but, I'm very happy it worked out.

Thank you.

So they finally decided to crack down and listen to us? Too bad "everyone's" already gone because of it.

August 4th, 09, 12:42 AM
You'd be surprised. :) I've been getting comments from other members claiming that people are *returning.*

August 4th, 09, 12:49 AM
i'm not surprised about it

August 31st, 09, 02:15 AM
well i have a couple issues with lolicon being completely removed from this site, i could understand if you removed toddlerkon and anything to deal with infants but i have a problem with you referring to lolicon as child porn because to go all the way back to base word for lolicon which is lolita, Lolita [low-lee-ta] Noun
a sexually precocious young girl [after the character in Nabokov's novel Lolita]
a lolicon picture is character wich is similar to the character in the novel lolita.

my argument here is can you really assign an age to an idea.

August 31st, 09, 03:04 AM
This is a terrible line of logic. No, you can't assign an age to an idea, but society has made the term lolita synonymous with an underage child in a sexual act, precocious or not. Lolicon usually portrays the child as innocent and unaware of what they're doing anyway. Which is wrong in the eyes of the law, and why we have to ban it.

September 13th, 09, 07:11 PM
I don't see the big deal. If you really don't like what the moderators did, create and pay for your own site. Until you do that, accept that they are able to do things you can't.

Personally I think if it's borderline, remove it. End of story.

October 12th, 09, 09:49 PM
Sounds great to me. I'm all for this idea. It'll make browsing the site much easier.

October 12th, 09, 10:31 PM
I have not been around for long enough to have a very strong opinion about stuff. And seeing that pictures I'm most certain to enjoy haven't been removed, I'm good about it.

However, I was just curious about the case of lolicon being removed. I'm guessing that the mods and Ai operates according to the laws of the US. If so, isn't it still legal in the form of artistic expression. Not that I care for lolicon, I'm only interested in the legal circumstances around... and when I only have word for it on wikipedia, I need further vertification.

October 12th, 09, 11:02 PM
Legal issues don't matter so much as what people think.

As far as lolicon, many people are uncomfortable with it, and that's enough reason alone- plus, to the uninformed average, it can give quite the bad view.

Personally, I find a little lolicon perfectly fine, if done tastefully. But I can see why it'd be removed, and support it.

October 30th, 09, 11:09 AM
what happened to all the pics that were in the adult baby related/ non-diaper section? there were loads of great pics in there that i cant get anymore...

November 3rd, 09, 12:11 AM
1. Why were two of the three "Dash" doujins removed from the Full Doujinshi section?

2. Where can I find them in .zip format. I cannot use .rar format or bit-torrents (spent MONTHS trying in vain to figure out how), so I NEED them in .zip format. Where? Please? Where? Please? Please? Please? I WILL GIVE YOU MONEY (IF I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO) IF YOU CAN TELL ME WHERE TO FIND THEM IN NOT-A-TORRENT NOT-.RAR .ZIP FORMAT. I think they are/were "Kanchou Shoujo" and "Kanchou Rhapsody".

November 3rd, 09, 01:47 AM
Wow ummm most people veiw fetishism with diapers wrong no it's just miss understood in a way they're the same thing.

November 22nd, 09, 06:48 AM
Don't post this question here, it's not the place for it, Lavefly. :|

November 22nd, 09, 07:05 AM
I have not been around for long enough to have a very strong opinion about stuff. And seeing that pictures I'm most certain to enjoy haven't been removed, I'm good about it.

However, I was just curious about the case of lolicon being removed. I'm guessing that the mods and Ai operates according to the laws of the US. If so, isn't it still legal in the form of artistic expression. Not that I care for lolicon, I'm only interested in the legal circumstances around... and when I only have word for it on wikipedia, I need further vertification.

The first amendment does not waver for obscene material. Obscene is a bit of a strong word for some loli art, but never-the-less, it typically as a specific purpose. Especially on this site. I'm fairly certain anime and diapers aren't considered Fine Art by anyone credible in the art world.

Even if the first amendment allowed for you to express your love of lolis, you would have several restrictions on your ability to express it.

June 1st, 10, 08:02 PM
I wonder what was too creepy for this site? Well i'm okay with removing any picutre that has a clown in it...

Omutsu no Jutsu
August 5th, 10, 12:27 AM
Just recently ive seen a Few pictures that do not belong but dont know how to report it. Do i have to have more posts or be a member for a certain amount of time before I can report Problems on this site?

August 7th, 10, 06:12 AM
Really all you should do is PM a mod or leave a message. The report system doesn't work as good for pictures yet.