View Full Version : Cross Edge rp (Need rpers)

Flare Master
May 21st, 09, 03:01 AM
Hey This is my First rp here so dont pull amy punches or i wont learn ok?

Heres the run down Its a rp about a grup of youths that just made it in to a traing school so they can going the Elite combat squad called " Cross Edge"

in order to join you have to post your charecter's pro on here first then pm me. heres my charecter's bio.

Name - Sven Wilder
Age - 16
Race - Inu
Eye's - Gold
Hair/ears/tale - Black
Hight - 5'6
wight - 180
build - soild
weapon - Saber & Hand Gun
weapon name - Raksha & Dieven (Raksha is a liveing sword that talks to Sven and can only be used by Sven. Dieven is a automatic hand gun he bult him self)
Cloth's - Red sleveless over coat with gold edges, a black T-shirt, Black glove's with the tip's of each finger missing, Black baggy pants and Black boots
Bio - Sven grew up alone and only reley's on him self, His sword play is self tought but he is skilled as is his Gunmen ship.. He's quite and seem's cold to people but hides a sad past.

Jack nife
May 21st, 09, 03:37 PM
Name: Silver Fang
Age: phisical= 1,000, Looks=15
Race: Vampire
Eyes: Emerald Green
Hair: Red
Hight: 6ft
Build: Muskular
Weapons: Nijato, Siy, Jo, Black Eggs , Draganolve and AA12( all blades are silver and guns shoot silver bulets)
Weapons name: Nijato= Silver Flame (all others have yet to earn names.)
Clothes: Jet Black Nija Garb with the Japanse simbol for no family in Gold
Bio: He lives alone, mostly. Every where he goes he caries a list. People belive it's a list of targets he has been hired to kill. They are right about the first thing. His quest is to avenge his family.

Flare Master
May 22nd, 09, 07:04 PM
I'v posted on the real RP its called " Cross Edge"

May 23rd, 09, 03:58 AM
name: Midori
age: 15
race: ????
eyes: silver
hair: silver
appearance: a quite small, cute faced girl whose race is unknown, she's usualy calm and smart, but when needed, she can be a fierce warrior, she likes to call people as if they're family
weapon: a small light orb that follows midori around and can talk, it can take any form that midori wants (name: kishi, color: pink, appearance: looks like a drop of water and it has two small eyes and has no hands or legs)