View Full Version : DA days forum (for suggestions updates etc...)

October 27th, 08, 08:52 PM
this is basically just a little thread so i can talk about updates on DA days.

you can leave suggestions ideas
also you can post basicaly any comments or such and if you have any helpful things for the comic (backround-prop pictures) i can use in the comic feel free to post a link :D

October 27th, 08, 08:53 PM
oh and i forgot

as of right now im kinda hittin a block so i dont have lotsa funny ideas for the comic so it might be a little b4 i make a new one but ya never know ._.

October 27th, 08, 08:56 PM
What about going diffrent places? like what Twilight said :3 and have us do crazy things
Hammy eating trash *cough, cough* :3

October 27th, 08, 08:58 PM
Yes Luna should eat some trash >.> wait no no trash is bad >.> damns you sparky damns you to hell and back.... hmms trick or treating might be good

October 27th, 08, 09:05 PM
.... O_O Course you all say trash lol

October 27th, 08, 09:05 PM
-Flames appear behind me- Muhahaha!! you know my secret mortal!! and trash is good!!

October 27th, 08, 09:06 PM
Send some of the Trick or treaters to my house. What I do on Halloween is get my hose ready. If I don't see them coming in time to use the hose on them, I have some water balloons ready as back up, just in case. Ah, good times.

October 27th, 08, 09:07 PM
You have Luna eat all you can soup and salad bar until you get thrown out for eating the restaurant out of business.

October 27th, 08, 09:08 PM
O_O Why me?!?!? >>; Oh, right... >>

October 27th, 08, 09:11 PM
Send some of the Trick or treaters to my house. What I do on Halloween is get my hose ready. If I don't see them coming in time to use the hose on them, I have some water balloons ready as back up, just in case. Ah, good times.

Your Evil lol :3

October 27th, 08, 09:22 PM
Your Evil lol :3

Flattery will get you everywhere with me!

October 27th, 08, 09:26 PM
Lol! -Throws water balloon at Twilight-
How about that? :3

October 27th, 08, 09:28 PM
Could you throw another one? I haven't had a shower in over a month!

October 27th, 08, 09:30 PM
0.0 uhh ok -throws one more- there you go now I'm gunna go! -Runs away-

October 27th, 08, 09:30 PM
O_O Thank god thats a lie Twilight! I hope..

October 27th, 08, 09:34 PM
Oh I shower every morning. It's my jeans that haven't been washed in over a month.

October 27th, 08, 09:37 PM
Lol good thing you have those water ballons then :3

October 27th, 08, 09:37 PM
I throw a giant water balloon and soak Twilight3 from her waist down to her shoes with the torrent of water in the balloon.

October 27th, 08, 09:52 PM
You... Haven't washed your jeans in a month???? *faints*

October 27th, 08, 09:54 PM
ok who didnt see this one coming >_>


October 27th, 08, 09:58 PM
....I will killl you all in your sleep and then throw you in a dumpster where mice will eat your remains...

October 27th, 08, 09:58 PM
Love it!!!!!!
Dei, I mean.

October 27th, 08, 09:59 PM
ya i kinda figured youd say that hammy...i think im gonna move to mexico now ._.

October 27th, 08, 10:00 PM
Texas is safer, Hammy hates it there, she won't come after you there.

October 27th, 08, 10:01 PM
-Takes Note- well she still doesn't know where we live but just to be safe I'm keeping my light on tonight :3

October 27th, 08, 10:29 PM
id um like to make u public annopuncment ._.


Princess Felicia
October 27th, 08, 10:40 PM
put me in more v.v

October 27th, 08, 10:49 PM
ok im still decidng who toput in the next on

so far ive chosen

i nned to go back over the comics and see who has been in the least amount and those people will be in the next ones

October 27th, 08, 10:51 PM
Also the characters are getting slightly confusing with new people, it maybe just me but i dunno who is who xD

October 27th, 08, 10:55 PM
ya pretty soon im gona realease a new cast role with evreyone in it :P

October 27th, 08, 10:57 PM
Cool :3 Good luck ^^

Princess Felicia
October 27th, 08, 10:58 PM
*runs around naked with my pants on my head*

October 27th, 08, 11:00 PM
0.0 hmm idea!! :3 Lol xD

October 28th, 08, 07:46 AM
*takes off his spidey suit and runs around naked with Princess Felicia*

*sticks twilight's hose in hammy's diaper and runs far far far away*

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

Princess Felicia
October 28th, 08, 07:56 AM
that was my thing and my daughters hose... and the beatiful chicks diaper... dam spammer

*puts on some brass knuckles* ai can keep the dam hammer i got my pounders here *catches and beats the crap out of spiderman*

October 28th, 08, 08:13 AM
Oh I am so scared Princess is it hammer time already he he. Shoots webbing on Princess's eyes and webslings away.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 28th, 08, 11:28 AM
We need Sam's! :3 shoot him downnn :3

Princess Felicia
October 28th, 08, 06:25 PM
*takes off goggles and wipes them off* dam spiders

October 28th, 08, 07:16 PM
....F***ing spiders.... *throws a chair at spiderman* DIE!

October 28th, 08, 07:18 PM
Hammy doesn't like spiders? xD

October 28th, 08, 07:24 PM
When the movies started coming out, My mom started teasing us by calling herself, 'Spider-mom,' *Shudder*

October 28th, 08, 07:24 PM
Not when it seems like they know me well =P In another thread he said something about my love of sugar.. >>;

And Twilight, I feel bad for you lol

October 28th, 08, 07:26 PM
Awww Hammy I hurt you would want to kill me. I am just your friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. Throws a webball at Hammy and web slings away while saying "Fast as Fast can be you will never catch me."

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 28th, 08, 07:27 PM
When the movies started coming out, My mom started teasing us by calling herself, 'Spider-mom,' *Shudder*

You mean I have a mommy he he

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 28th, 08, 07:27 PM
Lol Spider mom xD

-Throws Spider to Hammy- here catch :3

October 28th, 08, 07:27 PM
O_O F***ing spiders... Maybe I'll just tell the Green Goblin that spider man is here. Or get a lot of bug spray... >> *eats the bug Sparky threw at me* Nothing can hurt me!

October 28th, 08, 07:29 PM
Just call Aunt May, tell her Peter is doing drugs and he needs rehab.

October 28th, 08, 07:30 PM
Danm you to hell!! :3
-throws rock-

Princess Felicia
October 28th, 08, 07:35 PM
and no one likes spiderman hes a dam spam noob >_< ai plz get the hammer

October 28th, 08, 07:40 PM
Awww but I like you so much. Anyway, I am just having fun with the diapergirls since I was on diaperboys for oh a good five years and we never got any diapergirls, and the ones we did get turned out to be she men. So you will understand my joy in finding out that you have possible diapergirls here.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

Princess Felicia
October 28th, 08, 07:42 PM
...psychology thats prety advanced for a spider

October 28th, 08, 07:42 PM
Where is the spam hammer of doom!?

October 28th, 08, 07:53 PM
Maybe it is next to the spam we sell here at Walgreens :) Oh yeah sparky I heard you like cookies so here you go *gives Sparky a cookie*

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 28th, 08, 07:58 PM
Cookie!!! -Eats cookie- how did you know?
Ok..whats my eye colour! bet you dont know that :3

October 28th, 08, 08:02 PM
Wait! I got a good one! He's not spiderman, He's spiderspam! XD ...Yeah... >>;

October 28th, 08, 08:03 PM
Lmao! xD

Princess Felicia
October 28th, 08, 08:19 PM
lol nice one hammy

October 29th, 08, 08:29 AM
Wait! I got a good one! He's not spiderman, He's spiderspam! XD ...Yeah... >>;

Nice job Spammy he he. Sorry Sparky I am afraid I can't use my psychic powers to figure out the color of your eyes he he.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman