View Full Version : Devil's Damnation

March 7th, 10, 03:04 AM
Im sorry for those religious people viewing this...

Now the main plot of this story will be about a group of people who try to make a very powerful devil rise from Hell. In order to do so, they must do one of two things: human sacrifices, or by making false happiness, the false happiness being where the AB stuff comes in. Why the false happiness thing to summon a devil, you may ask? The hell if I know, guess its just an easier way other than sacrificing...
So...hope someone will be willing to RP with me.

Bandit Keith
March 7th, 10, 03:14 AM
ok first off I will gladly join this .

second how did you come up with this great ideal.

threed how can you think this afends religious people I'm religious but I'm not afended.

March 7th, 10, 03:31 AM
I didnt say it would offend you. Some people DO take just metioning the devil very offensively, however, so thats why I said that.
Plus, Im gonna wait just in case anyone else would like to join.

Bandit Keith
March 7th, 10, 03:39 AM
ok sorry about that just ment that in sounded that way how I read it you ment it mite afend religious people.is alll well I wish I could came up with ideal as guick and as good as yours.