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Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:42 AM
Age 15
ocupation: ninja.
home: The mirage viliage

ZT is a ninja who's family was killed by orochimaru and he lives as a ninja to seek revenge and kill Orochimaru.He is on a squad with two other kids.Amara and kari.ZT isn't that smart though.He failed the acadamy 3 times before he passed.He is rough when it comes to fighting

August 22nd, 08, 02:46 AM
Bio: Amara
Sex: Female
Species: Half Human, Half Wolf Demon
Occupation: Kunoichi (Female Ninja)
Home: Unknown
Current Home: Mirage Village

Long hair tied back in a pony-tail, reaches mid back, below waist unraveled. Uses headband to to keep hair out of face. Has a fair set of breast for 13 year old, can be used as a distraction. Is slim figured, flexable, but plenty strong. She tends to be overly serious, but takes her job seriously. Is skilled with a blade staff.

Sea-grean hair color, Violet eye color, replace the human ears with green and blue wolf ears on the side of her head, and triangle scar-like marks on each cheek, like Inuyasha when he goes demon form. She also has some fangs as well.

Amara has had a rough life, because of her half-demon status, many have either seen her as an animal, monster, a good lay, or a weapon. She's hardened considerably because of this, is bi sexual, and holds the wolf summoning contract.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 02:48 AM
Name: Kira Kiseki

Sex: male

age: 18

description of char: (I hope a pic will do) http://public2.tektek.org/img/av/0803/d29/21/f54264.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/12486405)

backround: When he was young his parents fused him with the spirit of cerberus while trying to rid him of a lesser demon. He has control over the three headed spirit but sometimes lose all control. He as a ninja who constantly trains doesn't have the time to find the bathroom and is typically to lazy when he isn't on a mission. So he wears diapers all the time. He has complete control of his bladder. When he was fused with cerberus his parents put a seal of chain on his arms, these chains have no physical existence and are completely spiritual.

weapon of choice: the large shuriken he carries on his back and his steel claws

Special skills: summoning power of the demon for ten minutes (any longer and it hurts him internally and can't easily be healed). Also taijusu and mastery of steel claws and shuriken/kunai throwing

strengths: the demon within him, his wits and his calmness in the face of death thus giving him a more rational thought process than most

weakness: the use of too much of the demons power. Being struck too many times along the spinal cord (though nobody has managed to do this)

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:51 AM
It was graduation day at the Mirage acadamy.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 02:54 AM
Kira stood in the line of all those who were graduating. He had his hands in his pockets giving an uninterested look to the ceremony and giving off a cool guy kind of aura. He wore his favorite jacket with fur collar and had his large shuriken strapped to his back, looking around unamuzed by this long process.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:58 AM
Zt stod in line next to Kira.Yes i finaly grduated Zt said holding his hands at his sides.He wore a light blue jacket and dark blew pants.His hair was red and his eyes were a dark color

August 22nd, 08, 02:59 AM
Amara was leaning back in her chair, staring at the other genins from the shadows. She had already calculated by grades who she would be with, and was now measuring them up.

August 22nd, 08, 03:00 AM
*Hold up guys, we should go in a specific order, so as to help this thing flow. I go first, then Shadow, then ZT, Sound good?*

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:02 AM

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 03:03 AM
Eventually the number of graduates who were still not in groups widked down until Kira heard his name called. Without a word he stepped forward and up to the intructor, he turned to se the other few genin remaining and was curious of who he would be with but didn't show it physically.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 03:04 AM
okay, though I just posted, sorry :eek:

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:05 AM
ZT's name was called.He aproached the jonin giving marage bands.He recived his and got down off the platform

August 22nd, 08, 03:08 AM
Amara watched as the boy, ZT walked to the front of the room, before going back to her thoughts.

The Mirage village was not known to many. It's location is at the border of the Lands of Wind and Earth. The few mountains that surrounded the village helped make a shield for the village. The village had developed a special paint that they used on the mountains to reflect light, hence the name.

Amara had thought she could escape the world that abused her by going here, but she wasn’t accepted here anymore than anywhere else. She had trained in shinobi arts, so she had decided to put them to use. Tired of running from people, she decided to make them respect her.

She snapped out of it when her name was called, and she too stepped up to the front of the room. Collecting her headband and tying it to her forehead, she walked back to her seat.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 03:16 AM
Kira had his band tied on the sleeve of his jacket, that way he wouldn't have a target on his head if there was a mission later on against high ranked shinobi. He was once again standing where he was before waitin to be told who his partners were to be,

He didn't much care though. He was never really a group player and intended to go solo on as many missions as he could without being caught.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:21 AM
Zt stood at the edge of a table.

They began calling everyone into squads.

ZT Amara and Kari are group 12.ZT gathered with his teamates.Since Amara has the highest test score she has the group leader

August 22nd, 08, 03:27 AM
*Kari, lol. Seriously though, tomorrow I won't be available after 16 hrs fromyour current time, till about 6 hours after that. I'm using hours because of time differences. Just giving you a heads up, Rp without me tomorrow, I'll let you know when I'm on at the Naruto club*

Amara smirked. Something had finally gone right for her. The jonin started calling out jonin instructers for each squad, but skipped team 12. After he was through, he turned to leave, but Amara appeared before him.

"Where's our jonin sensei?" She growled.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 03:39 AM
* I have to call it a night after this one, by the way we should wait for eachother, if one of us is missing the other two should reply and leave it till the other gets to reply. If you don't the story will be unbalanced and we'll all be paying catch up*

Kira was amused by this selection for his team. He thought of zt as hopeless, seeing as he had been held back for years. He saw Amara only as a another nuisance as he had already planned to abandon the squad entirely.

The Jonin just stared at Amara and then said "we have no jonin who would come close to accepting your group." He then said "you three are on your own" and disappeared using a disappearance jutsu.

To this Kira gave no reaction, not caring what happened to the group that would soon lack his assisstance.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:12 PM
This is so lame ZT said tooking down at his two teamates.Without a sensai this group is probably gonna be destroyed early.ZT still stood tall with his arms behind his head looking up at the ceiling

August 22nd, 08, 02:50 PM
Amara's thoughts were along the same lines. At times like these, she did what she always did, improvice.

"Look, I'm not exactly thrilled with our current arrangement either, but this just means we get all the glory for ourselves. Here's the plan, we'll each start taking D Ranked missions by ourselves, then at the end of the day we'll meet and see what we've collected. About half the money we earned from our missions will go to our team fund. Anyone of use that needs any ninja gear can dip into this fund. I know a place where we can buy jutsu scrolls, so it's not like we're completely out of luck in advancing in our skills. The other half will be for our financial needs, food, clothes, rent, you get the idea.

"We'll do missions Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Wednesdays we'll meet at training ground 37, no one uses it, and train there, practice some form of teamwork. D ranked missions are fine to do solo, but anything above that, until we all are chunin, we'll be stuck together on those missions. That being said, it's best to know each other's abilities for when the time comes in the future." Amara looked at each of her teammates. "Does that sound acceptable?"

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 03:42 PM
"Whatever works for you guys" Kira said in a cold and uninterested voice. "When we train you'll see my abilities first hand, until then you'll have to wait..." , he continued "as for splitting up to cover more ground I agree with that, mostly because I had no intention of really being a part of a team in the first place"

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:55 PM
aw man trianing ground 37 is a dump.Thats why no one goes there.Well it is better than nothing you guys so i guess i acept the idea.

August 22nd, 08, 05:34 PM
"Agreed, just remember Kira, we're stuck together until we all become chunin. If one of use dies on a mission, and we're still genin, we have to wait until the next graduating class for a replacement, and that's only if anyone would want to be on the same team as us. What I'm trying to say is, when we're on the same mission, don't just go off on your own, we should stick together then, less we find out what really happens should we lose a member." Amara said. "Anyways, if that's everything, lets got to the Mirakage's tower and get some missions."

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 05:41 PM
Before Amara had finished speaking he had started in that direction. He didn't care about the team, he simply wanted to become a chunin quickly and move on in life. He reached the tower within a few minutes and was leaning against a wall near the entrance waiting for the others.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 05:54 PM
Zt just walked all the way to the entrance with his hands behind his head.

"sorry guys i wont be able to continue much longer."Ill be back in two hours.

August 22nd, 08, 05:58 PM
*S'okay ZT, Shadow King and I will take our turns, then wait for you.*

Once the three genin met at the tower entrance, they went inside and proceeded to clime up the tower stairs till they reached the mission room. After waiting a minute, they were allowed to enter. Once inside, Amara stepped forward.

"Team 12 reporting for D ranked missions." She stated.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 06:06 PM
Amara was handed a scroll stating there missions. Kira read that his was to go out and catch a cat that was lost. He thought that this was definitely below his level and smirked "I guess I'm off to start" he said vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

((actually it's good timing cause I gotta run a quick erran))

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 08:10 PM
ZT's mission was to teach acadamy children a few tactics.He realy didn't want to do it but he was only worried about the money he would get.He set off and headed towards the acadamy

August 22nd, 08, 08:26 PM
Amara simply loved her mission. She had to go down to the animal shelter and help out around there. They had some dogs, different birds like falcons and crows, they even had wolfs! Amara spent most of the day there, cleaning pens, walking a few dogs and wolfs to stretch their legs. What most people didn't know, Amara could actually understand wolfs, actually talk to them like the dog clan in Konoha.

All in all, she earned about 5000 zenny for her hard work at that job. The amount had surprised her, but the lady incharge had told her that most genin would stop at about a third of what jobs she was doing. She even told her that she'd be requesting her more often, to which Amara said she was looking forward to.

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 08:54 PM
Kira had found the cat that was specified and returned it to it's owner within the first hour. Unfortunately he only earned 1000 zenny despite making it a quick job.

He had decided this wasn't enough to bring back to the team, as he wanted to be a show off and bring back the most. He gathered all the animals that had been lost and returned them plus gave some abandoned animals to the pound. This gave him an extra 10,000 zenny for returning about twelve different animals to their owners. In total he earned 11,000 zenny before returning to the meeting point of the team. It was the fountain in the center of the city.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 08:57 PM
Zt tought the kids about agility.He was paid 700 zenny

August 22nd, 08, 10:04 PM
About three weeks passed by, and Team 12 was quickly getting recognision as one of the best genin teams of this generation, despite not having a jonin sensei. Amara had been true to her word and managed to buy each of her teammates some jutsu scroll. To her displeasure, Kira declined every scroll she offered her, stating all he needed was his weapon and his taijutsu. ZT, on the other hand, continuously nagged her for more scrolls, despite not even finishing all the ones they had. Combined with Kira's refusal at her insistant to learn some jutsu, this lead to an increase of headaches for Amara, and several more bruises for everyone in sparing practices.

Today, instead of recieving their usual set of missions, they were given a C ranked mission. According to the scroll, bandits were pillaging a village of everything of value in it. Their mission was to terminate the bandits, return the stolen goods to the village, and bring back any goods left over from the bandit camp.

Amara turned to her team. "This is our first mission to do as a team. We meet at the village gate in an hour, take that time to gather supplies to last for a week. Once we meet up, we'll head to the village, meet up with it's leader, and find out what the situation truely is."

shadow king
August 22nd, 08, 10:21 PM
"yeah okay" Kira said disappearing in an instant to reach his home. Once there he packed a backpack with all the supplies needed. Though there was one supply he packed at the bottom that he would never tell them about and that was diapers, he wore them so that he wouldn't have to stop during missions, he still had full bladder control though so if he ran out it was no bog deal.

In all truth the reason why he denied the jutsu scrolls was because they would pail in comparison to the demonic power he had tucked away, though he had never used this during training for fear that he might hurt the other two. Plus he had learned enough jutsu from his family that he could survive.

He appeared at the gate with about ten minutes to spare because he had had everything almost packed the night before and only needed to pack his toothbrush and such.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 11:01 PM
Zt packed weapons and some cloths for the trip.ZT brushed his teeth every sigle day and he packed his tooth brush because he didn't want any cavitys starting since his family didn't have strong teeth.

August 23rd, 08, 02:31 AM
Amara went over what she had. Sealing scrolls, a scroll full of ninja tools and weapons, a scroll of medical ninja gear, i.e. blood pills, food pills. She also packed several scrolls worth of clothes. She had some that were a bit big on her, but she was lacking on bandage supplies, so worse case scenario she'd tear them up.

Shortly after she left her appartment, arriving five minutes before leaving time. She noticed Kira was there, and nodded to him. The most she got out of him was a glance out of the corner of his eye, before he closed them again and continued leaning against the wall. Amara joined him, and the two waited for their last teammate.

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 01:46 PM
Kira was getting annoyed by waiting, but knew it was only for a little while.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 02:51 PM
sorry im late you guys ZT responded.My alarm didn't go off when I set it.

August 23rd, 08, 04:10 PM
"Fine, just don't make a habit of it, or else you may find yourself without the ability to reproduce." Amara growled. ZT looked stunned, while Kira just looked at her.

'Must be her time of month.'

"Alright team, the village we're assigned to protect is about 6 hrs away. Once we get there, we'll meet with the village's leader and try an get a better scope of the situation. To speed up our arrival time," Amara quickly bit her thumb, flashed through handsigns, and slammed her bleeding hand on the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A giant puff of smoke erupted from the ground, and three large, armored wolfs appeared. They each wore different colored armor, one a sky blue, another dirt brown, and the last was flame red. The one in sky blue armor stepped forward.

"What do you need of us, mistress Amara?" It questioned. Amara heard a chuckle, but couldn't determine its point of origin.

"Need a lift to a nearby village. It's being bled dry by bandits, that means fresh meat for you guys soon Tenza." Amara told the wolf. Tenza nodded it's head, all three wolfs licking their lips. They turned their backs to them and layed down.

Amara turned to her teammates. "Hop on boys, we'll save about three hours riding there."

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 06:43 PM
"whatever" Kira replied coldly sitting on the wolf with red armor. He didn't care about this village or bandits. He just wanted to get into the chunin exams and be able to break away from this team quickly. He thought of zt as a brainless oaf and Amara as to bossy for her own good.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 08:39 PM
Zt hoped on the brown wolf.Lets move out

August 23rd, 08, 08:52 PM
True to Amara's word, the trip did only take three hours to reach the village. Many of the villagers were frightened by the wolves appearences and ran into hiding, so Amara dismissed them. After seeing Amara's demonic traits, the villagers still remained hidden. Amara gave a small sigh before leading the way to the village leader's office.

After assuring that they were there to help the village, the leader explained what the situation was. The bandits would raid them once every week, taking jewelery, weapons, livestock, crops, anything of value really. They also took little girls, for what purpose was not hard to immagine. After the briefing was done, Amara turned to Kira.

"Kira, the camp should be somewhere to the northeast according to this report. Can I ask you to scout out the area for traps and the number of bandits we're dealing with? I'd rather we wait and collect information before we engage them, since there maybe missing ninja with them, slim chance, but still there."

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 09:02 PM
"okay" he replied standing up and went quickly to the northeast. He reached there camp within an hour and spotted about twenty bandits. He being the show off he was snatched one of the few that was farthest away from the others and knocked the name of their leader out of him.

The name was 'Shinara, the mists calling' as the title went. He used a quick punch to knock the bandit out and brought him back to Amara and zt. He threw the bandit before them and told them the name of the leader.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 09:19 PM
Zt threatened to stab the man if he didn't give further info.The man begged and said he didn't know a thing.ZT stapped him.You gonna talk now?

August 23rd, 08, 09:28 PM
"Please, I'm new to the group!" He gasped out. "All I know is that the leader does something with the girls, and when she's done she gives them to us."

Amara stepped forward. "How skilled are they in combat?" She saw the man hesitate, so she quickly pulled out her blade staff and stabbed it into the ground, right between the man's legs. "Listen here, your life is ours now, and I for one don't give a rat's ass about your well being. You give us the information we want to know, you stand a chance of leaving her alive, otherwise you'll either be ripped apart by my wolves or lose several important limbs before continue what ever's left of your worthless life. It's your call."

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 09:36 PM
The man quickly said "the bandits are't all that skilled but I don't know about the leader"

"This guys useless now" Kira said "I say we just go and get it over with"

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 09:39 PM
alright Amara,Should i use my zombies to kill him or your wolves?

August 23rd, 08, 09:56 PM
"That would be a waste of energy. We'll just tie him up and leave him for the villagers to decide his fate. In the mean time, Kira, could you draw us a map of the camp, it doesn't have to be a work of art, just good enough to give us the locations of weapons, sleeping quarters, and stolen goods."

Kira grabbed a scroll and did as she ask, if only to speed things up. Amara glanced over the map, before taking a minute to come up with a plan. When she did, she took a brush and started working on the map, explaining her plan as she worked.

"Ok, here's what we'll do. ZT, you'll create a large creasent shaped earth wall or walls starting from the southwest of the camp. The last thing we need is for the bandits to escape to the town. Next, Kira will attack from the Northeast side, and my wolves will from the southeast. I'll slip into the camp and try to find any of the kidnapped girls, and ZT will use his Zombies to give any an escape route, klling any bandits that get to close." Amara turned to her team.

"This maybe overkill, but we still don't know if there are any trained shinobi in there, so it's better to air on the side of caution. If anyone gets into any trouble, flare your chakra and the others will come running. Understood?"

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 10:02 PM
"yeah" Kira said deciding to just throw a kunai with an eplosive tag into the man's gut and setting it off. "If he was a trained shinobi he would have gone and warned them" he said before taking off toward the bandit camp and reaching the northeast side. He waited there patiently for the others to get into place.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 11:02 PM
sound like a good planZt was now in his position.Zt left to set the walls up in the southwest.Earth stle:rock wall summon.A huge 30ft wall blocked the southwest passege.Alright my jobs done so far he said to himself

August 23rd, 08, 11:10 PM
Amara got into her position.

"Summoning Jutsu!" A large cloud of smoke burst from the ground, and 30 multicolored armored wolves appeared. "Alright boys, we got some fresh meat up ahead. The adults are fair game, but leave any children there alone along with anyone wearing one of these headbands." Amara points to her own. "I'll be searching for any children there and leading them to safety. My teammate will be summoning zombies to help kill them, and I know that disappoints some of you, but meat is meat." Amara checked around the area, and saw everyone was in position.

"Alright boys, it's dinner time!" The wolves gave out a howl of approvement before charging the camp. Amara went to the side to sneak in as she heard the startled yells of the bandits begin.

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 11:28 PM
As soon as Kira heard the howls he rampaged into the camp, he used taijutsu to knock out a good amount of the bandits and finished by leaving them for the wolves as he continued to search the camp for more bandits.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 11:32 PM
It was ZT's turn.Earth style:zombie summon jutsu.50 zombies broke out of the ground and attacked the rest of the banndits.Nothing but screams and the howls of the wolves were heard.

August 23rd, 08, 11:46 PM
Amara went through each of the bandit's tents, searching for any captives. She once came upon some sleeping bandits, and made quick work of them by sliting their throats. One man, however, had a small girl's skirt hanging above his head like a trophy. Amara realized what this ment, he had molested, maybe killed the owner of that dress. Amara flashed through some handsigns.

Demonic art: Absolute Zero! Amara thrusted her clawed hand into the man's stomach, causing the man to wake up screaming. Ice began forming off Amara's hand, flowing through the man's system, freezing his blood and organs. The man's screams grew faint. Amara pulle dher hand out.

"This is for all the little girls you've molested." She growled before pulling her clawed hand out, then stomping on the man right between his legs. The man gave a strangled scream of pain, before Amara swiped her claws at his throat, ending his life.

Minutes later, Amara had only found corpes of the little girls. Her demon youki glowing around her, she charged nto the battlefield, intent on killing some of these bastards herself.

shadow king
August 23rd, 08, 11:53 PM
Kira had a good number taken car of at this time and the screams of her men had woken up the leader. She had walked out from her tent in the center of the camp to see wolves eating her workers, zombies attacking her men and feeling three chakras around the camp.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 12:30 AM
Zt ran over towards Kira to see the leader standing in front of Kira.Oh no he said to himself.He rushed into battle with her.Lightning style thunder wave.Electrike bolts broke the ground beneathe them.Going straight for the leader.The bolts reached her but she dodged them with ease.Is that the best you have to use.Damn it shes faster then I expected Zt said as he started summoning zombies to the field.

August 24th, 08, 12:37 AM
"Here, let me show you a real lightning jutsu. Lightning style: Zeus's Rising Furry!" The jonin slammed her hands down on the ground, which began to rumble. Amara arrived at the scene just as lightning erupted from the ground. The lightning fried all the wolves and zombies, as well as shocking the genin harshly as well.

Amara collapsed to the ground, struggling to catch her breath and get back to her feet.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 12:47 AM
Kira also was struck by the electricity but took less damage by throwing a kunai in front of himself which attracted a great amout of it. Kira was able to get up again but was struggling with some random fidgeting from the shock. He then went through several hand signs Fire style : dragons blast jutsu. He inhaled deeply and breathed an enormous blast of pure white flame at the jonin who simply returned with water style: water wall jutsu, which summoned a wall of water before her which intercepted the fire.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 12:55 AM
This was zt's chance.Earth style:Rock wall trap jutsu.The ground close up on the leader."Let me out"she said pounding on the rock walls.Lightning style:Thunder dash.ZT bolted directly into the rock trap.The leader fell to the ground injured but still able to fight."NO.You shouldn't be able to move."She smiled and hit ZT into the air.He fell to the ground with the flesh on his stomach burning from the hit.He couldn't stand up so he rolled behind a small area to recover his burning wound.Damn it all he said.

August 24th, 08, 01:20 AM
The jonin noticed Amara's prone form. She quickly formed a water wall, dividing Amara and herself from the others.

"Taste this little girl! Secret art: Age regretion bullet!" The jonin spat out a water bullet, glowing white. Amara sensed the attack coming and managed to roll her body to the side, avoiding most of it. The water splashed on the ground, some of it splashing on Amara's head and in her ears, causing a buzz to run through her head.

The jonin leaped into the air, hands sparking with green medical chakra and lightning chakra. As she landed, she struck Amara hard in the stomach, causing the girls to cry out in pain.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 01:27 AM
The Jonin turned to Kira next. He would be a bit harder of a target to hit. She had shot three regression bullets already and missed all of them but eventually was struck square on the chest and then was struck in the gut with the same medical chakra. He let out a a yell because of the pain and couldn't stand up again for the moment.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 01:36 AM
Zt still currently hurt jumped out and used the little chakra he could dish out.Earth style:giant rock barrage.The jonin was hit several times by rocks.She shot some more regression bullets at ZT.ZT still out of energy was hit.Hey guys this is just water.Zt laughed and looked at his teamates who looked different.Time to end his.Airial zombie jutsu.ZT thrusted his arm streight into the ground.Zombies shot out of the ground and attacked the jonin.The jonin was eaten alive.ZT walked over to his teamates.Uh guys you look younger than I gradualy remember.

August 24th, 08, 01:46 AM
Amara pushed herself out of the small crater she was in. Her head was still buzzing, and her body didn't seem to be right either. She found that she couldn't move her right hand, and noticed scorch marks on it. Her claws seemed slightly smaller than they were. Pulling a kunai out she looked at her reflection and gasped. She looked just like she did when she was 12.

"What the hell!? Ah." Amara doubled over as her stomach felt like it was on fire. She fell to her knees clutching it when suddenly it stopped. She lost all feeling in her stomach completely. She then felt something wet slide down her leg, and when she looked, she realized she was wetting herself. She tried to stop it, but couldn't feel anything down there, and couldn't stop at all.

Amara's small fangs bit her lip as she struggled to keep from crying out loud, but could do nothing about the tears rolling down her face.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 01:53 AM
Kira was soon able to move again. He saw what had happened to Amara and quickly saw his own reflection in one of the kunai in the ground. He looked about eleven or twelve too. He stood up and as he did felt his front become warm and wet. Luckily for him he was wearing a diaper and he was used to this sort of thing so he walked over to the other two casually though his clothes were a little baggy on him he tightened his belt so his pants would fit.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:02 AM
Zt also wet himself wondering was he so injured tha he couldn't contrl himself.He tried to cover it with his shirt and walked over to the others.He noticed Amara was also wet.He wondered why kira was so normaly walking towards them

August 24th, 08, 02:07 AM
Amara tried to calm herself, despite standing infront of her teammates in wet pants. She took comfort in the fact that ZT had wet pants to. It was then she noticed the younger state of her teammates as well.

"I found the stolen goods in a tent back there, but I think we should search the lady's tent first, find out what the she did to us. But, you think we can patch ourselves up first?" She asked, hoping to get out of her wet clothes. She vaguely wondered why she was asking instead of ordering, but soon forgot that thought.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 02:14 AM
Kira walked over to them and looked at Amara with a soft look in his eyes but soon hid it. "If you don't mind zt I would like to talk to Amara quickly in private" he said looking at zt with semi pleading eyes to leave them be for a little while.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:19 AM
Uhh sure he went to the other tent to look for anything he could steal.He was a theif afterall

August 24th, 08, 02:24 AM
Amara turned to Kira. "What do you want? To laugh at me because I wet my pants? You didn't need to get rid of ZT to do that." Amara whispered. Her head was down, her hair over her face casting shadows over it. She was rubbing her right arm, the flinched as her claw pricked the sensative skin, drawing some blood. If that wasn't enough, her shorts fell off, leaving her wet pink panties exposed to the world. Amara bit her lip so tightly that she drew blood, trying desperately not to break down completely, though some small sobs broke through.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 02:30 AM
"no. I wanted to offer to help you clean up" he said looking at her with warm eyes, unlike his usual uncaring, cold self. He blushed slightly at seeing her panties and turned his head to the side "if you'd let me" he continued "I have some level of experience with this kind of stuff"

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:32 AM
Zt still in the tent looking at a sharp kuni blade made out of solid gold.Hell yeah he said outloud.This is freakin real gold to.He slipped it into his pocket and walked over to another tent.

August 24th, 08, 02:37 AM
Amara blushed fiercely at the offer. She saw the look on Kira's face, one she didn't recognize. As she weighed her options, her wet panties suddenly fell of. Giving a startled yelp, she quickly covered herself, then cried out in pain as her arm felt like it was on fire. She fell on her rear, dirt covering her wet skin, craddling her arm, sobbing softly, forgetting Kira was there at the moment.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 02:47 AM
He again offered "would you like me to help you clean up?" he asked again as he massaged her arm a bit to loosen the muscle so it didn't hurt as badly. He was still waiting for a reply as he did this. He would never force her into anything though. He just hoped that ZT would stay away long enough to get an answer and take action upon it.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:52 AM
Zt was soley walking back to them.Are you two done.Ive scaned every tent around.He opened his eyes to see Amara half naked on the ground with her underware dangling off her legs.What is going on?

August 24th, 08, 02:57 AM
Amara's face was now completely red. "Just leave me alone!" She screamed at them, before running off. She ran behind a tent before tripping on a hole in the ground from the battle earlier. She twisted her ankle and fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 03:02 AM
Kira ran after her after telling Zt that they weren't finished yet and not to follow. He then reached Amra and came up to her, before carrying her into the forest a small ways behind the camp just in case zt followed anyway. He looked at her ankle and gave her a worried glance to the eyes. "Please let me help you out, your not going to be able to walk on that ankle anyway" he said looking at the ankle and then back into her eyes with a caring touch to them.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 03:14 AM
Oh my god hes tottaly hitting on Amara.Zt was hiding behind a tree

August 24th, 08, 03:25 AM
Amara felt her arm loosen up, but knew she shouldn't move it to much. She knew, despite how much she didn't want to admit it, that she couldn't fix herself up in her current condition. She had no choice but to place her trust and well being into someone elses hands, something she hadn't done in years. At least it was her team mate. "Ok...help me out."

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 03:35 AM
"before that let me get rid of a nuisance" he said putting five explosive tags on a kunai and throwing it in ZT's direction. When it was about a foot from him Kira set off the tags and the shock wave sent ZT flying back into the camp with as little damage as possible. He then went through his backpack and got out the supplies needed. He took off her wet pants and panties and procedded to wipe her clean, put lotion on her and powder her before quickly diapering her and carrying her out of the forest and to ZT. He threww ZT a diaper and the supplies and said "go clean yourself up, we can't have you walking araound in wet pants can we" he gave ZT a cold glare for looking in on him and Amara.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 03:42 AM
listen budy.Im not wearing a diaper and you never through bombs at your teamates.Zt walked closer towards Kira.If your not gonna respect your team then maybe I should teach you a lesson.He ran into Kira with a pouning blow.Earth style: mud tsunami.A huge wave of mud consumed Kira.

August 24th, 08, 03:53 AM
Kira had thrown Amara out of the way of ZT's attack. She rolled on the ground for a minute, before turning to see Kira get buried. She quickly reached into her vest and pulled out a soldier pill, before swallowing it. She then dug her good hand into the ground and focused ice chakra through it. The ice traveled across the ground, creating a wall between ZT and the buried Kira, before freezing ZT's boots to the ground.

"You said you never throw bombs at teammates, I'd think the same would apply to jutsu. I don't like the idea of wearing a diaper either, but until we find out what that bitch did to us, it's for the best. So just put the damn thing on, say your sorry, and lets get this GOD DAMN MISSION OVER WITH ALL READY!!!"

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 04:00 AM
Kira heard this outburst despite being buried so he knew she was pissed now. He quickly undug himself from the mud and used a quick fire jutsu to burn the mud off himself. "I'm sorry that that happened Amari, I had to throw you. I couldn't dodge in time though" he said looking over at her. "On the other hand I can't forgive a guy he peeks into others affairs" he glared at zt with pure hate in his eyes.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 04:05 AM
I suppose I should appologize also.I violated a shinobi code on using jutsu on a team member.I also wasn't aware of Amara and im also sorry for that.Im sorry Kira and Amara.I still dont want to wear this thing though.Why do you have diapers anyways?

August 24th, 08, 04:11 AM
"I admit , I'm curious myself about that, but I'll let it go for now. As for you ZT, you wet yourself like I did, and as Team Leader I'm ordering you to wear one now. We can cover them up with our spare clothes, but what we can't cover up are accidents happening. If you had an accident without a diaper on when we give back the village's supplies, what kind of image would that send of Mirage shinobi? No, you're wearing one, even if Kira has to put it on you, and I know he won't be as gentle to you as he was with me." Amara answered.

shadow king
August 24th, 08, 03:52 PM
Kira smiled wildly at zt and said "if you don't do it yourself I'll make it an extremely embarrassing experience and like she said I WON'T be gentle" in a rather cold voice.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 10:26 PM
alright fine give me the damn thing.ZT walked into the forest and put the diaper on.Zt walked back out in the diaper

August 24th, 08, 11:03 PM
"Alright then, ZT and I are going to get some pants on, and after that we'll search that jonin's tent, see if we can't find anything on those jutsu she used on us. There weren't any survivers from the village, so we've got some time to go over what supplies these bandits have." Amara explained. She pulled a scrol from her vest and opened it, summoning a pair of pants and a belt. She quickly shimmied into her pants, thankful that her diaper was puffy enough to hold them up, but attached her belt anyways.

With assistance from her teammates, all three made their way to the jonin's tent and began searching the place. Amara checked the sleeping quarders, discovered the jonin's diary, and started reading it out loud forthe others. She read how the jonin lost her baby girl, and how her village deemed her "unstable and unsuitable for active duty." She had abandoned the village, and started kidnapping little girls. She would use medical jutsu to weaken the girl's bodies, so they'd be as strong as a baby, and disabled bladder and bowel control so they'd need diapers, just like her own baby girl.

Amara soon discovered a medical jutsu inside the journal, Healing Palm, and after practicing it for a few painful minutes, was able to use it to fix her arm and her ankle. She stood up and asked, "Anyone find anything about those jutsu yet?"

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 12:47 AM
Kira held up about 8 different scrolls in his hands. "I found these jutsu scrolls but all they are are fire style scrolls. They are advanced techniques so I think ske was trying to learn fire jutsu." With that he filled his pockets with the scrolls after reading one over. He wasn't going to try it though because it was a rather destructive techniqe for an enclosed space like the tent they stood in.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 12:59 AM
I found 2 waterstyles and a earthstyle in one of the guards rooms.I think you guys can have the waterstyle but this earth style is all mine.

August 25th, 08, 01:47 AM
Amara conducted a quick search herself, now that she could move freely. A minute later she came back with some scrolls.

"All I found were scrolls on medical ninjutsu and theory on combination attacks fusing multiple elements. Nothing on the jutsu used on us." Amara gave a frusterated sigh.

"Ok, lets start packing this camp up, and lets make certain this entire tent is packed as well. Once we gather all the stolen supplies and livestock, we'll head to the village. Once we get close to the village, we'll use the transformation jutsu to hide the changes to ourselves. Lets do this people, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we get back to the Mirage village where we can get examinations and find out the full extent of what's happened to us, hopefully if there's a timelimit to it...or reversable."

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 02:22 AM
Kira moved about the tent collecting everything that he saw or found into one of the many bags that they had brought to put everything in. "This is such a pain" he continued

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 02:27 AM
ZT found a safe and quickly cracked the combination.Inside was two scrolls.He tried to open hem but they were stuck.Hey guys look at this.Amara and Kira walked over.Maybe there's some kind of info in here.But its gonna take a jutsu of some sort because it's been sealed.

August 25th, 08, 02:31 AM
"That's fine, we'll hang onto those, good work ZT. If that's everything, let's head back to the village, it's been about 6 hours since this mission started, so we'll have to hurry if we want to make it back to Mirage tonight, or be forced to camp outside and take night shifts." Amara stated.

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 02:40 AM
Kira sighed taking the bag and using a a transformation jutsu to make him appear the same as before. He then started off toward the village at a good pace considerin the load he was carrying. Though his feet were giving off a dark chakra as he continued forward.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 02:43 AM
They continued walking down towards the villiage.Amara was regressing the most.She was already 7in shorter then before.They still walked on.ZT smelled something foul.

August 25th, 08, 02:47 AM
Amara immediately covered her nose, her demonic sense of smell being overwhelmed. "Kami, what is that stench?"

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 02:52 AM
Kira heard these comments and took off at an enormous speed getting to the village ten times quicker than normal. By doing so though his legs were now covered in dark chakra which he sealed to the best of his ability while waiting for them.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 02:54 AM
Zt walked backed on the side of Amara." What the hell is that stuff"Zt asked loking at the dark chakra around Kira's ankles

August 25th, 08, 02:58 AM
"If I had to guess, I'd say it's his demon's youki. I'm a half demon myself, so the youki I use is my own, but Kira has a demon sealed inside him, and can be granted use of his youki at the demon's choosing. Still, I wonder why he...the smell is gone..." Amara's eyes widened. "ZT, I think Kira might have messed himself. And given that he had diapers with him on this mission, I don't think that jonin was the only cause. Let's speed up, but just a little, give him time to change and all."

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 03:05 AM
Kira hadn't messed himself but the demons chakra did reak pretty badly. He still changed out of his wet diaper none the less on the edge of the village. Once he was done and the chakra was sealed mostly it was all good. Though small amounts of chakra were still flowing from his legs in various places despite his attempts at sealing it away.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 03:09 AM
Zt felt his diaper soaking up.Aw man he thought to himself.Cmon the villiage is ight there.

August 25th, 08, 06:42 PM
In mid leap through the trees, Amara suddenly let out a large fart, and felt a mushy goo spread around the back of her diaper. As Amara landed on the tree, she leaned on it with one hand, trying to collect herself.

'I can't believe I just...this smell is just...I wish I could bring that bitch back just so I could kill her again.' Amara thought as she slowly managed to block out her demonic senses. She could still smell her mess, but it wasn't as bad as before.

She noticed ZT had kept going, though she detected his scent had something more to it as well. Figuring he needed a change too, she leaped forward, soon catching up with him, slowly adjusting to the mess on her backside and between her legs.

"Lets speed things up, Kira has all the diaper supplies." Amara said before speeding up, not even waiting for ZT's responce.

shadow king
August 25th, 08, 07:17 PM
Kira was still waiting for them at the edge of the vilage. He had to wait for them or else everyone would think that they had died if he returned the villages materials without them. Only small bubbles of the dark chakra flowed from one or two spots on his legs now. He was lucky he hadn't drank or eaten much.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 09:59 PM
Alright Amara.ZT ran towards Kira.(I cant wait to get out of these clothes)He thought to himself

August 25th, 08, 10:05 PM
Amara landed next to Kira, taking note of his condition, but ignoring it for the moment. "Kira, do you have anymore diapers? I, *blush* I need a new one."

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 12:21 AM
Kira looked at Amara and smelled what had happened and pulled her aside a moment. He then whispered in her ear "I do but I think it would be easier if you let me help you again" he said "those kind of things are hard to clean up on your own." He then went over to ZT and stated "and you need one too" matter of factly throwing him a diaper and a small packet of whipes and a small bottle of powder before returnning to Amara.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 01:02 AM
Hold on a sec.(ZT jumps in an ally to change himself.)ZT returns and waits for Kira to change Amara and Himself.ZT just stood and leaned on the side of a building.

August 26th, 08, 01:28 AM
"Fine, but let's move away from ZT." Amara whispered. She quickly threw a flash bomb at ZT, blinding him temporarally. Amara and Kira sped away from ZT and the village for a minute before settling down.

Amara layed down, and pulled her pants down. Kira untaped her diaper, and started cleaning her rear with a wipe. "OW, watch where you're cleaning!" Amara hissed as Kira poked her butt hole by accident. "HEY, WHAT THE HELL!" Amara leaped to her feet after Kira accidently poked into her vagina. "Give me that!" She snatched the diaper from his hand and quickly taped it on and pulled up her pants.

"Men." She mummbled. Raising her voice, she yelled, "Let's get this over with, I want to get home tonight." She said before leaping away.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 01:34 AM
Kira was astonished by her attitude and decided that if that was the way she was going to act he wouldn't help her anymore. He didn't need a change himself so he sped after her and towards the village again.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 01:37 AM
"Sigh"Guess were off to the villiage again.ZT spead up cause he was now behind.ZT Darted Past Amara in a split second

August 26th, 08, 01:52 AM
The three of them arrived at the village and returned their stolen property and livestock. The villagers accepted them with open arms, thanking all three of them, no longer wary of their appearances. Amara found the mother of the little girl whose dress she found over the bandit's bed. She told her she was sorry for her loss, and that she personally made the man responsible suffer before he died, to which the woman hugged her weeping on her shoulder.

About an hour later, the group began the long journey home. Amara was drained of chakra and couldn't summon her wolves, so they had to run back. Three hours later, it was apparent that they weren't going to get back to Mirage before nightfall, so they set up camp.

"So, anyone else need a change?" Amara mumbled.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 02:13 AM
Kira nodded to this and took out the supplies to do so. He then through out his sleeping bag and took a diaper to quickly change. When he was done he layed on his sleeping bag and began reading over one of the scrolls.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 02:16 AM
Zt needed a change also.He quickly got in a clean diaper and dozed off you sleep.

August 26th, 08, 02:26 AM
Amara pulled her diaper off, but noticed she was developing a rash. Bitting her lip, she came to a decision. She quickly diapered herself, but crawled over to Kira's sleeping bag. "Can you help me with the cream, I'm getting a rash."

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 02:30 AM
"not interested" he said coldly "especially after that spectacle while I was trying to help you before." He didn't even look over at her but instead continued to study the scroll.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 02:34 AM
will you guys quiet it down.Im trying to sleep over here.ZT getting frustrated covered his ears with a pillow to kill the noise.Amara was thinking of walking to ZT to ask him.

August 26th, 08, 02:41 AM
"Well fine, you want to be a jackass, then I'll ask ZT to help me, I'm sure he'd be more then willing to help me, he's done plenty to help the team, unlike you." Amara spat before she started toward ZT's sleeping bag.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 02:50 AM
"what did you just say!!" Kira almost yelled "I took out most of the bandits, I carried all of the vilages crap back to it single handedly and your calling me lazey" His blood war starting to boil as he stood up and gave Amara a death stare. The few areas where the demonic chakra was escaping expanded and the putrid black chakra began to cover his legs again. His toe nails becoming claws. The chakra smelled of sulfur and brimstone, as if from the pits of hell itself.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 02:54 AM
Um ZT.Yes Zt replied still a bit fussy.Can you help me put this cream on cause im starting to get a rash.Sure I could.

August 26th, 08, 03:06 AM
Amara slid her diaper off, allowing ZT to apply the cream. "So what Kira. Anyone of us could have done that. Seling the supplies in a scroll is simple enough, and herding livestock is easy if you flare your chakra at them. Besides, my wolves and ZT's summons could have handled the remaining bandits and subordinates. You rushed in and wasted chakra, chakra that could have been better spent against that jonin. For all we know, we could have avoided injuring our intrails, leaving us in diapers." ZT finished with the cream and Amara pulled her diaper and her pants back up. She turned to face Kira.

"Of course, you were in diapers before the mission, so maybe you let us get injured so you wouldn't be all alone. Some way to gain friends, it almost worked." She turned her back on Kira and walked towards her sleeping bag.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 03:16 AM
"how dare you say such a thing you half breed" he spat, his anger growing more and with it the black chakra. It was covering two thirds of his body now, his finger and toe nails now jet black claws. "I wear diapers because I can't afford to stop training, to stop missions but you wouldn't understand that would you?" he asked in a yell, his voice carrying an unearthly howl to it.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:20 AM
Dude you felling okay cause you look terible.You also could have used your weapons in stead of wasting chakra.Kira looked at ZT with his glowing yellow eyes.

August 26th, 08, 03:27 AM

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 03:33 AM
"AT LEAST YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR DEMON" he yelled as the chakra enveloped the rest of his body. Now instead of Kira a wall of black flame with two glowing yellow spheres in it's center stood before them. "YOU INSOLENT WOLF!!" he screamend so loudly that the trees at the edge of the camp were blown down by his voice

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:37 AM
ZT cowered in his sleeping bag.Kira became the ceberous demon over flowing with chakra

August 26th, 08, 03:47 AM
"You think you can beat me, one with demon blood running through her veins. Fine then, BRING IT ON!" Amara focused her youki around her body, strengthening it considerably. Getting down on all fours, she launched herself at the cerbefied Kira. She slashed her claws along his arm, drawing a small geyser of blood to erupt from it as she passed him by.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 03:55 AM
immediately the blood surrounded the wound and became a guard for his arm. With a wave of his arm the dark chakra around his arm shot out at her blowing her straight through many trees and into the forest before retracting. "YOU SAID I WASTED CHAKRA BUT THERE IS PLENTY RIGHT HERE, YOU LIE" he yelled at her causing a huge wave of air to blow right toward her tearing down more of the forest.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 04:02 AM
maybe I should intervein.Earthstyle:gravity smash.The ground began to shake and Kira fell streight down to the ground unable to move.What did you do to me you bastard.Who you calling a bastard.ZT kicked Kira in the arm.

August 26th, 08, 12:52 PM
The ground started shaking, and a pillar of ice rose from the ground, incasing Kira. Amara crawled on all fours, a tail of icy blue youki formed behind her. Amara's eyes were slitted, the marks on her cheeks more defined, her claws grown longer and sharper. Amara let out an inhuman, more wolf like howl, before dashing at the frozen Kira. She plowed through the ice and into his stomach, sending both of them crashing through a nearby rock formation.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 02:09 PM
Kira stood up after this the dark chakra healing the blow quickly. He inhaled an in human amount of air and pursed his lips. When the air passed back through his lips it was a humungous wave of black flame that engulfed bout zt and Amara. He then went through many hand signs and put his hand on the ground firmly. Pillars of black fire shot at in various areas and the ground was covered by the extremely hot fire.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 02:36 PM
ZT and AMara were hit many times.Then ZT jumped up off the ground.Earthstyle:Rock barrage.Rocks hit both Amara and KIra.Stop this fighting ZT yelled tying his best to break it up.

August 26th, 08, 03:02 PM
Amara snarled furiously, a second and third tail growing behind her. Staring at the trapped Kira, her anger grew, and a forth tail grew. All four youki tails seems to solidify, becoming real flesh and fur. Amara's youki burst, blowing the rubble off her. She was about to launch herself at Kira, when she saw ZT's pain filled face. She stared at him for a moment before her eyes seemed to shift into focus. Her youki seemed to fizzle, her four tails transforming back into youki. Before she lost all her youki, she dashed forward, clasping her hands together before slaming them on top of Kira's head.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 03:26 PM
The ground beneath Kira became a crater becausof this blow. His head began to bleed but he fell over unconcious. Unfortunately the chakra was still flowing freely from his unconcious body. Without Kira being awake he couldn't seal it back in.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 04:55 PM
The demon came out full fleadge and slashed ZT in the stomache.ZT fell to the ground screaming in pain

August 26th, 08, 06:52 PM
Seeing ZT fall, Amara focused her youki around her body once again, managing to stop herself from losing more than one tail of power. Focusing her ice element into her claws, she dashed forward and rapidly slashed the cerbefied Kira all over his body, causing frost and ice to encase his his body. Once that was done, Amara quickly flashed through some hand signs, her chakra and youki flaring.

"Secret Art: Lightning Blizzard!" Amara stabbed her clawed hands into the ground, sending a wave of yellow lightning across the ground, ice forming in the path behind the wave. Once the wave reached the cerbefied Kira, the lightning's current electricuted him, even more so with the ice and frost all over his body. Once the wave had ended, the ice following it crept up Kira's body, incasing it in a block of ice.

Amara fell to her knees, her youki fading away. She was tired and weak after using so much youki and chakra. She managed to crawl over to ZT and heal his chest wound with the Mystic Palm jutsu before she collapsed.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 07:11 PM
Kira was stuck and unconcious, but that did not stop the chakra. It was sealed in the ice so it could do no harm but there would be no way to seal it back within the confines of his body without preforming a ceremonial sealing, wich would take a week at least to fix it.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 07:43 PM
I have to stop it ZT said in anger looking at the Kira Amara and the demon.Lightning style:electrick hell wave.thunder hit the demon numerous times pushing him back and getting stronger everytime.ZT managed to get the demon away from Amara.Zt now out of chakra just stood there and stratigized.

August 26th, 08, 08:00 PM
Amara knew the risks of overdosing a soldier pill, but figured it was better than the alternative. She managed to grab one from her pouch and swallow it. She felt her chakra and youki return to her as she rose to a kneeling position. She focused chakra into her hand, and thrusted it into the ground, before pumping more outward from her hand. The chakra shot forward underground, twisting this way and that, forming a giant seal.

"ZT, lend me your chakra! There's a sealing jutsu Kira uses to contain his demon, I can perform it." ZT quickly ate a soldier pill himself before placing a hand on Amara's shoulder, channeling his chakra through it. Amara focused her chakra and performed the necessary handseals for the sealing.

The seal glowed brightly, as chains of energy erupted from the seal, grabbing the living youki, before forcing it into the ice block Kira was frozen in, then into Kira himself. The ice shuddered, then shattered completely, freeing Kira's unconsious body.

Amara's vision grew darker, her body shuddering. She felt herself wet her diaper, but that was nothing compaired to the paincorsing through her chakra network. She vomited blood just before she collapsed, out cold.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 08:09 PM
Kira layed on the ground completely unconcious. Oddly enough a few of the chains from the seal still were wrapped around various areas and despite only being a few links longer than being able to wrap around said areas were in a physical from. Several of the seal symbols were burned into his very skin in several areas.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 08:13 PM
When Amara and Kira awoke They were all bandaged up.Good morning guys ZT said with a smile.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 08:23 PM
Kira opened his eyes to expose that one of them had kept the yellow color from the night before. He was sore all over and asked curiously "what happened yesterday, eberythings a big blank"

August 26th, 08, 08:26 PM
Amara rolled on her side, tears flowing down her face. "Kira." She rasped out. " I'm so sorry for all the things I said. Being a container can be just as bad as being half demon. You have contributed to this team a lot, I was just so upset about everything that was happening. Losing control of my bladder and bowels, then those bandits rooms reminded me of what people used to do to me before I learned to defend myself. It's just so-" Amara hicuped.

Her body was then covered in a white light before it shrank slightly. When the glow was gone, she was in her eleven year old body, most of her clothes and bandages hanging loosely off her body.

shadow king
August 26th, 08, 08:53 PM
Kira oddly enough was stuck at about 15 years and wasn;t shrinking further. "I'm sorry for what I said also. I was kindof in a blind rage I guess" he said to Amara

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 01:16 AM
ZT was now 12 years old

August 28th, 08, 01:31 AM
Amara took note of her changed body. Her claws had dulled, her body shorter, and if she could she her face, she'd see that the marks on her face was less defined. "What's happening to me?" She tugged her clothes up to hug her body. On the plus side, her injuries were gone, but her chakra system was still a mess.

"Does this happen everytime one of us has an emotional outburst? But Kira's fine, so maybe it's childish behavior that cause the regression to activate." Amara analyzed. "It looks like we have to be careful about our feelings and actions from now on, at least until we get examined."

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 05:09 PM
"ok" Kira said in his usual tone of voice as he packed up his materials. "Would you guys like a little morning practice to test out your current bodies or are we going to head out?" he asked them both. He didn't mind either way, if they wanted to practice he could practice his jutsu that he had been studying and if not then they could wait. The seal symbols were still burnt into his skin and showed no sign of healing anytime soon.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 05:20 PM
Right now I want to get back to normal Kira.Zt said as he stood up.Looks like we all wet ourselves again.Toss me a diaper and a couple wipes please

August 28th, 08, 06:12 PM
"Actually, just pass the wipes Kira, your diapers are a little big for me and ZT right now. Lucky for us, I grabbed the scrolls that that jonin had full of diapers, all in different sizes, we should find some that'll fit us perfectly, so as not to put us at a disadvantage should we be attacked and need to move." Amara said. She pulled out a scroll, bit her thumb, and unraveled the scroll, smearing her blood over the seals along the way. A large puff of smoke, and a pile of diaper bags appeared. ZT and Amara went through them and found diapers that would fit them.

Amara quickly changed hers, one thing she was grateful for was that her rash was gone, probably as a side affect from her regression. Once she was done, she pulled out another scroll, unsealed some of her clothes, and put on the smallest size she had, which looked fairly baggy, but passable. Amara looked at the others.

"As for practicing, you boys can, I need to rest. My chakra system is a mess right now from overdosing on soldier pills, I won't be able to do jutsu or anything for the next few days, not even a transformation jutsu to hide my appearance. My body is also still sore from the fight. Speaking of, I think it's best we keep this fight to ourselves, no telling what our leader will do to us if he finds out what happened here. If they felt our youki, we'll just say we used it battling the jonin in the camp. Agreed?"

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 07:09 PM
"Fine by me" Kira said after he had changed himself and read over a sroll again and then went through several hand signs. After about a minute of rapid hand signs he began to draw out his into his hand. Once his hand was full of chakra he yelled out fire style: flaming explosion jutsu. His hand started to blaze with white fire. He quickly bashed into the ground a couple inches. All around them the in a circle around their camp the ground exploded with a blasts of flame flying from the ground and tearing down the trees around them in a fierce fiery storm.

When he drew his hand from the ground all the skin had been burnt right off of it exposing read muscular tissue. Though the skin seemed to grow back within a minutes time with a small hint of the demons chakra. "That would be a great defensive jutsu ifI could learn how to control the distance from myself", as he said this his yello eye pulsed and he put his hand over it in pain.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 07:35 PM
ZT changed himself in front of them not even caring of embarasment.These new diapers you found are prety comfortable Amara.I dont realy care for training right now so I think we should head back to the villiage and get checked out

August 28th, 08, 07:43 PM
"Agreed. Kira should lead since he's the least affected out of all of us, then you ZT since you're still able to use chakra, and I'll bring up the rear. I can still keep track of our surroundings with my demonic senses." Amara explained. "Let's go."

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 07:49 PM
"fine" said Kira as he took his hand from his eye blood was running from it like a tear. He ignored this fact and the pain that was still pulsing in the same eye and took off in the direction of the village.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 07:58 PM
let's move out.ZT started towards the direction carrying dozens of scrolls.Cmon you guys.Amara began to walk towards them and the villiage.ZT began to hum along the way

August 28th, 08, 08:04 PM
It was about 4 hours before they reached the village gates. They had some trouble with the guards there due to Amara's state, but were let through with an escort to the leader's tower for a mission debriefing. Many of the villagers stared at the group, some filled with the familiar anger and hatred, others with curiousity, and a rare few with concern. Amara continuously shuffled uncomfortably under their gazes, unfamiliar with these strange emotions caused by her regressed state. Minutes later, they arrived at the tower and made their way to the village leader, who upon seeing the group, called them into his office so they could talk privately.

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 08:10 PM
Kira walked in with the group, blood still leaking from his eye as if he was crying. He kep this eye shut though so that the vilage leader would not see that the demon had begun to fuse with body.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 08:13 PM
Zt taking a look at Kira noticing the blood driping from his eye.Geeze what the hell happened to you.ZT was afraid to know.We have to get that looked at.

August 28th, 08, 08:21 PM
'Damn, why hadn't I noticed before?' Amara asked herself. "On second thought, maybe we better get examined first before the debriefing. With your permission, leader?"

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 08:27 PM
"I won't be examined until I at least debrief" Kira spat angrily "I don't need it." This little outburst had caused Kira to open the bleeding eye though, exposing his now demonic yellow eye to the village leader.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 08:34 PM
No that eye looks to bad.We need to get you checked out.Theres blood all over your shirt now.C'mon lets go.Debriefing can wait

August 28th, 08, 08:49 PM
The Mirakage demanded what had happened to cause such an affect on Kira and the team's other changes as well. "I'll write up a full report later, but I'll give you a brief version so we can get examined quickly." Amara said, stepping forward.

"We went to the village that called for the mission we were assigned to. They told us the situation they were in, their valuables, livestock, and little girls being taken by bandits. Kira searched for the base and it's surrounding, made a map for us, and we went to work. I summoned my wolves, and ZT summoned his zombies, and together with Kira they attacked the camp. Turns out, the leader was a missing medical ninja from the hidden cloud.

"We engaged, and she used these weird regression like jutsu on us, causing ZT and myself to become what you see right now. We were forced to use a large amount of demon youki and powerful jutsu to bring the jonin down, but we managed. However, the battle left us all wounded, and without control of our bladders and bowels.

"After the battle, we searched the tents, gathering the stolen goods, no survivers from the village, the livestock, and any scrolls that might possibly have info on the jutsus used on us. After returning what belonged to the villagers, we back came here. Now can we please be examined, Kira's bleeding and I don't like being stuck in my 11 year old body!" Just then, a white light engulfed Amara's form, shrunk, and faded. Amara was 10 now. "KAMI DAMN IT!"

shadow king
August 28th, 08, 08:54 PM
The Mirakage let them leave at that but ordered them stright to the hospital to get checked out. Kira did not argue with this and closed his eye again as he left and walked to the hospital at his own pace. He ventually arrived to be checked out.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 01:54 AM
Amara and ZT also were checked out.That jutsu realy screwed there bladders up and now ZT was 10 and Amara was 9.

August 29th, 08, 02:11 AM
To say Amara was upset was an understatement. Not only was her body regressing, but her mental state was as well. The doctors told her that given her current condition, she'd be placed of active shinobi duty. Thankfully, being a shinobi had the advantage of a health coverage of somekind, and Amara's covered the cost of her diapers and changing supplies.

The hospital also wanted to assign a caretaker to her, but Amara was adament about not having one. Despite regressing mentally as well as physically, she had been forced to grow up quickly due to being both half demon and a female, so she still had her 11 year old mind, though the jutsu was affecting that in part, sending mixed emotions through her system. In the end, the hospital compromised that she'd be permited to spend most of the day alone, but would be checked up upon at random.

At a much later time, Amara was in her simple bedroom in nothing but a nighty and her diaper. She bit her thumb and flashed through handsigns.

"Summoning jutsu!"

A small puff of smoke later, and a little wolf, a pup really, appeared. This little guy was her first summon, and always would hold that ever so rare place in her heart.

"Hey wolfy, wanna sleep with me tonight?" The pup, still learning to talk, just gave a yip and bounced onto the bed. Amara crawled under the covers, vaguely wondered what happened to her teammates, but fell asleep shortly after, one arm hugging wolfy and the other hand's thumb in her mouth.

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 02:30 PM
When they checked up on Kira they were astonished what bad shape he was in. They wanted him to stay in the hospital for the time being but he refused to the point of threatening to prctice one of his new jutsu right there. They did a few quick treatments and covered his demonic eye in a seal laden wrap which they wrapped around his head as not to blind his other eye.

They insisted that he at least have a caretaker but again he refused to the point of serious threats. After a while of this they let him go after taking him off active duty. The doctors though had made sure that an ANBU agent was watching him as it would be dangerous for anyone else.

When he got to his place it was very late at night and he went to his room and crashed with no other actions

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 02:51 PM
ZT was mentaly 12 and he was checked at by the doctor.ZT was upset of how young he was getting and how long it would go before it finnaly stoped.ZT left and walked towards his home.Still having no one to love him he crawled into his bed and started to cry.Alone and scarred he dozzed off into painfull nightmare."Orochimaru Im gonna find you and murder you fr what you've done".

August 29th, 08, 04:52 PM
Amara yawned as she rose from her bed, beinging careful not to wake Wolfy up. Checking her diaper, she saw that it was soaked. With a sigh, Amara grabbed a change of clothes, a fresh diaper, some changing supplies, and a towel, before heading into the bathroom for a shower.

After Amara stripped off her nighty and wet diaper, she turned the water on and pulled the switch, causing water to come out the shower nozzel. Just then, there was a loud knock on the door. With a sigh, she turned the water off, wrapped her towel around herself and answered the door. It was the caretaker that was supposed to check up on her.

Amara explained that she was about to take a shower, but the caretaker said that she was to little for a shower, and went to draw her a bath, much to her protest. Once the water was the right temperature, the caretaker, once again against Amara's wishes, proceeded to lift her up and place her in the tub. She offered to help scrubb her, but a flash of white light outlining her body stopped her. Amara explained her theory about how acting childish and young would cause her body to regress to the caretaker, who was skeptical, but agreed to let her clean herself, and left to make breakfast.

10 minutes later Amara was done and the caretaker helped her out of the tube, dried her off, and diapered her, much to Amara's chargin. The two sat down to a simple breakfast and Amara expressed her desire to go to the training field to practice her chakra and youki control, since it was all over the place between the regressions and her pill overdose. The caretaker agreed to walk her over, but would not be sticking around and woud return later to take her home. About 30 minutes later, Amara said goodbye to the caretaker as she walked from the training field, muttering a "good riddance" under her breath. Amara then started practicing leaf sticking, when someone walked into the clearing.

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 05:02 PM
Kira woke up as usual, he still had his 15 year old body. The doctor had concluded that this was most likely because if he got any smaller the demon would fuse with him permanently and the demon probably didn't want this. He took a quick shower and ate breakfast after putting a diaper and clothes on.

Outside his window he could feel someone watching and knew it was ANBU but ignored it nonetheless. He made his way to the trainig field to find Amara practicing.

The ANBU continued to watch from the forest.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 05:17 PM
ZT awoke in his room to here a knock at the door.Who's there he asked.Im a caretaker.Zt opens the door to see a beautiful women 2 ft taller than him.Zt asked what she wanted.I was hired by the dctor to take care of you.What do you mean take care of me?ive been alone for 15 years so I can take care of myself.He turned away and the lady stopped him.Im taking care of you weather you like it or not.ZT was now terrified at this and tried to run to the door to escape.She stopped him there also.listen I dont need a caretaker.Come here and let me check your diaper.She ran after ZT and caughed him.She took his pants off and yanked his diaper off revealing everything the now 9 year old had to show.Terrified and overpowered he was forcebly changed.now can I go.Where are we going.the training fields and im going by myself.No your not little Zt.Fine just dont piss me off while we are there

August 29th, 08, 05:41 PM
"Oh, hey Kira, guess we had the same idea, train to pass the time and all." Amara greeted. "I'm doing some chakra and youki control exercizes so I can fix the damage done by the soldier pill overdose, and to adjust to my younger body right now. After this, I'll be doing some mild exercises and taijutsu practice, it's actually different to move around with smaller legs when you''re used to being taller. What do you plan on doing?"

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 05:48 PM
"I plan to practice the jutsu that I read in the scrolls we found." he said simply "I also plan to do some taijutsu if you don't mind would you like to make it a sparring match? We could start slow until you get a hang on it"

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 05:54 PM
ZT ran out the door with the care taaker following him.He went to the training fields to where Amara and Kira were.Goodmorning guys

August 29th, 08, 05:59 PM
"Hey ZT, I see you got a babysitter. I got one too, but only for mornings and nights."Amara said. "Anyways, Kira and I were doing some training exersizes, me chakra control, him learning a new jutsu. After that we decided to do some light, and I mean very light, taijutsu sparing. You and I would probably be a good matchup, both our body have changed and I doubt your any closer to being used to yours than I am to mine. After I'm done with Kira, you wanna have a go?"

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 06:04 PM
Kira walked over to the side and flashed through several handsigns before saying Fire style: hells ground, he put his hand on the ground and the ground itself became extremely hot as it blazed with fire. Kira did his best to keep it from reching Amara and ZT.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 06:04 PM
holy crap.Z stared at the ground as the flames consumed it

August 29th, 08, 06:09 PM
Amara spent the next half hour practicing chakra control, getting a total of 20 leafs to stick to her form with chakra, all at different points. After that, she did some mild stretches, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups on a tree branch, all the while keeping the leafs on her body. Once she was done exercizing, she summoned a water bottle from a scroll and took a long swig.

"Kira, you ready, or you want to keep working on that jutsu?" Amara called out to him.

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 06:14 PM
Kira let the jutsu go and the ground returned to it's originl state. He walked over to Amara, "so how light would you ilke me to go, since I'm about the same size within reason I have control over my taijusu easily" he stated as he took stance.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 06:16 PM
ZT just spectated and sat o a rusty old bench of which his caretaker sat with him

August 29th, 08, 06:24 PM
"How about this, I'll attack for 10 minutes and you defend, then we reverse roles. By then, you should have a feel for what I'm capable of and should know how not to cause me any lasting damage. You'll attack me for 10 minutes and I defend, then we'll go freestyle after that for another 10 minutes." Amara explained. "ZT, you're welcome to warm up for our match, which will be after the free style I have with Kira."

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 06:27 PM
"sounds fine to me" Kira said switching to a defensive pose with one arm out and the other behind his back. (think rock lee)

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 06:45 PM
ZT just setled for 500 laps around the field.He then began his run

August 29th, 08, 06:56 PM
Amara swiftly approached Kira, launching a barrage of punches. As Kira blocked them, Amara tried switching things up and threw a kick at him. When it was blocked, Amara managed to use the arm to push off of, perform a flip, and tried to slip under his guard, but miscalculated her new height and landed on her bum.

She quickly got back to her feet and started attacking Kira again, going through variations of punches, kicks, and claw scrapes when withdrawing her fists. This continued for the remaining 10 minutes. Once they were done, Amara took a quick swig of water, before tossing the bottle aside and getting into a defensive stance herself.

shadow king
August 29th, 08, 07:01 PM
Kira decided he was going to use his variation of taijutsu which is what he usually did. He got down on all fours and then rushed at Amara with intense speed, when he reached her he did a spinning heel kick but made sure to keep it light enoughas to not hurt her. This string of attacks and defenses continued for the next ten minutes until Kirastopped and stood at his full height.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 01:46 AM
ZT stoped and sat down and continued watching there fight

August 31st, 08, 02:02 AM
Amara was panting heavily, her mind a mix in confusion. 'What's going on? I was stronger than this when I was this age. So why am I so tired? Could it be that this jutsu causes my body to regress towards the body of an ordinary child this age.'

Amara fell back on her padded rear, panting. "Sorry Kira, but my body's acting weird on me. I should be able to continue, I could do much more at this age, but something is zapping my strength. I need to rest for a while." Amara crawled over to her water bottle and began taking large gulps from it.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 02:10 AM
Kira nodded and with a wicked smile walked over to ZT. "So ZT I see you got somone to watch over you" he said as he began to tickle ZT relentlessly until he wet his diaper. His caretaker noticed immediately that he had done so.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 02:13 AM
ZT still laughing was picked off the ground.Aww i wet myself Kira.ZT began to whimpur and cry.ZT had mentaly regressed to 6yrs old.His caretaker laid him on the ground and took his diaper off.ZT just laid there and let her do it.

August 31st, 08, 02:23 AM
Amara frowned as she saw ZT's expression change.

'It looks like he's just regressed mentally. I hope the Anbu find a way to open those scrolls we gave them, they may hold the answer to reversing this jutsu.' Amara thought. She was completely unaware that not only did she wet her diaper, but she was also teething on the water bottle while drinking from it.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 02:29 AM
Kira turned to Amara, "you ready to continue where we left off Amara?" he asked as he noticed ZTs state of mind and then seeing Amara teething on her water bottle.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 02:34 AM
Wow Amara you wet yourself ZT said noicing the dark spot on her diaper.ZT laid there as his caretaker put powder on ZT's lower regions

August 31st, 08, 02:41 AM
Amara blinked, looked down at herself. Sometime during the fight, her shorts seemed to have slid doen, revealing part of her diaper, enough to show she was indeed wet. She hadn't noticed at all.

Suddenly, she felt something sharp scratch her tongue. She spat out the water bottle, and the bit of plastic that had come off it. 'Was I knawing on this? I must be regressing as well. Kami, this can't go on!' Amara took a deep breath to calm herself.

"If you boys will excuse me, I need a- I mean to change." Amara pulled out a scroll containing her changing supplies and summoned them.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 02:48 AM
Kira was wet but didn't care nor did he want to change here. He still had his 15 year old mind and didn't want the embarassment so he held off. He sat down and waited for both of them to finish changing.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 02:51 AM
ZT got up with his clean diaper on.Amara you can use my caretaker if you want.

August 31st, 08, 02:55 AM
"No, I'll do it myself. I'm trying to be as grown up as possible. I think it helps slow down the regression this jutsu is causing us...well, you and me. Kira doesn't seem to be suffering the affects like we are." Amara answered. She walked into the woods, quickly changed her diaper, then entered the clearing.

"You know someone's watching us, right?"

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 03:00 AM
"yeah, it's an ANBU agent and they're mainly watching me" said Kira "they're afraid that I may go berserk and someho destroy the entire city despite all the great ninja here" He sat cross legged and called out "why dont you come into the open". The ANBU aent came out, she was a tall and skinny white haired girl in about her twenties.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:03 AM
Kira's not gonna destroy the city.Amara and I even took that monster down ZT said laughing

August 31st, 08, 03:08 AM
"Yeah, that jonin was tough, and I suppose monster is appropriate, but it was nothing we couldn't handle." Amara covered, flashing ZT a glare. The last thing they needed was for the village to discover the three way fight they had on the way home from the mission.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 03:14 AM
Kira stared the ANBU agent in teh eyes and said "since your hear to watch me you night as well just enjoy not having to sit in a dark hole and spying" he said coldly "you can watch me from the open, nobody cares" the woman nodded to this and took a seat

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:16 AM
ZT noticed the reaction on Amara's face and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

August 31st, 08, 03:26 AM
"Anbu-san, you wouldn't happen to be informed about the situation concerning the scrolls we brought back? Anbu were looking through it, as it may be the key to undoing the jutsu's effect on us." Amara asked the Anbu.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 03:30 AM
The agent shook er said and said in a sweet voice "no, I haven't heard anything on the subject, I'm sorry", to this Kira shrugged and looked over at Amara, "can we continue now?"

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:34 AM
I wanna turn ZT said in a angry tone.

August 31st, 08, 03:37 AM
"Fine, if you think you're up for it, we'll make this a three way." Amara paused for a moment, then blushed. " I mean a three way battle, that is......LET'S JUST FIGHT!" Amara yelled, flustered. She launched herself at Kira, aiming a spin kick at his head.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 03:41 AM
Kira lowered to the ground and dodged the kick. He then grabbed Amara's leg and threw her right into ZT with little effort. "You know your pretty light Amara" he said taking stance again but not attacking.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:45 AM
ZT got up off the ground.Taijutsu style:meteor fists.ZT rapidly punched kira knocking him back a small bit.

August 31st, 08, 03:50 AM
Amara got off the ground, brushed herself off. "Normally, I'd consider that a compliment, but giving our curent conditions, I know your just making fun of me." Amara got down on all fours, focusing chakra into her claws to sharpen them. She launched herself at Kira, slashing at him with her small, but har claws.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 03:53 AM
Kira grabbed ZTs arm from one of his punches and put him in the way of Amara's claws before kicking ZT lightly into her, knocking them down again. "I'm sorry but I feel that you two together are going to end up on the ground to often even if I hold back a lot"

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:58 AM
your not gonna have to hold back.ZT jumped off the ground.Earthstyle: earth dragon fist.Kira was hit back by the boulder shapped like a dragon.

August 31st, 08, 04:03 AM
"Well, if we're breaking out jutsu now..." Amara flashed through handsigns. "Water Style: Water Fang Bullet!" Water rose from the ground, before becoming drills of water, launching toward Kira.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 04:08 AM
"I suppose..." he said ignorentally. He flased through the hand sings and slammed his hand into the ground a few inches Fire style: fire pillars. A circle of pillars of flame basted from the ground around him destroyin the boulder and water drills. H then drew his hand out of the groung and flashed through more hand signs. Fire style: hells ground, the ground started a flame and was as hot as hell itself as it reached out beneath their feet.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 04:13 AM
ow it burns Zt said as he jumped and danced with the flames burning his bare feet.Windstyle and thunderstyle:thunderstorm wave.It began to thunder and rain taking away the flames around their feet.

August 31st, 08, 04:23 AM
"Damn, you burned my boots off!" amara took a moment to take her boots and singed socks off. "Now then, lets try this again, and no high powered jutsu, both of you, we're not trying to kill each other."

Amara flashed through handsigns. "Wind style: Drilling air bullet!" Amara sent a spiralling bullet of wind at Kira. 'Just cause we're using weak jutsu doesn't mean we can't stratagize. Fire and wind equals explosion, so he'll have to dodge the jutsu, and that's when I'll strike!'

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 01:48 PM
Kira smiled and while flashing through hand signs jumped back a good distance. Fire Style: dragons breath. The drill exploded and he was far enough away to not get damaged by it. He then went through the same hand signs and blew out a long breath of flames into the dust from the explosion, hoping to hit them.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 01:55 PM
Earth style:Barracade.A huge rock guarded ZT from the flames.

August 31st, 08, 03:52 PM
Amara wasn't so lucky. The flames burned the lower parts of her legs. Amara bit back a scream, but couldn't hold back her tears. She quickly used the Mystic Palm technique to heal her legs. She saw she needed a new pair of pants, and she found she was almost completely drained of chakra. 'Must still be suffering from the aftermath of the overdose.'

"Sorry guys, but I'm out of chakra. I need to take five, and to get a new pair of pants, someone burned mine!" Amara called out before walking into the woods. She pulled out a scroll containing her spare clothes and started changing.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 04:04 PM
Kira blushed "oops, sorry about that" he said as te dust cleared to expose ZTs earth barrier. "I suppose since she's not in this anymore I'll finish this up quickly" he said to himself. He bit his thumb causing it to bleed, he then drew a symbol on bith his palms before going through several hand signs. Fire style: warped flame, he whispered to himself as he put his palms a short distance apart.

In between tham a flame apeared but it moved oddly, it was twisting and squirming like snakes. Several shots of fire shot from his hand zigzagging and twisting. They went around ZTs barrier and blew him right into the ANBU agents lap.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 08:22 PM
ZT was knocked out from the attack.The anbu agent set ZT down on the ground.ZT had a slash across his arm.His caretaker walked over to him.

August 31st, 08, 08:36 PM
"I think you over did it Kira." Amara said as she walked back out of the woods. She watched as the Anbu healed ZT's wound, while the caretaker checked his diaper. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry. Wanna go grab some lunch Kira? We'll bring ZT back something to eat later."

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 08:47 PM
"I can't complain to that" he said as his stomach rumbled and he walked ovr to Amara "so what do you want to eat?" he asked her as he approached "oh and to ZT for when he wakes up, sorry about that but no minor jutsu would break his earth wall

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 11:34 PM
"Zt was still knocked out and his diaper wet (actualy very wet) and was put in a new diaper

August 31st, 08, 11:37 PM
"You know, there's a place in town that has a pasta special, and spagettie and meat balls to...mmmmn, spagettie." Amara started drewling at the thought.

shadow king
August 31st, 08, 11:42 PM
Kira took a hankerchief from his pocket and wiped up her drool as if she was too little to do it on her own and said "well you can lead the way since I don't know where it is"

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 11:47 PM
ZT started to wake up.Uh where am I.The first thing he saw was his caretaker.Where did they go?He asked the caretaker.They went to lunch dear.Wake me up when they get back.ZT dozzed off again but wasn't uncontious anymore.

September 1st, 08, 12:28 AM
Amara and Kira sat at a small cafe. Originally, they were being refused service, due to who they were, but because oftheir ninja status, the cafe was unable to refuse them service.

The waiter glared at the two as he set their food down before walking off. Amara quickly dug into her spagettie, though she found that she wasn't getting enough of it. With a shrug, she gave into her animalistic instincts and dug face first into the bowl of spegettie, only coming up to add more meatballs and sause.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 12:33 AM
Kira looked at her anwhen she was done wiped her face and hands off like you would any small child after thay made a mess of themself. He had eaten his in a more elegant manner and hadn't made a mess in the slightest. He then pulled out the money for the bill and placed it on the table.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 01:08 AM
ZT walked off to go get a scroll from his house."Man I hope they get me something cause im starved".

September 1st, 08, 01:21 AM
"So, do you know what ZT likes to eat?" Amara asked as she finished wiping her hands and face clean, finally using a napkin. She pulled out some money of her own, before calling over a waiter.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 01:29 AM
"just get him some speghetti too" Kira said in his usual cold manner "he'll eat it, I'm sure"

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 01:36 AM
ZT got the new scroll and practiced it while he waited.Earthstyle:tundra smash.A wave of the ground consumed half the training field.Not strong enough.He continued practicing before he saw Amara and Kira walking back.Kira gave ZT the spaggeti.ZT happily ate it making a mess.His caretaker cleaned him of with a cloth in her purse.Thanks guys ZT said smiling at his teamates

September 1st, 08, 01:47 AM
Amara suddenly gave a yawn. "I don't know about you guys, but I feel tired. After all that good food and training, I could use a nap." Amara went over to a nearby tree, climed to a set of branches, and leaned back into them. Without even waiting for a responce from her team, she fell asleep in the tree.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 01:59 AM
Kira watched this happen. "I'm fine...I'll keep practicing my jutsu" and with that continued to fash through hand signs fire style: dragons breath armor. With that he was engulfed in white flames of intense heat but wasn't in any pain. He trew a punch and a blast of fire flowed from the punch, destroying a target on the other side of the field.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 02:01 AM
Hey kira wanna spar again?Zt said glancing over to him.I just learned a new jutsu and Im dying to try it

September 1st, 08, 02:49 AM
Amara started snoring in the tree, loudly. A number of birds flew away from the area.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 03:02 AM
"fine" Kira replied as he kept this current jutsu going. "It will be a good test of this jutsu" He stepped up to ZT still engulfed in pure white flame and waiting to begin the match.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 03:08 AM
"getready""lets go"ZT dissapeared into the air.thenkickedKira into a rock formation.Im faster and lighter than before.ZT looked at his hands.He was now 8 years old and he had severly messed himself.What's happening to me.

September 1st, 08, 04:41 PM
Amara suddenly woke up to a sharp pain in her stomach. She suddenly unloaded a big mess into the back of her diaper. Amara squirmed, lost her balance, and fell from the tree branch, landing on her bum, spreading the mess in her diaper up and between her legs. Amara bit back a sob, when she suddenly started wetting herself. She couldn't help it now, she started crying.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 04:55 PM
Kira released his jutsu and walked over to Amara. "what's wrong?" he asked as he helped her up smelling the problem right away. "ZT, I'll be a second and then we can go back to the sparring he said as he picked Amara up and brought her into the woods. He used her supplies to clean her up and put her in a new diaper. He then brought her back out and set her by the tree before going through the hand signs again and reastarting the dragons breath armor jutsu.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 06:09 PM
ZT sat down on the ground

September 1st, 08, 07:08 PM
Amara yawned, then was enveloped in a white light. When it faded, she was in her 8 year old body. Amara felt really tired, so she just went back to sleep.

shadow king
September 1st, 08, 08:13 PM
Kira walked up to ZT and said "I only have a few minutes before I'l have to stop so stand up and lets go", he said this in a dark cold voice as his uncovered eye stared into ZTs with a hatred unlike any other. The bandages with seals written on them were slowly burning from the outside in.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 11:13 PM
Hmm finnaly,Alright lets go.ZT stood up off the ground and jumped at Kira.earthstyle:meteor fists.ZT bolted into the ground and came out with rocks on his hands.

September 2nd, 08, 12:36 AM
Amara was startled out of her sleep from the fight. She growled, 'Damn boys, I need my rest, you'd think they'd take it easy, especially with ZT's condition.'

shadow king
September 2nd, 08, 12:46 AM
Before ZT could make it to him Kira blasted him with several blasts of fire from the armor. He was breathing hard by this point and was having trouble with the jutsu. He took out a case of soldier pills and swallowed wo at once.

Chakra raged from his body and the fire towered feet taller than he was. He gave one punch and a blast of fire twice the size of the ANBU agent went flying at ZT.

That was all though, the flames died out the instant he had shot the fire. He collapsed from the physical tension of the chakra release. His eyes dimmed as if he were dead and his heart beat lowered to an almost unfeelable rate. It still was beating but you would have to have above normal senses to tell.

Zebra King
September 2nd, 08, 12:50 AM
ZT's shirt was on fire.ZT panicked and panicked.he anbu agent was also on fire.Amara quickly used a waterstyle to put the fire out that was on them.h god Kira.ZT and Amara rushed to him.

September 7th, 08, 11:01 PM
Amara quickly examined Kira. "Damn it, his chakra and youki is fading. Somethings draining him! If we don't stop it, he'll die!"

shadow king
September 7th, 08, 11:55 PM
Kira continued to lay there, his heart beat slowing to the point where it was hardly noticable. Both his chakra and youki were to the point where they could barely be felt.

Zebra King
September 8th, 08, 12:57 AM
ZT walked over closer but a mysterious person appeared.It was a medical ninja.C'mon we need to get him to a hospital and quick.The ninja liftd him on her back and jumped towards the villiage hospital.ZT and Amara followed them

shadow king
September 8th, 08, 10:44 PM
Kira's eyes were dulling by the second and he barely recognized that he was being lifted and carried.

September 9th, 08, 12:10 AM
When they had arrived at the hospital, the doctors couldn't find any signs of life from Kira. Just as they were about to pronounce him dead, Amara picked up some faint signs using her demonic traits. After re-evaluating him, the doctors announced that he was barely alive, but in a coma.

3 days went by and no sign of improvement. Amara had been depressed the whole time. Kira and she might not have always gotten along, but she did consider him a good friend. When she woke up the third morning, she noticed the her diaper was a little tight on her. She quickly examined herself.

'My diaper wasn't this small before I went to sleep. Wait...I'm bigger now then yesterday! I'm back in my 10 year old body! Wait! Not quiet 10, but close! Is the jutsu wearing off? This is great!' Amara jumped out of bed just as there was a knock on the door. Her caretaker entered and noticed the change as well. She then gave Amara a bath, diapered her with one that fit her new body, and helped her get dressed in her usual outfit. The two then set out to meet ZT at the training ground, Amara with a bounce in her step.

Zebra King
September 9th, 08, 02:37 AM
ZT was now back in his 13 yr old body.Goodmorning Amara he said.

shadow king
September 9th, 08, 10:40 PM
Kira, though in his coma had regained his complete 18 year old body back. He continued to lay in a hospital bed, connected to several devises which kept him breathing. He had had several procedures that invilved keeping his chakra circulating done, so now he was stable but still completely asleep.

September 15th, 08, 12:30 AM
Amara waved goodbye to her caretaker, before rounding on ZT. "First Kira gets back to his regular age, and now you're older than me? How is that fair?!" She turned and punched a tree with a youki infused fist. She turned to ZT. "Care to spar, taijutsu and low level jutsu only, and I wont use youki, but I'd like to work off some of this agrivation."

Zebra King
September 15th, 08, 12:59 AM
sure he said looking at her.ZT jumped and skydived streight towards Amara.He missed but made a swift counter knocking Amara back a couple feet