View Full Version : Did posting stories change?

August 1st, 09, 03:48 AM
I tried to upload a new chapter earlier today and it got taken down, so I'm wondering, is there someway specific that I'm supposed to post stories now?

Edit: Sorry this post was premature, I thought the problem was with the site, turns out it was my browser.

August 1st, 09, 05:54 AM
Actually no :P I deleted your story by mistake. When you resubmitted it, I approved it.

August 1st, 09, 04:54 PM
Well that explains me having to repost it, but I was actually talking about in the add a story part, the box where I could enter text was different, in internet explorer it only displayed a single line with a scroll bar on the side, it was awkward entering text in it.

August 1st, 09, 05:43 PM
Ahh, I see. Yes, that sounds like a scrolling error of some sort.