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Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 5th, 13, 05:56 AM
(Well the name says it all but I will start it off)

One day a Digimon and her Tamer meet up with two unusual creatures they have yet to see before but they have much more common than than they have thought

Hey Renamon I am hungry.....what do you expect me to do about it?....can you go and hunt something?.....No! If you are hungry make your own food!.....but there is no stove T_T......well find something you can eat raw then!

April 5th, 13, 02:51 PM
These two unusual creatures are Pokémon but what makes one of them the most unique is one of the Lucario's has another form. The pair of Lucario's are out and about hunting for food when they stumble across Rika and Renamon. They pair up and watch in silence debating whether or not to attack.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 5th, 13, 06:16 PM
*I whisper* Hey Renamon what should we do?.......I don't know Rika they don't seem Violent.......but we can't take a risk can we?.......I think we can they don't seem too strong.....well then I guess I got my wish for some food ^_^......yep

April 6th, 13, 06:00 AM
We look at each other behind a bush and whisper back and forth. "What do you think they are planning Luke?" "I don't know Lola....." Lille did we know Lola's blue furry tail stuck out along with her pink diaper. (FYI Luke is me the nickname Lola gave me when we met in the RP)

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:03 AM
Okay when I say go I will tackle them and you will use diamond storm and I will roll out the way and then afterwards we feast ^_^. Got it?......I think so.....good enough for me...we wait for you two to come out of the bush

April 6th, 13, 06:07 AM
Lola gets a little squeamish. "What are you doing?!" "Getting ready to pounce!" "No Lola! Don't! Not yet! Wait!" "Ugh fine.... T_T" "it appears to be a human and another Renamon..... Shall I throw them off guard?" "Up to you Luke..." "Alright Lola" I pull her in and change to my Renamon form and come out. You two only see a Renamon with a bulgy blue diaper

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:10 AM
GO!AAAHH!....I charge at you and Lola and Tackle both of you....Now Renamon!.....Right! Diamond Storm!

April 6th, 13, 06:11 AM
"Whoa Luke look out!!!!" She tackles me out of the way but she falls short. And a few attacks miss her but I also counter with Diamond Storm.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:14 AM
Ow!..one of the shards are stuck in Renamon's foot.....Renamon are you alright?.....yea I am fine just be careful!....I get up and I kick Lola in the stomach

April 6th, 13, 06:16 AM
"Ow!!" She gets knocked back a bit and pees in her diaper. "Lola!!! How dare you!!!" I jump kick Rika in the face and Lola charges Renamon.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:17 AM
I am launched back a bit but I land on my back...Ow!...YOU WILL PAY!!....Renamon Digivolve!....Renamon Digivolve to! Taomon!....Talisman of Light!

April 6th, 13, 06:20 AM
"Luke you should do the same if you know how!" "I only can go up to Kyubimon.... T_T" "then do it Luke!!" I Digivolve to Kyubimon form and I quickly use fox tail inferno.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:22 AM
The talisman breaks through your fox tail inferno and hits Lola but it doesn't do as much damage cause it was slowed....okay lets try this! Digi-Modify! Evolution E-2 Activate!...Taomon Digivolve to!. Kazuhamon!....

April 6th, 13, 06:24 AM
"What the?! That barely even hurt!.... Are they toying with us?....." "I don't know I feel useless...." I switch back to default Lucario form. "I kinda want to retreat..." "What?! Luke no don't! I'm starving! T_T" "so am I but I don't think this will work out"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:26 AM
Now Kazuhamon Quad Fox attack!....Kazuhamon swings her Monk Staff and it releases 4 foxes of the colors blue Green Purple and Yellow and they aim toward Luke

April 6th, 13, 06:28 AM
"Oh god...... I'm out of here!!!" I start to run and I grab Lola and try to get away as far as possible. "Forget this mess Lola it's not worth it!!! T_T" "but Luke!.... T_T"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:29 AM
The foxes disappear cause you are out of range....damn they are retreating.....I am still hungry T_T....Stop whining! >_< sorry I can't help it

April 6th, 13, 06:31 AM
I get a certain distance away. "The hell with that!.... But...... I felt an unusual feeling and bond about those two..." "Like what dear?..." "I don't know..... Let's try to find some berries or something and go to bed and try to spy on then tomorrow if possible." "Alright! ^_^"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:33 AM
Man come on Kazuhamon lets go find something to eat.....right....we head off deeper into the forest and we actually find an Stantler and we feast on it

April 6th, 13, 06:35 AM
Little did you two know you were feasting near us and near our nest site. I sniff the air. "Lola! I smell food!" She smells it too. "Yea it smells good!" "Come on follow me! Let's sneak up and scrounge whatever might be left!"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:39 AM
You both see nothing but bones are left of it

April 6th, 13, 06:42 AM
"Darn it!!!!! T_T" "aww!..... T_T" "wait look above! A berry tree full of Oran and Sitrus berries! ^_^" "perfect I'll get them Luke!" "No Lola I will your diaper looks pretty full..." "Oh and yours isn't?!" "Not as much yet..."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:44 AM
Hey Renamon do you hear talking beneath us?.....yea and do you smell urine?....yep....we both look outside of the tree.....hey it is those two creatures earlier!......yep....come on lets get them!....sure why not.....okay 3...2...1... both Renamon and I jump out of the tree and land right in front of you guys. Now we got ya!

April 6th, 13, 06:46 AM
We both jump cause you surprised us and the scent of urine happens to inrease from both of us and now there is a large noticable bulge from Lola's pink diaper and my matching blue diaper. We both blush a little.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 06:54 AM
Come on Renamon lets finish these two! Digimodify! Evolution E-2! Renamon Warp Digivolve to! Kazuhamon!

April 6th, 13, 06:57 AM
Lola screams and I grab her and climb the nearest tree. "Don't worry I will protect you! Even if we are running away.... T_T"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 07:00 AM
Now Kazuhamon!.....she jumps infront of you.....Reverse Izune!

April 6th, 13, 07:03 AM
We drop down and run away. "Don't worry Lola I won't let them get us!" We reach our near by nest

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 07:05 AM
Take down that Tree!....Womb Realm Mandala!...then you see a ton of Cherry blossom pedals appear and then all of a sudden the Tree is knocked over....No where to Rin!

April 6th, 13, 07:09 AM
Both shout. "HEY THAT WAS OUR NEST!!!!" Our eyes glow a fierce fire red and we hit Kazuhamon as hard as possible at the same time.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 07:14 AM
She slides back a little but that's it....okay time for a real fight Kazuhamon......Reverse Izuna!

April 6th, 13, 07:47 PM
I look at Lola and she looks at me and we both nod. We run around Kazuhamon and striking in as many hits all over her. We keep circling around trying to hit her and a kid being hit.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 6th, 13, 11:00 PM
Kazuhamon blocks each attack with her staff....you seem to forget about the length of my monk staff...she puts it low to the ground and trip both of you at the same time....easy....hey Rika can you come and help me out....Kazuhamon looks behind her and I have vanished.....uh Rika?...I poke my head out from behind a tree....oh don't tell me!.....I just nod my head and then Kazuhamon grabs me and vanishes

April 7th, 13, 01:50 AM
meanwhile, a figure in black and purple robes seemingly appeared out of nowhere, walking upto the area where the battle took place. "hmm..just missed them it seems. no matter, i'm sure they'll soon come in contact with him." the figure stated, before walking away once more, fading back into nothing.

meanwhile, in the center of town a crowd was gathered. they were staring gobstricken as a teen in a red coat and black jeans with long brown hair clashed with a leomon. red and black circuitry flowed and weaved over his pale skin, and black, almost renamon like eyes glared at the lion like digimon as blows were exchanged. occasionally the teen would break off the melee and fire a purple beam at the leomon. if one were to look closely, they'd note that a slight bulge was around the teen's waist.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 03:27 AM
Rika and Renamon eventually get to the town and Rika is in Renamon's arms blushing hoping nobody would notice that her pants were soaked....Okay we are here...Renamon said as se looked up at an apartment..okay lets getin quickly so I can change...Renamon and Rika disappeared for a quick second and when we come back I have clean sweats on...thanks Renamon

April 7th, 13, 03:38 AM
just then, the teen kicked the leomon down to the ground, where it landed near renamon and rika making an indent in the ground. he then landed nearby. "now that i've kicked your ass..leave me alone!" he said, glowering at the downed digimon, either not noticing or ignoring the two others near him

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 03:41 AM
Hey what the Hell did he do to you?!.....Rika don't...huh? Why not?!....cause he is human and just took down a champion Level digimon without a scratch.....I could take a Digimon down without a scratch!...yea a Rookie level!....whatever...Hey you! The one with the Red coat!

April 7th, 13, 03:49 AM
the figure turned to glare. "this asshole's been chasing me for weeks now. ranting about absorbing my data..don't know what he was talking about, but when he attacked with lethal intent..i responded in kind." he said, taking a breath to calm himself.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 03:54 AM
Well that explains why you kicked his ass but what do you mean by "Your Data?"....Rika don't...this is apparently a personal matter so just leave it be....well sorry but I am curious you know....*sighs* right....hey why don't you sing your song and then calm everyone down so we can go upstairs and relax right?....You know I hate singing! Ever since "He" left me *my eyes begin to tear up*....I sniffle and then I wipe my tears off of my face

April 7th, 13, 04:12 AM
" i've no idea what he meant. truth be told i just woke up in a field a couple weeks ago..almost no memory of what came before and certainly no idea why creatures would wanna kill me. though i overheard something about "tamers" and "digimon" but i'm not sure how that would apply." he said before sighing. "dang it..i hate seeing girls cry.." he added, clearly displeased by seeing rika cry.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 04:20 AM
I am not crying!...I just got something in my eye....and I am a tamer and my partner Renamon is a Digimon...only Digimon have data and from your physical appearance you are human so I don't know why that Leomon thought you had Data.....I know what you are thinking Rika just keep Yamaki out of this and Takato....ESPECIALLY TAKATO!! I can't believe I thought I saw something in him!....well there is always Ryo.....EVEN WORSE!....all of a sudden you hear a hissing sound and I begin to blush

April 7th, 13, 04:36 AM
"maybe he meant my..my implants?" he said, letting the circuitry flash briefly to illustrate what he was speaking of. as he did, energy almost identical to a digimon's could be sensed from him. "they're one of the only things i remember. it's blurry. a lab, some kind of portal a searing pain and then..blank. nothing till i wake up." he said. he heard the sound, but said nothing of it.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 04:42 AM
Hey Renamon can you sense it too?....yes Rika..it's Data.....well apparently you my friend have data in you so that is why the Leomon attacked you cause it sensed that data...I continue to blush.....excuse us for a second sir....Renamon doesn't even put her paw on my shoulder and we both disappear instantly

April 7th, 13, 04:53 AM
the teen waited, crossing his arms. he had a good idea why the two left. though he wouldn't say so. he also blushed slightly himself as he thought of the "protection" he had to wear due to his powers reaking havok on his body the first time he used them.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 04:59 AM
He can hear us arguing in the apartment above him....How many times is this going to happen Rika?!....it will stop soon don't worry!.....you said that 3 years ago and it never stopped!.....well sorry!....we missed out on dinner last night cause of this! If this doesn't stop soon I swear I will....the argument quiets down and then we appear in front of you again...sorry we took so long I just had to get some clean pants on the other ones had mud on them

April 7th, 13, 05:07 AM
"it's alright." he said. at that moment, leomon managed to get off one final strike. swiping with his claws, he managed to slash off the teen's pants revealing the diaper underneath. the teen let out an eep of suprise before blasting leomon into digidust. he then stood there blushing, while trying to cover his bottom half with his coat.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 05:08 AM
Hey was that a diaper?.....Renamon elbows me and whispers to me. Don't say anything about it.....oh sorry I think I might have been imagining things ^_^.....so what's your name?...I am Rika

April 7th, 13, 05:12 AM
"you can call me alpha..uh..mind if we get inside? it's uh..drafty." alpha said, making an excuse dispite the fact that the diaper was clear to see.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 05:16 AM
okay Alpha.....I try my best to not look at the diaper and Renamon and I put our hands on your shoulder and you appear in the apartment that you heard us arguing in...well welcome to our temporary base...this is the only thing we could find until I get enough money to register at DATS

April 7th, 13, 05:37 AM
"well..it's a nice little place." alpha said. "hmm..not really sure what to do from here. i mean, all i had up until now was fighting leomon and running. heck..i don't even know if i have anything else. i mean, you saw what i can do. for all i know, i could just be some lab made freak." he said in a slightly depressed tone.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 05:39 AM
Hey you aren't some lab freak....and now I feel depressed too Rika....what why do you?!....don't forget that I was created as well oh yea.....well I guess here it goes...I take a deep breath and then I begin to sing a song

(The song I think is called promise but it is from Digimon Movie 6)

April 7th, 13, 05:46 AM
(question, would you mind eventually getting into a situation with rika taking a caretaker role towards alpha?) alpha listened to the song. he found it to be pretty. he was still kinda down, but the performance lifted his spirits a bit. once it was done, he clapped a bit "that was..actually pretty nice."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 05:52 AM
(Sure just wait till I get to know Alpha a bit better..*P.S this is Rika talking at the moment Veemon fell asleep*)

I blush a bit....thanks....I am glad to see it helped you ^_^....I look at Renamon and I see she is asleep....now I can finally talk to you...so um....Alpha....why do you wear diapers?

April 7th, 13, 06:04 AM
at the question alpha once again blushed "well..uh..i wear them because..when i first used my powers, they kinda backfired on me. afterwards i..i-i couldn't control when i went. cleaning up every time it happened was a mess, so i decided to wear diapers to get around it." he said, embarrassed to admit it.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 06:08 AM
Oh....that's sad...but I am sure you will find a way around it one day ^_^...I pat your back a bit and then you hear the hissing sound again and I quickly stand up and take a few steps away from him....but then I stop and think and I get a bit closer again but still kept distance

April 7th, 13, 06:18 AM
"thanks.." alpha said. he gave a puzzled look when she stepped away "why are you stepping away? i just told you of my problem, do you think i'd think less of you for something similar?" he asked, showing he knew what just happened to rika. at the same time, a similar sound came from him, and his diaper yellowed, bulging outwards slightly.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 06:24 AM
Well the thing is I was kinda born with it but mine went away for a few years and came back but I just kinda am not used to being around someone with the same kind of problem I have.....I scoot a tine bit closer and I get back to my original spot.....I just don't want to go back to wearing diapers but Renamon says if I continue to piss myself then she will put me in diapers....

April 7th, 13, 06:36 AM
"well, if it's such a problem, maybe you should consider wearing them. i mean, they're not all bad. embarrassing if caught in public maybe, but easy enough to hide if your careful. plus, you'd be saved a lot of clean up." he said, giving his opinion. "besides. it's obvious that renamon suggested it because she cares. i mean, if she didn't she wouldn't try to find a solution, right?"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 06:39 AM
I know she cares and you probably are right about it being less trouble but...*tears up*..I got out of diapers for one reason and that was the embarrassment and teasing and bullying when I was young...well hell I am still young but I just don't want my life to be that way ever again...I even tried committing suicide many years ago but the sleeping pills couldn't effect me cause I am part Digimon and...

April 7th, 13, 06:50 AM
when she teared up, alpha put a hand on her shoulder to try and confort her "i..feel bad for you, but please, don't cry. the past is just that. past. you're alive and here now, and that's what matters. besides, why would what others think matter? your a good, beautiful woman of a person, and nothing will change that. certainly not the words of some idiots who can't see beyond the surface, and certainly not weather you're in diapers or not." he said, wiping away her tears "you are you, and as far as i can tell, that's the best thing about you."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 06:54 AM
First of all I am part Digimon but the data prevents my human body from aging so I am stuck looking like I am 10 but I am actually 15....second of all since you aren't really human either this doesn't include you but I can not trust any humans....none of them I just despise all of them....and when I was younger they put me in the Digimon TV show and used my anger to make my character...but now whenever people see me they think I am that same cold hearted person I was 6 years ago but I have changed...sure I still am cold hearted every now and then but I am different....*sigh*....well do you want to see something cool I can do?

April 7th, 13, 06:58 AM
"i'd be delighted to." alpha said. he was glad to get her off of the gloomy subject.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 07:01 AM
I stand up and stand in front of the table and then Renamon ears sprout from my head and then I a tail grows and I have Renamon paws for my feet and hands and finally I have the little purple thing underneath my eye....cool huh ^_^....I can so far only be half human half Renamon form for now...but later I can be a full on Renamon. Oh feel my paw it is the softest thing you will ever feel ^_^...I stick my paw out to you so you can feel it

April 7th, 13, 07:31 AM
"pretty awesome. i can't say i can do something quite like that..but i can do something pretty cool. watch this." alpha said. he stood still for a moment and closed his eyes. his circuits appeared, an orb of pulsing violet energy then appeared in his chest. with a grunt of effort, the orb in his chest began flowing on the circuits, like blood through veins. "this is what call my Exceed. i can use it to give a massive boost to my abilities. there's a downside though. i can't use it for more than a half an hour at most. if i do, it leaves me severely drained." he explained. "then again, i can do this with it" he added, making a rose appear. "materialization is one ability i can only use when in Exceed. larger objects cut down the amount of time i can substain it, but anything i make is permanent unless destoyed by normal means."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 07:36 AM
Wow that is amazing! ^_^....do the object stay in effect permanently? Or do they evaporate over time?

---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------

Oh I have an idea to make it last longer! ^_^....I walk over and I put my paw on the orb and you see bits of data flowing from my body into the orb and the color changes to a deep blue color....cool it does something ^_^

April 7th, 13, 07:49 AM
"so long as nothing destroys them, they seem to last indefinitely." alpha said, turning off his Exceed. he staggered a bit, sitting down "unfortunately, it does have another side effect. you'll see in just a moment.." he said blushing as he began to shrink down slightly. on closer view it was less shrinking and more..youthening. when it stopped, he was about eight or so. "for some reason, open exiting it, i temporarily lose age based upon how much energy i expended. the results of a full drain..causes some things to stay no matter my current age. seeing as how i've already got one outstanding issue, you can understand why i'm not eager to repeat the experience. no telling what else could happen, know what i mean." he said. as a kid, he kinda looked cute.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 07:55 AM
Aw you look adorable though ^_^....but how long does it last?....you notice I am a tiny bit smaller after the orb disappeared when I had my paw on it.....

April 7th, 13, 08:08 AM
alpha blushed at her calling him adorable "usually it lasts a day on average, though it can be extended by entering exceed again within that time. i know this because i used such a method to hide at one point. though it was annoying, since as you'd expect each use dropped the age further. i was four by the end of it." he said, blushing darker as he recalled it.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:11 AM
Hey at least it would only last a day ^_^...but I saw the orb change color after it absorbed some of my data...do you know what it means when it does that?...I begin to shrink a little bit more and I am about 80% my normal height now

(For a Renamon that is a major difference XD)

April 7th, 13, 08:22 AM
"i've got no idea. perhaps it's processing the data.." he said. "uh..rika? don't wanna freak you out but your shrinking."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:24 AM
I am?...I look at something that is usually my height and that is the TV and I am slowly shrinking from there...Holy Crap I am Shrinking!...is that orb still taking my data or did it take a huge amount at once?!

April 7th, 13, 08:44 AM
"i-i don't know! i've never had such a thing done before." alpha said, slightly losing his cool. "lemmie see if i can reverse this." he added, powering up again to try and send the data back. from his prospective it seemed to be working, though he himself was now youthening yet again as a result of using energy. with a final yell of effort, he let off a final burst to cut the link. this resulted in blasting him across the room, into a pile of sheets. (renamon's a heavy sleeper, huh?)

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:48 AM
(You have no idea XD...I tried waking her up with an air horn and she just kept sleeping)

when the orb was up it kept taking more of my data and I shrink to the size of a 6 year old...what the heck?!...I am so small!...I look at my tiny tail and paws and I look in the TV reflection to see my ears and the rest of my body....wait...who cares about me right now...I rush over to your aid....are you alright alph?!

April 7th, 13, 08:55 AM
a rather amusing, if not worrying sight was there. alpha had gotten the bum end of the situation as he was down to two years old. he was dazed, eyes fluttering "i otay..jus..vewwy dizzy." he said. his cuteness almost seemed to negate the fact that he'd been blown across a room. apparently the data changed him in another way as well for his coat had been shrunk with him and became a onsie.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:58 AM
Oh my gosh you are so cute! ^_^...I say it with a high pitched voice and I give you a big hug and you can feel my tiny paws....

April 7th, 13, 09:05 AM
alpha eeped at the hug "wiiika!" he whined, embarrassed immensely. though once again, due to his new age it made him all the more adorable.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:07 AM
I can't help it you are too damn cute!...I continue to hug you and eventually Renamon wakes up.....huh?..what happened?.*yawn*...hey Rika Alpha where are you guys?....down here Renamon!...WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO?!....we shrunk and Alpha became two but he can still talk...

April 7th, 13, 09:11 AM
alpha looked up at renamon, who now towered over him "uh..hewwo." he said meekly giving a tiny wave.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:17 AM
Okay how do we change you guys back to normal?....we wait.....well wait for how long?!....just the next day...okay seems fine.......I pee again and it is all over the floor and I blush again.....Okay Rika that's it I am going to the store to get you diapers!.....no Renamon don't!....it's too late Rika I have already made up my mind!...she closes the door and locks the whole apartment with a single press of a button...great..well I will be in diapers whether it was voluntary or forced....

April 7th, 13, 09:27 AM
(idea. when the day passes, we'll have rika turn back but alpha stay the same.)
"it'll be alwight wika. jus wemembew not to wowwy what othews think." alpha comforted as best he could.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:29 AM
(Yep now seems lika a good spot to start the next morning)

So what do you want to do while Renamon is gone?....I want to play a game or something

April 7th, 13, 09:33 AM
(alright. timeskip then?)
"hmm..i'm actually kinda tiwed" alpha said with a yawn.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 10:15 AM
Nope...well later in tge day we. can

April 7th, 13, 10:24 AM
(ah. i was confused for a moment. should i edit my previous post then?)

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 04:28 PM
(No it's alright...)

Are you seriously tired at 4 P.M?..I begin to yawn as well...I think your yawn is contagious XD

April 7th, 13, 04:57 PM
"well..it's been a tiwing day.." alpha argued childishly.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 05:19 PM
Well for you maybe but I had a long night! And I didn't...*yawns* sleep.....but I don't want to sleep T_T....it is too early for me to sleep T_T

April 7th, 13, 05:37 PM
"then don't. jus..uh..entertain youwself with my cuteness or something." alpha said, yawning again. "imma'gonna take a widdle nap."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 06:21 PM
Fine T_T....I cuddle up to you a bit and I relax and accidentally fall asleep and Renamon comes home....Hey I am back!.....Rika? Alpha?....aw they are so cute!

April 7th, 13, 06:26 PM
alpha was adorablely snuggled up to rika, clinging onto her like a toddler would to a teddy bear.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 07:45 PM
And I am snuggling to you like you where Renamon....man I just haveto get a picture of this ^_^....Renamon goes and gets a camera but first took my soaked sweats off and then put a diaper on me and then took a picture....this is a keeper!....well I will get something ready for them when they wake up

April 7th, 13, 07:56 PM
alpha soon began to wake up. "..wika?" he asked drowsily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:02 PM
Yea Alpha?..I yawn and rub my eyes not yet noticing that Renamon put a diaper on me while I was asleep

April 7th, 13, 08:15 PM
"what time is it?" alpha said, stretching.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:32 PM
Let me check......I look at my wrist...oh yea I forgot....I then go to reach into my jeans for my digivice but I realize that I don't have my pants on and I blush but then I feel the diaper and I begin to tear up....Renamon......RENAMON!!!

April 7th, 13, 08:47 PM
"huh? what's da pwoblem?" alpha asked, wincing from the loudness of rika's tone.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 08:53 PM
Renamon put a diaper on me while I was asleep and she took my pants as well...*i blush and my whole face is a deep red*....Renamon!.....yes Rika?.....why didn't you wait till I woke up first?!.....cuase I knew you were going to pee again and I was right look......I look down at my diaper and there is a huge yellow spot right in the middle on it and I blush even more

April 7th, 13, 09:00 PM
alpha looked at rika and renamon, before deciding to crawl over to rika "it's alwight wika..i went too." he said, reminding her she wasn't alone in the situation at the very least.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:05 PM
Well looks like I need to change both of you then....no.....come on Rika we have to change you....I begin to walk away....you know you can't outrun your sister...I can try though....then both her and I disappear and you hear something break somewhere

April 7th, 13, 09:13 PM
when the two disappeared, alpha merely plopped on his rear and waited. absentmindedly he drummed his fingers on the ground, attempting to ignore the feeling of his soaked diaper.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:19 PM
You eventually hear paws running your way and you see it is Renamon but I am not there.....damn it Rika come on I need to change you!.....I keep quiet so she doesn't find out where I am.....well at least I can change you alpha....She picks you up and puts you on her bed in her bedroom

April 7th, 13, 09:32 PM
alpha was confused as to why rika was being difficult. he wondered if she really was that against diapers, or was just stubborn. he decided the answer could wait till he was all clean, and thus layed in wait on the bed to be changed

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 09:42 PM
Renamon changes you quickly and then sets you back in the front....come on Rika it is your turn!.....stop hiding!....it is just silent....man you are stubborn sis!.....fine I'll just go back into my room...she make a fake downd of walking away and I poke my head out of my hiding spot but she still can't see me....

April 7th, 13, 10:01 PM
alpha saw rika however and crawled over before tapping her on the shoulder "why yous hidin?" he asked as silently as possible, tilting his head slightly

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 7th, 13, 10:07 PM
Renamon didn't notice Alpha crawling.....I am hiding from Renamon...I am mad at her

April 8th, 13, 12:36 AM
"Won't you be in twouble when she finds you? you can't hide forever.." alpha said, putting the idea out there.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 8th, 13, 12:46 AM
Hmm....seems like a good idea ^_^....Renamon comes back....I heard Rika...where is she?...Rika! Come out...come on I will just change you and then leave you alone!....Renamon stops and listens....I can hear you peeing Rika....come out from the closet and the yellow spot on my diaper is rapidly growing....how can you hear me peeing?....I just can but now that you out here lets get you changed....NO!....Renamon grabs me before I could run and she takes me to the front and now my diaper is slowly thickening...yea you really need a change sis

April 8th, 13, 01:34 AM
alpha followed, curious as to what was gonna happen.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 8th, 13, 01:42 AM
You see Renamon is holding me down so I can't move and I am still peeing and my diaper begins to leak and I begin to cry.....there you are done peeing now...she changes me and then gets a steam cleaner to get the Pee stain off of the couch and while she does that I run into my room and I try to lock the door but I can't reach the lock

April 8th, 13, 03:44 AM
alpha frowned and made his way over to rika. "need some hewp?" he asked, seeing her struggle with the lock.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 8th, 13, 03:57 AM
Yea can you climb onto my shoulders and lock the door please?...I kneel down so I can give you a boost up to the lock

April 10th, 13, 01:16 AM
"alwight." alpha said, carefully getting on rika's shoulders. he then waited for her to give him a boost so he could get the lock.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 10th, 13, 02:26 AM
I stand up and you can reach the lock but then I begin to grow and you can't get to the lock cause I am too tall now...did you lock it yet?

April 10th, 13, 02:37 AM
"uh..no. but you gwew back up, i tink." alpha said, trying to keep his balance.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 10th, 13, 02:43 AM
I did?...I look at my body and the diaper grew as well...hey I am back to normal ^_^...well mostly....I take you off of my back and I hold you while locking the door...so what do you want to do Alpha?

April 10th, 13, 02:59 AM
"uh..i'm not sure.." alpha said.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 10th, 13, 04:56 AM
Hm...how about New Super Mario Bros. Wii?

April 13th, 13, 04:02 AM
"suwe." alpha said with a shrug

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 13th, 13, 04:22 AM
Okay...I put it in the game and turn on the TV...so do you want to be player 1?...or should I?

April 13th, 13, 04:26 AM
"uh..you be player one." he said.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
April 13th, 13, 04:35 AM
Okay.....I get the controller for first player..ready to play?

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 3rd, 13, 04:33 AM
(Hey does anyone want to join?..if you do you can just send me a message on my visitor screen or PM me)

May 5th, 13, 04:05 AM
"uh-huh!" alpha said, getting focused on the game.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 06:19 AM
Okay then lets Play! ^_^....I press the start button and we race for hours but after a while I shrink a tiny bit but it is barely noticable....okay well I am pretty sure you should get changed and I should go to the bathroom before it ends up on my Jeans

May 5th, 13, 06:29 AM
"aww..i was havin fun.." alpha whined with a rather cute pout.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 06:33 AM
You can continue playing but I should go to the bathroom cause I don't want Renamon to put me in a diaper again...I pat your head as I leave the room

May 5th, 13, 06:36 AM
"yaaay!!" alpha exclaimed, giggling as he resuming playing.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 06:38 AM
I giggle and come back a few minutes later and I am a tiny bit shorter but again too difficult to notice....so what did I miss?

May 5th, 13, 06:45 AM
"weww..i beat a boss, an i made thwough a scawy castle wif ghosts an fings." alpha said. it was obvious he was having fun, but since it had been a while it was also high time to check if a change was needed.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 06:47 AM
That sounds like fun Alpha but I need to check your diaper really quickly so you don't get a rash okay?

May 5th, 13, 06:53 AM
"otay." alpha said, crawling over. a check would reveal that alpha had really soaked his diaper, likely during the boo's castle level because of the spookyness.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 06:59 AM
Okay Alpha lets get your diaper changed really quickly and then we can go back to playing unless you want food before we continue.

May 5th, 13, 07:03 AM
"alwight. some food wouwd be nice. could we go outside latew?" alpha said

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 07:05 AM
Alright so after a change and some food we can play outside ^_^....I pick you up and I take you to the kitchen

May 5th, 13, 07:08 AM
alpha giggled "wou the bestest evew wika!"

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 07:16 AM
*giggles* Oh I am not the bestest but I am still good enough ^_^..... Renamon sees me walking with you on my shoulders.....Hey Rika?....Yes Renamon?....how's your diaper doing?....oh um...you are wearing a diaper right?...umm

May 5th, 13, 07:22 AM
"Wika is a big kid. she used da potty!" alpha said in a bubbly tone

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 07:27 AM
Well that is a one time thing like every other time she tries and you didn't really use the toilet did you? You just walked in and it was too late. Go ahead and tell him the truth....*sighs* sorry Alpha but I missed it by a few seconds and I did end up peeing my pants.....there's the truth now come over here so I can put a diaper on you....*sighs* yes Renamon...

May 5th, 13, 07:39 AM
alpha hugged her. "it otay wika, wou still the bestest!" he said sweetly

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 5th, 13, 10:40 PM
Thank you Alpha....I walk over to Renamon

May 6th, 13, 12:44 AM
alpha smiled, though his tummy growled a bit, he was happy for rika.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 6th, 13, 12:48 AM
Renamon takes me into the bathroom and we come back out in a few minutes and you can notice a bulge in my pants....okay well now that that's over with lets go have some food Alpha....I say with a slight smile

May 6th, 13, 01:03 AM
Yay! food!" alpha sang out giggling

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 6th, 13, 01:06 AM
I make some sushi and soup....okay can you eat sushi Alpha? Or can you not eat solid foods right now?

May 6th, 13, 01:34 AM
"nuh-uh. i can eat da soup, buw not the uh..su..suci?" alpha said, struggling to say the word sushi.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 6th, 13, 03:40 AM
Sushi.....well that's alright ^_^...that's why I made soup to make sure you can eat as well....I shrink again but it is slightly noticeable....so after this do you want to play?

May 6th, 13, 03:44 AM
"uh-huh. ow maybe watch tv.." alpha said, waiting for the soup.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 6th, 13, 03:47 AM
Oh wait!....I slap my forehead....we are going outside after this...remember?.....I say while serving you soup which has cooled down

May 6th, 13, 03:54 AM
"oh yeah.." alpha said, as he ate the soup, occasionly giving an mmm.. sound of approval

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 6th, 13, 04:04 AM
I am glad you like it.....Renamon and I finish our sushi within seconds....okay I will be outside waiting for you Alpha..I say as I get up from the table

May 7th, 13, 12:02 AM
"u-uh wika, cawwy me pwease?" alpha asked.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 7th, 13, 12:05 AM
Okay...I pick you up but I shrink a tiny bit more and now it is noticable to you but not to Renamon cause she wasn't with me the whole day

May 7th, 13, 12:08 AM
alpha eeped "wika! wou shwinkin again!" he said, eyes wide

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 7th, 13, 12:10 AM
What do you mean I am shrinking silly?...I am not shrinking don't worry ^_^*gives you a hug* I start to walk outside

May 7th, 13, 12:29 AM
"B-buw wou awe! renamon, can't wou see it?" alpha said, trying to alert renamon to the situation.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 7th, 13, 01:22 AM
No I don't see a single thing wrong with her Alpha...just you two have fun outside....okay Renamon I will see you when we come back

May 12th, 13, 01:28 AM
"maybe i imagined it.." alpha thought. "so wika, what wou wanna do?" he asked once they got outside.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 12th, 13, 06:07 AM
How about we play in the sand or get on the swings?

May 14th, 13, 12:41 AM
"hmm..da swings sound good..."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 14th, 13, 12:57 AM
I shrink a bit smaller and I am about the size of one and a half of you standing on top of each other....okay the swings it is then ^_^

June 8th, 13, 05:39 PM
A glowing form steps into the area. I curl up on the ground. In front of them is a beautiful blue-white male kitsune kit. My eyes glisten like night sky but I am very timid and shy.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 9th, 13, 05:26 AM
Oh?...hello...what's your name kiddo?

June 9th, 13, 05:32 AM
"Aww..wika wook at da fox! it's so..cute!" i said, looking down at it. from a nearby building, a man in what seemed to be a black version of a scientist's jacket and some tattered jeans looked down at the group. slicked back brown hair covered his head, and a violet tinted pair glasses rested over his eyes. "hmm..those two..no. this version is weak. and yet..interesting..he still holds power..hmm..more in depth research is required. perhaps a battle.." the man murmered. he made some motions with his hands, and some hostile digimon began to appear near the group.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 9th, 13, 06:09 AM
My ears twitch slightly

June 9th, 13, 04:41 PM
"Hello my name is Jias," I say shyly. I pee myself in fear. Curled up in a tight ball not moving, I quiver with fear.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 9th, 13, 04:43 PM
Oh hey don't be scared...*kneels down in front of you setting down Alpha*...I won't hurt ya....*my Renamon ears. Begin to twitch some more*

June 9th, 13, 05:14 PM
Still quivering with fear I look up at him. I'm scared of him as well but its the Digimon that are frightening me more.

"You seem nice enough, okay I trust you, I say shyly. Though I don't know about them, they don't look friendly," I say pointing behind them before curling up into a tiny ball and shaking with fear, hoping that they will leave me alone.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 10th, 13, 01:13 AM
I look at the hostile digimon....I never saw them there before...*I am now the height of Jias*

June 28th, 13, 12:56 AM
I remain in my small, tight little ball, shaking with fear.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 12:59 AM
Renamon we have a problem here!....Renamon? Hello?

June 28th, 13, 01:05 AM
Still shaking with fear I gaze around hoping that someone will come.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 01:07 AM
Renamon comes out and sees the digimon surrounding us....Renamon digivolve to! Sakuyamon!
Okay Renamon go get them!

June 28th, 13, 01:12 AM
Seeing Renamon I calm down a little, though I am still scared.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 01:24 AM
Come on Alpha we have to go!....*goes to my mutation form*

June 28th, 13, 06:09 AM
Unsure of the new form I hide my head in my tails as I wait for all this to be over.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 06:15 AM
Diamond Storm!
Izunae!...Renamon's attacks do much more damage and knock the Leomon backwards
One down two to go!

June 28th, 13, 07:54 PM
I fall asleep within my little ball not knowing how things are going around me.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 07:55 PM
Renamon takes down the surrounding digimon and I return to normal but I am still small...
Okay thank you Renamon...alright Rika

June 28th, 13, 08:18 PM
I do not wake as the battle ends. My ears twitch and my tails flick around but I do not wake.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 08:21 PM
Hello little girl?....are you awake? *poke*

June 28th, 13, 08:35 PM
OOC: Jias is a male by the way.

"Mmm what was that, I ask stretching and rubbing my eyes with my paws. Yikes, I exclaim as I jump in surprise and wet myself again. I would probably mess as well but I haven't even recently. Realizing it is you I swallow and speak. Sorry, I can't control myself," I shyly say as tears stream down my face. I am embarrassed at my accident.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 08:41 PM
Hey it's alright...you are wearing a diaper for a reason *giggles*

June 28th, 13, 08:47 PM
I nod and wipe my tears away with a paw.

"Yeah I guess you're right. It's not my fault that I have no control anymore. Its theirs, I say solemnly kicking the the ground. Them and their nasty experiments. Their also the reason I'm so tiny, I say bowing my head upset. I'm a kit for all time thanks to them, I growl. Anyway enough of that tell me about yourself and your friends," I ask.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 09:11 PM
Well I used to be human until an accident happened with my digivolution with Renamon and it caused me to become part digimon...

June 28th, 13, 09:46 PM
"Hmm interesting, I wouldn't have thought that. You look normal to me. Well at least you're not stuck this small and have to wear diapers 24/7 I do," I say solemnly.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 28th, 13, 10:04 PM
II don't want to wear diapers....but I have to...and I am stuck this small cause my body doesn't age...I am really 16 but I am still my 10 year old body

June 29th, 13, 07:57 PM
"Well at least you don't like like a toddler, I do. I look like a little kit," I say bowing my head. I shyly swish my tail and gaze up at you.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 30th, 13, 12:09 AM
Well at least you are alive right *smiles*

June 30th, 13, 02:09 AM
"Yeah I guess you're right, but its so hard being a little kit," I say as I shyly follow you. Though I am not used to being a kit all the time, I look very adorable as one. I cling onto your hand and follow you with my little midnight blue eyes sparkling like stars.

June 30th, 13, 02:13 AM
"wika, we taking wittle fox wif us?" i ask cutely.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 30th, 13, 03:55 AM
Well cause we can...and we can't leave him here...

June 30th, 13, 05:24 AM
OOC: Jias is a male by the way.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
June 30th, 13, 06:43 AM
(Okay sorry..I fixed it)
okay little Jais what would you like to do?

June 30th, 13, 08:30 PM
My stomach growls loudly and I blush but say nothing.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 1st, 13, 01:21 AM
OOh sounds like someone's hungry *smiles* come on in I will make us some food

July 1st, 13, 01:39 AM
"Alright," I say letting you take me by the paw and lead me inside.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 1st, 13, 05:08 AM
So what do you want?..I can make all sorts of food

July 1st, 13, 08:23 PM
I shyly shake my head.

"I don't know. Maybe a bottle of milk," I ask cutely.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 2nd, 13, 03:51 AM
Alright then a bottle of milk it is....*I make the milk quickly and it is at a warm temperature* I hope I didn't warm it up for too long

July 2nd, 13, 05:32 AM
I gaze up at you cutely hoping that you'll get the message. I am slowly getting used to being a little kit.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 2nd, 13, 05:39 AM
I hand the bottle to you....okay drink up Jias and I will make some food for Alpha and myself...

July 2nd, 13, 06:08 AM
I sigh and take the bottle of milk before sucking on the nipple of the bottle. I was hoping to be fed the bottle by one of them but I guess I'll have to wait for them to decide to do it. Oh well I think to myself.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 2nd, 13, 01:37 PM
Hope you like it *smiles and then turns and get out some raw fish for sushi*

July 2nd, 13, 07:35 PM
I have already finished my bottle and have curled up into a little ball, asleep on the floor.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 3rd, 13, 01:31 PM
Wow he drinks fast...but I am done with my sushi...I walk over to you....hey Jias do you wanna sleep on a bed?

July 3rd, 13, 05:19 PM
I make no reply for I am fast asleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 4th, 13, 06:41 AM
alright a bed it is then...*I carry you to the bed with great difficulty*..wow..how heavy is he?!

July 4th, 13, 11:19 PM
I suck on my paw as you carry me in your arms and cling tightly to you muttering the words, daddy as I sleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 5th, 13, 07:01 AM
Aw...looks like someone misses their daddy..

July 5th, 13, 08:33 AM
I then go quiet in you arms as I fall asleep. Though tears fall down my cheeks as I do. I continue to cling onto you and suck on my paw as I sleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 7th, 13, 06:42 AM
Aw poor guy must be having a nightmare about his father...

July 8th, 13, 02:32 AM
Finally after silently crying for a little while tossing and turning in my sleep, I finally fall asleep peacefully curled up in your arms.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 8th, 13, 02:45 AM
There we go...all better....*goes to put you down on the bed*

July 9th, 13, 06:45 AM
As you lay me in bed, I continue to suck on my paw as I sleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 9th, 13, 06:46 AM
Good now I am going to continue eating while he sleeps

July 9th, 13, 07:29 PM
As I sleep I use my diaper. Too exhausted to wake I continue to sleep. I suck on my paw cutely as I dream of my new family.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 10th, 13, 01:31 AM
so Renamon what do you think about letting Jias stay with us?
well it seems fine by me

July 13th, 13, 03:50 AM
I roll over and yawn cutely before falling back asleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 14th, 13, 05:31 AM
Hey Rika why don't you get some sleep as well so we can talk more later.....but I am not tired Renamon
well if you don't sleep you don't grow and right now you are the size of Jias

July 17th, 13, 04:23 AM
I suck on my paw and wrap my many tails around myself as I curl into a small ball and sleep.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 17th, 13, 05:38 AM
Well I am heading to bed Renamon...alright Rika just be sure to change your diaper before you go to bed.....alright Renamon night!....*I go to bed without changing*

July 17th, 13, 07:52 PM
Two glowing forms enters your room and begin to change your diaper, trying its best not to wake you. The glowing kitsune undo the taps of your diaper and take several wipes before slowly and gently cleaning you. Then they roll up the used diaper and toss it into the garbage. Then it slides a new fresh diaper under your bottom. Sprinkling a generous amount of baby powder it folds the diaper over and tapes the tabs snugly and securely around your waist. Nuzzling you and putting a pacifier in your mouth, the kitsune speaks.

"Rest Rika for tomorrow Jias will need you greatly. He has always been alone, forced to defend for himself. This is why it is so hard for him to except his role as a little kit and him being completely dependent on others. Be gentle with him and ease him into the role. You will find that in time he will be the best little kit you could ever have. Farewell Rika and good luck," the kitsune say.

As they vanish tears stream down my silent face as sleep. Then two words escape my mouth as I temporarily remove my paw from my mouth. I reach out toward their disappearing forms and speak sniffling as I do.

"Goodbye mommy and daddy," I say solemnly with my tears splashing onto my pillow, for this is the last time that I will ever see them again. As soon as they are gone paw finds its way back into my mouth but the tears will not stop falling.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 18th, 13, 12:52 AM
I grabbed the glowing entities arm right before it disappeared....I need some help

July 18th, 13, 07:10 AM
As the glowing kitsune turn you can see tears in their eyes. Swallowing the kitsune speak. The female's deep emerald green eyes are brimming with tears as are the sky blue eyes of the male. The female runs her paw over you face and smiles even though tears stream down her face.

"What do you need help with young one? We can aid others and even reveal ourselves to others, but never to our child. If you wish we will remain her with you, but you must understand that we are invisible to Jias."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 18th, 13, 02:17 PM
I think....I need some help...with taking care of him. I want some help protecting him please

July 18th, 13, 05:18 PM
The kitsune smile and nod.

"We can do that but you must understand that Jias will never be able to see or hear us."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 23rd, 13, 10:43 PM
Thank you....but I have one question...I hope you don't mind me asking

July 23rd, 13, 11:35 PM
The kitsune look at you and shake their heads.

"No, we do not mind young one. Ask away," they say.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 24th, 13, 08:43 AM
how did you both die?....I just am a bit curious

July 25th, 13, 05:21 AM
The kitsune bow their heads.

"Um, we were murdered by the scientists that stole our son."

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 25th, 13, 07:14 AM
Oh....what bastards.....I lost my....well our parents cause Renamon and I had the same parents....but they died with a mishap with ShadowSeraphimon....

July 26th, 13, 03:44 AM
"How we died makes it even worse, my child. You see they forced our son, Jias to watch as we screamed in agony and gasped for air among a toxic cloud of an experimental gas that they planned to use in battle. Luckily before we died of gas poisoning my husband and I destroyed their entire arsenal. However because of this be suffered the full power of the gas. The worst part of it all was listening to our little kit, cry out to us and reach toward us but being unable to do anything at all," the kitsune say.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 26th, 13, 05:11 PM
It sucks how cruel life is when it comes to the end of anothers....

July 26th, 13, 10:35 PM
"That is true but at least none will have to suffer as terribly as we did," the kitsune say to you.

Meanwhile I am curled up in a small ball fast asleep. I continue to suck on my paw unaware that I am wet and messy.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 28th, 13, 06:20 AM
Yea...well I am going to head to bed....good night and one last thing...please ask me before you change me...*blushes*

July 28th, 13, 06:32 AM
The kisune smile.

"Very well young one," they say nuzzling you affectionately.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 28th, 13, 06:35 AM
I will see you in the morning *quick hugs and falls asleep*

July 28th, 13, 06:53 AM
The kisune cover you with your blankets and each plant a light kiss on your forehead before falling asleep by your bed.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 28th, 13, 09:56 PM
Renamon walks in to check on me but don't see the Kitsune

July 28th, 13, 10:19 PM
The kitsune walk over to Renamon and speak.

"So you are Rika's guardian/protector. It is nice to meet you at last. We were Jias, parents, before we died of gas poisoning. Jias would be alone if you two had not taken him in. I thank you for doing so. He needs all the affection and love he can get after seeing what he has seen," they say bowing their heads. At that moment the crying of kit can be heard from the other room.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 29th, 13, 05:27 AM
Renamon walks out to check on Jias not being able to see or hear the Kitsunes...are you alright Jias?

July 29th, 13, 06:08 AM
The kitsune shake their heads. Only Rika could see them.

I am wide awake in bed unaware of my used diaper, but shaking like a leaf. Sweat falls down my face and my eyes are wide open as well as filled with terror. I try to speak but cannot. Instead I grip Renamon's fur tightly and tears fall down my face.

"I'm scccared," I manage to say despite my fear.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 29th, 13, 06:21 AM
It's okay Jias...it's alright you are safe now...*sniffs* and you need a change at the same time...she picks up Jias and starts to head towards the nearest changing table

July 29th, 13, 06:37 AM
I cling tightly onto Renamon as she carries me over to a changing table to change me. I suck cutely on my paw and my eyes glisten in the light. Tears continue to fall down my face as I snuggle in her arms. I stop trembling and relax in her arms as I continue to suck on my paw like the kit I am.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 31st, 13, 05:24 AM
Renamon changes you quickly and picks you up again and walks around the room....there you go..all better now

July 31st, 13, 05:28 AM
I snuggle in her arms and relax still cutely sucking on my paw as I do.

"Fank you," I say rubbing my head against her.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 31st, 13, 05:41 AM
(Her...Renamon is female)
*she gives you a hug and sits on a rocking chair and places you on her knee* so do you want to hear a story?

July 31st, 13, 06:12 AM
"Dat sounds good mommy," I say blushing as I continue to suck cutely on my paw.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
July 31st, 13, 06:16 AM
Please don't call me mommy...I...it just brings back painful memories for me....but anyway did you know Rika was afraid of shadows?

July 31st, 13, 07:29 AM
"Oh, sorry, Rena, I... Unable to finish tears fall down my cheeks and I begin to cry. She really is like a mom to me, her and Rika both. I could finally have a mommy or two, but Rena didn't seem to be wanted to called that, even though that is what she is to me. I am a little kit who needs the love and affection of a mommy like Rika and Rena. I, all awone for so wong. Poison took them wong ago. I the onwy wone, who wived." Tears stream down my face as I continue to cry. I miss my parents so, so much.