View Full Version : Discipline and Diapers: How Neilly's New Stepsister Stepped In....

likes to be babysat
September 25th, 12, 04:28 PM
Post # 1 (written by likes to be babysat):

Missing in action, although the following is a summary of the content of what had been written.

The very first post which is lost introduced our current family system, relationships, and characters. It explained how are parents met, how you had been babysitting me on multiple occasions while they dated, and how frustrated you were with my lack of potty training, my overall naughty behavior, and my mother's inability to discipline me appropriately. You had suggested to her that she be much stricter and introduce me to spankings. She had refused your help, and frustrated you had initially refused to agree watch me for the summer while they went on an African safari for their honeymoon. You only agreed to watch me after my mother gave you full permission to discipline me in any way you felt was necessary. She was aware that you intended to be very strict and old-fashioned. She understood that you intended to repotty train me, institute strict nap times and bed times, and most assuredly spank me soundly whenever necessary. My character idolizes and loves you. He only wants you to love him, be proud of him, and show him attention. He has absolutely no idea about your true beliefs regarding child care and discipline. In the first post our parents had just walked out the door to embark upon their honeymoon. I'm really excited that I've got you all to myself and that you were going to be taking care of me all summer. The front door had just closed and you had picked me up and carried me upstairs to my bedroom. Arriving there I had been shocked, surprised, and dismayed to find out that you were intending to change me into a skimpy, somewhat effeminate, soft, little nightgown and then put me under the covers for an old-fashioned traditional nap time.

Post # 2 :

"Well Neil, like it or not you're going to have to wear this. Your mama put me in charge and you really need to listen to what I say. I really don't want to have to punish you, but if you disobey me then I'm afraid you'll leave me no choice. Okay? Now I have some other rules that I also need to lay down so please pay attention." Amara spoke slowly to her new younger stepbrother as she had learned from watching reruns of the hugely successful Mr Roger's Neighborhood, a show which she had watched all her life. And of course would hopefully be able to get Neil to stay still enough to watch it as well.

"First rule Neil. You will always, and I do mean always, have a naptime in the afternoon. I know how you can get cranky if you get tired and a cranky kid isn't a fun kid and I want everything to be as fun as possible!" Amara was trying to be cheerful as she spoke with him, so he wouldn't start crying and flailing about as he had usually done when he didn't get his way. "Second you will have a strict bedtime of 7pm during the week and then 7:30 on weekend IF AND ONLY IF you have behaved during the week and that day too. Do you understand so far Neil?"

Amara managed to get the nightie onto him while she explained the rules.

Post # 3 (written by likes to be babysat):

Little Neilly who had come to idolize, adore, and love his new, big, stepsister from almost the first minute that he'd ever met her wanted nothing more than for her to love him, and be proud of him as well. Given that, although it was hard to notice, he always tried to be on his "best behavior" whenever "Sissy" was "in charge". Today was no different, and despite the fact that he now found himself plopped unceremoniously upon his bed and embarrassingly stripped down to his "birthday suit" while she talked to him, he still did his best to pay attention to her just like she asked.... Horrified and surprised by what she had said, he unconsciously bounced off his bed, and in astonishment turned to face her. Observing the firmness of her usually kind, gentle, and angelic features, Neilly could tell she meant business. Unable to maintain her gaze, he quickly stared down to look only at himself, and give more consideration to what she had said. Shocked by what he saw, he noticed then for the first time, that he was indeed wearing the awful looking nightgown, that Amara, seemingly out of nowhere, had somehow produced. And even though it was true that it was softer, cozier, and comfier than his jammies, Neil still thought it was horrid, and made him look ridiculous! A pale lavender in color, the little, four-year-old thought it was feminine, and made him look almost like a girl. The short sleeves were slightly puffed, and ended in gentle ruffles that matched both the edges of the neckline, as well as its bottom hem. Worse than that however, was its length. The nightie was so short that it barely covered poor little Neil's most intimate and private of areas. Indeed, it didn't take long for the now blushing and mortified, little, tot to learn, that due to the short length of the nightie, unless he was willing to stay almost perfectly still, that the tiny tip of his penis would continually slip out beneath its bottom hem and play peek-a-boo with anyone who might be around, and was willing to watch!

Surprised by all these changes, as well as everything that was going on in his young life in general, Neilly felt overwhelmed, and almost as if he could cry. Headlong he rushed into his sissy's waiting lap, and burying himself there quickly began to sob out all of his frustrations, worries, and questions. With a muffled, little, voice, he cried, "No Amawa, I no unnerstan'.... Neivther you er mama eber make me take naptime er go bedtime earwy 'efore.... Why I gots to now? I no wants to have a naptime, an' an earwy bedtime.... I don't...." Then taking a deep breath, he continued, as shuddering softly he asked, "An' 'Mawa (short for Amawa) why I gots to wear a nightie? I hates it.... Where you get it? I no wants to wear it.... I don't.... Why I gotta wear it Sissy? Why...?"