View Full Version : Do You Hate Little Children

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:37 PM
Do You Hate Little Children?
As A Newly Self Named AB/DL I Think Its Kinda Strange To Feel This Way But I Seem To Hate Children Under the age Of Lets Say 4

Its Not Jealousy or Anything Like That I Just Hate Being In The Presence Of Little kids

Something About Them Just Pisses Me Off

January 12th, 09, 11:40 PM
Too be honest i hate young kids who play games that they should not be.Most do not grasp the maturity needed to play such games and can end up ruining said experience for a majority of gamers.I hate it... it fills me with rage.

January 12th, 09, 11:42 PM
i hate little kids who think they are better than every1 else...pisses me off

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:43 PM
Too be honest i hate young kids who play games that they should not be.Most do not grasp the maturity needed to play such games and can end up ruining said experience for a majority of gamers.I hate it... it fills me with rage.
Thanks For The Opinion ( I Appreciate It)
But I Was Implying Hating Them in General

But Yeah I Hate Immature Gamers (Adults & Kids Alike)

January 12th, 09, 11:45 PM
I'm not fund of children however outside of my gaming experience.I can not say that i hate them but i do not love them.

January 12th, 09, 11:53 PM
kids learn bad language at a young age now adays...i got cussed out by my 4 year old cousin

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:54 PM
kids learn bad language at a young age now adays...i got cussed out by my 4 year old cousin

I Would Have Hit Him In The Throat
(But Thats Just Me)

January 12th, 09, 11:55 PM
i dont like hurting people physically...but if i can do something emotionally or mentally i will...and i enjoy doing it

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:56 PM
U Evil Little Bedwetter XD

I Would Never Emotionaly Harm A Child

The Might Become One Of Us

January 12th, 09, 11:57 PM
Yeah it would seem the community of this world is changing.Kids learn material before they should and also tend to have sexual relations later then the last regenerations of humans.Just simple notices...

January 12th, 09, 11:59 PM
well...i look at it this way...if some1 wants to be like us, let em. but dont try to force it upon them...that would end in tragedy
i used to feel like i was a really bad example to my cuz...so i told him if he wants to be like me then no1 should stop him

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:59 PM
I've Seen The same & They Keep Looking Younger & Younger

January 13th, 09, 12:02 AM
i read an article about two 8 year olds raping a 7 year old...it was the creepiest thing ive ever read

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:05 AM
i read an article about two 8 year olds raping a 7 year old...it was the creepiest thing ive ever read

Wow Where Did U Come Across That

& I've Read An Article About 2 10 Year olds (Female) Giving Oral Sex To A 7 Month Old (Male)

January 13th, 09, 12:05 AM
It would appear most children are influenced by older members of this so called life.If only we were all perfect.

January 13th, 09, 12:06 AM
i just saw it as i was searching through web sites...and if we all had a "perfect life" that would get very annoying after a while

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:07 AM
if we all had a "perfect life" that would get very annoying after a while
I Agree
I Might Become Suicidal/emo If My Life Was Perfect

January 13th, 09, 12:08 AM
But are you sure?We who have never tasted "Perfect" how would we know?But more on what is being perfect anyway?

Shining Fire
January 13th, 09, 12:14 AM
You know what's fun to do? Be average. Do everything one day just completely average. Don't set any goals on what you're going to do, just do it and do it however you want... It actually helps improve your mood n.n

As for the actual topic. I seem to have a hard time dealing with little kids. I can get along with some, I just find it hard to interact... When I was younger I always spoke with older kids, and kids my age/younger I tried to avoid... I dunno.. I just remember it that way..

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:14 AM
So It Seems You Live Up To Your Title

January 13th, 09, 12:16 AM
I agree shinning even in todays life i always seem to be around people older then i am.Like my co-workers for an example.

January 13th, 09, 12:17 AM
just by looking at the people who try to be perfect even though they can never actually reach that point in life...makes me think that a perfect life would be living hell...and in my eyes even if u want to be perfect...if u have ever done anything wrong in ur life it kind of takes away from the perfection u are trying to aquire

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:18 AM
I agree shinning even in todays life i always seem to be around people older then i am.Like my co-workers for an example.

I Feel The Same 78 % Of The Time

The Other 22 % I Enjoy Being Around Those Close To My Age

& Hi Shining
How Is Life Treating U

January 13th, 09, 12:19 AM
But what is perfection friend?It is knowledge is it a way of life?Is it perhaps an item?From your view on logic i however agree.I'm a very curious person however if i was to know everything i would be really sad.

January 13th, 09, 12:20 AM
i always seemed to attract the younger kids and it got pretty annoying...i would always hang with the older guys and a couple of little kids would come over

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:21 AM
But what is perfection friend?It is knowledge is it a way of life?Is it perhaps an item?From your view on logic i however agree.I'm a very curious person however if i was to know everything i would be really sad.
I'd Say A Sort Of Lifestyle

Perfection Is What You Define It To Be

January 13th, 09, 12:22 AM
i agree, if i knew everything...there wouldnt be really anything fun to do...learning new things can be fun at times, especially when u know something in ur own way but some1 else knows it in a different way and u start to argue

January 13th, 09, 12:23 AM
Yes, however my point is that we who have not reached perfection.We do not know what perfection is we can try to understand it or give our logic on what it is.However we will never know what being perfect is since there is no such thing as Achieving perfection.

January 13th, 09, 12:24 AM
if anyone actually gave a defeniton of perfection...would u agree with it, or try to make an arguement about it?

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:27 AM
perfection - 6 dictionary results

  http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/speaker.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/P02/P0266600) /pərˈfɛkhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) [per-fek-shuhhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/luna/thinsp.pngn] Show IPA Pronunciation http://cache.lexico.com/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html)
1.the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
2.the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art.
3.a perfect embodiment or example of something.
4.a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.
5.the highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait.
6.the act or fact of perfecting.

I Laugh At This Definition

January 13th, 09, 12:27 AM
I would argue i love to argue however i would argue because if Perfection as never been achieved.How can we know what it is?

January 13th, 09, 12:29 AM
omg honestly this discussion could go on 4ever and i really dont want it to but... u can never know when perfection is acheived unles its your vision of perfection

January 13th, 09, 12:30 AM
But even if perfection was to be achieved how would we know since we don't know what perfection is in the first place.But then would you be able to achieve it?I don't think so.

January 13th, 09, 12:33 AM
its pretty much impossible to reach perfection if no1 has actually given a good description about what perfection is and how it can be acheived. but the only way i can see for it to be "the" description of perfection is when nobody can think of an arguement to it.

January 13th, 09, 12:35 AM
Exactly but then why do we have a such a word.If perfection is not reach-able?I think it was created to give some people something to believe in a symbol a little bit like gods.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:36 AM

January 13th, 09, 12:37 AM
i want to sign up for a show with like oprah or something and discuss perfection now

January 13th, 09, 12:38 AM
Most splendid idea discussing this would increase the numbers of view on said subject.

January 13th, 09, 12:44 AM
i just pictured her show going completely wrong with the whole audience getting into a huge arguement over the subject then they take out the bats...

January 13th, 09, 12:46 AM
While that would be mindless entertainment.Maybe it's better if we do not know what perfection is.

January 13th, 09, 12:48 AM
i agree...omg i feel so logical right now...lol

January 13th, 09, 12:49 AM
I agree with myself (i'm sure you are surprised) the problem is i'm a curious person.This will hunt me down for a couple of years.

January 13th, 09, 12:51 AM
lol, im a very curious person...but i dont usually get into huge conversations about stuff

January 13th, 09, 12:52 AM
I actually have thought about several theories about some of the stuff found in this world.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:52 AM
I'm So Happy You All Are Using My Thread As A Vehicle

January 13th, 09, 12:53 AM
Fine by me but i'm not paying for the gasoline.

January 13th, 09, 12:53 AM
lol, why would u refer to the thread a as a vehicle?

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:56 AM
Its Become A Sort Of "Jumping Off" Point For Other Topics

Elemental Anon
January 13th, 09, 12:56 AM
*Insert clever joke about vehicles and forum threads here*

January 13th, 09, 12:57 AM
Haha that was a very funny joke!

January 13th, 09, 12:57 AM
oh, i was kinda think thinking cause we keep steering off course with the topic

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:58 AM
oh, i was kinda think thinking cause we keep steering off course with the topic
Never Thought Of It Like that

January 13th, 09, 12:59 AM
It's better in my honest opinion that if we wasted space with every new topic we talk about.

January 13th, 09, 01:00 AM
i honestly dont know what u mean by that Mr, Philosopher

January 13th, 09, 01:01 AM
If space was wasted every time we started to talk about a new topic somethings could be forgotten.

January 13th, 09, 01:03 AM
oooh thats a good point...one of my threads is dieing..."do you wear diapers to school thread"

January 13th, 09, 01:04 AM
This is why i believe it may be best we do not extend our topics.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 01:07 AM
I'll Bump It

January 13th, 09, 01:08 AM
You do know bumping is considered an act of spam?None the less we should have a section of the forum to talk about more then one thing.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 01:11 AM
I'll Make One

January 13th, 09, 01:12 AM
See that's even worst that's why i said somethings are forgotten.

January 13th, 09, 01:13 AM
I just hate the spoiled kids who hate all other kids and the ones that learn the difference between a Hooker and a Stripper at the age of 5. It just pisses me off

January 13th, 09, 01:14 AM
Yeah it would seem our new generation of children are learning material at quite a young age.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 01:15 AM
I just hate the spoiled kids who hate all other kids and the ones that learn the difference between a Hooker and a Stripper at the age of 5. It just pisses me off
Care To enunciate

January 13th, 09, 04:26 AM
i dont hate kids, i just dont like being around them.

January 13th, 09, 05:34 PM
dont lie to us panda, u know u hate them all.

January 13th, 09, 06:58 PM
Children do not give us money we have no reason to hate them.But yet we have no reason to love them since they are a weight.

January 13th, 09, 09:31 PM
part of me wants to say"what the hell did u say', but the other part of me agrees.

January 13th, 09, 09:44 PM
So you only agree with 50% of what i said...What's the part you didn't understand?

January 13th, 09, 09:47 PM
why u started talking bout children and money...

January 13th, 09, 09:51 PM
Well children don't give you money most of the time they feed on your money...

January 13th, 09, 09:56 PM
thats true...i used to give my mom couple hundred if she needed it...but i also asked for alot

January 13th, 09, 10:02 PM
I remember as a younger kid each time a new game came out we payed 50/50.It's just too bad i lost many of my memories of when i was younger...

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:23 PM
Hello Friends I'm on (If Only For A Little While)

January 13th, 09, 11:23 PM
hiya...how are u today?

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:31 PM
I Realized I Love Tina Fey

January 13th, 09, 11:32 PM
lol, how did u realize that?

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:34 PM
Lets A Say I Had An Epiphany

Wait U Know Who She Is

January 13th, 09, 11:36 PM
isnt she an actress?

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:39 PM
Close Enough

Funny Thing Is She Is The Same Age As My Mom (38)

January 13th, 09, 11:40 PM
More or less i believe he mean't her (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tina_Fey).

January 13th, 09, 11:43 PM
More or less i believe he mean't her (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tina_Fey).

January 13th, 09, 11:44 PM
Don't ask what just click the link...

January 13th, 09, 11:46 PM
ya...i looked her up after i said i thought she was an actress

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:52 PM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/Tina_fey_mean_girls.jpg (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/Tina_fey_mean_girls.jpg)


(& I Have A Glasses Fetish)

January 13th, 09, 11:52 PM
shes hawt.

Kingston Wallace
January 14th, 09, 12:04 AM
shes hawt.
I Know Right
That's What I've Been Saying

January 14th, 09, 12:06 AM
well keep on saying it, unless ur girlfreind is with u...that could be funny

January 14th, 09, 12:08 AM
I just luv to hate and rage inside... but i do not like hurting people mentaly or pyhsicaly on the out side.

January 14th, 09, 12:09 AM
hi jojo!!

Kingston Wallace
January 14th, 09, 12:12 AM
I just luv to hate and rage inside... but i do not like hurting people mentaly or pyhsicaly on the out side.
& That Has "What" To Do With Tina Fey

& Hi Jojo

January 14th, 09, 02:39 AM
dont lie to us panda, u know u hate them all.

there's a difference between being around them and hating them. i don't hate them but i do not like being around them. they annoy the fuck out of me.

god army i almost 'face palmed' when i seen what you said to storm's comment.

January 14th, 09, 03:05 AM
I just answered a poll a quickly replied how was i suppost to know that 92 (93) posts wereconversing about other thingies.

Hellowah everybody(Brak impression)

Bump: well hate just keeps me thinking.

Bump: well hate just keeps me thinking.

January 14th, 09, 03:08 AM
Almost every topic here goes off-topic.

January 14th, 09, 03:09 AM
I just answered a poll a quickly replied how was i suppost to know that 92 (93) posts wereconversing about other thingies.

Hellowah everybody(Brak impression)

Bump: well hate just keeps me thinking.

Bump: well hate just keeps me thinking.

is there a reason why that keeps popping up twice? are you editing your post to fuck with me?

January 14th, 09, 08:10 AM
Almost every topic here goes off-topic.
i blame panda.

January 14th, 09, 08:55 AM
Hate little kids?

No, I don't hate them because I realize that they are our future leaders or possibly just future countrymen. Hate is a very strong and harsh word, and something that is very hard to overcome, which is why I tend to use 'dislike'

I dislike some little children, but for the most part considering I volunteer at both a grade school and pre-school on a weekly basis? That should tell you my general feelings about them.

January 14th, 09, 09:08 PM
Hate little kids?

No, I don't hate them because I realize that they are our future leaders or possibly just future countrymen. Hate is a very strong and harsh word, and something that is very hard to overcome, which is why I tend to use 'dislike'

I dislike some little children, but for the most part considering I volunteer at both a grade school and pre-school on a weekly basis? That should tell you my general feelings about them.
wow, that was deep...bravo, bravo for ur very deep post...lol

January 14th, 09, 09:10 PM
See you didn't try to tell him your non-sense when he told you hate was a big word...

January 14th, 09, 09:13 PM
well thats because ur more fun to get into ana arguement about that with...and i didnt wana fight bout it with some1 else

January 14th, 09, 09:16 PM
Either that or you purposely argued with me to make a point...I'm not actually sure if i want to know however.

January 14th, 09, 09:18 PM
well...i kind of doubt some1 will put up as much of a fight like u did

January 14th, 09, 09:19 PM
I believe that in life one must argue.But there's also a saying "It takes all kind of people to make a world".

January 14th, 09, 09:24 PM
well...what if u argue like socrates? he asked questions and got himself killed...

January 14th, 09, 09:45 PM
If dieing is a risk then it's a risk i'm more then ready to take.However i don't think it would go that far.

January 14th, 09, 09:47 PM
ya it wouldnt go that far now adays...society has improved...welll...kinda...

January 14th, 09, 09:51 PM
This reminds me of an image Jim shared with me...However at the least you have the freedom of speech.

January 14th, 09, 09:53 PM
lol ya...some people use that "freedom of speech" to their advantage...

January 14th, 09, 09:55 PM
i think they are annoying

January 14th, 09, 09:56 PM
why do u think they are annoying?...explain...

January 14th, 09, 10:01 PM
lol ya...some people use that "freedom of speech" to their advantage...Yeah but back in the days you could be killed if you went against the higher ups.

January 14th, 09, 10:05 PM
ya...could still happen today if u stood up to a gang...

January 15th, 09, 01:52 AM
i blame panda.

you should blame yourself and snake too then ^^ and the occational Storm(knightmare)

January 15th, 09, 02:11 AM
ya...could still happen today if u stood up to a gang...I have been hiding behind my brain all my life.While it is starting to change i avoid fights as much as possible.

January 16th, 09, 09:11 AM
I have been hiding behind my brain all my life.While it is starting to change i avoid fights as much as possible.

sounds like a good and bad idea imo.

January 16th, 09, 09:18 AM
ITT: Self centered fetishists with little to no patience for today's youth. :/

January 16th, 09, 09:27 AM
ITT: Self centered fetishists with little to no patience for today's youth. :/

where did this come from?

look, i hated children looong before i was interested in this fetish.

baby lucario
January 16th, 09, 03:30 PM
what? why, i always have them do my choors and help me around with stuff. i dont hate them, but they can get anoying sometimes. i just use them to my advantage.

January 16th, 09, 08:01 PM
what? why, i always have them do my choors and help me around with stuff. i dont hate them, but they can get anoying sometimes. i just use them to my advantage.

there is no advantage with my siblings.. they are always 'using' me. I'm the guy int he house that fixes the computer every month because my siblings are too stupid to run a virus scanner. we are all around the same age, my bro turned 18 yesterday.

January 16th, 09, 08:02 PM
lol i love how u said 'using'...

January 16th, 09, 08:06 PM
lol i love how u said 'using'...

what's your angle? ^^

January 16th, 09, 08:47 PM
there is no advantage with my siblings.. they are always 'using' me. I'm the guy int he house that fixes the computer every month because my siblings are too stupid to run a virus scanner. we are all around the same age, my bro turned 18 yesterday.What about Marky!?She almost legal i'l have to visit you one day.

January 16th, 09, 09:29 PM
What about Marky!?She almost legal i'l have to visit you one day.

LOLOL i just wish she was here to see this. she would go to canada, find you, and then kick you in the nuts.

January 17th, 09, 12:19 AM
I'd enter a very rude and inappropriate response but actually if she comes down all the way into Canada it will only make it easier for me.

January 17th, 09, 01:48 AM
I'd enter a very rude and inappropriate response but actually if she comes down all the way into Canada it will only make it easier for me.

yeah but it will make it easier for her to kick you in the nuts too ^^

January 17th, 09, 02:20 AM
I'm sure it will...

January 17th, 09, 05:44 AM
I'm sure it will...

i can see it now *are you mac storm?* *uh... yeah?* *WHACK!* "OUUUUU MY NUTS!!!"

January 17th, 09, 05:54 AM
I have another vision of how things would go but i'd rather keep it to myself since some people may find it inappropriate.

January 17th, 09, 06:04 AM
I have another vision of how things would go but i'd rather keep it to myself since some people may find it inappropriate.

oh no, go on, im sure my sister will enjoy castrating you.

January 17th, 09, 06:06 AM
Wish you were on skype so we could have a 3-person discussion...Witch reminds me i'm making myself a home made mic...

January 17th, 09, 10:33 AM
Wish you were on skype so we could have a 3-person discussion...Witch reminds me i'm making myself a home made mic...


January 17th, 09, 11:05 AM
Me you and Marky of course!

January 17th, 09, 12:17 PM
Me you and Marky of course!

now why would she wanna talk to you?

January 17th, 09, 03:11 PM
Why would she not want to talk to me?Well i was thinking of the talk we had the other day it was pretty funny.

January 17th, 09, 10:32 PM
Why would she not want to talk to me?Well i was thinking of the talk we had the other day it was pretty funny.

you mean me talking to you and my sister occasionally bitching at you through my mic? yeah. fun chat.

January 18th, 09, 05:48 AM
I don't hate little children. But they can surely manipulate their babysitters or caretakers with ease.

January 18th, 09, 06:07 AM
I don't hate little children. But they can surely manipulate their babysitters or caretakers with ease.

depends on the child.

January 18th, 09, 07:57 PM
I generally like children. I have been known to change a nappy or two and it doesn't bother me. I think like most men I prefer them when they reach the more interactive stages (2 upwards).

January 19th, 09, 12:31 PM
hehe one kid called me a jerk and said he could beat me up.....and ii pushed him don two flights of steps! XDXDXD

January 19th, 09, 12:34 PM
hehe one kid called me a jerk and said he could beat me up.....and ii pushed him don two flights of steps! XDXDXD

LOL fucken mean XD

January 19th, 09, 01:04 PM
hehe one kid called me a jerk and said he could beat me up.....and ii pushed him don two flights of steps! XDXDXDYou know harassing a minor could be seen as a big offense and you could get sued or even worst.

January 19th, 09, 01:19 PM
You know harassing a minor could be seen as a big offense and you could get sued or even worst.

whatever man, it's funny as hell. besides, it's a past event. maybe he wasnt an adult when he did it?

January 19th, 09, 01:26 PM
When i went in the states some lifeguard said he'd called the sheriff department because i was in pool at 10:30 PM.I think he wanted to sue me for breathing air i talked shit to him and he called a bunch of black guys to scare me.It didn't work tho because i thought he was buying drugs.It's my old man who noticed they were after me...

January 19th, 09, 01:30 PM
When i went in the states some lifeguard said he'd called the sheriff department because i was in pool at 10:30 PM.I think he wanted to sue me for breathing air i talked shit to him and he called a bunch of black guys to scare me.It didn't work tho because i thought he was buying drugs.It's my old man who noticed they were after me...

wait a minute? WHAT? he wanted to sue you for breathing? LAWL wow and i thought i had found the stupidest person ALIVE! i would have laughed at him and then punched him in the face. why would it matter that you were in the pool at 10:30 PM? closing time? or what?

January 19th, 09, 04:33 PM
Yeah it was closing time apparently but the dude didn't seem to mind the fact that there was other people in the pool before me.I don't know sometimes people can be ignorant.

January 19th, 09, 10:37 PM
Yeah it was closing time apparently but the dude didn't seem to mind the fact that there was other people in the pool before me.I don't know sometimes people can be ignorant.

that guys a douche bag LAWL

January 20th, 09, 02:50 AM
Well he's not the most intelligent person i have seen.

January 20th, 09, 02:51 AM
Well he's not the most intelligent person i have seen.

his IQ is probably below 100.

Bandit Keith
July 20th, 10, 04:52 AM
kids learn bad language at a young age now adays...i got cussed out by my 4 year old cousin

wounder how bad the brat cursed you.but a brat that was 5 that really pissed me off cussed worse then a sailor.as in ever other word a cuss word

anyway kids in general no.unless you count being pissed off when your woke up by a baby screaming I don't hate baby's but I dislike the screaming/cry deal. matter of fact I have a cousin that's about 1 month old man that baby you can here from two house away not kidding.

anyway I don't hate kids in general .I do tho hate one fact about baby's the cry/scraem thing they do late at night.

July 20th, 10, 05:39 AM
kids learn bad language at a young age now adays...i got cussed out by my 4 year old cousin

Ha I remember once I was on Xbox Live and I was having "woman troubles" and I was getting pissed really easily basically if I got shot I was cursing like a sailor then some guy who sounds like a stoner *basically anyone on Xbox live* was getting annoyed and was saying things like "Man stop acting like a kid" Seriously? Thats supposed to be how children act now a days? Swearing like a pig? When I was growing up I was respectful to my parents, I never swore, the only time I swore was like "dad what does bitch mean?" that's it now with rap music (or modern music) and reality TV all these kids are saying swears I never even say. What is up with this world?!

July 20th, 10, 07:48 AM
I dont hate them, just find them very annoying and sometimes stupid xD

July 20th, 10, 08:29 AM
I don't hate them. If I did I would hate most of my cousins.

July 20th, 10, 12:51 PM
Do I dislike kids in general?
No, I definitely don't.

Do I dislike spoiled brats?
Yes, very much so.

Am I jealous?
In a sense I suppose I am :p but I definitely don't hate them because of it.

July 20th, 10, 06:53 PM
Kids 4 - 13 I hate because they always get into trouble. My younger cousins cry when I don't let them play with my stuff or my games. Most of the time it's collectible stuff that's very expensive. Then they throw fits and I turn out to be the bad guy. Plus kids playing M rated games ruin it for everyone and their voices give me headaches.

July 21st, 10, 08:36 AM
They can be both very nice and super irritating. Unfortunately it can apply to the same child.

July 21st, 10, 08:42 AM
Well I dislike kids that never shut up mean spoiled you can just wait till they get tired off complaining Cussers going to have to deal with people like that anyway but the Noise it Drives me to Insanity you know I second thought I hate anyone who makes unneccesary and near constant for future reference

July 21st, 10, 01:34 PM
i dont have that much of a problem with children at all, in fact i love em'. but if they piss me off i swirl there little mind into a torent of fear and if that dont work a good knock on the head never did wrong

July 21st, 10, 04:11 PM
I grew up babysitting little kids. Mostly little girls individually.

I can handle little girls. Not for little boys.

July 22nd, 10, 11:44 AM
I have 4 smaller sisters, two who i hate, one that i love, and one that... Is there...
the two i hate is because they are so annoying. They go into my stuff and into my privacy, the one i love awww she is so nice~ dosen't bother at all, even if she is in the same aga as tbe other two. And the other one... She is there... I don't care too much :T

by these i mean i don't hate little kids, only when they are annoying... :I

July 25th, 10, 06:04 AM
Too be honest i hate young kids who play games that they should not be.Most do not grasp the maturity needed to play such games and can end up ruining said experience for a majority of gamers.I hate it... it fills me with rage.

i will never get why this makes almost everyone mad i really don't care what age the person i play with is as long as they are playing fair im cool. plus when you were young didn't you want to play m rated games don't take away thier joy man its not right or fair.

July 25th, 10, 06:45 AM
i will never get why this makes almost everyone mad i really don't care what age the person i play with is as long as they are playing fair im cool. plus when you were young didn't you want to play m rated games don't take away thier joy man its not right or fair.
Thing is, with M rated games, They don't grasp The sense of respect others hope for- When I was like 12 I wanted To play M rated games, but not online like nowadays.. As for the Tuple at hand, I don't hate little kids, but I can get frustrated when they're persistent in getting what they want, especially by means of Tantrum...

August 12th, 10, 12:14 AM
i dont mind them
sometimes they can be annoying, but sometimes they are cool

Little Rei
August 12th, 10, 01:24 AM
Hate little kids that wine alot

August 28th, 10, 10:57 PM
No of course not, I only hate brats. I got cussed out by a 9 year old once.

August 28th, 10, 11:57 PM
I have pacience for anyone, so I'm okay with children.
I hate child abusers of any nature, but the 2 things that annoy me is they think screaming is fun and seeing a 6 yr old cuse.

September 1st, 10, 04:55 AM
On planes, in stores, in movies
but other then that I'm ok

Bandit Keith
September 1st, 10, 05:19 AM
Thing is, with M rated games, They don't grasp The sense of respect others hope for- When I was like 12 I wanted To play M rated games, but not online like nowadays.. As for the Tuple at hand, I don't hate little kids, but I can get frustrated when they're persistent in getting what they want, especially by means of Tantrum...

yay I know what your saying atlest when its not online its not bad.but when your online and get cursed out by a fucking little kid that should not be playing it for just killing his dude or crying to his mom who gets in the same shit just for hurting her kids fellings thats fucked up.

I mean you would not believe some of the shit that has been said to me on the ps3 and xbox 360 live(I play the xbox 360 live at a friends place)anyway one day I could have recorded 6 hours worth of cursing in a 30 minute span from a brat just for killing his dude.

September 1st, 10, 05:22 AM
I love kids, mainly because i have a little Niece and nephew, and I know how to handle them.

Omutsu no Jutsu
September 1st, 10, 06:42 PM
No I do not hate children, infact I dont think I hate anybody... :) Yeah its hard for me to make enemies, although its not like I try to or anything.
Yeah so with the exception of murderers and pedophiles and thieves who steal from only family and friends and such, I dont hate anyone!

October 5th, 11, 07:04 PM
Hate Children : Fail

Hate Bratty Kids : Win

Think children are cute : Win

Love Child Abuse : MAJOR FAIL !

October 5th, 11, 07:53 PM
i agree with ThronesOfTheDMan when kids start using bad words i just want to wash there mouths out with soap like i was when i was young

Bandit Keith
October 5th, 11, 11:38 PM
Hate Children : Fail

Hate Bratty Kids : Win

Think children are cute : Win

Love Child Abuse : MAJOR FAIL !

lol you just necroposted in a thread that was last posted in a year ago and that is my thoughts on this thread you just stated

October 6th, 11, 02:45 AM
lol you just necroposted in a thread that was last posted in a year ago and that is my thoughts on this thread you just stated

My apologies, I forget that I need to look at the last posting date.

October 7th, 11, 05:15 PM
i can stand the little kids that think they are the coolest thing ever to happen