View Full Version : What do you like/dislike in a story?

September 9th, 10, 08:57 PM
This shall be DA's version, also with the same concept; so us writers will know what you guys are looking to read. This could also work for artist, if one so desires to make a thread just as this for that purpose. So, just a bit of my likes/dislikes of a AB/DL or any kind of story:

comic relief(i.e. a clumsy oaf that appears now and then)
dark backgrounds
lemon/fluff(like once or twice)

constant use of diapers
bad grammer/spelling
plot twist just because

Bandit Keith
September 9th, 10, 09:37 PM
comic relief [even the type of comic relief like in fma and fma brotherhood ]
dark backgrounds[ just depends on the Character and how the dark background is like say Edward Elric type ]
drama[depends on the type of drame ]
plot twists [they can be a like and or dislike depending on how they are used by the writer]

constant use of diapers
bad grammar/spelling[I fell like a hypocrite but true story's and or fan fics need's good grammar/spelling ]
if using a Character from a show/anime/cartoon/movie going to far OOC .

will add more when I can think of more

September 10th, 10, 10:53 PM
Dislikes (Since I can think of those quickest):

Over abundant use of diapers-Some people make them use it in a way they technically shouldn't because they haven't eaten/drunk anything in a great while. Like realism.

Script style written stories-takes away emotion and mood from the story.

Over abundant bad grammer, spelling, and punctuation- Even I make errors, but some people don't even seem to try.

Too much randomness- what's to enjoy if you can't follow the plot?

Oversized paragraphs- three to four sentences make a good paragraph outside of character speech.

Text Block Paragraphs- pretty much the same as above, only they include multiple character speech.

Over descripting- I once read a story where an entire page was dedicated to describing a flower's physical appearance, petal by petal, stem...worst part was after the description the story jumped to something completely unrelated I couldn't follow.


Good plot-easy to follow, but doesn't give everything away and has you begging for more.

Good description- doesn't have to be every single detail of what happens, but just enough to make the characters seem a little real or somehow relatable. Stories written so you can picture each scene in your head like you're watching it on tv are ones I love, and strive to write myself.

Dark past/backgrounds- I find that characters with those background are stronger and more defined, or become so later. Goes with the whole 'that wich doesn't kill you makes you stronger' bit.

Good conflict- Either stupid but turns out funny, or is understandable and semi-dramatic.

Action/Battle- always enjoy a good fight, cat or otherwise :p

Drama- the good kind, and only so much of it.

Mysteries/Puzzles- I like things that make me think, carries over from my gaming experience *whistles Legend of Zelda theme*

Good Guys turning bad, but mainly Girls- Something about good characters turning evil just excites me. Evil Maylu, Evil Sonia, Evil Rika, Evil Sal, Evil Amara *faints*

Uh, yeah, that's all i got at the moment. May add more later.

Bandit Keith
September 10th, 10, 11:11 PM
I once read a story where an entire page was dedicated to describing a flower's physical appearance, petal by petal, stem...worst part was after the description the story jumped to something completely unrelated I couldn't follow.
A wow thats just wow best to explain my thought 0.o How could you stand reading that detail ?I would have fallen asleep reading that much detail for just one flower.

September 12th, 10, 06:26 PM
I enjoy
character development
fast sub plots
film noir elements

I hate
terrible characters
politics in my scifi
mystery in my ab/dl (Thank you csi)
Victorian style of writing