View Full Version : Who do you think will win

December 23rd, 08, 09:47 PM
in a fight between Samus, Snake, Link, Mario, and The Hulk who do you think would win. also explain why you thought they would win.

December 23rd, 08, 09:48 PM
mario dur, he always wins and never permanently loses :\ so in the end he WILL automatically win C:

December 23rd, 08, 09:51 PM
Hmm i could say the Hulk >> but then again its not all muscles xD
IDK! umm snake! because he's in a box =3

December 23rd, 08, 09:56 PM
Samus cuz she's firin her lazorz

December 23rd, 08, 10:01 PM
Lol Lazers are cool but Snake has awsome guns! =3

December 23rd, 08, 10:21 PM
But samus has 2 POH.

December 23rd, 08, 10:23 PM
But mario has "letsa go" voice and he is a plumber who will shoot fire balls out his ass

December 23rd, 08, 10:25 PM
Lol! umm.. Snake.. has.. his box! >>

December 24th, 08, 03:51 AM
Go play Super Smash Bros, pplz, and find out for yourselves. ;)
I'd stick with Cero and put my chips on Samus, though. She's got the nicest gear and has slain many a big monstrosities much more dangerous than any of those other guys you listed. ^^

Elemental Anon
December 24th, 08, 04:33 AM
Samus cuz she's firin her lazorz
IMA FIRIN MA LAZOR! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQLKEZzBIZE

Oh and I would win that fight, by the way, because all of those characters are fictional. If they weren't fictional(in some alternate universe)then I would have to say that Al Pacino wins by default.

December 24th, 08, 04:38 AM

*snake calls a nuke* instant win?

*mario loses a life and regenrates....*

so mario for his unfair abilities

Elemental Anon
December 24th, 08, 04:41 AM

*snake calls a nuke* instant win?

*mario loses a life and regenrates....*

so mario for his unfair abilities

You can only have a few lives until Mario bites the dust....

Zebra King
December 24th, 08, 04:56 AM
well, id say the hulk would win because he is basicaly donkey kong on steriods. Plus he is huge and coulg probably kill everyone without even breaking a sweat

December 24th, 08, 05:05 AM
i say samus, shes got lasers, stunning acrobatic skills, she's basically got a whole arsenal of weapons plus she is very good looking

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 24th, 08, 10:34 AM
Zebra King, you must also keep in mind that there are varieties in which the Hlk can change. It's not all just "HULK SMASH!!!!" He has a rather intelligent form.

Also... Snake wouldn't call in a nuclear strike, due to the fact that his entire career basically is stopping things like that (although it is from the actual civilized areas).

So all in all, I'd have to go with the Hulk.

December 24th, 08, 10:36 AM
I think hulk no like lazor.

January 5th, 09, 07:11 AM
The Hulk will win, as in the comic he gets stronger the longer the battle goes, so he will eventually become an unstoppable beast.....

Or snake will win b/c the hulk won't be able to find him.

January 5th, 09, 07:26 AM
Samus, because she has the arsenal to deal with many foes. Missiles, bombs, lazors, flamethrowers; it's everything Snake has but with bio-enhancements that makes her superior to him, both in the suit and in the genetics.

Link has a sword, but that's all he's got going for him. He's just a midevil samus minus the superhuman training, he's way cooler than Samus yeah but Melee proves sci-fi > midevil. (Spacies pwned all basically.)

Mario is popular and can jump high, big whoop. He's average, he ain't winnin' nothing. I refer you all to http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMario.

Hulk is from another universe entirely so he's ruled out from the get-go.

January 5th, 09, 07:48 AM
samus hands down :)

January 5th, 09, 01:42 PM
the hulk
gets stronger as he gets angry, sick healing factor, super strong.
He's not even in the same league

January 7th, 09, 12:35 AM
power suit, cannon, combat skills

sachico narume
January 12th, 09, 08:52 PM
the armer...the ray gun...the bombs...the rockets...i would have to say samas all the way

January 12th, 09, 09:49 PM
Link gots da bobombs.

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 10:45 PM
Old Snake
Naked Snake

Ah Fuck It,Both Of Them Would Win
They Would Both Just Watch The Others Fight Then Fight The Winner

Naked Would Hide With His 100% Camo Index Combo Of Flektarn & That Crockadile Head & Old Snake Would Use Octo Camo