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August 13th, 08, 07:54 AM
(Hello everyone, Name is traveler at your service lol, I am new to the site, but I have loved diapers all my life. I rp as both girl and a guy. For this rp I will be rping as a girl. I will be looking for a girl to play a mother for this rp,

No one was home, and no one would be home for several more hours. Delin came into her house crying. She had just got done with her first day of high school and it was horrible. She was made fun of, not for the way she dressed, or even for how she showed up in the uniform on the first day, She was teased because she was small. She had always been small most her life, if it weren't for the fact she could talk really well and long most people would think she would be a toddler, after all she was 4'3, 67 lbs, and had a tiny voice, but come on she was 14! She thought "I hate high school, its horible, they all make fun of me cause I'm so small......... I wish I could be a child again, at least then they couldn't make fun of me." She threw her backpack on the sofa and ran upstairs to her room, there she laid on the bed crying soon falling asleep. a couple hours later she awoke her legs wet. She looked back "Why do I..... oh my god." she thought as she saw for the first time in 9 years she had wet herself. Her bed was soaked, along with her school skirt, and panties. She lets a few more tears come down from her face. "As if this day couldn't get worse..... how am I going to explain this to mom?" she thought looking at the clock on the wall, it was 5:30, Mom would be home any second, she won't even have time to clean this up...........

August 19th, 08, 05:07 PM
Mrs. Diana Johnson was driving home from a long day at work; working at a local pharmacy she tried her best to support her daughter on her own. Ever since her husband had died in the line of duty with the local police department things had been very tough for both her and her daughter. Though Delin never showed it, but she really missed her father. Diana had been able to cope with the loss of her husband, but it had taken its toll, she loved her husband for 17 years and now he was gone. Diana was 38 years old and had no interest in dating or remarrying, she couldn’t stand the thought of forgetting Steve for another man, besides she couldn’t put Delin through that, she loved her father and having a new man come into her life would only be trouble. Diana’s car pulled up into the drive way of their home, the garage door opened and she drove inside. Walking into the house Diana noticed immediately how quiet it was, she looked around but didn’t see her daughter.

“Delin? Are you home honey? Sweetie are you up stairs?”

Diana made her way up stairs to her daughter’s room, a slight sound was coming from behind the door, and Diana was a little worried. Her motherly instincts kicked in, she opened the door and walked in. inside little Delin was laying on her bed, softly crying as tears rolled down her red face, Diana gasped was she hurt? She walked over to her, it was then he noticed the smell, then the sight of the dark stain on her sheets. Diana saw the stain leading up to Delin’s skirt and knew what had happen.

August 19th, 08, 08:46 PM
Delin looked up from her bed as she was crying to see her mother in her room. She felt so embaraced. "Mom..... I don' know what..... happened." she said taking breaths with in her sentences, tears still streaming down her face. "I just w... woke up like thiss." she said putting her face into a near by pillow she started to cry more. It was turning out to be a day for the worst side.

August 19th, 08, 09:21 PM
“O Sweetie, its ok. Mommy isn’t mad at you.”

With that Diana sat down on the bed, she slowly moved passed the pee stain and to her daughters side. Wrapping her arms around her, she slowly pulled her head away from the pillow and let her head rest in her shoulder. Diana held her daughter in a loving embrace; she didn’t care what had happen. The sight of Delin was enough to know she was upset; Diana just wanted to comfort her. Wrapping her arms around Delin, she slowly stroked her head and whispered into her ear. Saying calming words as she slowly began to kiss her forehead.

“It’s alright honey; you just had a little accident. We all have them, its ok now, Mommies here. Shhhhh shhhhh.”

Slowly cooing her daughter with calming sounds, singing a little lullaby as she rocked her in her loving embrace, Diana just wanted to settle Delin Down.

“Theirs nothing wrong with this honey, Did you have a bad day?”

August 19th, 08, 09:38 PM
Delin gave a sigh of relief as her mother put her to rest on her shoulder. she felt very comforted by her now. "Yes.... All the clids at school made fun of my size and looks again, then I went to bed with a full bladder...... then this happened." she said tears still leaking down her face. she looked up to her mothers, eyes still a bit watery. she reasted her head against her mothers should lightly, just glade she was here to listen, if only dad was here too.

August 19th, 08, 09:53 PM
“Shhhh Shhhh honey, I’m sorry the kids made fun of you sweetie. They shouldn’t have made fun of you for your size, you are so precious honey. I’m surprise all the boys don’t jump on you, you are so cute.”

Diana stroked Delin head softly, now that she was calmed down it was time to pull the sheets off the bed and get Delin cleaned up.

“I know honey; I wish daddy was here to. He would have understood to.”

Diana took Delin’s head and slowly raised it to look up at her, she smiled at Delin. It was like a mother looking down at her little girl, she gave Delin the face of a caring mother, taking care of her baby.

“Now sweetie, how about you strip down and go take a shower, I’ll get the sheets and make dinner for you and will talk about this later, when you’re a little more comfortable.”

August 19th, 08, 10:03 PM
Delin smiled as she was comforted by her mother. she understood her. "Yes mom, I'll get cleaned up..... and mom, thank you." she said as she left her bed room then stepped into the bathroom. She got cleaned up, taking a 15 minute shower, the getting dressed in her night time cloths seeing as she wasn't going to go off anywere. She wore a light purple shirt and matching bottoms. She looked over to her bed seeing all her sheets off her bed. Delin sighed again and began to walk down the stairs

August 19th, 08, 10:16 PM
After Delin left the room Diana got to work taking all the sheets off of her bed, though Diana didn’t blame her daughter, she was surprised how this happened. Delin had been a little slow on potty training but the sudden return of her wetting problem baffled her, though she thought nothing more of it and took the sheets down to the wash room. After starting the load she turned to making dinner, once inside the kitchen she wondered what to make. After some delegating she came up with a fish dinner, 15 minutes had passed and Diana was wondering where Delin was.

“Delin honey, Dinner will be ready soon.”

Diana put out the plates and utensils on the table, even a place for Steve; she hadn’t gotten use to not putting a plate out for him. It would be about this time he would get home, he would come home and say, “What no meatloaf!” then he would have asked where his little angel was and when she would come down he would lift her up in the air. He was a big man 6,1 and he loved how his daughter was small, he would say that a father could never be more blessed then to be able to lift his daughter so high up now like when she was 6 years old, even though Delin was older Diana still believed she loved it just as much as she did when she was young.


A tear rolled down Diana, then another one. She started to break down, sitting down in Steve’s spot she curled up and started to silently cry. However it was quick knowing she didn’t want Delin to see her crying.

“Honey dinner ready.”

August 19th, 08, 10:37 PM
Delin walked into the dining room, see saw her mother crying for a second on the table. It had onl been a short time since her father died, both of them missed him very much. Delin missed how he would pick her up and play with her as if she was still his little baby. She knew the her mother missed him even more, of to her, they seemed like soulmates. Delin quickly turned the corner before her mother lifted her head off the table and called out to her. Smiling she walked into the room only to notice that she set a pate for her father. It almost brought her to tears again, but she held it in. "All clean, so what's for dinner mom?" she asked as she sat herself down at her normal set at the table. She looked up to her mother, and smelled the aroma of fish coming into the room. "Your famous fish! This just made my whole day better mother!" she said excitedly.

August 19th, 08, 10:49 PM
“Well thank you Sweetie, you know that I may be good with fish, but soon I’ll make my famous spaghetti.”

Diana only gave a small laugh, she was ok with the fish, Steve was the cook of the family. Diana moved the food to the table and set it down; with the plates she placed some fish, broccoli and chips on Delin plate. Diana smiled a little she would see if she could get her to eat some vegetable. Like a child Delin could be, fussy but that’s what she loved about her. It was that innocent attitude that brought a tear to her eye when she though of her baby girl, what she would do to rewind the cloak and start over again. Take her back to the day when life was simpler, when she would run into her hands and hug her, laugh and smile but Diana knew Delin was a growing girl and would become a successful woman.

“Now honey, your sheets won’t be ready tonight, so how about sleeping with mommy tonight for old time sake?”

August 19th, 08, 11:01 PM
"Oh boy your famous spaghetti, I think we will both need some tums after that meal." she said trying to lighten the mood. Delin looked at the fish, broccoli, and chips on her plate. She grimaced at the broccoli, she did hate vegetables, but.... she would put up with it tonight, she wanted to cause the least amount of problems possible for her mother. Taking a fork in hand she stuck it into the broccoli and put it into her mouth. It took a while for her to chew it but she did. She looked up to her mother and smiled.

"I would bee happy to sleep with you tronight mother, hopefully i won't have anymore problems." she said jokingly

August 19th, 08, 11:23 PM
“O sweetie, you won’t have that problem again, you just had a bad day. O doesn’t think that, you know that I will always love you sweetie, no matter what you do. You’re my baby girl and I love you, besides if your worried I think I still have some pull ups in my closet up stairs if you’re worried.”

Diana laughed a little bit as she said that last sentence; it was meant as a joke to Denil. She laughed and smiled at her daughter, when she finished dinner Diana took her plate to the kitchen sink.

“I can take care of the dishes honey, if you want to watch TV or have some fun.”

August 19th, 08, 11:29 PM
"Yeah I think I will wear the pull ups." She said laughing as she gave her mom her plate. "Thank you for dinner mom." she said as she walked over tot he couch and sat down. She took the remote in hand and turned on the tv. "Hey mom Lost, and hereos are on, You wanna watch one with me?" she asked

August 19th, 08, 11:42 PM
Diana turned to Delin suddenly, she said she would take the pull up, Diana was surprised with this answer, though reconsidering it Delin was probably just being safe. They didn’t know if she would wet the bed again, but at least Delin was considering her mother;s worries. Diana walked over to her and kissed her on the head.

“Ok honey, I’ll watch TV with you, but give me a second I have to go get you a pull up.”

Diana walked up the stairs to her bedroom, walking into her closet she moved some bocks and produced a box of large pull ups for little girls, they were made for girls younger, but Delin hadn’t grown much in her life so they would still fit well on her. Grabbing two just in case, she walked back down stares and into the living room.

“Ok sweetie, here’s the pull ups.”

Diana handed the pull up to Delin.

August 19th, 08, 11:47 PM
Delin looked up in shock as hr mother took her seriously. "Mom... I was joking you know?" she said as she put the pull up next to her. She honestly didn't think she had any more of these, they must have been a few years old, but come on her mom didn't think she was going to wear these? she just looked at the pull up, staring at it.

August 19th, 08, 11:55 PM
“O, I’m sorry dear, I thought you were serious, I’m so sorry.”

Diana took back the pull ups, she was a little embarrassed, but after going back up stairs and putting away the pull ups she got back to the couch and began giggling to herself. the thought of her daughter back in the cute pull up was enough to make her laugh.

“I actually though you meant what you said honey, I’m sorry now that I look at it, I understand… but my baby is so cute.”

Diana grabbed and squeezed her cheek a little, then kissed her head. They both sat back and began to watch TV.

August 20th, 08, 12:04 AM
"Ow mom," she giggled as she pinched her cheek. There the two sat watching t.v for about two hours. Finally Delin gave a yawn. "Mom.... i'm getting sleepy, I think I'm going to go to bed." she said as she rubbed her eyes. She leaned over and kissed her cheek. then headed up the stair to her mother's room. Once there she went into her mother's bathroom, brushed her teeth, and used her mother's bathroom, to prevent what happend early that evening. She then slipped underneath the covers of the blankets and waited for her mother to come in.

August 20th, 08, 12:16 AM
Diana couldn’t keep her eyes open my longer, she wasn’t as young as she used to be. Delin had only left her 10 minutes ago, but Diana was feeling the long day. She walked up into her room; Delin was already under the covers. Most likely waiting for her to get in so she could cuddle up with her, Diana smiled at the though of her daughter sleeping in her bed, she hadn’t done it in many years, since she was little.

“One second honey, I have to change.”

Diana walked into her walk in closet and changed out of her close. She caught herself in the mirror naked, a little bit older, but she still felt she could turn a head. She turned back and forth in the mirror, her long brown hair curled around her face, though the days of boys and kissing had passed her, and she still felt she could drop a few hearts.

“You still look good.”

Diana slipped her night gown over her head and slipped into bed, she kissed her daughter on the head and turned of the light.

“Good night.”

August 20th, 08, 12:26 AM
Delin smiled as er mother got into bed. Hugging her she said "Night mommy, and I love you." then she went back to her spot and fell into a fast deep sleep. It was late that night perhaps around 1:30 in the morning when she woke up in a sweat, screaming. She felt dapmness between her legs. Reaching down, she felt wet, again.

August 20th, 08, 12:44 AM
Diana slept peacefully in her bed, she had an easier time falling asleep this night, and it must have been because she wasn’t alone, she was happy to have her daughter here. But she was quickly woken by the sound of screaming, turning to her daughter she looked at her scared.

“Honey what’s wrong?”

Her eyes moved over to the dark stain on the bed, Delin had wet the bed again. Diana knew that Delin didn’t mean to do it. She could see she was falling apart, Diana had to comfort her. She took her into her arms and held her.

“Delin its ok, will see the doctor tomorrow? I promise I’ll take care of you.”

August 20th, 08, 12:55 AM
Delin hugged her mom. "Mom.... I had a bad dream and..... and..... then this." she said crying more and more. She finally stopped and sniffled as her mom said they would see a doctor, that seemed to be the best solution at this point. "Mom... I think I will take a pull up now." she said as she now clearly needed them.

August 20th, 08, 01:42 AM
“We all have bad dreams honey, shhh shhh shhh. Mommies got you, nothing going to harm you, not while I’m around."

Diana held her tight; she was so worried for her daughter. She was her mother and she could do nothing, deep down she felt helpless and began to cry a little, but only for a moment. She had to be strong for her daughter. When Delin said she wanted a pull up Diana only rubbed her head up and down Delin’s own, she rather not, but she had to.

“Ok honey, I’ll get you a pull up.”

Getting out of bed Diana walked over to her closet and grabbed a pull up. She walked back over to Delin and placed them on the bed.

“Ok sweetie, change your clothes, ill change the sheets, I have some spare in the closet.”

August 20th, 08, 01:56 AM
The pull up was pick and had a yellow ducky on the front of itDelin nodded and sniffled again as she took the pull up and walked over to the bathroom.. there she took off her pants and panties. then very carryfully put her legs though the holes in the pull up, then pulling it up around her waist. It felt comfortable..... for some reason around her. She walked out of the bathroom, pull ups around her waist. "Am I good Mommy?" she asked ducky infront of her, not sure if it was on entirely right.

August 20th, 08, 02:10 AM
Diana could help but smile and giggle when her little girl came out from the bathroom, only in a night shirt and a pull up. She was so cute, even more when she asked if the pull up was on right, a little smile and laugh escaped her.

“Yes sweetie, you look adorable. If only your father could have seen you like this.”

Diana walked over to Delin, adjusting the pull up and feeling if it was on correct. Diana saw she had done well putting it on. Looking at the little ducky on the front Diana remembered when Delin would tell her when the ducky had disappeared; Delin always got a kick out of that.

“Now you remember, if the ducky goes bye bye. Then come to me and I’ll get you another pull up.”

Diana said with a little innocent tone, as if talking to a little girl. She kissed Delin on the head and went back to re-sheeting the bed.

August 20th, 08, 02:20 AM
Delin blushed in embaracement. "Thank you mom for reminding me, but hopefully the ducky will still be there in the morning, less embaracement for me and you I think. I better your right too, dad would get an abssolute kick out of seeing me like this" she said as she stood near the bed. "So mom.... do you think we can get an early morning appointment for the doctors? I wanna find out whats causing this as soon as possible you know." she said as her mother finished up resheeting the bed. "
I'm sorry for wetting your sheets mom real sorry." she said

August 20th, 08, 02:34 AM
“I’ll call the doctor as soon as possible tomorrow morning, at least theirs one good thing about all this. You’ll get out of going to school tomorrow, so those mean bullies wont bother you tomorrow.”

Diana had just finished doing the sheets when her daughter apologized for wetting the sheet, she could see the sadness in her daughter eyes. Diana never wanted her to feel sorry for this.

“Sweetie you don’t need to say you’re sorry, the sheets weren’t your fault, you just couldn’t control yourself. Honey, you are my pride and joy, I would never hate you, I love you and you could never embarrass me, even in a pull up.”

Diana hugged her little girl, she loved her dearly and care so much.

“ ok little lady, I believe its passed someone’s bed time.”

Diana pointed to her bed, a stern face came over her, even though it was just a joke.

"Don't make me have to lay you across my knee and spank you, your father was a kind man, but i laid my hand across your hinee plenty of times."

August 20th, 08, 02:40 AM
Delin looked up and giggled at first, but then she mentioned the spankings..... She remembered the spanking and they hurt alot. It had also been about 9 years since her last one, and there was no way in hell she was going to break that record. "Yes mom, I'll get to bed," she said crawling into her side of the sheets. Covering up she laid her head on the pillow. "Night mommy, again." she said her eyes getting very heavy once again

August 20th, 08, 02:50 AM
“Good night Princess, Pleasant dream, and don’t worry Princess will find out what’s wrong.”

Diana got into bed and tucked herself in, slowly moving over to her daughter’s side. she lay beside her and slowly started singing a lullaby. An old song she used to sing to her when she was 9 years old.

“Sweet dreams my little angel, tomorrow will be better, I promise.”

August 20th, 08, 02:56 AM
Delin fell asleep soon as the lullaby was finished, and there Delin stayied till the morning. She awoke with lights first glare. She yawned and looked around, realizing that last night wasn't a dream. She came out of the bed, and looked down at her pull ups, the ducky half way gone. She must have leaked a little last night, but not by much. She looked over at her mother seeing if she was still sleeping, which she was. Delin counldn't think of weither or not to wake her, but then she said. "Mommy.... I wet myself a little again, and its morning." looking at her she would see if she would awake.

August 20th, 08, 03:09 AM
Diana hadn’t slept well last night; she was so worried about her daughter that it took her another hour before falling asleep. Though once she was asleep she slept like a rock, even passed the early morning. It took her daughter to wake her up; Diana rolled head and looked at her little daughter.

“Hay pumpkin, how did you sleep?”

Her eyes went down to her pull up, half stained and half the duck gone. It was ok; Diana had expected this and wasn’t scared. She got out of her bed and stood next to Delin, she put her hand in front of the pull up then down inside. It was wet inside, she had leaked a little but she was alright with it.

“Ok Princess, let me get you another pull up.”

Diana walked back into her closet and got another pull up; she gave it to Delin and walked back into the closet to get dressed.

August 20th, 08, 03:15 AM
Delin watched as her mother felt the pull ups, herslef blushing from embaracement once again. "I slepted fine, had a decent sleep, but I can't believe I slept though a wetting." she said as her mother went over to get anouther pull up. When her mother came back, Delin took it in her hand, then went to the bathroom, making the change quick. She came out of the bathroom with her new pull up, this one with a rabbit on it, in her other hand her old one. "Mommy.. were do you want me to put this?" she asked holding the old on up. SHe then thought about what she might wear today, probilble something easy tto take off since they were going to the doctors.

August 20th, 08, 03:33 AM
“I’ll take that Pumpkin.”

Diana took the half wet pull up in her hand and threw it in the garbage, their was no need for a diaper hamper, luckily her little princess wasn’t pooping her pants. Diana walked over the phone next to her bed and dialed the local Kaiser for a doctor’s appointment. It didn’t take long for her to connect.

“Yes, hello… can I get an appointment for Delin Johnson to see Dr. Snider… thank you so much.”

Diana walked over and grabbed her purse, then walked up to Delin room door and knocked on it. She knew that Delin was changing into something pleasant.

“Angel, I got you an appointment in an hour and a half. Be ready soon, we have to take off in a half an hour sweetie. What kind of breakfast do you want?”

August 20th, 08, 03:46 AM
Delin was changing when her mom called into her room "Mom i'm not hungry, besides the doctors might now want me to have eaten yet." she said as she took off her night time top and put on a small white b cup bra, then a whit shirt to match. Then leaving her pull up on she grabbed a pair of blue jeans and slipped them on, the pull ups crinkling a little as she did. She blushed walking around the room as now the pull ups crinkled a little. She could believe she didn't noticed it last night. She shock off her embacement and walked out the door. "Mom I'm ready." she said walking down the stairs, crinkling all the way.

August 20th, 08, 03:59 AM
Diana heard Delin as she walked down the stairs; a slight crinkle in her step as she came down, though no one would have noticed unless listening for it, Diana knew Delin was a little nervous about today

“Ok pumpkin, everything will be alright, your fine. It’s just a little problem, just a little accident… ok.”

Delin and Diana walked out into the Garage and jumped into her car; Diana raised the garage door and drove out. Her hand always on her daughters, she wanted to comfort her, but Diana didn’t know what was wrong. In truth she was a little worried, her daughter was wetting the bed and she didn’t know why. Maybe stress or maybe medical.

“Sweetie, you got to be strong for mommy ok.”

August 20th, 08, 04:07 AM
delin clutched her mothers hand "Yes mom I will, we just need to fined out what is this problem." she said as they walked to the car. Leaving hermothers hand she walked over to her side and hoped in her carseat, sit being to light weight wise to ride with out it. She reached over and got her seat belt , strapping herself in. If it wasn't bad enough she had to wear a pull up, she was in her car seat now. She sigh "Ok mom lets get going." she said her legs dangling off the carseat.

August 20th, 08, 04:15 AM
Ok sweetie.”

Diana drove Delin all the way to Kaiser medical facility, her feet dangling from the car seat. No matter how many times she looked at her in that seat she was always reminded of the young Delin kicking her feet into mommy’s back seat. A small laugh came from Diana.

“How are you sweet, are you ok? Are you alright? You’re not feeling hot or clammy? Is your pull up wet?”

Diana worried about her daughter so much, she was like a worried mother whose child just ate a quarter. She was going to worry herself to death, she held her hand again, more for herself then for Delin.

“I love you Sweetie.”

August 20th, 08, 04:21 AM
Delin smiled "No mom, i'm fine , im not hot or clammy, and im not wet ok." she said still embaraced as they drove away from the house. "I love you too mom." she said Delin knew her mother worried about her, but she thought perhaps she worried to much, she knew they would be nothing wrong.... right?

August 20th, 08, 04:29 AM
Diana pulled the car into the parking lot of the clinic, she was able to get a good spot in front of the Kaiser building. She unbuckled and stepped out of the car, Delin got out and the two walked into the clinic. Walking through the hallways of the building Diana and Delin made their way to their appointment, once entering the room Diana turned to Delin.

“Hay sweetie, could you sit over their while I confirm your appointment.”

Diana turned to the women and started talking to her, moments later Diana walked back over to where Delin was an sat down beside her.

August 20th, 08, 04:34 AM
Delin sat were she was told, but she couldn't help but look at all the little toys around the office. they looked fun, but she was a big girl now. So instead she looked at the large fish tank in the Kaiser office. "Mom I'm gonna look at the fishies ok." she said as she got up, walked over to the tank and started to look at the fish as they swim.

August 20th, 08, 04:41 AM
“Ok Sweetie, you can look. Are appointment isn’t for another few minutes.”

Diana watched as her daughter walked over to the fish tank, Diana on the other hand took up a magazine laying on the table next to her. It was typical home and garden, she loved the backyards of these homes. The beautiful colors of the floors and the back yard landscaping my amazing, pity she didn’t have this when Delin was young she would have loved it.

August 20th, 08, 04:44 AM
Deln smiled as she looked at the fish, she always liked looking at the salt water tank because the fish calmed her down before she saw the doctor. Her mother was right thought it wasn't long before they were called by a nurse

August 20th, 08, 04:57 AM
“Mrs. Johnson the doctor will see you now.”

The clinic aid said to Diana, she turned her head and thanked the women. Looking over at Delin, she called for her to follow, the two walked down the hall into a small room where the aid left them to sit for a moment. Diana sat down on the chair; he looked over a Delin as she stood in the middle of the room.

“Honey, you might want to sit up on the special medical chair while you wait for the doctor, and do you feel alright?”

August 20th, 08, 02:26 PM
Delin looked all around the doctor's office as they walked though. She was always afraid of the doctor's office since she was little, but for some reason more so today then any other day. She did claim herself down as they got to her examination room. there she stood until her mother asked her to sit down, so she did. "Yeah mom, I feel.... fine." she said nevious look on her face. No sooner had she gotten up onto the examination chair, the doctor walked inside.

"Hello there Ms...... Johnson." he said with a smile as he flipped though a clip board ready for a very busy day. "Now what seems to be the problem?" he asked as he walked over to Delin looking into her eyes with a flashlight.

August 21st, 08, 01:13 AM
“Well Doctor just starting yesterday my daughter Delin has been wetting the bed while she slept. I know it’s out of her control and I’m worried about her, she hasn’t done this since she was 5 years old and to just start for no reason seemed strange to me.”

Diana tried to stay calm as the doctor quickly looked over her, checking her ears and mouth. Shining a light into her eyes to check her reaction, the doctor stayed calm through the whole thing.

“I was wondering if you could have a full body examination or a Kat-scan.”

August 21st, 08, 01:27 AM
"A Kat-scan I can do, if you don't mind waiting here." he said "you see not enough room in the operating room for the two of us." he said as he looked at Delin. this indeed was a very pecualuar case. "Please come with me Delin." he said. Delin did just that as she hopped off the examination table. taking the docvtor's hand, she quickly looked back at her mother, then went with the docto as they left the safe little room.

August 21st, 08, 01:45 AM
“Don’t worry sweetie, mommy will be here when you get out of your examination.”

Diana held her hand one last time before watching her leave with doctor Snider. Diana sat in her chair for a moment, until the clinic aid lead her back to the waiting room where she would wait for her daughter.

“Everything will be alright.”

Diana whispered to herself as she sat down in the waiting room.

August 21st, 08, 01:52 AM
A few hours pass when Doctor Snider comes back with Delin, who was sucking on a lolly pop at the time. "Delin why don't you sit in here for a minute while I talk to your mommy outside and let her know what's going on." he said as he sat Delin down on a chair. "Ms. Johnson like I said, would you come outside with me so I can fill you in with what is going on." he said with a grimace on his face. Delin had the same look, knowing what was going on with her.

August 21st, 08, 02:09 AM
Diana’s face sank at the heard the news, though Diana was keeping her cool she knew this would be the worst thing for hr daughter. Diana looked back at the door where her daughter was.

“Of course Doctor Snider.”

Diana patted her daughter on the head as she left the room. Diana walked with Dr. Snider outside of the room and into the hallway. She was a little worried, the Doctor and Delin already knew what was the matter, hopefully it was nothing serious.

“Ok Doctor, what is the matter with my little girl.”

August 21st, 08, 02:22 AM
"Its your daugher's..... size Ms. Johnson. Your daughter's size has cause most of her organs to be smaller then other, but now that she is getting older and growing a bit most of her organs have gotten bigger as well, except her bladder and retum. you see, they have remained small and since that is the cause they can't keep up with what the rest of her requires, so her bladder has shut down, and nerves has been shot, her retum will soon follow. this means she has lost the control to pee, and well... her ability to poop controllablely will again soon follow. There is no cure, I am terrible sorry. My suggestion would be to home school her to prevent her from being embaraced, which can lead to severe depression, and another suggedtion would be to buy real heavy duty diapers, for the pull ups will not last." he said "Again, I'm sorry, no charge for the vist, take your time leaving." he said

August 21st, 08, 02:34 AM
Diana’s face sank at the heard the news, though Diana was keeping her cool she knew this would be the worst thing for hr daughter. Diana looked back at the door where her daughter was.

“I’ll do that Doctor and thank you.”

Diana walked back into the clinic and walked over to desk, Delin was still sucking on her lolly pop. Diana just smiled at her so cute with the lolly pop; she walked back to the desk and asked for a few extras. The aid gave her a few and Diana walked over to Delin.

“Ok sweetie, we have to go by the clinic before going home.”

August 21st, 08, 02:38 AM
Delin looked up to her mother and nodded, a tear comming down her face, knowing what was destined to happen. She took her mother's hand and began to walk outside with her. She quickly got in her car seat and strapped in, tears comming down her face, now upset as could be.... she was going to wear diapers for the rest of her life.

August 21st, 08, 02:50 AM
Diana drove the car down to the clinic she worked at; the pharmacy had the supplies she would need. It was a tragedy that her daughter had to go back to diapers, she watched as the tears flowed down her face.

“Honey, its ok. Home schooling won’t be so bad. And as for your diaper needs… there is no shame in that, it’s something we will have to live with.

Diana took her daughters hand, holding it tight she was at least glad Delin didn’t have cancer or a disease. However this was an unfortunate problem, but they would get through it. The car pulled into the pharmacy’s parking lot and Diana parked in the back.

“Ok honey, I want you to come here with me to check your size.”

August 21st, 08, 02:57 AM
Delin started to stop crying a little as her mother understood her a bit, and way happy she wasn't mad at her. But when she heard about going into the clinic she got worried again. "Mom, what if someone sees me?" she began to ask as they pulled into the clinics parking lot.

August 21st, 08, 03:04 AM
“I know, but we will be going through the back door, no one will see you honey.”

Diana saw that Delin was already embarrassed enough from this whole event and Diana didn’t want to push it on.

“Ok honey, you stay here, I’ll go get the diapers.”

Diana exited the car and walked into the back of the clinic. A few minutes later Diana walked out carrying a large bag filled with diapers Delin’s size. She put the diapers in the back seat and got back into the car.

“Ok honey lets go home.”

Diana didn’t say anything all the way back, though she did hand Delin another lolly pop when she finished her first one.

August 21st, 08, 03:15 AM
Delin looked at the diapers that her mother got, the seemed her size, big and fluffy. "Did you get the baby poweder, and wipes too? I don't want a rash." She said as she took the lollipop her mother gave her and popped it into her mouth, its flavor was cherry. Suddenly she felt a warmness in her pull ups. "Mom..... i thnk I wet myself again." she said

August 21st, 08, 03:25 AM
“Of course Honey I got the wipes and baby powder, I would want my baby to get a rash. I also got some lotion and creams for your hine, protect your bum. Some special tools to help clean out your bum and other a few other things. ”

Just then the look filled Delin’s face, Diana knew what had happen. She knew Delin had wet herself. they haven’t even entered the house yet before Delin wet herself; she led Delin into the bathroom, caring the bag.

“Ok honey, do you know how to do this?”

August 21st, 08, 03:32 AM
Delin quickly walked with her mother to the bathroom for a change. once they got in the house and got to the bsthroom, Delin felt a bit better about the hold situation. She looked at her mother. "Mommy.... I have no idea how to do this, I was just wondering..... if its no trouble, would you change me like I was when I was little, always?" she asked into her mother's eyes hoping she would understand.

August 21st, 08, 04:08 AM
Diana reached into the cubert and pulled out a blanket, setting it on the ground he turned to Delin.

“Of course sweetie, I didn’t expect you to know how to. Lay down on the bathroom floor, on the blanket.”

Delin did as she was told; laying her out on the blanket Diana reached into the bag and pulled out the whips, powder, diapers, and lotions. Pulling out the diaper Diana lifted her Daughter by her hind legs and slid the diaper under her bum. Placing her down on top of it she continued by wiping her bum and vagina clean with the baby wipes, after finishing, she applied powder to her bottom. The last thing she took the lotion and put it on her finger, taking the lotion she rammed it into Delin rectum and sliding it in and out. After pampering her daughter Diana gently grabbed the front of the diaper, and pulled it up. Delin laid back as Diana folded the diaper over her front. Diana attached the velcro tabs of the diaper and patted the front.

“You can go get into something comfortable; I’ll call in take out and will start home school tomorrow, for today my little baby can take the day off.”

August 22nd, 08, 12:27 AM
Delin squirmed a bit as the lotion was put in her butt. She felt.... wierd with her diaper on, She guessed this would be how it is for the rest of her life. she looked up to her mom. "Thank you for putting up with me mom, I just didn't want to be a burden you know, but let me ask you a question, What was with the lotion in my butt?" she asked

August 22nd, 08, 04:14 AM
“O honey its ok, no matter what happens I will always take care of you. The lotion for your bum is to make sure when you do lose control and make a poopy that it doesn’t smell bad.”

Diana patted her daughters bum, as she walked away she would see a little waddle in her step from the thickness. Diana could only giggle a little, she though Delin looked so cute with it on. Just as she was about to leave Diana couldn’t resist but to play with her.

“I’ll go warm my baby girl a bottle of milk, help her get to sleep tonight and keeps her from getting cranky.”

Diana laughed a little, then quickly apologized to Delin

August 22nd, 08, 04:24 AM
Delin glared at her mother as she walked away. THis was serious, she could no longer control herself, and she was making baby jokes now. She turned and walked away to her room. She began to search though her cloths in her room, and quickly found a light blue top with a picture ogf cute bunnies on it. This shirt had always made her smile. She took off her curent shirt tossing it aside, then slipping her own shirt over her body. Delin smiled once again and bbegan to look for pants, even trying a few on up because of the tickness of the diaper, she could no longer fit in her pants. She sihged again and walked back down the stairs and sat on the couch, relaxing a bit in she shirt and diaper.

August 22nd, 08, 04:58 AM
When Diana saw Delin come down stares with her face cringed up and sad she knew she had gone too far with her joke. She really didn’t mean to take it out of hand like that, and the joke never was intended to make fun of her situation. However Diana had done her wrong, even as she sat down on the couch in only her diaper and cute bunnies’ shirt, the one she always wore when she was sad. The situation was upon them, Delin would have to stay this way forever. Diana walked over to the couch and put her arms around Delin, rocking her gently she spoke calming words to her.

“Mommies not been very nice has she, she isn’t taking Delin seriously. She been making fun of you and the unfortunate illness. Mommies sorry honey, what can mommy do to make things all better for her little Angel?”

August 22nd, 08, 05:06 AM
Delin smiled as her mother started to comfort her again. "I don't know perhaps stop refering to yourself in the first person." she said laughing., She leaned against her mother's shoulder sighing in a bit of relief. "Well if you can make some diner that might make me feel better." she said blushing a little as she wrapped her arms around her mother, giving her a big hug.

August 22nd, 08, 05:14 AM
“Very well, mother will stop talking like this and as for dinner?”

Just as she said those last words the door bell rang, Diana finished her hug and beeped her noise.

“Mommy got pizza for her little pumpkin, so if Delin want some food, Mommy will get it.”

Diana kissed Delin repeatedly like a bird pecking her face, it was playful before Diana got up and walked to the front door, and she paid the boy and took the pizza. She closed the door and walked back into the living room where Delin was still seated. She set the pizza down on the coffee table and opened it.

“Dig in.”

August 22nd, 08, 05:19 AM
"Oh boy Pizza, looks like we won't need those tums after all for your famous spaghetti." she said laughing as she walked over grabbing a slice of pizza. only to burn her wrist a little on the hot pizza. Ouch!....... Mommy......" she whined, tears in her eyes a little, "I burned myself." she said her other hand holding her wrist. A tear came slowly down her face, even though the burn wasn't bad at all, but for some reason it just hurt.

August 22nd, 08, 05:29 AM
“Don’t worry honey, spaghetti will be tomorrow. Besides I feel you have had a day worth a little pizza relief.”

Diana grabbed a slice and started eating, though a mother she still loved a slice just as much as her daughter, she was a child in an adults body herself, something’s brought the best out of her and pizza was it. Though she quickly pulled herself from the pizza when her daughter burned herself.

“O be careful, it’s still a little hot, O honey let me look at that.”

Diana slowly took her hand and looked at it. It wasn’t burned, just a little hot; she could already feel the heat leaving her hand. Though it was nothing she had to comfort her, raising her hand to her lips she kissed it better.

“Mommies kisses make everything better pumpkin, it’s alright. You’ll be fine; I know another slice will make that all better. Here let me help you.”

Diana raised a piece to her daughter face, tempting her with a delicious bite.

August 22nd, 08, 05:40 AM
Delin smiled as for some reason, her mother's kiss did make it better. She then looked up to the piece her mother held infront of her, opened her mouth, and took a bite of it. SHe giggled as she mother was right, now the kiss and pizza made it all better. "Thank you Mommy." she said smiling as she kissed her cheek, then took up the pizza in her mother's hands, putting it into her own. She quickly finished it all off, then helped herself to another piece. She was happy, She hadn't had pizza since her father passed away, and she had missed it. She was perhaps half way though her second ice when er diaper felt wet, she looked down, and ehr diaper was yellow. She sighed, so it began, the rest of her life like this. "Mommy.... I wet myself, but can I finish diner first before mommy changes me?" she asked in a childish voice.

August 22nd, 08, 05:48 AM
“Of course Princess, you can finish your pizza, besides these diapers are made for big girls like you. They hold a lot, besides it probably doesn’t feel that bad.”

Diana gooshe gooshe goo her daughter chin as Delin talked in her childish voice, Diana hugged her daughter and brought her in close. Seeming unable to let her go, she was her pride her joy and loved her so much.

“Tomorrow I want you in your school uniform, which includes a clean dress shirt and your mini skirt. Besides looking at the diaper you probably would have a hard time with pants, will have to figure something out.”

August 22nd, 08, 05:55 AM
Delin giggled at her mother, but she wonder why the uniform. "Mom I thought I wasn't going to school anymore?" she said as she hugged her mother tightly, not wanting to let go of her firm warm grip.

August 22nd, 08, 06:02 AM
“You may not be going to school young lady but your still schooling just here at home so I expect some small bit of professionalism, though it you don’t want to. I’m curtain that we can arrange that you can home school in only a diaper.”

Diana whipped the pizza from her daughters messy face, she seemed a little messier then usual though Diana though Delin was only playing. She placed her head on Delin and started to sing to her.

“Would my little honey bunny prefer that.”

August 22nd, 08, 10:56 PM
She looked up to her mother and couldn't tell if you was joking of not. "No mommy no, I'm fine, I'll come to school in my school cloths." she said as she squirmed a little as her mother whipped her face clean of pizza. She might have been in a diaper but she wasn't a baby (not yet at least)

"Mom i'm full now.... can we change my diaper?" she asked

August 23rd, 08, 01:23 AM
“Good sweetie, I’m glad you understand.”

Diana finished wiping the pizza from her face and threw the dirt napkin away; as soon as she did Delin said she was full and was ready for another diaper change.

“Certainly, but next time I want more out of you before I change you, these diapers are expensive and their made for more then just a little pee.”

Diana went back into the bathroom and grabbed her diaper bag, she came back to the couch and without hesitation she laid Delin down right on the soft carpet of the living room next to the coach they had sat on. Un-taping the Velcro from the diaper she lifted Delin by her legs and took the diaper from under her bottom. Throwing it away she quickly wiped her private areas clean with baby wipes and powdered her. Taking a fresh diaper she set it back under her bottom and taped the Velcro back up.

“Their all nice and clean, anything else princess?”

August 23rd, 08, 01:31 AM
she laid on the carpet as her mother changed her diapers. All the while she wondered what she ment by, more then a little pee in them. "I guess she want me to pee more..." she though cause she still had bowel control for now, and she wasn't going to loss that control for a while. When she was all cleaned up and taped into her new diaper she lended and hugged her mother. "THank wu mommy." she said blushing horrible as she realized that she had spoken in baby talk for a second. "I think some tv would be nice for now till I have to go to bed." she said

August 23rd, 08, 05:56 AM
“ok sweetie, I’m tired and getting to old for late nights, will start schooling tomorrow early, be ready at 8 am so we can get it all done.”

Diana got up from the couch and put away the pizza in the fridge, Diana kissed her daughter on the forehead as she walked upstairs into her room. Walking into her closet she got into her night gown and settled into her bed she quickly fell asleep.

August 23rd, 08, 06:05 AM
Delin nodded and watched her mother go up stairs to her room. She looked at the clock, and it was a little late, she thought it be best to get to bed too, lucky for her she had clean sheets now. SHe went into her room, feeling no need to change, and hoped into bed. She hoped it would be a good nights sleep anyway.

It was late in the night when suddenly there was a hiss, and a plop. Delin slepted though the whole thing, not awaking

August 23rd, 08, 06:14 AM
Diana woke from a sleep filled night, the unfortunate events that had happened yesterday now seemed like a dream, and she slowly pulled herself out of bed and got into the shower. She had plenty of time; it was only 6:45. As she washed up she became a little tense about today’s events. Delin needed to be home schooled, and Diana was the teacher. Diana knew she could do it but she needed to relieve some stress, as she showered she slowly crept her hands down between her legs and began caressing herself. Slowly at first but building pressure she began to moan, growing load with every thrust until stiffening with an orgasm. Laying back she caught her breath.

“That should relieve some stress.”

She got out of the shower and got dresses in a nice Sunday dress, bright flower displays protruded on it. She had to admit it looked good. Walking down stairs she saw Delin wasn’t up, she got all her school supplies ready for her and even made her breakfast before walking up to Delin's door and knocking on it.

“Honey wake up. Schools starting soon.”

August 23rd, 08, 06:19 AM
Delin grunted and turned over, her dirty diaper faceing her mother, no blanket on her body. She had heard nothing that went on before hand in the house, she only new she wanted to sleep longer. "More minutes mommy." she said as she put her finger into her mouth.

August 23rd, 08, 06:28 AM
“O no you don’t.”

Diana walked into Delin's room; the poor girl had tossed and turned in her bed so much she had ripped the covers from her bed. She lay naked but a diaper and her shirt, and the diaper had a little surprise in it from what Diana saw. She walked over to Delin and with out waking her she began to change her diaper.

“Looks like my little baby girl has left me a present.”

Grabbing the diaper bag Diana began to change Delin dirty diaper, she had pooped in it, but luckily the lotion in her bum prevented it from stinking up the room. She quickly cleaned her and applied more lotion in her bum; diapering her back up Diana grabbed Delin’s big toe, wobbling back and forth she called out to her.

“Come on honey wakie wakie.”

August 23rd, 08, 06:38 AM
Delin woke up a little as her mother applied more lotion to her bum, not really knowing what was going on. She rubbed her eyes and woke up to see her mother holding a dirty diaper. "What happened did I wet the bed again?" she asked not knowing she had finally lost control of her retum too.

August 23rd, 08, 06:43 AM
“Yes you did honey, but you also lost control of your rectum.”

Diana threw the dirty diaper away in the diaper pale. She walked over to Delin closet and pulled out a shirt, skirt, socks, and shoes.

“Get dressed honey, time for school.”

with that Diana left and closed Delin's door.

August 23rd, 08, 06:49 AM
Delin started to sob a bit at her mother told her she had finally lost control of her retum now. SHe hadn't expected it to happen so soon. She had no choice now, she put on the shirt, skirt, socks, and shoes. she had no reason to do her hair, why would she? She was now a grown baby! She walked down the stairs and to the livingroom, then sat down. "Mom ...... I'm ready." she said today being the worst day of her life.

August 23rd, 08, 06:53 AM
“Have some breakfast first honey, then will jump on your history lesson.”

Diana saw the look her daughter had when she came down stairs, she hated to see her Daughter so miserable, and walking over to her she put her hands around her and hugged her, then whispering into her ear.

“What would make this day more enjoyable honey, please help me out, I can see your really having a crummy day, help mommy out, what do you need?”

August 23rd, 08, 06:57 AM
"Mom.... Im a 14 year old girl who pees and poops in a diaper.... anything would make me feel better then this." she said weakly as she made her way over to the table, looking at the silver wear. What was the point of it? SHe just might as well use her hands of have her mom feed her

August 23rd, 08, 07:02 AM
Diana saw that her daughter had lost hope in everything; a small tear had settled in her eye lid, she could shake the sadness she felt.

“How about after you’re done with breakfast we skip today’s learning activities and we do what you want to do.”

Diana eyes her daughter; anything was better then what they were doing now.

August 23rd, 08, 07:07 AM
"I don't know what I wouuld want to do today mom..... I just a big baby is all I am." she said hugging her mom tightly, if only her father were here. "lets just do the lesson." she said another tear comming down her cheek, she hoped maybe a little learning, dispite the fact she hatted it, would lighten her mood.

August 23rd, 08, 07:13 AM
“Ok honey will do the lessons today. That’s my girl, stay strong honey, being in diapers isn’t all bad. Sometimes you got to look at the positives.”

Diana got the history books out as Delin ate, teaching her about ancient Roman society and the rise of a Republican government, but also indulging her in their superior military tactic. All and all Diana though she did a good job, but what did Delin think.

“So honey how was that?”

August 23rd, 08, 07:21 AM
Delin ate and listened to every word her mother said, but for some reason, none of it clicked, andhistory was the simplest subject know to man. "Mom....... good lesson, but..... I didn't get it..... maybe something else?" she said as she scrached her head. No republican government or anything like that clicked in her brain.... what was going on

August 23rd, 08, 07:28 AM
Though Diana though she had done a fairly decent job in describing her history lesson, Delin didn’t get it, she put down the history book and pulled out her math book.

“Ok honey how about some math… (9 + X)+1= 8+(2 + X)…what is X? take your time honey.”

August 23rd, 08, 07:33 AM
It took delin about 20 minutes to answer the question, but she finally came up with an answer "Is it 5." she said holding up four fingers in the air. She blinked then looked at her fingers

August 23rd, 08, 07:39 AM
At first Diana smiled, but she quickly took it back when she saw Delin held up four fingers, she held her Daughters hand for a moment.

“Honey are you ok? You feeling alright honey? You answered the question right, but you held up four fingers?

Diana kept her hand on Delin, rubbing it to keep her calm.

August 23rd, 08, 07:44 AM
"I.... don't know what's wrong...... Its just as if my brains have left me." she said as she squirmed around in her chair, the think diaper crinkling. "Maybe I just need to relax.." she said rubbing her head in confusion

August 23rd, 08, 07:49 AM
“I agree honey, lets just take a breather, all this excitement and change in life style has just put you on edge.”

Diana put the book down again and walked over and poured Delin a glass of milk, walking back she handed it to her.

“ I know, lets play a game, what would you like to play honey?”

August 25th, 08, 02:19 AM
Delin took the glass of milk, drinking it down quickly, then looked up tom her mother. "Game, I haven't playied a game in a while, what kind of game did you have in mind mom?" she said as she rocked back and forth in her diaper, making it crinkle more

August 26th, 08, 11:35 PM
“Well let see, how about a board game or a card game, Scrabble, monopoly, Uno?”

Diana was going out on a limb, she was stumped when it came to making her daughter happy, and to tell the truth she had fallen behind on her changing time. The days of her childhood long gone, but she knew that her daughter was getting into that age where she was getting interested into boys. Diana walked back over to Delin.

“You know sweetie, were having spaghetti tonight and you know we’ve been placing a third place so how about I invite someone over for company.”

Diana knew just the person someone Delin’s age, someone who was caring and understanding. She was thinking Jason Hunt, the young man was 17 now and was a quite a looker, 6 feet tall, muscular build and a well behaved gentleman.

“Well honey I was down the street last week with Mrs. Hunt, and she told me the sweatiest thing. Her son has a little crush on you, so how about that nice Hunter boy, Jason Hunt come over and have dinner. Now he’s a nice young man, he’s going to go into the military soon and I bet he would love to have one dinner with us besides his mother tells me he’s nice but he isn’t a very popular person. She tells me he’s having a hard time fitting in. so please will you open up to one dinner?”

August 26th, 08, 11:56 PM
Delin was shooked her mother even mentioned another person even comming into the house. The only other man ever in the house was.... her father. "Mom.... Me like this, with another man in the house, never......" she said "I would rather just it be you me and the silence of the house." she said "Noe sbout those games, how about monopoly." she said in a downing tone

August 27th, 08, 12:04 AM
“Ok honey…Monopoly it is.

Diana walked upstairs into the storage closet and looked through the game box. Monopoly was an old classic, a favorite of Diana. She walked back down and set the game up. After starting Diana started making small talk to Delin about Jason.

“but you wont find it in your heart to open up to him, he a good boy, he’s just a little lonely, you two may have more in common then you think. And as for your little accidents he will not laugh, he will understand. Besides I’ve talked to him before, that boy is so sweet, makes me almost want to date him.”

August 27th, 08, 12:18 AM
Delin tapped her fingers on the table as her mother went up to get the game. She had never told her mother her little secret. she watched her mothe come back down the stairs with the game. Then she head her mother bring up Jason once again, and she just lost her cool. "Well mom, maybe you should date him." she said oviously stressed, a few seconds later she spoke once again. "I'm sorry mom, its just..... I don't like boys." she said blushing

August 27th, 08, 12:23 AM
“Well you don’t like boys? Well then who……O I understand.”

Diana took a moment but she understood what Delin was trying to say, if you haven’t been with a boy, then a girl must be the final choice.

“Have you been with anyone honey, any girls you like? I can have them over for dinner.”

August 27th, 08, 12:32 AM
Delin blushed again as her mother finally understood, but she blushed even more when she was told she could have a girl over. "No mom I haven't been with anyone, Or even had my eye on anyone." she said as she took the hat piece for monopoly. "I'm sorry about what I said mom, and..... if you want I'll have Jason over." she said as she grabbed the dice

August 27th, 08, 12:48 AM
“Its ok honey, I believe you’re a young girl who is just experimenting with different thing, only God knows I did the same things at your age.”

Diana said with a blush, a little shaken up at the discussion. She moved the race car down the path to the next train station, she bought it, thinking it was a sound investment and she would trade it to Delin in time. Then Delin told she could invite Jason over, but Diana knew that wasn’t a good idea, knowing that Jason cared about Delin, but Delin cared nothing about her wouldn’t help.

“No Delin its fine, I know Jason learned along time ago that life is….well complicated to say the least. And he will be fine, he’s a strong man.”

Diana moved her piece again on to Broadway.

“Now, you back to the matter at hand, you like girls but you’ve never been with one, how do you know you like girls?”

August 27th, 08, 01:02 AM
Delin listened to the words her mother said and nodded. "Well mom..... I..... Its hard to explain you know, a few weeks ago, I had a dream I was with another girl, kissing her, licking her neck.... and I woke up... horny." she said with embaracement a she moved her piece to the lectric company space, buying. "And ever since them I have found myself staring at the girls more in the pe room especially Kendra, this girl with big breast in my class, but I know she likes boys so." she sighed and moved her piece to the water company soon buying it too. "I though there was no point in even trying so." she said

August 27th, 08, 01:13 AM
“Their normally isn’t any point in trying, it seems all those who you care for don’t care about you honey, but I’m not one to not try.”

Diana got up from the table and walked over to the phone, dialing a number she connected to the other line. She spoke softly and calmly, even laughing at points.

“Hello, Mrs. Roberts, it’s me Diana Johnson. Anyway were having spaghetti over tonight and I was wondering if Kendra would like to have dinner tonight with us, if its alright with you of course… well thank you Mrs. Roberts I know Delin will be happy to have someone over to talk to, bye.”

Diana walked back to the monopoly game, moving her piece.

August 27th, 08, 01:22 AM
Delin watched her mother go to the kitchen and pick up the phone, she was very curious to who she was calling, only then realizing it was mrs. Roberts, Kendra's mom. Delin went ghost white. "Mom what are you doing! she said but it was to late Kendra was comming over. All the excitement had cause her to wet herself once again, but she didn't notice right away. "Mom why did you do that? What about my condision and what if she fineds out?" she said now noticing she had wet herself again. "reat.... I peed again." she said putting her her on the game board

August 27th, 08, 01:35 AM
“What am I doing, I’m giving you a chance. Poor Jason at the end of the street didn’t have a chance, but maybe you do. Besides she may like girls to, just doesn’t speak openly about it.”

Delin was in a state of panic; Diana could only smile, she was so nervous that she had even wetted herself in the excitement. Diana walked over and touched her diaper, it was nothing, and she would change her later.

“Honey, you have a condition, yes but that’s ok. People will find out and understand. Kendra will be polite and respectable and I know her mother she taught her daughter well.”

Diana moved her piece again, right into Delin’s property. She paid her and went right back into the game.

“Besides sweetie, she may think it’s cute, but let’s do your hair its terrible honey. You didn’t even do it this morning I know. Know up stair so I can do it; make you look nice for Kendra.”

Diana led her daughter up stairs and into her bathroom.

August 27th, 08, 01:41 AM
Delin took the money in a grimace and wet up stairs with her mother. "Alright mom guess i'll give it a shot, but i'm not going to be with out a long skirt, i don't want her to think i'm a freak who wears diapers while shes away from school." she said as she sat on the counter waiting for her mother to do her hair

August 27th, 08, 01:49 AM
“But your not honey, you have a condition and I will tell her that right off the bat. Besides you won’t have to worry about the skirt problem, Kendra just got out of school and she’s wearing her school girl outfit to. She’s walking her right after school, she will be here soon, so settle down or I will show her how much of a big baby you really are.”

Diana pulled back Delin’s hair and began combing her hair back, straightens it out her then pulled out her curling iron and began curling Delin’s hair in soft smooth long curly hair. It was quite beautiful as if flowed around Delin's hair, then she tied it back in curtain places, making the illusion of a small strip of a tail coming between the back of her hair running down.

“Their you go, your so precious. Kendra will melt in your hands Delin, you just have to be as sweet and innocent as you can be.”

August 27th, 08, 02:07 AM
"You wouldn't...." she said only to think for a moment, her mother would tell her. She kepted her mouth shut for the rest of the time her hair was being curled. All she coulld think was please be joking, and that she was now going to be known as a big baby back at school. when she was done she looked in the mirror and smiled, she liked her new look. "Thanks mom." she said hopping down quickly runing to her room, and getting on a longer school skirt so she could at least hide her diaper from Kendra. ( this is kendra http://hiroaka.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Girl-32046985)

August 27th, 08, 03:11 AM
Diana watched as Delin quickly ran into her room, Diana proceeded to go down stairs and make dinner. She made spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread. It didn’t take long after school started for Kendra to get to the Johnson’s house. The front door bell rang and Diana went to open the door. Standing in the front door was Kendra, she stood 5, 8 and had her cute school girl outfit on, though her skirt was far short. Short enough for her to bend over and show her pretty pink panties on.

“Thank you Mrs. Johnson for having me over for diner tonight. Delin is a good friend and I hate to turn down a meal.”

Diana smiled at the girl she was so sweet.

“O thank you for coming Kendra, Delin has spoken so much about you, and I’m glad you came. I just want to tell you this before we get stared but Delin has a condition.”

Kendra put her hands to her mouth and gasped.

“Is she ok, is she alright; she’s not hurt is she?”

Diana quickly replied as she shook her hands back and forth. She looked but saw Delin was still in here room.

“No honey. She just lost control of her ability to poop and pee and she’s a little self confident, so please be gentle to her, she’s sensitive about the subject. But why don’t you go upstairs and play with her a bit.”

Kendra understood what Diana was talking about, she couldn’t help it. In fact it made her sad, Delin was such a little thing, she watched her get teased earlier this school year and it made her feel sad, she actually wanted to comfort her.

“Ok Mrs. Johnson I understand, I’ll be very special to Delin, I promise.”

Kendra walked upstairs to Delin’s room and knocked on the door.

August 27th, 08, 03:20 AM
Delin was pulling up her skirt over her diaper when she heard a knock at the door. she sighed, what could her mother want now. "I'm comming hold on," she said as she made her way the door. "What do you want now mom.......... OH i'm sorry Kendra.... I thought, well you were my mom not that you look like her at all, your much prettier I mean..... You wanna come in?" she asked totally confused the Kendra had arrived that quickly. inside her room was just like a normal girls room, some cloths and shoes in the closet, a bed, tv, phone as well in her in, and the wall paper was a light blue.

August 27th, 08, 03:57 AM
Kendra blushed as Delin stumbled across her words she was so cute like this. Kendra walked in.

“Nice room Delin, very cool. So your moms making spaghetti down stairs and I thought I’d keep you company until she finishes, she said we can play until then.”

Kendra walked over to Delin's bed and jumped on it; she rolled onto her back and spread her legs out, feeling the soft mattress.

“Wow Delin, your mom does a wonderful job at keeping your sheets so fluffy and soft, I could fall asleep right here.”

Kendra rolled up onto a pillow of Delin’s and smelled it for a second; he senses becoming tingled by its aroma. She quickly turned back to Delin.

“So got anything to talk about before your mom calls us down for diner, anything new for you?”

August 27th, 08, 04:05 AM
Delin blushed as Kendra walked into her room. She justed watched as she rolled around on her bed, smelling her pillow. This had only ever happened in her dream. 'Thank you Kendra..... but... as for anything new, wel I don't know what to say about it." she said not sure if her mother had told, not sure if Kendra would accept her, not sure even what she sould do.

August 27th, 08, 04:10 AM
“Don’t worry Delin, I totally understand. Your mom told me about your little accident, theirs nothing to worry about I won’t tell anyone. I promise you.”

Kendra hopped up and was now sitting on the bed, she looked around the room, and then at Delin, she got the craziest idea.

“Hay Delin, is it ok if I see it? You know, you in your diaper? I don’t mean anything by it, but I’m kind of interested. But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

Kendra blushed at the thought; she was so embarrassed to ask Delin about her problem.

August 27th, 08, 04:21 AM
Delin's face turned a bright red, she knew her mom would tell... but did she really have too? "She told you...... and you wanna see it?" she said blushed " I guess you can." she said lifted up the front of her skirt like a little girl. Its was the Delin showed Kendra her diaper. "Well......" she said blushing more expecting and oh my god, or a laugh from Kendra

August 27th, 08, 04:24 AM
“Wow, that’s so cool, I’ve never seen a 14 year old in diapers, but I’m not scared or laughing. In fact its cute, especially for you Delin. You got a cute body, I don’t care about what everyone else say about me having a mature body, I wish I could have one like yours, your perfect. So petite and innocent, your perfect.”

Kendra blushed at the thought, she stood up and moved over to Delin.

“Can I touch it?”

August 27th, 08, 04:31 AM
Delin blushed at the comments made by Kendra, she thought she was cute, petite, and perfect. "I think your alot better off, your body is soo...... hot i guess would be the best way to put it, your boobs are big, your tall, " she said turning red more "Your perfect, and..... yes you can touch my diaper if you want." she said

August 27th, 08, 04:40 AM
Kendra rubbed the soft texture of her diaper, moving her hands back and forth. Feeling the crinkles as it made noise.

“This is so cool, you look good in it, and some ways I wish I could be little.”

Kendra understood where Delin was coming from.

“No No No Delin, being taller and big and more mature is alright, but I have to say, curtain thing about me changing have put me at the lower end. Believing me, the thing I love about you the most is your size, I wish I could be that small, guys pick up on little girls better then bigger girls, even Jason at the end of your street likes you.”

August 27th, 08, 04:49 AM
Delin looked up to Kendra "How does everyone else know about that but me?" she said jokingly She turned away as she heard the crinkle of the diaper. "Yeah well..... I'm not into guys..." She said blushing even more now that two poeple knew her secret. "But being this small.... most people can pick me up, like a baby, even you I bet." she said again joking

August 27th, 08, 05:35 AM
Kendra eyes her when she said she didn’t like boys, though it wasn’t bad she thought it surprising. Kendra eyed Delin, she was small and petite. Without hesitation Kendra lifted Delin into her arms and held her up in her arms.

“Ya… you are really light, I could hold you forever.”

Kendra bounced Delin up and down as she held her, being more playful to Delin. She stopped suddenly still holding Delin in her arms, not letting go she looked at her with gentle eyes.

“You said you didn’t like boys, does that mean you like girls? Because if you do, then I’m cool with that, in fact.”

Before Kendra could finish her thought she kissed Delin, softly but long, her smooth lips continually moving back and forth Delins lips, it was a long kiss. When it was over Kendra blushed and set Delin down.

“I’m sorry. i shouldn't have done that.”

She said it will such sincerely, she felt so embarrassed.

August 27th, 08, 02:20 PM
Delin giggled as she was picked up, "I didn't mean really pick me up," she said as she was bounce up and down. She didn't mind it because, for some reason, she liked it. Delin heard Kendra's new question that about if she liked girls or not. She was about to answer, Kendra kissed Delin.......... Delin was blushing and speachless. As Kendra set her down she snapped out of her trance. "Its fine Kendra, and yes I like girls,, but I like one in perticulair, and ...... that's you." she said as it had finally came out. She had crossed her legs, causing her diaper to crinkle, and looked down at the floor, as if a young toddler would if they were in trouble

August 28th, 08, 01:03 AM
Kendra blushed as Delin told her that the girl she liked was her. Kendra giggled a little and jumped back on the bed, she grabbed a pillow and resting under her chin she laid down on the bed listening to Delin.

“O my God, really… that so sweet, you are so cute. You and me… that’s incredible.”

Kendra was so happy and amazed at the thought of her and Delin, Delin was so sweet and her mom was the same way. The more she thought about it the more she liked Delin to.

“Hay Delin why don’t you come and lay down her with me on the bed.”

Kendra smiled as she said.

August 28th, 08, 01:10 AM
Delin guessed that Zendra was laughing at the idea, tthat was until she told her to sit on the bed. she smiled "Well it is my bed after all." she said as she walked over and sat down on it. "What do you wanna do now, after all you are my guest." she said

August 28th, 08, 01:16 AM
Well Delin, since you’re into girls and I like you, I would like to kiss you again.”

Kendra’s hand moved up from the bed and stroked Delin’s soft face, so soft it felt. Her hand moved from her face to her hair.

“Wow, you have beautiful hair.”

She slowly pulled Delin’s head into hers and kissed her again

August 28th, 08, 01:30 AM
Delin blushed as Kendra asked her if she wanted to kiss again, and when she touched her hair....... it was like magic. Delin leaned into Kendra, thier soft lips touchinng, delin's heart racing. Delin brought her hands around Kenda holding closely. Delin hoped this moment would never end

August 28th, 08, 01:37 AM
Kendra’s other hand moved over under Delin’s diaper and began pressing up and down. Moving the diaper back and forth Kendra slowly pleasured Delin.

“Does my little baby like that?”

She was playing the role; she looked at Delin and thought how cute she was.

“Delin you are so cute, next time I come over I want to see a shorter skirt on you. Or a cute little dress, you are so precious.”

August 28th, 08, 01:56 AM
Delin moaned into her kiss as she rubbed her diaper front. "It.... It feels good Kendra, but... please.... I don't want to make..... a mess in front of you?" she said nerviouly, Her legs began to twitch. "Yes I will wear a very special dressy for you."

August 28th, 08, 02:03 AM
“It’s ok Delin if you make a mess, your mom and I will clean you up.”

Kendra said as she was rubbing Delin’s diaper, it felt so good, Kendra threw herself into it, playing the part as the two played their little game.

“I think you would look precious in a little dress, I don’t care what everyone else says you’re so adorable, and I’m going to make you coo like a little baby, your going to love this Delin.”

August 28th, 08, 02:22 AM
Delin moaned a bit moan as Kendra rubbed the outside of her diaper, never in her wildest dreams had she expected something like this to happen. It felt incredible, kendra, her, doing this. "Just try and make me coo then." she moaned as her diaper was rubbed again. Delin lend into Kendra and kissed her paaionately, slipping her tongue into her mouth, playing with Kendra's tongue. Delin slipped her hand up to Kendra's breast and give it a light squeeze

August 28th, 08, 02:26 AM
Kendra was amazed at Delin’s kiss; it was like nothing she had ever had. Who would have known such a little cutie could kiss so good. She pushed herself hard onto Delin’s lips

“O ya baby, I know you love it, your melting in my hands. So adorable, mmm I could eat you all up.”

Delin was going limp as Kendra rubbed her, she was just about to finish when the sound of foots steps could be heard.

“O shit your mom!”

August 28th, 08, 02:35 AM
Delin broke the kiss, and stopped her moaning at the sound of the foot steps. hen there was a hiss and Delin looked down, she had wet herself..... again. Delin scooted away from Kendra and sat on the bed blushing. "Mom is that you?" she said

August 28th, 08, 02:44 AM
Diana walked up the stairs; she heard a noise but quickly through it from her mind as she entered into the room. Sitting on the bed were Kendra and Delin just looking like the best of friends?

“Hay girl’s dinner is ready, come and have some.”

Diana walked back down stairs; Kendra eyed Delin as her mother left the room, making an innocent smile then kissing at her direction.

“Will finish this after dinner.”

Kendra looked down at Delin and saw her diaper was wetter; she blushed and giggled a little.

“I’ll also change your diaper if your mom allows me.”

August 28th, 08, 02:56 AM
"Thanks mom," she said as she looked back at Kendra just intim to see here kissy face. "I'm sure she will, you just need to ask her, and she might se if its alright with me, but yo already know.... I don't mind." she said smiling as she got up and headed towards the stairs. "Come on its spaghetti night you know?" she said giggling as she waited for Kendra.

August 28th, 08, 03:02 AM
Kendra walked down stairs and into the living room, walking behind Delin she gave her a little squeeze on her bum and kissed her on side of her head, luckily Delin’s mom Diana was to focus walking that she did notice Kendra playing making out with her daughter. Kendra brought her lips up to Delin’s ear.

“You are so adorable, I can’t wait to get you all to myself, and I’m going to bury your little head into my huge tits.”

Kendra giggled as she said that, sitting down in her seat.

August 28th, 08, 03:15 AM
Delin gasped as Kendra grabbed her butt, and kissed her neck. Delin squeezed her butt back and whispered back to her "I can't wait then, tonight your breast are mine." she whispered back as she took her seat. "Thanks for comming over Kendra, I have been having a great time, you have cheered me up, and thakn you mom for invinting her." she said happily as she took her seat. "Ummm by the way mom.... I wet myself in my room again." she said

August 28th, 08, 03:41 AM
“Its no problem I love coming over here and having diner, and Mrs. Johnson Delin is a good friend of mine I would do anything for her.”

Diana blushed; Kendra was so polite and nice. Very respectable, know she knew why Delin liked her.

“O just calls me Diana… O Delin you wet yourself. Don’t worry I’ll get it.”

Kendra raised her hand to Diana, grabbing her attention.

“Diana is it cool if I changed Delin’s diaper? I’ve done it on little kids and babies so you don’t have to worry.”

Diana looked over to Delin for permeation.

August 28th, 08, 04:00 AM
Delin looked over to her mom and nodded. "She might as well get to mom, god knows se is going to be here, while your at work on dad, so someone's going to need to." she said innocently enough for her mother to believe here. Dian soon left to go be the diapers. "Be gental," she said jokingly to Kendra. Delin got up, set down a blanket, and sat on the floor waiting for her mother to bring back a diaper, and other supplies.

August 28th, 08, 05:20 AM
“Ok honey, if your alright with it, then I’ll allow Kendra change your diaper. Let me go get your diaper bag.”

Diana left and went up stairs to get Delin diaper bag, when she started walking up the stairs Kendra turned back to Delin.

“Of course I’ll be gentle baby, so precious. Look at the face, I could eat you all up, bad baby.”

Kendra giggled at the thought having Delin and her pussy to pussy rubbing hard as she came in her diaper.

“You know Delin, the diaper was one of the best things to come along, and it brought us together.”

Diana finally got back and handed Kendra the diaper bag. Kendra watched as Diana left.

Reached into the bag and pulled out the whips, powder, diapers, and lotions. Pulling out the diaper Kendra lifted Delin by her hind legs and slid the diaper under her bum. Placing her down on top of it she continued by wiping her bum and vagina clean with the baby wipes, after finishing, she applied powder to her bottom. The last thing she took the lotion and put it on her finger, taking the lotion she rammed it into Delin rectum and sliding it in and out. See as she got a little pleasure she continued then pushing her other finger into her vigina, moving it back and forth.

“Baby likes that."

August 28th, 08, 02:30 PM
"your so dirty." she laughed as she listened to what Kendra said. She didn't mind the talk, she just hoped her mother didn't here. She felt embarace as Kendra started to clean her, she felt so naughty, she felt just like...... a baby. She moaned lightly as she put some lotion but her butt, having being use to it by now, but then she put a finger inside her pussy. "Baby like, but.... but not here mommy in other room." she panted

August 28th, 08, 02:53 PM
“What is it? Baby afraid mommy might see you, don’t worry Kendra wont get you in trouble.”

Kendra stopped and pulled her hands from Delin’s pussy and bum. Lifting the fold of the diaper she taped the diaper up and lifted Delin back to her feet.

“You at least owe me a kiss for cutting our fun short.”

Kendra took the back of Delin's head and pressed her into a kiss, going deep into her kiss she wanted both her and Delin to enjoy it.

“But tonight your mine.”

Kendra walked back into the living room and sat down, eating her spaghetti in peace

August 29th, 08, 02:18 AM
Delin leaned up and pressed into the kiss, her tongue swirling in her mouth once again, making the kiss once again passionate, afterall she did owe her. Once the kiss was broken she got up off the floor and took her place at the table. "Mom, all clean!" she said looking over at Kendra. She then tryied to take up some spaghetti in a fork, olny to have it all spill over her chest and legs

August 29th, 08, 05:02 AM
“O honey are you alright, you made a little mess on your pretty school shirt, let me clean that up.”

Diana took her napkin and whipped Delin’s face and clothes trying clean as much as she could. Kendra only smiled as Diana cleaned her daughter, however once done she turned back to Diana.

“Mrs. Johnson, since its Friday and the weekend have begun, is it ok if I stay over and me and Delin have a sleep over, I’ll check with my mom!”

Diana turned back to Kendra, she could see the girl had the noblest attentions and she couldn’t say no.

“Well if it’s ok with Delin, but I figure since you have made her so happy that she would love to have you over, right honey.”

August 29th, 08, 02:25 PM
Delin tryied to struggle away from her mother cleaning her face. She finally got away, the sauce on her face spread a little, as was the sauce on her shirt. "Mommy, I would love to have Kendra over, plus she cant watch me if you have to go to work too." she said smiling "and you know what, its a three day weekend too, so you can stay longer." she said happily as she ate more spaghetti get more sauce on her already dirty face.

August 30th, 08, 02:25 AM
“Well ok, I have to go to work early for the next three days, so I can’t really watch you. It would be nice to have someone to watch over you, take care of you, but Kendra tomorrow you have to help Delin with her studies, she fell behind and I feel she’s having some trouble.”

Kendra nodded in understanding, the least she could do for Diana for letting her stay over. Kendra saw the messy Delin’s face and shirt; she began whipping the mess from her face like her mother.

“I just need to check with my mom.”

August 30th, 08, 02:35 AM
Delin listened to the two talk for a moment, then went back to eating the spaghetti, only to have more of it get on her already dirty face. As Kendra tryied to wipe her face as well, Delin did struggle a little. "I can do it... i can do it." she said giggling as she pushed her hand away, then proceaded to eat. She then did realize her told Kendra to teach her though the weekend. "But mommy.... its the weekend, no school on the weekend." she whined a little.

August 30th, 08, 02:46 AM
“O stop being so fussy, your getting it everywhere young lady.”

Kendra said as she continued to wipe her face, then she saw that Delin didn’t want to have to school on the weekend. Diana quickly replied to her little fit.

“Yes young lady, you will do a little homework tomorrow, we fell behind today and you need to catch up.”

Diana continued to eat her food, her eyes moving to Kendra hoping she would agree with her, it didn’t take long to reply.

“Of course Mrs. Johnson, I will do all I can to make sure Delin is caught up.”

August 30th, 08, 03:01 AM
"alright... I'll work yomorrow, and so with the fussing." she said as she sighed lrtting Kendra clean her face. she felt full now," Mom i'm full." she said her little legs danggling from the chair as they swayied back and forth

August 30th, 08, 03:08 AM
“Ok sweetie, you can go.”

Kendra was just finishing as well, she reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out her cell phone, after a quick call she smiled and jumped out of her seat.

“My mom said yes, I can stay. Come on sweetie, time to go upstairs.”

Kendra playfully lifted Delin on her hip from where she says, she carried her upstairs and placed her on the bed.

“Well sweetie, lets… O wait I need cloths, can I wear some of yours?”

August 30th, 08, 03:14 AM
Delin was a little surprise as she was lifted up by Kendra, but she laughed all the way. "Yeah I get a ride." she said as a little child would. when they got upstairs Delin hiped down and looked at Kendra. " well your offul big.... Im not sure I have any cloths big enough for you, but you can have a look." she said pointing to a large closet

August 30th, 08, 03:26 AM
“O how about this one!”

Kendra came out with a little pink shirt, it was so small that the bottom of her breast slightly showed, Kendra bounced them in front of Delin, laughing and smiling as she walked up to her.

“You know, I’ll save this shirt for you.”

Kendra walked back into the closet and pulled out a pair of long pants, but to Kendra they were shorts, then she saw Delin’s skirts. She grabbed one and put it on, it was so cut ans tiny she had to wear it, then she saw a shirt, a yellow long sleeve that fit her well enough to live with it.

August 30th, 08, 03:45 AM
Delin sat on the bed and watched Kendra's little dressing show she put on. She nearly had a nose bleed after she saw she small shirt on her breast, and as she bounce up and down... it was possiblely the sexiest thing she ever saw. "Yeah..... looks great." she said as she went back into the closet. Delin couldn't wait to see what was next in store for her to see.

August 30th, 08, 03:53 AM
Kendra quickly followed out with one of Delin’s skirts, so short it didn’t even cover her panties, as she bent forward in front of Delin’s face, hoping to make her blush again from the sight of this micro skirt, the skirt almost fell forward.

“I think we can go smaller.”

Kendra took off her skirt and panties right in front of Delin, showing her bare bottom and standing bottom naked in the middle of her room, she slowly walked over to Delin's panty drore. She pulled out a cute little blue one and put it on, it was so tight that it particle was a G sting.

“Now this is cute, your going to have to give me a few of these. And I promise I’ll wear them when I come over.”

Kendra laughed at her comment.

August 30th, 08, 04:00 AM
Delin stared at Kendra as she stepped ot of the closet with her shirt, and incredible small skirt, for Kendra at least. As Endra bent down her eye followed her every move, she looked incredible. Then another amazing thing happened, Kendra stripped infrontof her, panties and skirt gone. Delin got off the bed, and like a curious child walked over to her freshly stripped panties and took then up in her hands. She felt then in her hands for a while, before she noticed Kendra had taken her panties and put them on, they compltely disappearing into her. "Yeah.... get you... a pair." she said still holding Kendra's, still warm, panites in her hands

August 30th, 08, 04:17 AM
Kendra saw Delin eyeing her own panties; she smiled as she walked over still wearing Delin’s panties.

“Hay you want them, their yours, but you have to do one thing. You just wet yourself so take off your diaper and put on my panties. I would love to see you in those, you would be adorable.

Kendra shook her hips as she talked to Delin, adjusting Delin’s panties even forcing more into her butt.

“I promise if you do, I’ll eat out your pussy while I wear yours, doesn’t baby want that.”

August 30th, 08, 04:22 AM
Delin looked up, blushig yet again of course. "But I can't wear them.... they are to big on mr thry would just fall off, but I can do this." she said as she stpeed though the holes in her panties and pulled them up over her diaper, they stayied in place, but the diaper was much to big for the panties. " Well?" she asked as touched Kendra's leg.

August 30th, 08, 04:26 AM
“O my little baby girl is so precious, but baby deserves a present for her new panties.”

Kendra picked up Delin and placed her on the bed, jumping on the bed herself Kendra placed her legs through Delin’s own, both their pussy’s were right next to each other. Kendra then began to grind against her pussy.

“Does baby like that?”

August 30th, 08, 04:37 AM
Delin wondered what she was doing as she picked her up and laid her one the bed. When she place her between her legs though it didn't take mcuh longer for her to figure out. The diaper crickled with every grinding motion against Delin's pussy.... It made her hot. Them having sex without even touching each other, just panties and a diaper between them. she put a finger to her mouth. "Baby like..... lots.... maybe baby can return favor." She said in a childish voice

August 30th, 08, 04:41 AM
“What does baby have in mind?”

Kendra said questioning what Delin was going to do next’s, the night was young and they had lots of thing they could do, but only one mattered. Kendra wanted to feel alive; she wanted Delin inside and around her.

August 30th, 08, 04:56 AM
"Me had a few things in mind." she said in her baby voice as she pulled herself up fro her legs and crawled onto Kendra's body, her tongue licking her way up as she went. Delin got to the edge of her shirt, and stopped, taking one hand and lifted it up a bit

August 30th, 08, 05:08 AM
“Don’t stop, keep going. I want to see what you got for mommy.”

Kendra lets herself go at the mercy of Delin, only she knows what will happen.

August 30th, 08, 05:21 AM
"Mommy leaving Baby incharge?" she said with surprise asshe pulled Kendra's shirt over her bare boobs. Delin marveled at her large, round, firm breast, and touched her left one lightly, before she lowered her tender lips onto her supple nippleand began to suck on it. Her tongue rolled over her sensetive tip, as her other hand gripped her breast and began to fondle it gentally

September 11th, 08, 06:17 PM
Kendra gave out a small scream, she covered her mouth as Delin's tung rolled back and forth over her nipples. Delin's other hand rubbed and caressed her other breast, Kendra was breathing heavy and moaning as Delin continued.

"Baby is so good to mommy, thats why i left you incharge."

Kendra's one hand went for Delin's diaper, slipping in and pressing into her pussy, her other hand went around her body, pressing then closer together.

September 15th, 08, 05:00 AM
Delin moaned softly into Kendra's breast as her hand slipped into her diaper and into her body. She tried not to squirm much, as to not have her diaper crinkle to much. She took her mouth off her nipple for a second.

"Me.... like being in charge, but my mommy tell me what to do."
she said panting a little, seemingly wanting to be treated as a baby she put her lips back onto her nipple, and began suckling again, almost drawing milk

September 15th, 08, 05:48 PM
“AHHHH, does baby need help from mom. Ok, mommy will help you.”

Kendra head rolled back as Delin’s lips began suckling on her breast, it was amazing, and she had never felt this good before, she wanted more.

“Yes baby, you keep suckling on mommies firm tits, suckle and you might get milk.”

Kendra’s free hand went to the back of Delin’s head, pushing it a little farther into her breast. She gave a gasp, but clothes her mouth to keep the screams down. Kendra’s other hand continued to ride Delin’s pussy, he juices covered her hand as she continued.

September 15th, 08, 10:19 PM
Delin moaned into Kendra's breast as her hand worked her. She tried not to squirm much, so her mom wouldn't hear the crinkling of her diaper. She felt her hand rest on her head for a momant, the press into her breastt, Delin was in heaven. Her tongue rolled over Kendra's nipple, her soft lips pressed against her breast squeezing it.

Delin's hand began to travel down Kendra's body, caressing it, till it was infront of her "new" panties. She extended two fingers and began to stroke her softly. As soon as she did that, Delin had tasted her first drop of Milk, She swollowed her first taste, and it was wonderful.

September 15th, 08, 11:57 PM
as Delin continued to suck Kendra, she could feel Delin's hand moved down her body and in front of her new panties, the moment she began to stroke, Kendra couldn't help but give a little squel. she shut her mouth as soon as she heard how loud it was. she was a little embarassed, but didn't care.

"Yes baby, keep sucking. mommy will make everything better, i poromise."

Kendra pulled Delin's head from her tit for a moment, with both her hands on her face she smiled and kissed her.

September 16th, 08, 02:14 AM
Delin heard her loud squel, and turned red with embaracement. she continued to rub for a bit longer, taking more milk from Kendra's firm breast. That was until Kendra took her hands, putting them around her head. Her lips were the most pleasent thing she had expereanced. Their lips locking, a little breast milk dribbling down her chin. Delin took her arms away from Kendra's body, and wrapped them around Kendra's neck

September 16th, 08, 04:21 AM
the milk dripped down Delin's face, Kendra could taste it on your tongue, and it was sweet. Kendra took her lips away from Delins. moving back in Kendra licked the milk from Delin's face.

"MMMM, now I know why you like this stuff, it taste great...and now wonder you wanted me, I got plenty."

Kendra giggled as she teased Delin, her hands pulling Delin back in for a kiss. she quickly went back to pleasing Delin, her hand went to her pussy, the other went to her own breast, and grabbing it she squeezed her breast and watched as more milk came out.

September 16th, 08, 04:56 AM
Delin looked up as Kendra broke the kick, and licked the milk from her face. She listened to what she said and blushed. "I wike wu for more then just your breast, I ...... wuv wu." she said blushing as she said it in a baby voice, seeming lost in the baby roleplay. Delin lowered her head back onto her breast seeing the more milk was caming out of it, not wanting to waste a drop she put her lips to it and began to suck on it softly. Delin felt Kendra's hand go back to her slit, and soon she was hotter then before, moaning softly onto Kendra's nipple. Her diaper crinkled as her legs began to twitch a little from pleasure.

Delin quickly slipped her hand back down her body, and this time into Kendra's new panties. The fingers began to run over her hard clit teasing the outside of mer new mommies pussy.

September 16th, 08, 09:40 AM
Kendra loved Delin’s baby talk; it was the cutest thing she had ever heard. Kendra giggles and laughed a playful giggle as they both got into their role, finding the moment so much more enjoyable with it. Kendra looked down at Delin as she nestled deep into her breast.

“I Wuv you to.”

Just then Delin’s fingers pressed deep into Kendra, her head arched back and she moaned, biting down on her lip to keep the noise down she leaded into Delin.

“I’m going to Cum.”

September 16th, 08, 02:27 PM
Delin looked up as Kendra , then she heard tthe most wonderful word come from her mouth, Kendra Wuved her. She smiled as she sucked on her breast, She felt strange, her whole body seemed to feel like butter at that moment. She took her lips off Kendra's breast and said "I need to cum too." she said as she movedhe fingers faster in her body

September 18th, 08, 03:56 AM
Kendra could feel Delin’s hand reach deeper into her, she pressed Delin in closer, reacting to the sudden surge of pleasure, squeaking as Delin’s fingers moved back and forth, and Kendra did the same. Pressing farther and harder into Delin, then her body reacted to the spasm of pleasure, twisting and turning about.

“I’m cuming.”

Her panties soaked and wet, she felt her pussy give way and feel wet.

September 18th, 08, 04:08 AM
Delin heard Kendra moan and squeeke in pleasure. Her hand soaked in cum. Delin could no longer restisted it "Im.... cumming too." she said softly into her ear, and she sould came hard in her hand as well, most soak into her diaper.

Delin panted lightly as she took her hand out of Kendra's cum soaked panties, and bought it up to her face, looking at the cum on it.

September 18th, 08, 04:13 AM
Kendra looked at Delin as she came, both girls smiling at one another; Delin pulled her hand out of Kendra’s panties soaked.

“Delin I think I need another one of your panties.”

Giggling to herself as she looked at Delin, just then Kendra’s hand got very warm in Delin’s diaper, Kendra could feel Delin’s pee flowing around her hand and into the diaper, and she giggled again.

“And you need a new Diaper.”

September 18th, 08, 04:21 AM
Delin looked down, then felt what she ment by a new diaper. She was terrible embaraced. "Im so sorry Kendra....... I no mean to wet you." she said in a baby tone Feelin ashemand she wet on Kendra's hand

September 18th, 08, 04:29 AM
“O don’t worry Delin, I know you didn’t mean to.”

Kendra kissed Delin on the forehead, comforting her with a rocking. She kissed her again on the cheek.

“You and I both know you have no control, now let mommy clean you up...”

Kendra picked her up and laid her on the bed, untapping the diaper she pulled it off, it was wet and dirty, Kendra quickly threw it away in the diaper pale. She looked at Delin’s naked bottom and smiled.

“O wait her I forgot the diapers down stairs, be a good girl and stay their.”

Kendra tapped Delin’s butt and walked out of the room.

September 18th, 08, 04:40 AM
Kendra's Kiss and rocking comforted her so much, she seemed to feel better. Kendra was so understanding. She flipped over and got ready for Kendra to change her, only to have her Diaper being taken off, and her left on her bed. Kendra left her their by her self, and Delin sighed, this would be real weird if her mom came in, but she decided that would matter, she would just come up with a story for her

September 18th, 08, 04:51 AM
Kendra walked down stairs into the living room where the diaper bag was, Delin’s mom had sat down and started to read a book, she turned and looked at Kendra.

“Hello Kendra, is everything alright?”

Kendra grabbed the diaper bag and smiled at Diana, if only she knew.

“Yes Diana, everything is great, but can you help me with something, Delin is bummed about wearing diapers and I was wondering if I could wear one?”

Kendra got up and walked over to Kendra, she understood what she meant and she smiled for what she was doing for her daughter. She smiled and leads her up into her room.

“Follow me.”

A few minutes pass and Kendra walked into Delin’s room with the Huggies pull ups, the same Delin had been wearing, Diana had plenty to spare. In her room, so she gave one. Only wearing a shirt and a pull up Kendra diapered Delin. Powdering and putting lotion she slowly pulled her up.

“Now look were like little sisters.”

Kendra giggled in a childish tone.

September 18th, 08, 04:58 AM
Its seemed like for ever for Kendra to get back to the room, she was getting a little cold. That was until she saw her walk into the room wear a shirt, and a pull up? She just watched her as she changed her, finall she spoke up. "But..... I tought Wu were da Mommy?" she said fro some reason not getting out of her baby voice.

September 18th, 08, 05:11 AM
“I know I was the mommy, and I still am, but I would like to play with you to.”

Kendra said as innocently as possible, she jumped onto the bed and rolled about feeling the crinkle in the pull and hearing.

“I just wanted to feel what its like from your point of view, if that ok?”

September 18th, 08, 02:26 PM
Delin nodded "its ok," she said giggling as she rolled on to her side on the bed. She yawned lightly, it was late, ad considering they jusy had some fun, it wasn't helping her stay awake.

September 18th, 08, 06:13 PM
Kendra giggled as the two rolled back and forth over the bed, however Kendra quickly yawned out as she became tired. she wrapped her hands around Delin, a loving hug, the two lay their like to children for a moment, Kendra used Delin like a teddybear, grasping and wrapping her in her hands.

"You asleep yet?"

September 18th, 08, 11:56 PM
Delin felt Kendra next to her as she was about to sleep. SHe giggled lightly and nodded "Yeah I'm sleepy, going to go to sleep," she said as she scooted next to Kendra, her diaper pressing against her

September 19th, 08, 12:52 AM
In no time Kendra was fast asleep, only for a moment did Kendra see Delin's mom come in and place a blanket on the two, she bent down and kissed both girl on the head.

"Good night you two, pleasant dreams... and Kendra, watch Delin. I’ll be gone until late tomorrow."

Kendra only knobbed her head slightly as she lay close to Delin, cuddling up to a pillow, then Diana set a teddy bear next to Delin, under her arm. Diana kissed her forehead and looked at her.

"Honey I'm so proud of you, you are so strong. I love you and I’m glad you made a new friend."

With that Diana walked out, turning the light off as she went, Kendra only closed her eyes as fell asleep.

September 19th, 08, 01:11 AM
Delin was fast asleep as her mother left the room, She didn't even seemed to notice that her mother entered and lefted the room already. Delin put her thumb in her mouth and began to suck on it lightly. The night passed slowly both girls fast asleep.

September 19th, 08, 01:17 AM
Kendra slowly woke, rolling over head over and looking at Delin, she only smiled as she closed her eyes again. She rubbed her eyes of the night and welcomes the day.

“Wakee Wakee, sister it’s a new day.”

September 19th, 08, 01:27 AM
Delin rolled over and growned "Why....... Why so early." She said jokingly And she leaned up, She didn't feel wet, so she guessed she was good on the diaper for now. She leaned up from the bed and streached. "Why don't you go down and see whats for breakfast, I need to get changed out of these old cloths." she said not knowing her mother had already left the house.

September 19th, 08, 01:33 AM
"well i would, but your mom left. we get to make are own breakfest and we have the whole house to are self."

Kendra rolled over and looked up at Delin. she smiled and went partially went back to sleep, she looked at her.

"Is your didie clean."

September 19th, 08, 01:50 AM
Delin out her finger to her mouth, "She left already...... that's surprising, well I don't know how to cook how about you Kendra? And Yes my didies clean." She said as she got off her bed walking over to her closet

September 19th, 08, 01:54 AM
"don't worry i can make breakfest, some flap jacks."

i look at you eyeing you as to see if you diaper, i get off the bed and walk over to your closet. Kendra looked down at her pull up.

"Well can i ask you what it like peeing in your diaper?"

September 19th, 08, 02:27 AM
Delin turns around. "Well.... its hard to explain since i don't do it for the enjoyment of it, but you should try, who knows maybe you'll like it, but I suggest you don't do it much, My mom might think its straangre that the two of us have the same condition." she said as she looked though her closet

September 19th, 08, 02:53 AM
“No, I promise I wont do it a lot.”

Kendra looked down at her pull up and giggled her butt back up and down, she looked really cute. not caring for who saw her, Kendra walked back to the stairs and went to the kitchen. Cooking some flap jacks she waited for Delin to come down.

September 23rd, 08, 12:25 AM
delin looked in her closet for a nice outfit to wear, but nothing that she thought Kendra would like. That is until she saw a pick dress. She slided it on and pulled it over her body. It clugon to. It showed her diaper bottom nicely. She soon walked out of her room and down the stairs in her cute pick dress.

September 26th, 08, 08:04 PM
as Kendra made pancakes, she had a feeling down in her lower adoman. she had to go pee. looking around mischiviously Kendra spread her legs apart and slowly tinked into her diaper, she could feel the warm liquid move around and engulf her bum. it was an interesting feeling and so she continued to wear the soaked pull up.

Quickly as she finished Delin came down in the cutest pink dress, "Well look who looks presious today."

September 29th, 08, 04:58 AM
Delin smelled the pancakes as Kendra made them, they smelled so delicious. "Yeah.... You said yo wanted to see me in a dress like this so.... Here it is." she said blushing "BUt I have to say not really a fan, but who knows, maybe i'll warm up to it." she said

September 29th, 08, 05:35 AM
"Well, you look marvelous in it, i think you should reconsider expecially since its easier for me to do curtian things." Kendra looked over at Delin with an evil eye, maybe later she would do something, but right now she had her only problem.

"Um Delin, i had an accident. would you please go upstairs and get your older sister." Kendra walked up to Delin as she spoke, rapping her arms around her and giving her a kiss. "Big sister needs help pwease."

October 2nd, 08, 11:28 PM
Delin looked at her evil eye as it traveled her body. "You better not." she giggled as she kissed. Reaching down she felt Kendra's wet diaper. "You made yourself wet." she giggled as she broke free from her grip, and headed back up stairs. "Ill get you a pull up, and be back down in a jiff." she said

October 23rd, 08, 12:37 AM
Ok, I’ll wait." Kendra wiggled back and forth, feeling the warm liquid of the diaper. As Delin left her site and went for the stair well, Kendra's hand slowly went down into the crack of her pull up. Her hand slowly rubbed against her pussy as she stood in the kitchen, biting her lip as kept her cries do. She did it slowly at first, but quickly picked it up, hoping to finish before Delin came back.

“Come on. Come on.”

Kendra whispered to herself as she pressed harder, leaning into the kitchen counter. He pussy became wet, and then she came. Breathing heavy she tried to calm herself quickly enough before Delin returned.

October 27th, 08, 05:36 PM
Delin went up stairs and got the pull up, but it took her some time, being that they were at the top of the closet. about five minutes last she came back into the kitchen. "Ok I got them," she said looking Kendra. "You look weird, something wrong?" she asked

October 29th, 08, 06:06 PM
Kendra held her breath a Delin walked back into the kitchen, she had finished just in time, she kept calm and cool, but delin saw right through her. Kendra turned blood red when Delin asked if she was alright, she only playful smiled and gave a caring nod. "No Delin, i'm perfect. theirs nothing wrong with me."

Kendra quickly kissed Delin on the cheek, "Perfect you got it, just in time, i don't know if this one can hold out much longer." Kendra finished with a giggle.

October 31st, 08, 10:54 PM
Delin giggled "Here you go." she said handing here the pull-up, with her other hand she quickly gave Kendra's breast a squeeze."And here I go." she said with another giggle. She lt go and walked out into the living room. "Don't be to long with breakfast." she said

November 2nd, 08, 08:04 PM
Kendra smiled as Delin cup her breast and gave a quick squeeze, she bit her teeth. "Now now, don't get too far ahead of yourself, we still have your studies after breakfast and I would hate to have to report one of my students for seducing a teacher to get out of today’s lesson." Kendra gave a playful smile to Delin, knowing she hated this. "Don't worry my little Delin, I promise I wont be to hard on you." Kendra quickly finished breakfast and ran off to change. Up in Delin's room Kendra quickly changed out her wet pull up and changed into her new one. Moving to Delin's closet she spotted a cute orange shirt, changing out she felt that was all she needed and grabbed Delin's school books. "Ok get ready soon Delin, I’ll be waiting for you in the living room."

November 3rd, 08, 04:38 AM
"Seduce you," she giggled "What about seducing the student hmmm, you can't hardly blame me with that body of yours." she said giggling once again. She sat down at the table and began to eat breakfast while Kendra was changing. She was nearly finshed when She came back down stairs. She smiled to see she was wearing another one of her cloths. "Looks good on you." she said , her breakfast dripping down her face a little. Her feet dangled back and forth on the cair as she ate.

November 5th, 08, 01:14 AM
"You think, i don't know. i think the shirt is a little to big, plus a bib and a pacifer would look good on it." Kendra gave Delin the most serious look as she spoke, but a few moments later she broke into laughter. Kendra whipped Delin's face of the extra food. "Now how about sex ed to start with then Biology, then finish with chemistry, how that for you." Kendra siad with a smile on her face.

November 5th, 08, 01:58 AM
As Kendra whiped her face, Delin struggled away and made small grunting noises. "Noooooo." she moaned at first till she was done. She listened as Kendra explained, and gave a soft nodd in agreement. then went back to her food.

November 5th, 08, 02:15 AM
"Ok, stop being such a baby Delin, i'm just getting some food off your face." . Kendra laughed as she wipped her face. "Ok lets start." Kendra went from one subject to the next, helping Delin with her studies, she made sure that she would be caught up.

November 5th, 08, 02:24 AM
Delin giggled "BUt I am da baby." she said giggling once more at her joke. she sighed,she would guess that she would have to study now, but how would she get it anyways? If her own mother had a hard time teaching her, She didn't think kendra would get far

November 5th, 08, 02:42 AM
"ok Delin. what would you like to know?" Kendra flipped through the geology book, after a quick study of the questions Kendra felt Delin was ready. "Ok Delin please describe the continuental plates?"

November 5th, 08, 02:48 AM
Delin had a big puzzled look on her face. "Mmmmmmm Plates that........ presidents eat off of?" she said. Delin was usually alot smarter, but as her mom noticed, with er disease came a child like mentality, but she didn't tell Kendra. "Am I right?" she asked

November 5th, 08, 02:52 AM
Kendra had a little worried look on her face. "No like the plates the ground shift back and forth on. " she waited a moment, watching the poor Delin's puzzled look, she looked like a child thinking about a difficult question. Kendra just hoped she was alright.

November 5th, 08, 03:00 AM
"OK..." She said blushing as she put her finger to her mouth. "Next question then." She said optimistically. Maybe this time she would get it right. She was getting nervous about it though, and without noticing it she herself, a small yellow spot appearing on her diaper.

November 5th, 08, 03:06 AM
ok... lets see, next question. what is the scientific word for the Conversion of a liquid to the vapor state by the addition of latent heat?" Kendra watched Delin again, this time she put her thumb into her mouth, Kendra was a little worried, she seemed troubled. "Its ok take your time."

November 5th, 08, 03:16 AM
Delin out her thumb in her mouth and shrugged her shoulders. she had no idea what Kendra was talking about. her other hand reached down to her diaper, and felt it was wet. "I..... need a chance." she said sadly

November 5th, 08, 03:23 AM
Kendra looked over a Delin, her face grew a little sad. "Its ok honey. lets try something easier, her let me change you first." Kendra laid Delin down on the ground, raising her legs by the ankles so he could adjust her nappy Kendra untapped and removed the dirty diaper. "Good girl, just be still while i change you." Kendra then powdered and cleaned her bottum up, making sure to prevent diaper rash. after finishing up Kendra pulled the nappy tightly between Delin's legs and tapped it into place. "Their you go sweetie, now whats 4+4?" Kendra asked as Delin still laid down on the ground.

November 5th, 08, 03:37 AM
Delin kepted her thump in her mouth as she was changed, and when it was finally over she sat up. She listened to the new question and giggled "easy 8" She said holding up 9 fingers. "Dat wasn't so hard." she said laughing more

November 5th, 08, 03:50 AM
Kendra gave a worried look, "Delin thats correct but you held up 9 fingers." Kendra helped Delin to her feet, "Ok lets put the books away, what do you want to do. i'm your guest and i'm at the mercy of you." she laughed at Delin as a wide smile passed over her face.

November 5th, 08, 04:05 AM
"My guess..... your my teacher too." she said smiling, even though she had gotten all of her questions wrong. She squeeze Kendra's breast lightly. "Big boobs." she giggled

November 5th, 08, 04:10 AM
Kendra turned her attention back to Delin, a childish look filled her face, her hands grasped for her breast. Kendra gasped as Delin squeezed, "O honey, is that what you want?"

November 5th, 08, 04:25 AM
Delin giggled and blushed "Maybe maybe not." she said as she took her hand away from her breast. "Your it." She said, she assumed that Kendra knew she was playing hiddin seek. Delin then ran away her diaper crinkling all the way

November 5th, 08, 04:41 AM
Kendra smiled as Delin ran off as fast as she could. "O i wonder where you will go. don't worry i'll find you, all i got to do is pull out these beautiful breast out and you'll run up to suckle on it in no time." Kendra started to count, all the way up to 50, then she turned around. "Ready or not here i come." Kendra started to sneak through the house looking for Delin.

November 5th, 08, 04:45 AM
Delin laughed in her head, Kendra might have been beautiful, but she wasn't hypnotic. She hide where she thought Kendra would look for her last, in her mothers room, but where in the room was a problem, she heard Kendra comming, and quickly hid in a spot and became quite.

November 5th, 08, 05:04 AM
"Come out Delin, look what i got for you??" Kendra giggled her chest as she walked into Delin's moms room. "Come out now you little thing, don't make you smack your little bottum." Kendra laughed out loud hoping to scare her out of her hidding place. Kendra slowly started to move through the room. "where could you be, you got a good hiding spot."

November 5th, 08, 03:27 PM
Delin hid in her spot knowning it would be the last place Kendra would think to look, and be the hardest for her to reach, behind the od depends in her mothers closet. she pushed her way all way to the back of the wall of her closet, and tried to make the least amount of noise possible.

November 5th, 08, 06:17 PM
Kendra looked back and forth, under the bed and behind the chairs, but Delin was no where to be found. "Hmm? i guess little Delin is better at this then i thought." as Kendra was about to walk out he eyes moved to the closet. she smiled again and slowly started moved to the door. "O where O where can my little Delin gone? O Where O where could she be?" Kendra walked inside and the first thing she noticed was the big puff of white in the back of the closet. Kendra slowly moved up and grabbed it pulling and falling over. "Got you."

November 5th, 08, 11:46 PM
Delin couldn't help but laugh a little as Kendra ended up pulling out her old white teddy bear. She covered her mouth as she cowered on top of the closet shelf behind the pampers. She thought about hopping down and running, but then she relized she would be caught if she did.

November 6th, 08, 01:44 AM
rolling over on the ground Kendra looks in surprise, it wasn't Delin but the teddy bear, a sad and disappointed look filled her face. "Darn it, just my luck." he was about to give up when the sound of muffled laughter came from the other side of the closet. "Now i got you." Kendra rand and launched herself into the direction of the sound.

November 6th, 08, 01:49 AM
Delin Saw Kendra's hand reach up for her. She smiled "You got me this time." she said laughing as she worked her way from the top shelf to the floor, her diaper crinckling all the way

November 6th, 08, 04:45 AM
Kendra laughed and grabbed Delin, she threw her to the ground and rolled along with her. she playfully tickled her as they lay on the ground, "Got you, you think you could hide from me little lady." Kendra hustled and pinned Delin down.

November 7th, 08, 11:55 PM
Delin squirmed and squeeled. "Hehe let me go let me go." she said playfully as Kendra pinned her down onto the bedroom floor or her mothers room

November 13th, 08, 12:29 PM
(am i okay to join guys i know its late in the game i dont mind if you want to kepe it betwene oy u2 just let nme know in the next post)

ther was a knock on the door of the house there was aphot on the mantle pece of delin dianna anddad and another girl who had bene ngone a very long time it was this girl who finally retunred now who was delins older sisrter she waited for the door to be oppened hoping that her fmaily would stil lregonise her she ddi not look well.
she had not heard of dads death yet. alhough noone was partuicullalry sure wher she had bene for the last year she hoped shed stil lbe welcome oncme she told them aobut her wherabouts.

November 13th, 08, 03:18 PM
( I don't mind, just so long as ou try to spell a bit better i guess, just let me see what Ocacon think)

Delin heard a knock at the door, Who could that be she thought?

November 13th, 08, 03:49 PM
(thank yo uand yes i will try to spell better)
Anita waits patiently then knocks agian

November 16th, 08, 05:05 AM
"Kendra..... Someones at the door." She whispered, sounding a bit frightened

November 16th, 08, 06:42 PM
" iguess nooen is home or noone wants anything to do with me no more "
she starts to cry whic hcan be heared if yo ulisten throught the door

November 18th, 08, 05:36 AM
Gets up away from Kendra for a second, "I'll be back." she said as she walked down the stairs, her diaper crinkling al; the way. She got to the door, to little to look though the peck hole she said "Who is it?"

November 18th, 08, 06:00 PM
my name is anita and imlooking for a girl caleld delin i m not ssure if she rembers me bbut im hher sisster she sobs and ive missed her so much

November 19th, 08, 12:49 AM
Delin heard her sisters voice, and shyly opened the door. There she saw her sister. "Anita.... Anita!" She said running up to her, and hugging her, completely forgetting she was outside, in a diaper, and with out Kendra. "Come in sissy, Come in." she said tugging her arm till she got into the house.

November 19th, 08, 07:03 AM
"im *coughs* surprised yo uregognise me i lookedmuch better 3 years ago*coughs*
wwwhy on earth are yo uwearing just a diaper whats bene gooing on and who is kenra

November 21st, 08, 01:31 AM
Name: Elizabeth Stephens
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eye/Hair color: she has long curly black hair and piercing hazel eyes that can stare into you soul.
Description: she is Delin's cousin from New York, she always wears cute outfits all of the time, she also likes diapers like Delin although she only needs them at night, she arrives to visit Delin when her school is out for the year which ends in May at the latest, she is very looivng towards Dlein who who treats like a little sister when they are together, and most of all Elizabeth's fnaily moved to just down the block form Delin in order for Elizabeth take the test to see of she can be a daycare worker while she tests to see if she is allowed into clloge arky due to her hgh intelligence levels.

November 21st, 08, 05:31 PM
wel ldelin wahts ben going on i ahvent sene noy uforthree yearsand i come back to my 14 year old sister dressed and acting like a baby care to explain?

*elizibeths flight ahs jsut come inot the airport.*

November 21st, 08, 08:11 PM
*Elizabeth is checking her luggage, buyinG a few book to read at the bookstore, NEXT grabbing a bite to eat at the Pizza place in the food court, and finally she grabs all of her books&luggage while getting the keys for her rental car which is a Green Honda accord with optional sports package.* *Ekizabeth carefully drives to Delin's and arrives forty minutes later due to traffic.* *Elizabeth oark the car in in one of the spare spot and she walka up to the door where she rinfs the dorbel to be allowed inside the the cute family style house.*

November 21st, 08, 08:14 PM
anita opens it and yo ucn see she look ill

November 21st, 08, 08:18 PM
"I have a head cold right now which was made worse by flying in on the earlieset red-eye flight from the new york city airport to here and I really need a nap after I see how Delin my sweet cute cousin is doing right now Anita honey."

November 21st, 08, 08:25 PM
"come in of course *cugh* itsnice ot see yo uits bene aobut 3 years.

November 21st, 08, 08:42 PM
"it has been 3.5 years since I saw you at all in any fashion Anita and I haven't seen Dekin for 2.5 years which wa about the time my parents moved us to new york so mom could be a nurse at a elementry school in the area while dad joined the navy as a combat surgeon who does emergency battlefield surgeries with the staff available in the area." "I am about to gradaute form high shcol with the highest honors and I am in the area to take the test for colleges&internships anywhere in the areas of daycare&teaching at any schoo;s in the area after my college eduaction at the university which conveniently in the same state as my favorite cousins."

November 21st, 08, 11:19 PM
so yo ugonan be here wait your dad performed eiemrgancy high level surgery ask him to loo ki narchives for devastatign shell wound surgery cos ivenever metyour dad but ithink he may have saved mylife. yo ubeen busy then?

as for me im now 1st captin anita clavert of hte uss storm shark im also a hypnotist and 2nd medical officer and many of the more lust y guys are now infertiel cos of me so ive got quite areputation or i did*fit of coughing and holding stomach*

November 21st, 08, 11:27 PM
delins asleep d oyo uwant a drinkn then a nap?

November 21st, 08, 11:57 PM
"yes thank you so much Anita that would be so lovely for me after such a very long trip and yes my dad was the one who might have saved your life unless it was another lady with the same name as you since he works with the navy&locla military forced as an emergency combat surgeon." "I would love some juice and/or tea since i'm too young for nay kind of alcohol plus I really need your loving help getting ready for bed if you have the time Anita."

November 21st, 08, 11:58 PM
Delin awoke from her nap and smiled, only to fined her cousin and sister now home. "Family is all here again." she said hugging their legs. "I have missed you two." she said it being so ong since she last saw them. "I have so much to tell you both, like I have to wear diapers now cause of a disease, I have no bladder, or blow control. and there is something else, but I wanna wait till mama is here to say what isis." she said in shear excitement

November 22nd, 08, 12:10 AM
"Delin you are such great big sweet pie who brightens up our whole lives with your constant cute happy presence in our life times and I have a major secret to show&tell everyone later after I have had my long happy nap since that majorly long red eye plane trip from new york really took a number on me physically so I will see all of you after my nap if my old guest room is available right now."

November 22nd, 08, 12:19 AM
sleep wel lcosuin and dlein yo uand i have alot to talk aobut and you havealot to expalin
*coughs a little *

November 22nd, 08, 12:25 AM
"Me alot lot of explaining? but what did I do?" she asked as she let go of both of their legs