View Full Version : Early Happy Halloween

October 25th, 08, 05:10 AM
Hey guys just giving you an early Happy Halloween! I hope you all enjoy it lol. Oh and post what your favorite thing is about Halloween oh and I also drew dis :


October 25th, 08, 05:12 AM
i just eat candy but this year i have a football games so i get none :(

oh yea nice pic

October 25th, 08, 05:14 AM
awwww that sucks dude and thanks lol im glad I skipped football this year. Id rather have a job :3

October 25th, 08, 05:31 AM
Chaos, Your probably the only person I've ever known to be into gore,Horror stuff AND Diapers too. Pretty cool man. I hope you have a good Halloween.

Neat picture too. Bunnies are always scary when they have teeth like that ^^;

October 25th, 08, 05:39 AM
lol Thanks alot oh and yeah I know the gore and stuff plus the diapers seems odd. Its like two opposites I know but my explaination is I allow my two selves to show. My gore, horror loving, mean and tough self and my cute, diaper loving, stuffed animal huging, kind and careing self and a merge of the two as you have seen on here. Im sure you know more people into gore horror and diapers then you think. Its just maybe they have supressed their darker side to indulge their cuter persona online. I mean I admit even I do sometimes but I still like to pull out my favorite horror movie scenes and let the blood flow (muwahahaha but not to evily lol)

October 25th, 08, 05:49 AM
my favorite things halloween about are dressing to hand out treats and if we any left over, I will eat candy until I can't stand candy.

October 25th, 08, 05:54 AM
lol me im not a fan of candy really I ahev sensitive teeth lmao. I wish I took more care of them back then XD oh well they arent so bad

October 25th, 08, 07:47 AM
lol i'm a picky candy eater :3

October 25th, 08, 08:59 AM
My favorite thing about Halloween is using Fireworks. Other things I like about it are dressing up and hanging out with friends. I can't wait for this year, I'm going to get sooo many looks with my costume.

October 25th, 08, 10:56 AM
my fav thing about halloween is scaring the *** out of litttle kids....umm...i...errr mean trick or treating yep thats defintley it >_>

lol jk xD

October 25th, 08, 12:51 PM
OMFG. That picture... O_O No more...

Shining Fire
October 25th, 08, 02:56 PM
That bunny reminds me of the ones from Silent Hill! n.n

Halloween is awesome. I am gonna be trick-or-treating until I'm like.. 50 XD

Or maybe like.. 20 sumthing.. I dunno. I'll be doing it for a long time though XD

October 25th, 08, 09:10 PM
I'm 22 and I'm STILL Trick or Treating. n.n I'm make some neko ears and tails to wear! I love all the scary movies on TV, the smells of the harvest, dressing up and of course candy and parties! This will be my first year wearing a diaper out Trick or Treating. *Hee!*

October 26th, 08, 02:10 AM
Your crazy :3 but ok have fun XD and no hammy I wont stop with the pictures muwahahaha

October 26th, 08, 06:25 AM
I love everything about Halloween!!!! The candy, parties, costumes (if I was younger) trick or treating. However, I have to work at Walgreens on Halloween, but that doesn't mean I will not get into the spirit of Halloween, because just like I did last year I am going to wear a costume to work. Last year it was Black Spiderman. This year it will be the Joker.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 26th, 08, 07:01 AM
Why so serious?!?! >=]

October 26th, 08, 09:11 AM
I've never tricked or treated. Halloween is not really something we do a lot in Europe.
But I'm going to a giant party next friday with 3 to 5 friends, and we're all going to be ninjas. xD

October 26th, 08, 11:25 PM
I've never tricked or treated. Halloween is not really something we do a lot in Europe.
But I'm going to a giant party next friday with 3 to 5 friends, and we're all going to be ninjas. xD

lol ninja party xD

October 27th, 08, 04:14 PM
No, I mean Halloween inspired party. It's just my friends and I who will be ninjas. That's what makes it cool. :3

October 27th, 08, 04:46 PM
18 and still going out trick or treating i'm still a kid at heart

October 28th, 08, 03:48 PM
Man if I had a choice I would be a lumberjack commando :3


October 29th, 08, 08:38 AM
Man if I had a choice I would be a lumberjack commando :3


Would you carry a head on a poll to go along with the costume Chaos?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 29th, 08, 03:39 PM
I dont see the connection :3

October 29th, 08, 03:40 PM
You know what your right I must have made that comment when my brain turned off last night.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 29th, 08, 03:43 PM
It seems to do that frequently maybe you should seek some medical help :3

October 29th, 08, 03:47 PM
more arguing? xD

October 29th, 08, 03:48 PM
Eh, I am getting to tired to argue

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

October 29th, 08, 03:58 PM
Im not even argueing just bored :3

October 29th, 08, 04:10 PM
Lol :3 -Throws stone to Chaos- Stone vs Axe what will win? ;)

October 29th, 08, 04:22 PM
-throws axes at TB- id say axes lol

October 29th, 08, 04:35 PM
-Dodges axe and throws rock-, rocks!! :3

October 29th, 08, 04:38 PM
-throws molotovs-

October 29th, 08, 04:40 PM
0.0 -jumps into man hole- are you crazy!?

October 29th, 08, 04:46 PM
why even ask me that? lmao

October 29th, 08, 04:50 PM
Oh yeah i forgot xD -Still hiding in Manhole- pokes a cookie out the top, How about a truce?

October 29th, 08, 04:51 PM
I dont want your damn truce >.< -walks away

October 29th, 08, 04:52 PM
Ha! i win :3 -Pokes head out and eat cookie- Damns you to hell! :3

October 29th, 08, 04:53 PM
-throws a nuke at him- its not over!

October 29th, 08, 05:04 PM
oh hell no!! -Ducks back into Manhole as it explodes-