View Full Version : Elfen Lied RP (closed)

April 25th, 09, 09:16 PM
This roleplay takes place within the timeskip after the battle against Mariko (between chapter 71 and 72, shortly after the end of the anime), and is meant to mostly be about the light-hearted parts in the Maple Inn. If you wish to join this RP, take a look at this (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/elfen_lied_rp-1597/index.html) thread for more details.


Nozomi stood outside the Maple Inn, waiting for somebody to let her in. Nozomi was a young girl, about 15 years old, who wished to become a singer like her late mother. However, her father strongly disapproved of this, wanting her to take over the family business, and to make her give up on it, he refused to let her sing or even talk about singing, beating her whenever she did so. Nozomi felt that the situation was completely hopeless until her best friend and former classmate Yuuka suggested that she should practice it in secret at an inn that her parents used to own.

Since she had been beaten even in her early childhood, she had developed a trauma from it that made her extremely shy and even lose her bladder control whenever she got too nervous, making her need to wear diapers. Obviously, she would never be able to become a singer if this secret leaked out, and she had been very careful about not letting anybody know about it. To this day, only one person except for herself and her father knew about it, which happened to be the current owner of the inn, a young man named Kouta.

On the windy day when he accidentally learned about it, which also was the day when she visited the inn for the first time, she panicked, thinking that the secret would leak out, making the rest of her lifetime filled with taunts and humiliation. However, this wasn't so. Kouta was neither disgusted, amused or angered by it. He was only slightly confused as to why she was wearing them, and even saved her from Yuuka and the other residents of the inn finding out about her secret.

This was something completely unexpected to her. All of her life, she had believed that the second her secret got revealed, her life was as good as over, and that nobody could ever think of her as anything other than a disgusting embarrassment, as her father put it. Before she knew it, she had developed a slight crush on Kouta. But alas, this was not meant to be, seeing as her best friend, despite being his cousin, was madly in love with him. Nozomi therefore felt that it would be for the best to just keep her feelings shut inside her heart and stay on Yuuka's good side.

May 1st, 09, 06:30 PM
*Mayu a sweet girl sees that Nozomi is standing outside in the horrible weather, first she holds the door open to let Nozomi inside, next she blushes once she sees Nozomi up close, then she moves aside to allow Nozomi to be come into the warm inn, after that she hands a key to Nozomi so noone will be locked outside the inn, followed showing Nozomi around the inn, and she finishes by offering to make a small meal for the two of them to eat whenver they are hungry later.