View Full Version : Family Guy Favorite Episode

December 11th, 08, 03:51 AM
What is your favorite Family Guy episode?

December 11th, 08, 04:45 AM
for now until the final episode of this season (for people who want to know "Something, Something, Something, Darkside") i'm going to have to say "Love Blackually" episode 1 of this season

December 11th, 08, 05:28 AM
The episode when stewie and brain were in the army

December 11th, 08, 05:32 AM
The episode when stewie and brain were in the armyI remember that one.Tho i'm not a big fan of family guy.You guys watch stuff like south park?

December 11th, 08, 05:38 AM
i only watched a couple south park episodes (i don't want to offend anyone who is a fan of south park) i'm not a fan, i prefer family guy

December 11th, 08, 06:03 AM
Oh my god you offended me i will have to obliterate you!Just kidding,We all have different tastes.

December 11th, 08, 06:11 AM
yeah we do sorry if i offended you at all

December 11th, 08, 06:14 AM
yeah we do sorry if i offended you at allDid you like not see the part that says "Just kidding" :confused: Whatever.

December 11th, 08, 06:18 AM
i saw it

December 11th, 08, 07:29 AM
lol i love the PTV episode, i think it was in the first season, where Peter breaks the satellite receiver in Quahog, knocking out everyone's TV so he walks around with a cardboard box cut out hanging in front of him, seing life as TV

December 11th, 08, 07:52 AM
PTV is from 2005 it involves the FCC the episode your talking about is I Never Met the Dead Man

Winnie Cooper
December 11th, 08, 09:32 AM
I find the show repulsive, to be honest. I put on South Park sometimes when I am tired and just want something totally brainless on TV.

December 11th, 08, 10:18 AM
"I dream of Jesus" featuring Surfin Bird by The Trashmen

The best joke was the Executive Bathroom Island

Elemental Anon
December 11th, 08, 11:25 AM
Family Guy is like the guy that really sucks at comedy, but says something so completely random and unrelated to anything that hes funny.

December 11th, 08, 03:42 PM
"I dream of Jesus" featuring Surfin Bird by The Trashmen

The best joke was the Executive Bathroom Island

that was basically one of the only funny scenes of that episode

i lmao at that part because it was a parody of jurassic park

December 16th, 08, 07:21 AM
Family Guy is like the guy that really sucks at comedy, but says something so completely random and unrelated to anything that hes funny.


I do prefer the scripted and cannonical humor of Futurama, but as random as Family Guy is I can't help but laugh at it.

Speaking of which...


Family Guy
American Dad


December 16th, 08, 07:24 AM
I cannot stand futurama o-o it lacks humor to me @_@ and if its there I cant laugh I just go haha....bleh anyway I have no fav episode of family guy i love them all :D oh and did you hear about the word? bird is the word ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word :3

December 16th, 08, 07:56 AM
Yes actually science has proven that the bird is equal to or greater than the word.

December 16th, 08, 08:03 AM
yeah I saw your name when I added you o_O damn you sir damn you! now I have the song latched on to my head like a fat kid with a cupcake

December 16th, 08, 08:05 AM
that song just got stuck in my head (bird, bird, the bird is the word)

December 16th, 08, 08:09 AM
-heads head on wall T_T

December 16th, 08, 08:13 AM
must get song out of my head -slaps self silly- btw i like your avatar chaoswolf

December 16th, 08, 08:15 AM
(thanks) -takes out his axe and severs his own head- X_X -is thrown back into the warp- T_T thank the chaos gods it over....http://lh5.ggpht.com/_2HAuhOIOb6s/R8skNCuV1XI/AAAAAAAACf4/RVjFjMCZx2g/40k+Sound+Cannons.jpg

-gets blasted with the song AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! T____T fuc*!

December 16th, 08, 08:19 AM
Frightened little child have you heard, lady on toliet....yeah everybody heard that the bird is the word nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo
Dam you all!!!!!!

December 16th, 08, 08:19 AM
(your welcome) -finds all existing copies of the surfing bird and destroys them-

December 16th, 08, 08:21 AM
Surfing bird must die!!!!!!!!

December 16th, 08, 08:22 AM
indeed it must

December 16th, 08, 08:22 AM
it must....be used against the entire world....MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

December 16th, 08, 08:24 AM
Nooooo....its power is too....great it can't be controlled!!!!

December 16th, 08, 08:25 AM
-laughing like dr. evil with pinky extended

December 16th, 08, 08:29 AM
-constructs giant sound cannon >.> oh there will be blood...

December 16th, 08, 08:31 AM
-tries to interfere but can't

December 16th, 08, 08:34 AM
-launches sound cannon that continually sings ba ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word ba ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word forever o_O driving the entire human population and animal population to commit suicide or cut off their own ears O_O leaving the race to be filled with deaf and psychotic humans who cant stop sining ba ba ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word

December 16th, 08, 08:36 AM
hmm -cuts off ears-

December 16th, 08, 08:37 AM
sorry if i'm keeping you up late

December 16th, 08, 08:42 AM
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah im keeping myself up late :3

December 16th, 08, 08:43 AM
how late i might stay up the rest of the night

December 16th, 08, 08:46 AM
its 345 am so early really and im actually talkin to my gf XD shes sleepy but want to stay up to talk to me

December 16th, 08, 08:48 AM
its 2:48 am here in minnesota

December 16th, 08, 08:51 AM
I live in massachusettes :3

December 16th, 08, 08:53 AM
we just had a blizzard recently

December 16th, 08, 09:02 AM
cool lol I love snow especially when theres a few feet of it lol

December 16th, 08, 09:05 AM
my stepsister who is sleeping right now didn't have to go to school yesterday, i on the otherhand didn't have to worry about school because i've been finished since june 2008

December 16th, 08, 09:06 AM
nice :3 oh and I think we are taking up space now XD

December 16th, 08, 09:07 AM
whats the maximum per thread?

December 16th, 08, 09:08 AM
not a maximum but just a waste lmao personal convos need to go on in the pms not in public forum

December 16th, 08, 09:10 AM

December 16th, 08, 09:14 AM
anyway back to talking about your favorite family guy episode

December 16th, 08, 09:44 AM
Only a few hours after I last post and this thread has grown 3 new pages? What the deuce?

Might I suggest a return to topic, because as it is now...


December 16th, 08, 09:57 AM
yeah I saw your name when I added you o_O damn you sir damn you! now I have the song latched on to my head like a fat kid with a cupcake
I couldn't think of a name on here and I had that damn song in my head so I figured id make everyone go through what I did and it works! Btw anyone know how to change names as I have thought of a better one and I am useing my phone to do all this and when I request a user name is says something about a security token missing..... so I'm clueless

December 16th, 08, 10:01 AM
yeah I saw your name when I added you o_O damn you sir damn you! now I have the song latched on to my head like a fat kid with a cupcake
I couldn't think of a name on here and I had that damn song in my head so I figured id make everyone go through what I did and it works! Btw anyone know how to change names as I have thought of a better one and I am useing my phone to do all this and when I request a user name it says something about a security token missing..... so I'm clueless

January 29th, 09, 07:52 PM
hey lets get back to family guy episodes please

January 29th, 09, 10:00 PM
The one where Jesus comes bck and hags out with Peter before going all MTV on him and having to go back to heaven :)

January 29th, 09, 10:33 PM
Bird is the word. Thats the one. that and the chicken fights.

January 29th, 09, 10:39 PM
the 1 where stewie has his own business

January 29th, 09, 10:51 PM
the 1 where stewie has his own business

which one is that, remind me :)

January 29th, 09, 10:54 PM
cookie monster in rehab

January 29th, 09, 10:57 PM
cookie monster in rehab

ou.. thats a fun episode.

January 29th, 09, 11:50 PM
cookie monster in rehab
yeah that one was good:D

January 30th, 09, 12:48 AM
It has to be the one with the toads- "Lando Griffin" is classic.

January 30th, 09, 06:59 AM
Mine has got to be the one where lois becomes the mayor.

January 30th, 09, 07:04 AM
I don't have a favorite.

January 30th, 09, 07:06 AM
all good or you dont like family guy :)

January 30th, 09, 07:10 AM
They've all got their charm. I like Family Guy, not as much as I used to though. Even then I couldn't choose a favorite though. I guess I actually do view them all with an equal standpoint.

January 30th, 09, 07:26 AM
I also like familly guy, and american dad, for their references to 80's music and pop culture, another one of my fave familly guy eps, is the one(dont remember the name, but it was early) where they were at the grocery store, and chris got pulled into the music video for Aha's "take on me", or the ep of american dad where stans cia director sleeps with his daughter, and comes downstairs to greet stan, while singing the "little girls" song by Danny elfmans band "oingo boingo"

March 5th, 09, 09:47 AM
ocean's three and half

March 5th, 09, 05:28 PM
lol that is kida a hard question... i dont have an epp that i call my fav... more like lines that i love... such as the one that brian started wetting stuff and at the end peter and him are at the bar and peter said "brien... you can talk" then a pause and they went on... or the one that crise was in the witness protection program and at the end they check the messages and ther are lots... i can resite most of the messages but the best was the "dammit ya piggly son-o-bitch you starting to piss me off" or the one that peater trys to get gumble to gumble back on by saying crise is sick but then said he healed him lol i think that is the one peater said "don't worry i read this in a book ones" then brien said "are you sure it was a book... are you sure it wasn't NOTHING" and peater said "oh ya" lmao i think though that has to be my fave epp now that i say all this lol my other fav line though is when peater said "BRIEN THERS A MESSAGE IN MY ALPABETS it said ooooooooo" and bried said "petar thouse are chereos" lol sry bout ranting but i love this show about as much as i love futarama and south park lol

March 5th, 09, 05:35 PM
lol that is kida a hard question... i dont have an epp that i call my fav... more like lines that i love... such as the one that brian started wetting stuff and at the end peter and him are at the bar and peter said "brien... you can talk" then a pause and they went on... or the one that crise was in the witness protection program and at the end they check the messages and ther are lots... i can resite most of the messages but the best was the "dammit ya piggly son-o-bitch you starting to piss me off" or the one that peater trys to get gumble to gumble back on by saying crise is sick but then said he healed him lol i think that is the one peater said "don't worry i read this in a book ones" then brien said "are you sure it was a book... are you sure it wasn't NOTHING" and peater said "oh ya" lmao i think though that has to be my fave epp now that i say all this lol my other fav line though is when peater said "BRIEN THERS A MESSAGE IN MY ALPABETS it said ooooooooo" and bried said "petar thouse are chereos" lol sry bout ranting but i love this show about as much as i love futarama and south park lol
thats alright, although i never really watched south park or futurama

March 5th, 09, 07:08 PM
thats alright, although i never really watched south park or futurama
John must die!!!!!!!!!!!

March 6th, 09, 12:48 AM
John must die!!!!!!!!!!!
that would make a good movie title, anyway back on topic

March 6th, 09, 03:21 AM
Once I derail a topic, it stays derailed, only a mod can save you now skywalker.

March 6th, 09, 03:28 AM
That's okay though, cus I just brought the thread back on track.

My favorite Family Guy Episode would have to be.. hmm.. You know, I have a few of them. One being when Stewie and Bryan went back in time back in WW2, another being the one where Peter lost his job and wanted to realize his dream of being a lancer.

March 6th, 09, 04:08 AM
That's okay though, cus I just brought the thread back on track.

My favorite Family Guy Episode would have to be.. hmm.. You know, I have a few of them. One being when Stewie and Bryan went back in time back in WW2, another being the one where Peter lost his job and wanted to realize his dream of being a lancer.
those two were good ones

March 6th, 09, 04:38 AM
i saw the lanser one the other day i like the bird in her dress lol

March 6th, 09, 04:42 AM
i saw the lanser one the other day i like the bird in her dress lol
that was the best part of the episode

March 8th, 09, 01:09 AM
Mine is the Star Wars one. Makes me feel like a geek, but meh.

March 8th, 09, 01:19 AM
blue havest lol i love that one my bro got it on dvd i like the part that peter took the couch off the death star lol it was a good part on another note i just saw one the other day and crise asked the old man if he was a pedo and then it cut away i had to lol on that one

March 9th, 09, 12:09 AM
blue havest lol i love that one my bro got it on dvd i like the part that peter took the couch off the death star lol it was a good part on another note i just saw one the other day and crise asked the old man if he was a pedo and then it cut away i had to lol on that one
i liked that star wars episode too

March 9th, 09, 12:52 AM
The episode where Peter forms his own country. "Nothing says obey me like a bloody head on a fence post."

March 9th, 09, 02:54 AM
all hail PETORIA lol

March 9th, 09, 03:58 AM
all hail PETORIA lol
that episode was good too, btw did anyone catch family guy today, if not boy was the new episode funny

March 9th, 09, 08:22 PM
if you are talking about the one with the horse and the gay gean lol i missed it so i downloaded it and it was good

March 10th, 09, 12:29 AM
if you are talking about the one with the horse and the gay gean lol i missed it so i downloaded it and it was good
yup that's the one i liked the horse part where brian puts a sugar cube on stewies head and the part where peter becomes his normal self (heterosexual) he doesn't know whats going on then realizes that he was about to do it with 10 (i think...) gay guys and runs out of the room screaming and crying, i have this episode on my myspace page

Geo G.D
March 10th, 09, 04:00 AM
Well I'm sure my favorite, is one that everyone has heard.
Something with a certain word...
Because everyone's heard about the bird, b-b-b-bird bird bird, the bird is the word... etc etc.

March 10th, 09, 04:05 AM
lol i like the line where peater is like "Brian there is a message in my alphabets it says OOOOOO" Peater those are cherios lol

March 19th, 09, 02:57 AM
lol i just saw the best epp of family guy... quagmire was in a diaper and bonnit with a binky around his neck...

March 19th, 09, 03:02 AM
lol i just saw the best epp of family guy... quagmire was in a diaper and bonnit with a binky around his neck...
i've seen that one, "what are you doing quagmire?" peter asks, quagmires response "were playing...sex (shuts door)"

March 19th, 09, 12:52 PM
the one where stewy loses rupert

March 19th, 09, 05:49 PM
the one where stewy loses rupert
that ones a good one how about the one where peter farts in bed and says ahh that felt so good, (thats the one with Damn nature your're scary)

March 20th, 09, 03:21 PM
All Family Guy is great.

March 20th, 09, 09:09 PM
ya i love that show alout the only amarican cartoon i watch any more other the south park lol btw in the one with quag as a baby he said it was hs famely over lol that makes it worse lol

March 22nd, 09, 04:40 PM
if any specific episode, probably blue harvest (the star wars one)
that one made me laugh the most, but it's typically the short clips like when peter gets a mustache and goes to the italian deli and shenanigans like that are the ones that make me laugh the hardest

March 24th, 09, 03:43 AM
how about the fox-y lady episode?

March 31st, 09, 04:17 AM
not all dogs go to heaven the episode from this sunday

April 23rd, 09, 04:46 AM
episode 420 the one where brian tries to get marijuana legalized
this is also the first episode in which olie doesn't shout (probably because hes high)

November 19th, 09, 09:16 AM
Road House Tribute *Kick Road House

December 5th, 09, 11:10 AM
yall know what the word is.

December 5th, 09, 02:28 PM
whats the name of the episode where cleveland smashes up quagmires house and everything turns into a bed. he smashes the toaster it inflates into a bed and so on.

bird bird bird, bird is the word

December 5th, 09, 07:20 PM
stop mocking me!
lol =^_^=

---------- Post added at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 AM ----------

I also like the one where Peter sings Cant Touch Me XD