View Full Version : fav anime/cartoon/mange quotes

Bandit Keith
April 30th, 10, 10:08 AM
well you just put your fav guotes from anime mange and cartoons in this thread

my favs from fma/fmabrotherhood and the movie

(these first two quotes are the dubbed and subbed form of the same guote)

Edward Elric tearing off his jacket;don't look away Rose this is what happens when you set foot on gods territory or what ever the hell it is .

Edward Elric tearing off his jacket;Rose look carefully.This is the body of one who encroached upon human transmutation,the territory of God...The sinners body.

"Even if we go to god and ask, he will just send us back" - ed

“If I died the world would continue to move along as if nothing had happened.”
“Because you’re just a small part of it.”
“When the small part in this case me, dies, the body remains.”
“Water, Carbon, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphorous, Salt, Saltpeter, Sulfur, Magnesium, Fluorine, Iron, and Aluminum right?”
“Right. The body’s only a combination of those simple elements. Nothing more. We’re destined to be decomposed by bacteria, and become nutrients for plants, then you follow the process further, those plants nourish herbivores.”
“And those herbivores nourish carnivores. Even others like us. And even though we lose awareness our lives keep on moving through the system.”
“The great flow that maintains the universe, call it the cycle of life, the course of nature each one of us is just a small part of that part. One in the all. Yet without all the individual ones, the all can’t exist. This world flows by following grander laws that we can’t even imagine. To recognize that flow, to work in it. To decompose, and recreate, that is alchemy.”
~Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric~ Episode All is One, One is All from Full Metal Alchemist

The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that.
~Edward Elric~ Episode All is One, One is All from Full Metal Alchemist

"It's been a good while since I've killed anyone, I kinda miss it. Ya wanna watch?" - Ed

Ed to Rose: "Stand up and walk forward. You have two fine legs to stand on after all."

Roy: "When I, who is called a 'demon' or 'monster', fight a real monster, I can fully realize that I am just a 'human'."

Edward Elric: This whole place is about to blow.
Alphonse Elric: WHAT? Why?
Edward Elric: [matter of factly] 'Cause, I don't like it!

a inraged Roy Mustang to Envy;''I burned it closed .I nearly passed out two or three times,too.
You said you still weren't dead,didn't you?
Then I'll just have to kill you until you are dead.

Alphonse Elric: Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth. But the world isn't perfect, and the law is incomplete. Equivalent Exchange doesn't encompass everything that goes on here, but I still choose to believe in its principle, that all things do come at a price, that there's an ebb and a flow, a cycle, that the pain we went through did have a reward, and that anyone who's determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it's not what they expected. I don't think of Equivalent Exchange as a law of the world anymore. I think of it as a promise, between my brother and me. A promise that, someday, we'll see each other again.*Sniff* Beautiful.

[I will add more quotes of other animes later]

May 2nd, 10, 12:16 AM
Here's a quote I like from Air TV:

Yukito Kunisaki - Get away from my ramen!!!!!!

I'll add a few more when I can think of some

Bandit Keith
June 17th, 10, 12:36 AM
heres whats basicly turned into a net joke.from dbz

its over 9,000

June 17th, 10, 12:48 AM
"I'll take a patato chip and eat it!"

June 17th, 10, 01:59 AM
Konata ep: 6 or 7 I think, of Lucky Star. "Timotei"

June 17th, 10, 02:04 AM
From Samurai Deeper Kyo:
Servant #1 is late with my sake.