View Full Version : favorite chriss angel eps

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 01:55 AM
Hey everyone.I love criss Angel's mindfreak and i was wondering if there are any fans on here

August 17th, 08, 02:04 AM
I loooovvvveee Chriss Angel!!! One of my favorite things that he did was when he set himself on fire. Good times...

August 17th, 08, 02:04 AM
Yeah his work is nice to watch. Some fools think hes the next jesus XD. I would like to learn his illusions though.

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:06 AM
He is the next jesus if you think about it.Or the next evil kanevil.Some of the stuff he does freaks me out

August 17th, 08, 02:08 AM
Yeah jesus was the first grand illusionist lol. Chrches back then used to do so many tricks to get people to believe

August 17th, 08, 02:08 AM
same here.... lik when he went through glass o_O

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:09 AM
lol yeah.So whats your favorite eps

August 17th, 08, 02:10 AM
Hmmmmmmm maybe the one with the lightning rod :3 that was fun XD

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:11 AM
Mine was when he went threw that wood chipper.You saw blood in the wood chips.He even screamed to.That was twisted.He then came out while it was still running

August 17th, 08, 02:12 AM
Using peoples fear and shocking them as much as you can is the ultimate way to entertain :D

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:14 AM
i agree 100%

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:19 AM
I saw this ep with the seance.That was freaky.

August 17th, 08, 02:26 AM
I liked the levitation episodes.

August 17th, 08, 02:27 AM
-levivtates off of chair- yeah its pretty cool

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:28 AM
did you see the one where he levitated off that pyrimid

August 17th, 08, 02:29 AM
Yeah, in the 5000 degrees hot light at the top, Freakin Sweet!

August 17th, 08, 02:30 AM
Yeah in Las Vegas

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:31 AM
that was 300 ft.If he would have messed up then theyed be scrapping him off the ground with a shovel

August 17th, 08, 02:32 AM
It might just be a bunch of tricks, but he risks his health and his life for the entertainment of others. For that, We salute Criss Angle. MINDFREAK FOREVER!!!!

August 17th, 08, 02:33 AM
Well its showbusiness........

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:34 AM
hes a god in my eyes

August 17th, 08, 02:35 AM
lol well go build a religion off of it and ill burn your church down :3.

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:37 AM
your mean

August 17th, 08, 02:43 AM
Yes I am lol. I guess thats a requirement to being athiest........I dont mean to be mean but I just have an extreme hate for religion sometimes :3

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:45 AM
i realy dont have a religion.Any other doesnt make sense to me

August 17th, 08, 02:52 AM
Religion just scares me for the potential of gathering the masses and making them fight for their own wants. Belief isnt anything to bad but belief in the words of a single person who "speaks" to god can twist them so easy. Religion helps people deside things easier, even if they are the wrong ones. I stand on the side and believe theres a possibility but its still a burden and annoyance.

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:55 AM
yeah.My friend thinks she's actualy a fruit that evolved.Thats what she belives

Zebra King
August 18th, 08, 01:29 AM
criss angel is my hero

August 18th, 08, 03:38 AM
i like chris angelalot but hes tricks are very easy to see through mostly just switch somthin whilethe cameras off

Zebra King
August 19th, 08, 04:49 PM
They dont realy put the cameras off.Its illusion but i still love them