View Full Version : favorite inuyasha moment

amy rose
October 29th, 10, 01:46 PM
plese tell your favorite inuyaha moments and if yu dont know what it is pleasde dont post thanks :D

October 29th, 10, 01:55 PM
One of my all time favorite was during the episode where Kagome fall ill, then Inuyasha takes care of her by being there, and my second favorite was the episode where he saves everyone from the toxins.

October 30th, 10, 05:24 PM
When it finally ended~~~

amy rose
October 30th, 10, 05:30 PM
if you dont hve anything nice to say DONT POST!

October 30th, 10, 05:44 PM
When "INUYASHA! KAGOME! INUYASHA! KAGOME!", or when Naraku cheated death. Wait, that's the entire show, isn't it?

amy rose
October 30th, 10, 05:49 PM
yes it is i like everything

October 31st, 10, 02:39 AM
When Adult swim finally stopped showing that garbage.

November 10th, 10, 12:41 PM
I acutally have alot of favorite moments. I would be unable to name them all. I would have say one of my faves for sure is anything from episode number 48: Return to the Place Were we First Met!

November 10th, 10, 11:58 PM
Lets see: When Shippou was sea sick and puked all over Inuyasha, Anytime Kagome tells Inuyasha to sit.

November 12th, 10, 03:06 AM
Anytime Kagome tells Inuyasha to sit.

same here .................................................. ............(filler)

January 20th, 11, 01:46 PM
I like Inuyasha Movie 2...

When they kiss...so sweet...^_^

January 20th, 11, 07:19 PM
I'm not a fan of the show..but since its on at 5 am on saturdays and i'm usually up all night on staurdays. I watched it half alseep. My favorite moment that i was paying attention was when inuyasha met the maker of his and his brothers sword tetsaiga and he keeps telling inuyasha he's not fit to use his sword. haha funny everyone think its gone when adult swim kept it on lol. A

Although adult swim likes airing crap on their network over good shows so i'm not surpised. lol sorry i had to take a swing at the network..c'mon i know i should have kept it to myself but it was too irresistable XD I miss their anime not their mindless garbage on now.

January 20th, 11, 08:10 PM
For attacks I love it when Inuyasha's brother uses the Dragon Strike technique.

For favorite moment, it was in one of the movies, with the island of half-demons. At the end Inuyasha does a combination of the backlash wave and his adamant barrage, what I like to call the adament backlash wave.

January 21st, 11, 09:02 PM
While it's been awhile since I've seen this show, I'd have to go with Mistress. The attacks are mostly what I can remember. Inuyasha's wind scar, and the adamant barrage.

February 1st, 11, 04:13 PM
I like the part where Inuyasha and Kagome dies and Sesshomaru effortlessly kills Naraku~