View Full Version : Female skyrim dovakiin and npcs diapered

Kagemaru okami
March 19th, 13, 05:57 PM
This has just been on my mind but I think a female nord dovakiin and npcs like Serena diapered would look pretty neat and was wondering if anybody could draw it lol

Kagemaru okami
March 25th, 13, 12:54 AM
Anyone else have ideas on this I'd like to know

March 29th, 13, 07:55 PM
Wow, I nearly had the same idea as I tried to scribble my axe- Rodwardone- Babe, but I've failed , so that I deposited the sketch into the round-folder (litter bin)

Kagemaru okami
March 30th, 13, 12:27 AM
Its just something I thought of when I was playing, but its limited because there's not many hot npcs