View Full Version : the fox and the cat

July 2nd, 09, 11:35 PM
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shadow king
July 2nd, 09, 11:50 PM
Character Name: Kira KAji
DOB: unknown
Age: 200 yrs. old (looks 20ish)
Gender: male

Character Personality: Kira is a close friend of Kai's. He is very clingy and protective of Kai and doesn't want to share her with anyone else. If Kai didn't stop him he probably would have killed all of her other friends just so that he could have her. He has a crush on Kai and secretly a crush on Axle, though he would never admit to that.

Character Appearance: ((here's a pic of him)) http://nocturne-of-shadows.deviantart.com/art/Kira-Kaji-104612231
Height: 6'
Hair color: blonde with red tips
Eye color: scarlet
Build: tall and skinny (athletic)
Clothing: what is shown in the picture, the jacket is green, the shirt is red and white stripes, the pants on the stripe side are a deep purple and a lighter purple, the other side is black until it reaches the black and white checker.
Is Character from Game, Book, Show, etc.? No
If so which one?
Race: Half kitsune/Half pheonix

Attacks: The only attack that should be noted as different from his abilities is that he can make smoke explode. He does so from expanding the heat in smoke at such a fast rate that it literally seems to explode.

Abilities: He can use high level fire magic. This also means that he can control and expand heat in substance. He has a natural affinity for using fire considering foxfire and pheonix fire run in his blood, as such he can breathe fire at will and has very good control over it.

He has also learned how to use smoke as a weapon. (see attacks) He can also use it to create smoke screens.

The last of his abilities is the ability to take on a full form, where he becomes a blazing kitsune with two pheonix wings. This takes a toll of using much of his energy and only can last ten minutes, though it boosts his abilities with fire several fold.

Weapon(s): short katana and three clawed gauntlets


Character History: Kira was born between a kitsune and a pheonix who took a human form. They were killed soon after he was born, but he found a way to live on. Over time he became a bounty hunter to survive and picked up on his ability to use fire. He spent a few years honing this skill and thus became more powerful. He learned about his full form and its power. He then trained in at a local bar as a bartender for the extra money while catching bounties on the side.

July 3rd, 09, 12:03 AM
name: niki
age: 15
height: 4' 3'
hair color: brown
eye color: green
build: short skinny
race: neko
weapons: claws, poison needles, sword

shadow king
July 3rd, 09, 12:19 AM
Kira walked along the empty city streets, the moon reflecting on his blonde hair making it shine as if it was gold. His eyes were cold and heartless but yet filled with the fire of hatred. After all he had been raised as a bounty hunter and was good at his job. He would claim a life without mercy nor remorse, as long as it was his bounty. A soft wind was blowing through the streets, russling his jacket and causing the trees to shift.

Kira was on his next hunt, his target, a murderer that had been killing many couples in the night. He could feel the blood that had been spilt, even though it had long since been cleaned its scent still filled the air.

Kira was infamous for some of the deeds he had comitted before he was a bounty hunter. An example would be the s,all town of Spirael, which was now no more than a crater. He had slaughtered the town ruthlessly in his rage and then used his fire to burn it so thuroughly that it became a crater.

July 3rd, 09, 12:30 AM
niki was sitting on a bencg near the street look at the sky and the moon thinking and not paying much attention to the streets