View Full Version : A Furries Life in the real world NOT AB/DL

August 11th, 09, 09:26 AM
Hey guys, I've been typing a new story completely different from my "Gatomon's Baby Adventure" those who read it will know.. >.> Anyway, I decided to write this story in a first person view and I just need to know if its good , as its my first story in first person.

A Furries Life in the Real World Chapter 1

You know, it’s pretty hard to accept that not everyone in the world likes you for you. I mean for a furry to live in amongst human’s, even if he can transform, kind of makes you feel unwanted as they’re seeing you for someone your trying to be not who you are. Well that all changed for me during the new arrival of a girl at my school, oh by the way my name’s Rhys and my fursona is Kit. To be honest my fursona is hard to explain see, I’m actually a white large eared cat much like that Digimon; Gatomon, only I have no tail ring and the tip of mine is longer. Anyway, my story begins on a bright and sunny Tuesday morning.

“Rhys, Rhys! Get your ass out of bed or you’ll be late for school!” A female voice screamed from the bottom of the stairs, waiting for movement but heard none before she yelled again “Rhys I know you can hear me, you’re a cat” , “Yeah, yeah I’m up mom, no need for the jokes” I yawned, slowly shuffling down the stairs and into the kitchen, giving her a smile as I past. “Yeah well c’mon you have to eat before you head off to school, after all you did drink a lot last night” she softly grumbled, taking a seat next to me as I quietly chuckled, quickly shovelling down Coco pops as I replied “It was fun, we wasn’t too bad a little partying a little drink even Dan got drunk”, “Oh he did? But what about you, what if you transformed? How would I explain that to the police huh! Did you think of that?” She yelled, shaking slightly as she turned her back sighing “I…I’m sorry Rhys, I just worry that one day you’ll be found out. I’m just not sure when that day will come”

I quickly turn to my mother’s shaken body as I sigh, lowering the spoon into the empty bowl before getting up and heading towards the door “Mom that day will never come, I’ve kept it a secret for six years, ever since my 13th birthday”. Hearing this she slowly turns to me as she smiles, handing me my back as she mutters “You know but I still worry about you Rhys, just be careful and transform already”. I softly chuckle, taking the backpack as my soft white fur begins to change into pale pink skin leaving only soft long brown hair on top, my large ears slowly changing as my tail gradually disappears before I race out of the door and down the street. This is where I meet a close friend of mine, Ben. Now me and Ben have known each other for about two years, yet he does not know about my Furry side, the reason? Well, I guess I didn’t have the guts to explain “Hey Ben I forgot to tell you, I’m a Cat!” while in general conversation with him.

“Hey, Rhys a bit early aren’t you? I didn’t think you’d make it in this morning after the booze fest last night” Ben joked, slowly walking besides me as I smile, replying “Well I didn’t drink that much compared to you. I think it was you who was wasted before the police arrived”, “Yeah I heard a fight broke out between two 6th formers during the party’s end, something about a cheating girlfriend I don’t know..” Ben sighed, leaning against the bus stop sign as we arrived, just in time for the bus as we slowly proceeded on, grabbing our usual front seats. “Hey Ben, where did Daniel, Ross and Lewis go off too, I didn’t see them half the night” I ask, as the bus sets into motion while Ben responded relaxing into the seat. “Well I saw Dan leaving with Ross. As for Lewis, I have no idea, that boy just comes and goes when he pleases but Adam, Owen, Aaron and the others stayed even after the fight.”, “Oh right, well at least they enjoyed it, I guess..” I sighed, staring out the window as the people and places seemed to flash past while we continued on our journey to school.

However, the back of the bus didn’t seem to quieten down, especially being full of mixed crowds, known as Goths, Emo’s and Chavs, commonly seen in our town. Only more noise seemed to echo behind as the swearing quickly arose, the kids now throwing paper balls down to the front near us. “Jesus Ben I swear those 8th and 9th graders are ass holes” I grumbled, picking up a paper ball as I quickly toss it behind me. “Well this is the usual bus that everyone catches to school, unless you feel like walking miles from our houses” Ben sarcastically pointed out watching my frustration as I sigh, dodging another paper ball as it hit the front window of the bus, annoying the driver more.

After another ten minutes of paper balls, swearing and yelling we finally turn up at our school gates, arriving just on time for the starting bell for lessons. Quickly rushing into school both me and Ben manage to pass the hustle of the morning crowds as we quickly get into my first room of the day, finding our seats as we settle down before the teacher arrives. “Students! I know you are all eager and ready for our science lesson today but I would first like to introduce you to a new student” Our teacher, Mr Neeson, informs as he continues, gently guiding the girl in as she stands nervously in front of the class, softly playing with her strange yellow gloves as she blushes.

“Everyone this is Jenny, seeing as she’s a new student I want you all to be on your best behaviour and show Jenny what this school is really made of! Now Jenny would you kindly take a seat next to Rhys over there, I’m sure he’ll welcome you here, wont you Rhys?”. Stunned I nod slowly, my eyes scanning her nervous face as I notice the yellowish gloves again while she proceeds to sit next to me. “Hey there Jenny, nice to meet you” Ben quickly greets, smiling warmly as I continue to stare at her, moving back and forth the gloves noticing something familiar, something like I’ve seen them before. I continued to look bewildered before she looks back at me, slightly confused “Umm, Rhys? What’s wrong?” she mumbled, nervously, “Umm.. well, I’d like to ask.. what’s with the gloves? It’s almost summer and it’s blazing hot outside..” I manage to reply, chocking slightly, still gazing into her eyes, that was until I see her face turn from nervous to upset as she quickly hides her gloves and mumbles facing the front again “I..its nothing just some possessions I keep..”. Feeling a little guilty I look away from her as I begin to write, glancing back every few minutes or so as the lesson progresses.

Until finally the end bell echoed through the classroom as the kids quickly escape to break, while I purposely take my time to watch as she left, wading in and out of the crowds. The rest of the day seemed to follow on the same as each lesson of the day I watched her, like I knew something, something familiar, I know she seemed to notice I was staring because she’d glance back every now and then, brushing it off I continued to write until the end of the school day bell roared out. I quickly pack my things quickly glancing up to see she’d already left into the sea of people, pushing their way through. “Rhys, I’ve noticed you’ve been staring at the new girl all day man! What’s wrong with you?” Ben asked, picking up his own books as he glared at me worryingly as I replied, slowly walking out the classroom and down the corridor.

“Ben, to be honest there’s something about her that’s familiar to me, I’m not quite sure what it is but it’s something about those gloves”, “Her gloves? They’re probably some fashion trend from America! Just leave it Rhys!” Ben calls out, chasing after me down the corridor as we get to the bus stop, Jenny still running through my mind as I take my seat again, looking down the bus for her before I notice Ben strolling in, taking his seat as he whispered pointing to the other bus. “Rhys, you’re not going to see her now, she’s taken the other bus” Slightly upset I take me seat and sigh while looking out the window. I glance at the places once again as the bus sets in motion for another hour or so, speeding past as the days memories wiz in my head, all leading to her, her beautiful baby blue eyes, her long brown hair and those yellow gloves.

Until I finally reach the stop near my house, getting off I yawn slightly as Ben continues yelling in my ear, party this, beer that, jenny… hearing the last word I quickly spring turning to him as I ask “Did you say Jenny might be there?”, “Well maybe, I did see her with a few girls today and the party is in her area Rhys” Ben smirked, watching my smile arise as I ask again “Are all the boys going, along with others?” Ben gently nods his head as we stop by my house. “Then I have to get ready!” I yell, running past Ben and into my house as I quickly race upstairs, grabbing my favourite grey T-Shirt from my bedside as I slip it on, before pawing through my draws for my other clothes. Finding my cream combats, I quickly slide into them, almost slipping on the bottoms due to my rushing until I gain my balance. Hours seemed to fly by before I finally finished, spraying heavy doses of body spray over myself as I look in the mirror a final time, brushing back my hair as I smile, slowly heading out my door to see Ben and the boys.
“You’re finally ready! You only took five minutes than you were supposed too!” Ross cheers, lowering his car window door as he looked out while I approached him, loud music; what seemed to be Linkin Park, blasting from inside “Well I had to make sure I’m looking good, you know?” I smirk, quickly climbing into his car as he speeds away down the road. “So Rhys, I’ve heard you’re meeting this new girl, Jenny?” Dan asks taking a two bottles of alcohol from under the seats as he handed me one, waiting for my response. “Well I, I uh just wanted to go to the party and have fun” I stutter, taking the can as I look at him until Adam slumped over the backseat, as he gazed to me, the scent of alcohol lingered from him. “Bullshit Rhys! We know what you’re trying to do, don’t like to me boyo!” he then proceeded guzzling down his drink as he turned back to the front.

Ignoring him I take a sip of my drink as I glance out the front window, techno music still echoing loudly from the speakers as I watch cars pass, slow at first until Ross decided to pick up speed racing through lights, green obviously, as we made our way to the party. “So guys, what are you going to do just drink and dance?” I stupidly asked to only get a sarcastic response from Ross and a few laughs from Dan and Ben “Nooooo, we’re going to be the sad lonely people sat in the corner of the room twiddling our fingers. Of course we’re going to drink. What are you, gay!?”, “I only asked as I thought you’d be doing more! I mean there’s defiantly going to be more than alcohol at this party” I try to defend sipping my drink slightly as Ben laughed again “Yes, most probably but that question had to be the worst one you’ve said yet”, “Yeah well, we’re there now so shush..” I mutter as Ross slows down the car, parking on the drive of the house as we get out, more techno music blazing from inside.

(That's all i have so far =3)

August 11th, 09, 03:06 PM
Very good writing, as I am used to seeing from you TB. However, you should probably post this for review on furryai.com, considering that it has no AB/DL involvement. It's a great story, and its very well written, but it's just a little out of place.

Kid Chimour
August 11th, 09, 03:35 PM
Actually Iwoenai Tbsparky shared this with me first via an IM, and I asked if it was baby fur related and trust me it is, but he isn't rushing it into thoose scenes yet.

August 11th, 09, 03:41 PM
The thread title is what makes me think that it belongs more on Furryai.com rather than here.
"A Furries Life in the real world NOT AB/DL"

Kid Chimour
August 11th, 09, 03:45 PM
Well fine, but the story WILL contain baby fur pieces in it.
And he probably showed this as a heads up to say that he will be posting another story.
Well anyway lets just drop it, and if a mod feels like deleting it then fine.

August 11th, 09, 08:53 PM
Thanks so much Iwoenai ^^ I'm glad you like it lol =3 To be honest, the only reason I posted it here was because alot of people here I know would review. I'll take your advice and put it on Furrai.com

To Chimour:
Actually, as the thread titles says, I haven't really decided on the involvment of diapers. It's more of a TF, Furry, GatoxKit story. I may think about diapers though XD