View Full Version : Gatomon's Baby Adventure chapter 14?

September 13th, 08, 12:28 PM
Hey all, just woundering if anyone has an idea or suggestion for my chapter 14?
maybe you want it to finish at 14?
maybe more?

all suggestions are welcome :D

September 13th, 08, 02:20 PM
My only suggestion is have the girls babied and regressed out of the blue if its is possible for you to add that detail to your story.

September 13th, 08, 02:28 PM
I dunno it could be possible.

September 13th, 08, 06:03 PM
As fun as it would be to see that, I don't see it happening in just one chapter, if at all, it would disrupt the flow the story has. Sora I can see currently, she was one of the firstfew to accept Gatomon's diapers, and then Kari's. Before I say anything else, I'd like to read chap 13 when it's approved.

September 13th, 08, 06:21 PM
Ok twilight thanks :D
In the up coming chapter I'm actually thinking of including sora in the diaper play but not as much as Kari.

September 13th, 08, 06:30 PM

September 13th, 08, 06:32 PM
Hey Afran, is "cool" your favorite word? You say it all the time.

September 14th, 08, 03:28 PM
Still not approved :(
I've posted all my Gatomon's Baby Adventure chapter on Fanfiction but since then I think i've added more and posted it here but if you want to see it here's the link

September 14th, 08, 03:33 PM
You're on FanFiction too! Cool! I'm on there as 'Green Raccoon'. You're still using your username here I see. I wrote a story called Homeless Two Tail there.

September 14th, 08, 03:34 PM
Your the guy!!!?
You wrote that!!
Omg!! I love your story.. WOW lol

September 14th, 08, 03:39 PM
You've read it?! Sweet! I bet you didn't even consider that the guy who wrote it was a Diaper lover did you? :D

September 14th, 08, 03:42 PM
No not at all! i didnt reallise xD But your story is great cant wait for the new chapter! i only got two questions to ask though
Where did you get the name Hangnail from? he remind me of someone
and is darkness an echinda from the past/Future? ;)

September 14th, 08, 03:46 PM
Hang Nail is just a name I thought up on the spot. I realzied that he was suppose to be a thug and a bully and most Sonic characters are given names that describe themseleves like Tails and Sonic for instance. So I thought of something annoying and painful and Hang Nail came to mind.

As for what Darkness is... well I normally don't like to spoil things but he's a fox just like Tails is. Just don't tell anyone that. I'm trying to make it surprising.

September 14th, 08, 03:48 PM
Right! now i get it :D Thanks for answering my question's i wont tell anyone ;)
Now i undrestand about Darkness.
Do you have any suggestion for my story?

Also keep it up i'd love you read the end! and Tails's release from darkness :D

September 14th, 08, 03:56 PM
For your story? Well I haven't read it yet so I don't know. I will though! For a fellow Sonic fan/Digimon fan/ Fan of my story I'd be happy too. :D

September 14th, 08, 03:59 PM
Thanks alot dude!
And i'll still be reading yours!
enjoying how Brotherly both sonic and Tails are :D

September 14th, 08, 04:12 PM
Yeah, me too! I've tried putting in diaper and spanking elements but they haven't worked so much. The closest I got was having Tails wet the bed at Knuckles' place and having Sonic tell Metal Sonic that he was spanked a lot as a kid during their fight. Oh well the story is still good so I'm happy. :D

September 14th, 08, 04:15 PM
Speaking of brothers, I have a friend online who I consider a brother. He has a profile of fanfiction.net as well, Magnamon. He owns the copyrights on the OC I've been using, Amara. He's not into the whole diapers and infantilist thing, though he might use bedwetting for a humor scene. His real works are his Naruto and Megaman fics, neither one anywhere near completion.

He was the one who introduced me to the descriptive writing style I use, and he proof read my first few chapters and helped me with theory in chapter 5 of Maylu's New Life. Anyways, if you're into Naruto or Megaman, check it out, he only left the other fics up to show how far he's come as a writer.

September 14th, 08, 04:17 PM
wow! when i read it i thought the Tails wetting the bed bit was because he was afraid of the kitsune within lol never realised you where trying to include diaper xD still though every single chapter of your story is great and also it's great to know that finally Smokestack wont hunt him! lmao xD

September 14th, 08, 04:21 PM
Speaking of brothers, I have a friend online who I consider a brother. He has a profile of fanfiction.net as well, Magnamon. He owns the copyrights on the OC I've been using, Amara. He's not into the whole diapers and infantilist thing, though he might use bedwetting for a humor scene. His real works are his Naruto and Megaman fics, neither one anywhere near completion.

He was the one who introduced me to the descriptive writing style I use, and he proof read my first few chapters and helped me with theory in chapter 5 of Maylu's New Life. Anyways, if you're into Naruto or Megaman, check it out, he only left the other fics up to show how far he's come as a writer.

Aww :D brotherly love X3 that's great to know you got someone looking out for you and your awsome stories :D

September 14th, 08, 04:36 PM
wow! when i read it i thought the Tails wetting the bed bit was because he was afraid of the kitsune within lol never realised you where trying to include diaper xD still though every single chapter of your story is great and also it's great to know that finally Smokestack wont hunt him! lmao xD

His bed wetting was sort of because of that but I really only decided to add it because of my desire to see some babyness.

September 14th, 08, 04:45 PM
Kool :D I also forgot aswell! there was still a little babiness when the snakes attacked them during their walk to angel island! sonic was turned into a baby! so that's included isn't it?

September 14th, 08, 04:51 PM
Yup! I had that part included because it seemed funny and a perfect way to get the babyness across without it seeming forced. :cool:

September 14th, 08, 04:53 PM
Yeah it was perfectly preformed, i didnt suspect a thing xD

September 14th, 08, 04:57 PM
Well you know now. ;)

As for your story if you really want to continue it then there should be nothing stopping you. Is there something wrong with it?

September 14th, 08, 05:05 PM
The only problem is I'm not sure of a scene and what should be included, I've already done a trip to the Digital world 2-3 times the park once and a mall and I'm not sure of any other places i can choose or what other thing to include.

September 14th, 08, 05:09 PM
Have you tried their school? Or a resturant? Or maybe a hospital? Are any of the male trainers in diapers too?

September 14th, 08, 05:14 PM
Yeah i tried their school but not in depth enough. maybe i could try a restuarant.. not sure about the hosptial except if something happens to Gatomon and again i dont have a clue what i could include for her to go xD
Also none of the others are in diapers.

September 14th, 08, 05:23 PM
Oh okay. I'm reading it now in another open page so I have an idea as to where it's going.

September 14th, 08, 05:29 PM
Ok hope you find it interesting :D

September 14th, 08, 10:03 PM
I read a good majority of your story. I think the main reason it's not getting a whole lot of views and stuff is because the people it's trying to interest don't usually hang out on that site. It's a well put together story though. If you feel the need to continue then you should! By all means! ;)

September 14th, 08, 10:24 PM
Thanks DiaperCharm!
Do you have any idea's or suggestions for chapter 14?

September 14th, 08, 10:38 PM
I think you should probably enhance the story by getting some other Digimon or trainers in a predicament where they need diapers to while still keeping it focused on Gatoman. She could be like a mentor or something.

Try incoperating some more villians in a give the heroes a harder time while doing so. Those are just some suggestions. :cool:

September 14th, 08, 11:21 PM
I somewhat like that idea, but it depends on how long you want the story. If it's only one more chapter, then you could have another character admitting to having a problem and needing diapers in some fashion. By that, I mean they are wetting the bed, or having daytime accidents. They could also deny needing them and not wanting them, or could just be uncomfortable or scared of them. This would give Kari and Gatomon a chance to bond with them, help them get comfortable with diapers.

In my Maylu fic, I added Amara so that Maylu would have someone to relate to, the whole sleepover idea came to me later. She's someone who Maylu can find comfort in and can trust, someone to go to who has experience in this new aspect in her life. This is what I'm recommending.

September 14th, 08, 11:28 PM
Nice ideas. ;)

September 14th, 08, 11:30 PM
I'm taking a creative writing workshop that happens on weekends, it damn well better be helping my creativity!

September 15th, 08, 05:21 PM
Wow! thanks you two! thinking about it now i might do either Sora or Tk to add a kinda Takari Patagato fic or just Tk and Kari being close.

September 15th, 08, 07:05 PM
Sounds great!

September 15th, 08, 08:03 PM
My advice, go with sora, they'd feel more comfortable together, what with being the same gender and all.

September 15th, 08, 09:44 PM
Hey guys how about this for an idea for the next chapter

during brekfast Tai gets a call from Izzy asking to call all the Digidestined to
Tai's house for a meeting on how the digital world is progressing.During that time when the boys and Yolie are ditracted Kari invites Sora to see Gatomon's new things with Gatomon still nervous. when they actually talk in her Room Sora explains about her knowing of Kari's diapers and actually feeling the same to be with her to support her and Gatomon amoungts the others

what do you think?
Or any other suggestions?

September 15th, 08, 10:16 PM
I like it, but doesn't Sora already know about Kari's diapers?

September 15th, 08, 10:25 PM
o.0 lmao! i think you know my story better than i do! i forgot about her already knowing xD

September 15th, 08, 10:27 PM
Wel if that isn't weird. :D

Seriously though it's great finally being able to tell a diaper full story about anything I want now. I'm glad it happened so quick too.

September 15th, 08, 10:31 PM
Yeah i know how you feel Diapercharm though i cant belive i forgot about Sora lol xD
I'm glad someone remembers my story :P

September 15th, 08, 10:35 PM
You should feel good. I'm feeling a bit let down though. I haven't been diapered since I was a baby.:confused:

Any kind of diapering would be greatly appreciated. Even those fake diaperings over the internet where they use nothing but words that I know some people do.

I'm embarrassed that I just admitted that. :o

But you do know what I'm talking about right?

September 15th, 08, 10:41 PM
Yeah i do. I can tell your slightly new? or I'ts probably just me ^^ but yeah diapers are easy to get its just the hiding and the wearing for me anyway -.-

September 15th, 08, 10:45 PM
That's the thing though. There's no way I can buy and hide them.

I can only do that over the internet and it's never happened so far so I'm diaper free in real life and on the net. :(

By the way do people still do that? If so I'd like to give it a try. I'm desprete for anything right now.

September 15th, 08, 10:49 PM
I'm not sure xD i've only ever Diaper Rped like with Sonic (with you is the 1st time) and Digimon which i've done before.

What's stopping you get diapers?

September 15th, 08, 10:56 PM
I don't have enough money or a car to make a trip to the necessary store. Plus I wouldn't be able to hide them well enough.

September 15th, 08, 10:59 PM
thats sucks.. Well i hope things turn out for you sooner or later and I've heard makeshift diapers work quite well.

September 15th, 08, 11:03 PM
I've tried makeshift. They work fine at least until the clean up part. :o

However, it's just not the same! I want the real diapered experience ya know?

September 15th, 08, 11:19 PM
Yeah i know what you mean and sometimes its hard to do i agree with you

September 15th, 08, 11:21 PM
Oh well. At least I can Rp all the fantasies I want now. :)

September 16th, 08, 01:10 AM
Rp away! The last time I got my hands on a real diaper and wore one that fit was when I was 6, took some of my little sister's. I miss it to, but I only have 1 more year before I move out of my house and get an appartment, then I can start getting diapers. I've even thought up a way to go to the store and buy them.

Also, about the whole story thing, I sometimes forget minor details too. When I'm writing one, the bigger scenes come easier than the in between scenes, though those can be just as important in some cases. As to remembering Sora, well, you got a good story going on, and I like seeing Kari diapered, so it stands out more to me than other stories. The fact that it's well written is a plus too.

September 16th, 08, 01:17 AM
I can relate to that. Even though it will feel kinda weird being older and still into diapers I'm pretty sure my desires won't stop.

As for the story I sometimes run into trouble to. Like getting caught up doing something I consider more fun then writing at the moment. :)

September 16th, 08, 01:22 AM
I agree with you. Unless I'm motivated and have nothing to do, I find it difficult to write. Summer was boring, thus allowing me to type the Maylu story up and post it. I'm hopping to find some motivation to finish one more chapter before saying, "season 1 done".

September 16th, 08, 04:48 PM
Yeah lol. I think Twlight can agree that college sucks.. alot of work and no time for stories :(