View Full Version : how to get babyed a little more

December 6th, 08, 01:56 AM
i wet the bed on purpuse so my parent can buy me ddiapers. now that i got the diapers, i wan them to treat me like a baby. any ideas?:(

December 6th, 08, 02:04 AM
First of all....you have some balls doing that XD second of all first you need to make sure your parents would be ok with it in the first place secondly of this secondly :3 lol dont go to far at first XD

December 7th, 08, 03:28 AM
there ok with it as long as i dont get too caried away. i only asked mommy if she could diaper me before bed and give me a bottle and pacy. during the day i dont get treated like that only when no one else is around

December 7th, 08, 03:35 AM
How do you want to go with this? Being babied, that is.

December 7th, 08, 04:05 AM
i want them to treat me like a baby. it kin of goes along with the whole diaper thing

December 7th, 08, 04:19 AM
Actually explain it to her like this."Mom i need your attention like when i was a child etc..." and explain to her that you seek the salvation of when you were a baby/small child.Explain to her exactly why.Just let her know that your not mentally injured* or anything just lonely.

December 7th, 08, 03:11 PM
Thank you so much Cero!!! it worked and now she pays more atention to me. now i get diapered more often.

December 7th, 08, 03:28 PM
I must say you are lucky my fried

December 7th, 08, 08:22 PM
Exactly how old are you? because if you're younger that may explained why this worked.

EDIT: And wasn't I JUST ridiculed for trying this? I fail at life. T-T

December 7th, 08, 08:30 PM
try losing control of your self and cry until your mom finds out you messed
P.S note me back if it works it did for my friend

December 7th, 08, 11:29 PM
Exactly how old are you? because if you're younger that may explained why this worked.

EDIT: And wasn't I JUST ridiculed for trying this? I fail at life. T-T

ohhh. im so sorry, i guessed it worked for me because im really short for my age, i'm timid, and im an only child.

December 7th, 08, 11:32 PM
it probably worked for me because im short for my age (im 13 yrs old) im timid, parents think i look cute, and im an only child.

December 7th, 08, 11:34 PM
mommy said i can only wet i them otherweise she would get mad and not want to diaper me again

December 8th, 08, 03:17 PM
and thats why your banned :3 oh well enjoy w/e lol

December 9th, 08, 02:00 AM
O.o Well, at least he got diapered. ^^'

December 9th, 08, 02:21 AM
Why'd he get banned? Just curious...no reason to bring the hammer down on me
>_> <_<

December 9th, 08, 02:25 AM
He got banned for being underage : P He would've been safe if he didn't.. Oh I don't know.. Tell us all in the open he was 13 ><

December 9th, 08, 02:31 AM
Okay, thanks Windy, and nice avatar.

December 9th, 08, 02:36 AM
Not to burst a bubble here,But is statement seemed rather odd,Oh well.

December 9th, 08, 02:36 AM
Windy?!?! I like it :3 But I was thinking more of... "Blizzard " X3

Winnie Cooper
December 9th, 08, 03:48 AM
Well, I sincerely doubt he was really 13 anyway. But since he wants us to believe he is - I guess the joke is on him. :: rolls eyes::

December 9th, 08, 03:51 AM
lol is this who you were referring to when you were talking about pulling out your ban hammer in the chat, Wind?

December 9th, 08, 03:52 AM
yep it is

December 9th, 08, 01:40 PM
Well, I sincerely doubt he was really 13 anyway. But since he wants us to believe he is - I guess the joke is on him. :: rolls eyes::That's what i was saying really.Is statement seems "out of place".

December 9th, 08, 02:49 PM
Well guys this is what me and Juicyfruit encounter on diaperboys called a deeker story and I think this guy was living out some kind of diaper fantasy that he wanted all of us to believe was real. In other words the guy is not really 13 but some perverted order dude that wanted us to believe he was 13 and made up some story where his rents actually babied him when in reality it doesn't really happen that way for most people. In other words this was just a little yarn for our amusement.

December 9th, 08, 04:09 PM
Well guys this is what me and Juicyfruit encounter on diaperboys called a deeker story and I think this guy was living out some kind of diaper fantasy that he wanted all of us to believe was real. In other words the guy is not really 13 but some perverted order dude that wanted us to believe he was 13 and made up some story where his rents actually babied him when in reality it doesn't really happen that way for most people. In other words this was just a little yarn for our amusement.Actually it's more for is amusement since he seeks redemption,He wants is dreams to come alive.

December 9th, 08, 04:15 PM
Everyone does, lol. That's how religion came to existence.

December 9th, 08, 04:19 PM
Everyone does, lol. That's how religion came to existence.Yeah but some of us don't go the extra step.

December 9th, 08, 04:24 PM
Ha, I don't think you should be so sure about that. :P

December 9th, 08, 04:46 PM
Ha, I don't think you should be so sure about that. :PWhy not?

baby lucario
December 11th, 08, 01:11 PM
try losing control of your self and cry until your mom finds out you messed
P.S note me back if it works it did for my friend
since my mom doesnt like it when i mess in my diaper, i put my belt on too tight and couldnt get it off when i had to go #2. So i went in my diaper and started crying until mom noticed i had messed in it. she didnt change me, i had to change myself as the punishment

December 11th, 08, 03:45 PM
i want them to treat me like a baby. it kin of goes along with the whole diaper thing

actulyl one donet have to be babied jsut to were diapers is my view but i htink outr freinds advice is good explain it posibly as he suggested and yo ushould be fine but only cos your mum is so understanding

December 11th, 08, 11:10 PM
ahhh ø.o thats a bit interesting; but I've been wondering, what exactly is the age limit on this site?

December 11th, 08, 11:11 PM
It's an 18+ site. Sooo yeah...

December 11th, 08, 11:51 PM
It's an 18+ site. Sooo yeah...Is the age requirement due to legal issue or is it an unofficial rule?I'm asking since the age is different in some countries.

December 13th, 08, 01:50 AM
probably a little bit of both Id say though this is my opinion as ownership may have other ideals.

There is alot of adult material here and because of that a site is forced to follow the laws of its jurisdiction wherever that may be. If its hosted in the US (as it is between OK and TX) than yes you would have to be 18+ to prevent any legal trouble

Theres also some pretty mature material discussed as well as mature topics so I would say its not something someone young should really be seeing.

Without a CC and some serious identity checking it would be impossible to verify anyone internationally so when people open their mouths or blatantly put it out you kind of have to take their word for it and deal with it.

As for whats being said here well This stuff in real life is something I believe belongs behind a closed door and with intimate partners whom you trust. This isn't something you should really be throwing at your parents in any way there is just too many things to deal with if you do and it never goes how you want it to.

December 13th, 08, 05:25 AM
hey just curious what will happen to this thread? Will stay open or will it be closed?

December 13th, 08, 05:36 AM
If we derail too much it might.But since the original question still applies...Also Neo you are right and wrong.While you do have to respect the owner's rules legal issues do not have a say in this since we aren't in the same geographic location.

December 16th, 08, 04:39 PM
13+ with parents consent according to ai's posting of the rules

Winnie Cooper
December 16th, 08, 04:50 PM
Bird. Here is a link to the rules: http://diaperedanime.com/forum/showthread.php/diapered_anime_rules-3/index.html

I would like you to please point out to me where it says what you just told us?

December 16th, 08, 05:01 PM
Its under diapered anime, faqs, board faqs, general usage, registration I can't create a link as I am using a phone to do this....

Winnie Cooper
December 16th, 08, 05:16 PM
I can see how that might confuse you, however, that is not AI's posting of the rules. That is vbulletin's posting of how the forum works. AI's posting of the rules is the link I just gave you.

I can assure you that we have an over-18 policy here.

December 16th, 08, 05:18 PM
I can see how that might confuse you, however, that is not AI's posting of the rules. That is vbulletin's posting of how the forum works. AI's posting of the rules is the link I just gave you.

I can assure you that we have an over-18 policy here.So it would seem, i have however happen to come a-cross a few users admitting being minors.But i digress, your a moderator so you would know... :D

December 16th, 08, 05:21 PM
Why do we have TWO SETS OF RULES!!!!! ×Head Explodes×

Winnie Cooper
December 16th, 08, 05:29 PM
If we see a user explicitly admitting to being under 18, we ban them. We already have several times - see this very thread for an example...

Bird- we don't. We have ONE set of rules. What you are talking about is not rules and it is never referred to as rules. It is a set of FAQs - meaning Frequently Asked Questions - as to how a vbulletin forum works (vbulletin is our software here). It says in that place you referred to, you MAY be asked to get parental consent if you are under 13. "MAY" insinuates that this is not a hard fast rule for every vbulletin forum. Each forum has its own rules, and ours is that you be over 18.

December 16th, 08, 05:29 PM
In any such case I am almost 19 so yeah

December 16th, 08, 06:55 PM
If we see a user explicitly admitting to being under 18, we ban them. We already have several times - see this very thread for an example...

Bird- we don't. We have ONE set of rules. What you are talking about is not rules and it is never referred to as rules. It is a set of FAQs - meaning Frequently Asked Questions - as to how a vbulletin forum works (vbulletin is our software here). It says in that place you referred to, you MAY be asked to get parental consent if you are under 13. "MAY" insinuates that this is not a hard fast rule for every vbulletin forum. Each forum has its own rules, and ours is that you be over 18.
Yes chief!but back on topic who are we really talking about being babied by?

baby lucario
December 16th, 08, 10:35 PM
a boy who wants his parent to baby him.