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January 7th, 09, 12:04 AM
Anybodys parents baby them? My mom wont even though i want her to:(...makes me sad

Shining Fire
January 7th, 09, 12:14 AM
To be honest, I would be creeped out if my real mom babied me.. I used to think I wanted it.. but.. *Shudders*

January 7th, 09, 12:15 AM
My sister treats me like a baby from time to time.Well she used to anyway, she moved to another continent so.Yeah...But between you and me, she's a bigger baby then i am. :O

January 7th, 09, 12:16 AM
My sister treats me like a baby from time to time.Well she used to anyway, she moved to another continent so.Yeah...But between you and me, she's a bigger baby then i am. :O
haha thats funny.

January 7th, 09, 12:18 AM
I bought her a pacifier, now i'm thinking of sending her a teddy bear.Hopefully our paths will cross again...

January 7th, 09, 12:19 AM
lol she be thinking..."these must me signs he wants me to baby him some more"

January 7th, 09, 12:20 AM
Not really, it's my way of saying she's being a good girl.You know when she fall asleep in her bed and not on the computer chair or having good grades.I'd save money for a trip over there if taking the plane didn't cost so much. :\

January 7th, 09, 12:23 AM
ooh i see

January 7th, 09, 12:49 AM
naw, no babying for me, be really fucken creepy imo. my mom is like right next to me on the other computer while im typin' this :P

January 7th, 09, 12:50 AM
Yeah my folks don't understand English...However i still don't want them to see the coolness of this site...Even tho it's not like they can see my computer screen...

January 7th, 09, 12:50 AM
lol, my mommy dont even know i go on this, want her to find out still but dont wana show her.

January 7th, 09, 12:52 AM
Give me her email and i'l tell her. :)

January 7th, 09, 12:54 AM
lol no, i leave it open so she can see but shes blind apparently lol...she used to check wat sites i go on all the time...idk why...im too yound to be looking at porn

January 7th, 09, 12:57 AM
Well yeah in the states they seem to be quite... about sex.Compared to Canada anyway.I'd ask you, your age but Victoria might bite me.However, did you know the more you hide your feelings the more they corrupt you.Anger is a fine example of that.

January 7th, 09, 01:00 AM
and what feeling do u think im hiding?

January 7th, 09, 01:00 AM
Well yeah in the states they seem to be quite... about sex.Compared to Canada anyway.I'd ask you, your age but Victoria might bite me.However, did you know the more you hide your feelings the more they corrupt you.Anger is a fine example of that.

i think im uncorrupt, what say you mac?

January 7th, 09, 01:02 AM
I'm corrupted, i think it has to do with what the community in my town thinks of me.Since they do not like the way i respond to them in an intelligent matter and stuff like that they assume i just try to piss them off and other fun stuff...

January 7th, 09, 01:03 AM
u didnt answer my question...what feeling u think im hiding?

January 7th, 09, 01:03 AM
I'm corrupted, i think it has to do with what the community in my town thinks of me.Since they do not like the way i respond to them in an intelligent matter and stuff like that they assume i just try to piss them off and other fun stuff...

LOL i gotta tell you, alot of people think the same about me. i just dont care, thats all.

January 7th, 09, 01:05 AM
Oh i don't care all that much but hiding your feelings as an effect on you after a while.Like they say "If you lie to yourself too much, you will believe in your lies".

January 7th, 09, 01:07 AM
lol i, i just keep alot of secrets from my mommy.

January 7th, 09, 01:07 AM
meh i told my mom about my diaper fetish yesterday. she assumed i liked looking at other people in diapers, i didn't have the gutts to tell her i liked to wear em >>

January 7th, 09, 01:10 AM
That's cool, seeing as how my folks are rather simple minded.By that i mean to a point where stupidity isn't far from the truth.I prefer not sharing my Fetish with them, even if it doesn't revolve around diapers all that much.

January 7th, 09, 01:11 AM
well...if she dont know u like wearing em....well...idk...rather my mom know i like wearing em.

January 7th, 09, 01:15 AM
Bleh at this point telling is mom wouldn't make much difference in my opinion.However, i wouldn't know since i do not feel an appeal for wearing diapers.

January 7th, 09, 01:16 AM
*stares weirdly at cero*

January 7th, 09, 01:16 AM
try em before you judge brothah

January 7th, 09, 01:18 AM
The only thing close to an appeal for diapers would be curiosity but then again i have multiple theories of the meaning of life and other fun stuff.I'm a rather really curious person.

January 7th, 09, 01:20 AM
The only thing close to an appeal for diapers would be curiosity but then again i have multiple theories of the meaning of life and other fun stuff.I'm a rather really curious person.

like i said try em out. you might like em, you might not.

January 7th, 09, 01:21 AM
ya you should try them.

January 7th, 09, 01:22 AM
Sure i'l try 'em once winter is over this cold literally turned me into a vampire.

January 7th, 09, 01:23 AM
buy some diapers and footie pjs...they are great for winter and go good with the whole diaper thing.

January 7th, 09, 01:24 AM
Nah i'm going to stick with my hot bath.However once the snows go away i'l surely look into getting diapers.

January 7th, 09, 01:25 AM

January 7th, 09, 01:38 AM
Nah i'm going to stick with my hot bath.However once the snows go away i'l surely look into getting diapers.

haha wimp XD and showers own harder than baths imo

January 7th, 09, 01:39 AM
i like baths

January 7th, 09, 01:48 AM
I ain't a wimp but i don't want to have to put on winter clothing ffs.

January 7th, 09, 01:50 AM
lol. winter clothing is good clothing...

January 7th, 09, 01:50 AM
I ain't a wimp but i don't want to have to put on winter clothing ffs.

close-to industrial sized fan right next to my head running on maximum all year round while im sleeping. and half the time the windows open.

January 7th, 09, 01:54 AM
Yeah....I'd move with you if you were not in school.

January 7th, 09, 01:55 AM
Yeah....I'd move with you if you were not in school.

yes because 2 hours a day ties up my day, its not like i have a sleep schedule anyways.

January 7th, 09, 01:56 AM
i sleep alot.

January 7th, 09, 01:57 AM
Well give me your location info in pm and i'l move in a year or two.I'd move right now but i have a few things to finish in this hell hole of a town.

January 7th, 09, 01:57 AM
i sleep alot.

so do i, but im tired regardless.

January 7th, 09, 01:58 AM
what kind of things calm u down?

January 7th, 09, 01:59 AM
what kind of things calm u down?

whaddaya meen?

and cero you already know part of it :P wouldnt recommend centralia though, shit hole all in it self.

January 7th, 09, 01:59 AM
oooo music is a great anti-depressant.

edit:Then tell meh teh restz?

January 7th, 09, 02:00 AM
ya music is good, i also just suck on my paci and it calms me down.

January 7th, 09, 02:01 AM
ya music is good, i also just suck on my paci and it calms me down.

you know, i never thought about it, and im not quite sure what would

January 7th, 09, 02:02 AM
Listen to the relaxing yet hellish music from the .hack anime?

January 7th, 09, 02:03 AM
lol, something has gotta relax u...unless u are a really uptight kind of person.

January 7th, 09, 02:04 AM

January 7th, 09, 02:06 AM
lol...notice how he doesnt respond...

January 7th, 09, 02:07 AM
I blame you.

January 7th, 09, 02:07 AM

yes, and no.

lol...notice how he doesnt respond...

damnit im doin somethin else. keep your pants on man!

January 7th, 09, 02:10 AM
How'd you know i wasn't wearing pants... j/k however alcohol is a great stress reliever... untill the next morning.

January 7th, 09, 02:12 AM
How'd you know i wasn't wearing pants... j/k
well why do you think i took my pants off? XDXD jk

however alcohol is a great stress reliever... untill the next morning.

whatever man, love alchohol

January 7th, 09, 02:14 AM
Can't hate it but it's a ----- sometimes.

January 7th, 09, 02:15 AM
pants off ftw!!

January 7th, 09, 02:16 AM
Well i don't see why i would be wearing pants in da bed.

January 7th, 09, 02:18 AM
Well i don't see why i would be wearing pants in da bed.

*gets in bed with cero* "hey good lookin'. I got a suprise for you in bed." JK JK JK JK JK JK XD XD XD XD XD

January 7th, 09, 02:19 AM
*hides behind mommy*

January 7th, 09, 02:20 AM
Wait i forgot the alcohol damnit.-gets up to get alcohol-

January 7th, 09, 02:21 AM
this is not going to end well...*still hiding behind mommy*

January 7th, 09, 02:22 AM
Army is probably imagining a C.F.

January 7th, 09, 02:23 AM
*takes out video camera and loads up youtube*

January 7th, 09, 02:40 AM
Army is probably imagining a C.F.

um... 'C.F'?

January 7th, 09, 02:44 AM
A very inappropriate term.

January 7th, 09, 02:46 AM
A very inappropriate term.

well whateva pm if you want.

January 7th, 09, 02:58 AM

January 7th, 09, 03:15 AM
Wait i forgot the alcohol damnit.-gets up to get alcohol-

yeah! alchohol! woooo

January 7th, 09, 03:38 AM
lol...maybe u will get drunk enough and calm down...relax

January 7th, 09, 03:39 AM
Let's get dizzy tonight peoplez!

January 7th, 09, 03:42 AM
lol...maybe u will get drunk enough and calm down...relax

bah i am calm! what makes you think im not calm?

January 7th, 09, 03:44 AM
hmmm...i wonder...*thinks back to jim spazzing out*

January 7th, 09, 03:49 AM
hmmm...i wonder...*thinks back to jim spazzing out*

what!? when was i spazzing out!? who told you these lies!?

January 7th, 09, 04:01 AM
i have my sources

January 7th, 09, 04:02 AM
i have my sources

where!? where are such sources!

January 7th, 09, 04:07 AM
Oh gawd jim that rotten apple i dared you to eat... wasn't an apple.It was a molecular processar information transferer.

January 7th, 09, 04:08 AM
Oh gawd jim that rotten apple i dared you to eat... wasn't an apple.It was a molecular processar information transferer.

how could you make me eat that watchamacallit

January 7th, 09, 04:31 AM

January 10th, 09, 08:49 PM
bump bump bump bump (im bumping this thread...not many posts and i want more...

January 11th, 09, 05:44 PM
well, not really actually, which is good

January 11th, 09, 10:05 PM
bump bump bump bump (im bumping this thread...not many posts and i want more...

does it really need a bump? and whats with the yellow text?

January 11th, 09, 10:08 PM

January 11th, 09, 10:10 PM
i like yellow, its my fav color...and ya i wanted to bump it...so deal with it!...lol

January 11th, 09, 10:10 PM

oh i swear to god jojo.

January 11th, 09, 10:11 PM
lol thx for bumping jojo lol

January 11th, 09, 10:16 PM
lol thx for bumping jojo lol

you dont help

Kingston Wallace
January 11th, 09, 10:47 PM
Bump.....Anyways back on topic. One of the reasons its hard for us male AB/DLs to find a "mommy" is because not all girl AB/DLs want to be one. U'll most likely have to swap roles from time to time.

January 12th, 09, 12:15 PM
Bump.....Anyways back on topic. One of the reasons its hard for us male AB/DLs to find a "mommy" is because not all girl AB/DLs want to be one. U'll most likely have to swap roles from time to time.

bah if your gonna post something relavent then theres no need to put 'bump' in it.

January 12th, 09, 12:33 PM
Finding mommys that just want to be mommys is hard and the only way I know how to for sure is if your willing to pay money to go to an AB daycare other rout you might take is start praying you find a very understanding gf

January 12th, 09, 03:06 PM
Well, wouldn't a dominatrix be sort of similar?I wouldn't know, but i do know someone who's deep into this whole female dominance thing.

January 12th, 09, 03:15 PM
Well, wouldn't a dominatrix be sort of similar?I wouldn't know, but i do know someone who's deep into this whole female dominance thing.

uh huh.

January 12th, 09, 03:20 PM
uh huh.Wouldn't a mother be a significant sign of dominance?

January 12th, 09, 03:26 PM
yes and no it depends on what the ab is looking for many abs like spanking feeling bad but almost all that I know really want the loveing caring side

January 12th, 09, 03:31 PM
Well, there's a caring person everywhere, what kind of "care" are we talking about here.

January 12th, 09, 04:15 PM
Wouldn't a mother be a significant sign of dominance?

idk im just being a douche bag.

January 12th, 09, 04:18 PM
idk im just being a douche bag.I hereby judge you a douche bag.But what exactly is normal?Point made as anyone ever been "cared" for in a way related to their fetishes?

January 12th, 09, 04:19 PM
I hereby judge you douche bag.But what exactly is normal?Point made as anyone ever been "cared" for in a way related to their fetishes?

idk, you tell me what 'normal' is, because i certainly dont know.

January 12th, 09, 04:25 PM
It was more of a statement then a question, I don't think anyone is "Normal" But then what is normal?

January 12th, 09, 04:35 PM
It was more of a statement then a question, I don't think anyone is "Normal" But then what is normal?

crazy happy panda fun time.

January 12th, 09, 10:19 PM
crazy happy panda fun time.
thats not creepy at all, lol

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 10:31 PM
About 2 pages ago there was some Dominatrix/spanking talk

& I Personally hate that stuff
I'm More Into The Caring & Compationate aspect of being "mothered"

Oh & I'm More Of A Douche Bag Than Panda XD

January 12th, 09, 10:43 PM
About 2 pages ago there was some Dominatrix/spanking talk

& I Personally hate that stuff
I'm More Into The Caring & Compationate aspect of being "mothered"

Oh & I'm More Of A Douche Bag Than Panda XD

same(not on the douche bag stuff though)

January 12th, 09, 10:48 PM

January 12th, 09, 11:15 PM
Army if you can not find anything more constructive to post then "lol" you should avoid posting.

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:17 PM
Army if you can not find anything more constructive to post then "lol" you should avoid posting.
Dont Hate On Army
He's Cool

January 12th, 09, 11:20 PM
Army if you can not find anything more constructive to post then "lol" you should avoid posting.
ouch, talk bout hating on me...make me sad
Dont Hate On Army
He's Cool
thank you.

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:24 PM
ouch, talk bout hating on me...make me sad

thank you.
UR Welcome & Read My other Post

January 12th, 09, 11:24 PM
Hate is a big word friend, i wish i could pity you.But i do not have that power, why does it make you sad to be told you are doing something that you should try to avoid doing?Does it sadden you to be wrong?Are you sad when you are told otherwise?If so then i am sorry, however only you can move, others won't move for you.

January 12th, 09, 11:29 PM
Technically, hate is only as big of a word as u think it is...Why do u wish u could pity me? Me being sad only has to do with my completely sarcastic personality... No it doesnt sadden me to be wrong... No im not sad when im told otherwise... and wow, what u tryin to be...dr phil or somethin?

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:31 PM
Technically, hate is only as big of a word as u think it is...Why do u wish u could pity me? Me being sad only has to do with my completely sarcastic personality... No it doesnt sadden me to be wrong... No im not sad when im told otherwise... and wow, what u tryin to be...dr phil or somethin?
There's That Intellect I Knew U Had Army

& I Think We Are All A Lil' Cynical/Sarcastic At times

January 12th, 09, 11:34 PM
lol, im sarcastic all the time...just something i enjoy being

January 12th, 09, 11:37 PM
I judge and i am judged back.However you said that i was "hating" to this judgement I say that i feel no hate towards you however.I wish i could pity you, for your judgements are clouded.

January 12th, 09, 11:39 PM
omg now this sounds like star wars..."the force is clouded with this one" "come ova to the dark side"...lol srry im just messin with ya right now

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:45 PM
omg now this sounds like star wars..."the force is clouded with this one" "come ova to the dark side"...lol srry im just messin with ya right now
I've Heard The Dark Side Has Cookies XD

January 12th, 09, 11:47 PM
omg ive heard that too...but they never say exactly what kind of cookies

January 12th, 09, 11:47 PM
Well i will leave you children to eating your cookies since you seem to enjoy them so much.

January 12th, 09, 11:48 PM
u dont want any cookies? but they are delicious

January 12th, 09, 11:52 PM
When i was younger i loved sweets you know the saying "Having a sweet tooth" however i now barely ever have sweets.I can only recall occasions like birthdays or celebrating a special day.

January 12th, 09, 11:54 PM
oooh...only kind of sweet i really eat is ice cream...and gum

Kingston Wallace
January 12th, 09, 11:58 PM
I Think I'm Aquiring My "Adult" Tastebuds

I Dont Really Like Sweets as Much As I Used To

January 13th, 09, 12:00 AM
Well maybe that's a good thing, sweets aren't exactly the most healthy things to eat.

January 13th, 09, 12:01 AM
i used to have to go the dentist alot and it got annoying...so im trying to cut back on my sweets

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:03 AM
You 2 Keep Making Me Go Of Topic

But I Enjoy Your Company (Both Of You)

January 13th, 09, 12:04 AM
haha, i was actually just about to say the same thing...that we went off topic again

January 13th, 09, 12:04 AM
me mountian dew and gummies

(makes me feel more like a kid)

January 13th, 09, 12:07 AM
i dont like mountain dew, tastes kinda weird...i prefer pepsi

January 13th, 09, 12:07 AM
Well actually if we were to create a new topic for every new conversation.Space would be lost
while this could be seen as spam or going off topic.I would prefer to see it as "Digressing" towards a new topic.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:09 AM

I Thought This Website Was About "Regression" Not "Digression" XD

I'm Just Fucking Yith You

January 13th, 09, 12:09 AM
eh who says that we can't go off the beatten path every now and again

Bump: i dont like mountain dew, tastes kinda weird...i prefer pepsi

same company i like pepsi as well but that's if there isn't any dew left

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:10 AM
Yo What Up Creed

Long Time No See

January 13th, 09, 12:10 AM
Not digression it's Digressing or "To digress".Think of it like changing subject.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:13 AM
Whips Out A Handy Thesaurus

I Need To Touch Up On My Vocab

January 13th, 09, 12:14 AM
Yo What Up Creed

Long Time No See

wat do u mean long time no c? oh and nm just chillin

January 13th, 09, 12:14 AM
Not really maybe i should keep to simple words.

January 13th, 09, 12:15 AM
haha, u are all funny...i love the new pic wallace

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:17 AM
haha, u are all funny...i love the new pic wallace
Which One

& I Aim To Please

January 13th, 09, 12:19 AM
the one with the girl pounding her hands...she looks cute but kinda sad...which makes the pic somewhat depressing...but ina cute way, and im just gonna shut up now...lol

January 13th, 09, 12:20 AM
It's alright, are you confused in your thoughts?

January 13th, 09, 12:23 AM
eh, kinda...i just sometimes start to talk randomly and it just goes on and on even when i dont realise it

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:23 AM
the one with the girl pounding her hands...she looks cute but kinda sad...which makes the pic somewhat depressing...but ina cute way, and im just gonna shut up now...lol
I Complweetly Agree

It's From Soul Eater
Ever Seen It?

January 13th, 09, 12:24 AM
i have

January 13th, 09, 12:25 AM
nope, cant say i have...well actually i can say i have...but i would be lieing...

January 13th, 09, 12:26 AM
While i know that it's different images being repeated to look like it's animated.Due to it's increase of speed there is a second where the one of the arm is not properly connected to the hand.

January 13th, 09, 12:27 AM
properly or inproperly?

January 13th, 09, 12:28 AM
Well i said not properly, does that lack sense?

January 13th, 09, 12:29 AM
oh woops no, thats all my bad...i completely skipped over the word "not"

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:30 AM
Here Look It It Again

I Noticed It Too
A Milisecond in

January 13th, 09, 12:31 AM
look it it again? did u mean at it? or does it it actually refer to something?

January 13th, 09, 12:33 AM
He mean't look at the picture the first arm is not correctly synced at some point.

January 13th, 09, 12:35 AM
ya i see when its not actually connected...kind of a creepy moment

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:38 AM
She's Still Cute Tho

January 13th, 09, 12:39 AM
What is she knocking at anyway?

January 13th, 09, 12:40 AM
i was wondering the same thing...i think its a door but it may be a persons leg

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 12:43 AM
No Idea Myself
Ask Medousa

January 13th, 09, 12:45 AM
Well if you added a 2 more images you could fix the desync.However it would also slow down the speed at witch she is knocking.

January 13th, 09, 12:46 AM
the pic would look weird with her knocking slower

January 13th, 09, 12:48 AM
It wouldn't be that slow however you would see the difference of speed.

January 13th, 09, 05:35 PM
so back on topic...im still trying to get my mommy to baby me, its goin good

January 13th, 09, 06:56 PM
But what exactly is getting babied?This would imply that you would be at a young age and that a series of event would happen.

January 13th, 09, 07:49 PM
It wouldn't be that slow however you would see the difference of speed.

Actually every frame of an animated gif file has a 16 bit, 'Delay Time' field in its 'GraphicControlExtension Block' which stores how many hundredths of a second should pass before the frame is displayed. So it is possable if the delay times were adjusted to accomidate the new frames, that the animation would retain its speed.

January 13th, 09, 07:55 PM
Actually every frame of an animated gif file has a 16 bit, 'Delay Time' field in its 'GraphicControlExtension Block' which stores how many hundredths of a second should pass before the frame is displayed. So it is possable if the delay times were adjusted to accomidate the new frames, that the animation would retain its speed.Yeah but i find that if 2 more images were entered in the middle then it would look more natural.I suppose that's my opinion however.When you add you must remove and i think myself it would be better that way.

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:25 PM
But what exactly is getting babied?This would imply that you would be at a young age and that a series of event would happen.
Hmm Does Anyone (Besides Admins)(Who Have Reason To)
Give A Flying Fuck If These People Are Under 18

I Find Some Of Them More (EDIT) mature Then Some Adults

January 13th, 09, 11:27 PM
u mean more mature? cause if u say immature u pretty much confuse wat u just asked...

Kingston Wallace
January 13th, 09, 11:29 PM
Yeah Thanks For Catching It

January 13th, 09, 11:30 PM
no problem.

January 13th, 09, 11:43 PM
Hmm Does Anyone (Besides Admins)(Who Have Reason To)
Give A Flying Fuck If These People Are Under 18

I Find Some Of Them More (EDIT) mature Then Some AdultsYou went right beside the point friend.You shouldn't jump to conclusions like that...

Kingston Wallace
January 14th, 09, 12:05 AM
Maybe I Am Talking Out Of My Ass

I'm too Volatile

January 14th, 09, 12:08 AM
I believe volatile isn't the word you are looking for.

Kingston Wallace
January 14th, 09, 12:10 AM
I believe volatile isn't the word you are looking for.

*Takes Out The Same Thesaurus From Yestereve*

How 'Bout disputatious

January 14th, 09, 12:13 AM
It's probably not what you are looking for either.But it's better then nothing i suppose.

Kingston Wallace
January 14th, 09, 12:15 AM
Then I'm Stumped

& I'm Not From British

January 14th, 09, 12:17 AM
Well theres not really a word for it not an appropriate one anyway.It's just that you huh thought a little bit too fast i suppose.

January 14th, 09, 02:35 AM
try not to do that anymore maybe?

January 25th, 09, 07:07 PM
im going to talk to my mom tonight about her buying my diapers and babying me and everything...

baby lucario
January 25th, 09, 07:11 PM
yay!! best of luck to you.

January 25th, 09, 07:11 PM
ya...lol...just gotta hope her new bf dont get in the way

baby lucario
January 25th, 09, 07:14 PM
yea, thats what was thinking might happen. then you'd have to tell her a different time. hope that doesnt happen thoguh.

January 25th, 09, 07:15 PM
Eh...if her little relationship goes on im gonna have to tell him eventually

baby lucario
January 25th, 09, 07:16 PM
yup. but wont she tell him not you? or just wake up with a diaper on and then he might ask your mom about it.

January 25th, 09, 07:18 PM
eh...ya i would probably leave it to her to tell him

January 25th, 09, 08:38 PM
Well tell me how it goes

January 25th, 09, 08:39 PM
ill let every1 know how it goes duh...lol

January 25th, 09, 08:40 PM
u beta
~pulls out 9mm

January 25th, 09, 08:41 PM
haha...*pulls out sword*
bring it on

ya no offtopic fighting...

January 25th, 09, 08:46 PM
ok, shoots army so he can't live to battle in an off topic fight :D

January 25th, 09, 08:59 PM
back on topic. i wouldn't mind it but it's when in public i have an issue but i would wear a diaper under my clothes

January 25th, 09, 09:00 PM
i wear a diaper under my clothes in public...even my mom dont know lol

January 25th, 09, 09:02 PM
So does ur mom know that u wear diapers at all? I'm confused

January 25th, 09, 09:03 PM
no she doesnt...but she knows that i like them...so tonight ima talk to her bout her buying them for me

January 25th, 09, 09:05 PM
how about u buy em' and shes ok with u wearing em' as plan B

January 25th, 09, 10:20 PM
i dont mind buying them...i just dont like having to hide the fact that im wearing them...and im getting tired of changing myself

January 26th, 09, 12:50 AM
i dont mind buying them...i just dont like having to hide the fact that im wearing them...and im getting tired of changing myself

Kinda selfish IMO

Side note: Was there a new limit of 20 characters set per reply?

January 26th, 09, 12:55 AM
Yes, it's pissing me off. I have to spell out words and add extra punctuation!

January 26th, 09, 12:57 AM
grrrrrrrrr i hate it so much!!!!!!!!!!

January 26th, 09, 12:59 AM
Yes, it's pissing me off. I have to spell out words and add extra punctuation!

Well it will stop people from replying with 1 word replys and the such. Like "Lol" or "Haha" Frankly I'm surprised this forum didn't have this to begin with.

Well. My bad on the topic, back to the topic at hand here, getting babyed.

I'll go further into my last post.

Why would you want your own mother to baby you and buy you diapers and such? It baffles me. It seems so selfish to have your parents do that for you.

baby lucario
January 26th, 09, 01:00 AM
just type what you wanna type then put a whole bunch of periods in the end................... anyway maby now armidude will tel his mom

January 26th, 09, 01:00 AM
well that doesn't mean that u can't buy the stuff urself and have ur parents take care of u

January 26th, 09, 01:01 AM
It is. But really, most things you want are selfish, that is why I dont do it.

baby lucario
January 26th, 09, 01:03 AM
thats what ive been doing but now my mom simply stoped babying me all together. i guess now its armydude's turn. my mom still changes me occasionaly (like now that im sick) i dont like changing myself because i suck at it.

January 26th, 09, 01:06 AM
well idk about my mom doing that but my gf every now and again

January 26th, 09, 01:07 AM
changing urself can be hard...but it gets easier...lol...i love how you say now its my turn...

baby lucario
January 26th, 09, 01:09 AM
hehe, yup its kinda of a coincident that when i stop, you start to get babied. i'll see if i can ask my mom not to baby me but if she can continue to change me..

January 26th, 09, 01:10 AM
that might work...im just really tired of changing myself and hiding my diapees...gets annoying and difficult after a while

January 26th, 09, 01:13 AM
still seems selfish to me, even if its just getting babied.

baby lucario
January 26th, 09, 01:13 AM
yea thats how i felt. now i only have to worry about getting them to the trash cuz my mom is ok with me being in diapers. im gonna ask my mom in like 5 min when she gets home

January 26th, 09, 01:14 AM
my moms home...shes talking bout her bf...hes weird looking...lol
gonna talk to her soon...thinking of what to say right now...

January 26th, 09, 01:14 AM
yea thats how i felt. now i only have to worry about getting them to the trash cuz my mom is ok with me being in diapers. im gonna ask my mom in like 5 min when she gets home

Huh.. Well i guess whatever he likes, i cant judge.

January 26th, 09, 01:17 AM
my moms home...shes talking bout her bf...hes weird looking...lol
gonna talk to her soon...thinking of what to say right now...

don't say it quickly ease in conversation b4 asking

January 26th, 09, 01:18 AM
i know i know...ill just start talking bout something and lead into it...

January 26th, 09, 01:21 AM
i know i know...ill just start talking bout something and lead into it...

well even though you know what i think, hopefully she understands. good luck.

January 26th, 09, 01:22 AM
ya man good luck...............

January 26th, 09, 01:22 AM
she should understand...hopefully...im out of diapees atm...see if she gets em for me tommorow...

January 26th, 09, 01:24 AM
well if she doesn't accept u can do like give her ur money and ask her at least it's a compromise

January 26th, 09, 01:24 AM
hehe...shes always wanted an excuse to get her hands on my couple thousand bucks

January 26th, 09, 01:25 AM
O_o holy crap how rich r u?

January 26th, 09, 01:27 AM
ive got 3,400 bucks...hehe...after buying myself a camera, ipod, lots of diapees

January 26th, 09, 01:33 AM
ur mom must have a huge paycheck

January 26th, 09, 01:33 AM
hehe...i made all my own money...

January 26th, 09, 01:36 AM
O_o holy crap wat do u do?

January 26th, 09, 01:38 AM
welll i used to have a job but i quit...i have really rich relatives so i would work around their houses and stuff and they pay me well...i save my birthday,christmas, etc... money...my school does cool things where if you win you get cash prize...i find hundreds of bucks on the ground walking around

January 26th, 09, 01:39 AM
topic much?

still i wish i would have gotten a job about 2 years back :P i'd be rolling at about 3k - 5k. Especially if i saved the money from that odd job i did about half a year ago for like $10 an hour :)

so what do you plan to tell your mom, armydude?

baby lucario
January 26th, 09, 01:41 AM
yea what did you tell your mommy? did she say yes? (please say yes)

January 26th, 09, 01:41 AM
i plan to just ask i can wear diapers and if she can change me...pretty straight forward...lol

Bump: i havnt asked yet...

Bump: i havnt asked yet...

January 26th, 09, 01:43 AM
i plan to just ask i can wear diapers and if she can change me...pretty straight forward...lol

Bump: i havnt asked yet...

Bump: i havnt asked yet...

have anything more planned then just that? What i mean is, you do plan on leading her in right? so how will you do that?

January 26th, 09, 01:44 AM
damn...such a hard question...lol...i honestly dont know...hmmmm...got any ideas?

January 26th, 09, 01:48 AM
welll i used to have a job but i quit...i have really rich relatives so i would work around their houses and stuff and they pay me well...i save my birthday,christmas, etc... money...my school does cool things where if you win you get cash prize...i find hundreds of bucks on the ground walking around

wow u must b in a rich neighborhood

January 26th, 09, 01:50 AM
hehe...nope...i travel far to go see my relatives...

January 26th, 09, 01:53 AM
k. me i'm a shopaholic at times

January 26th, 09, 01:53 AM
damn...such a hard question...lol...i honestly dont know...hmmmm...got any ideas?

me? i've never been in the situation and hopefully never plan on being in the same situation, i cant really help.. chances are id just wing it, id go with the flow, but that's just me. this you might want to be ready for, i don't know.

January 26th, 09, 02:25 AM
...hmmm....i honestly cant think of anything to say...ill just wing it

January 26th, 09, 03:04 AM
But isnt winging the opposite of being babied.

January 26th, 09, 03:08 AM
But isnt winging the opposite of being babied.

what is your logic??

January 26th, 09, 03:15 AM
WHAT? I'm pretty sure she said no and that's y army isn't on

January 26th, 09, 03:17 AM
WHAT? I'm pretty sure she said no and that's y army isn't on

ok what? you're saying his mom said no?

January 26th, 09, 03:18 AM
I'm saying what at ur q of jojobs logic. And I think that army was denied and isn't allowed on his computer

January 26th, 09, 03:20 AM
I'm saying what at ur q of jojobs logic. And I think that army was denied and isn't allowed on his computer

um.. i think he logged off cus he wanted to log off ^^ why would his mom care? she already knows hes a dl... its either a yes or a no..

January 26th, 09, 03:29 AM
i still havnt asked btw...stop thinking things...

January 26th, 09, 03:31 AM
oh ur back, work up some courage! NOW OR NEVA BABY

January 26th, 09, 03:32 AM
i know im gonna go do it...soon...

January 26th, 09, 03:32 AM
Yeah JEZ mojo! assuming things and the like.

January 26th, 09, 03:34 AM
hehe...shut up panda...u thought it too

January 26th, 09, 03:35 AM
Shut up panda. Shoots panda with 9mm without looking backward at him. Panda grabs SHOT stomach.
I'm srry army plz PM me about what happens.

January 26th, 09, 03:36 AM
Shut up panda. Shoots panda with 9mm without looking backward at him. Panda grabs SHOT stomache.
I'm srry army plz PM me about what happens.

you failed to spell 'stomach'.

FAIL mojo is FAIL

anywazzle, have you figured out what you are going to tell your mom?

January 26th, 09, 03:37 AM
nope...im gonna end up completely winging it...lol

January 26th, 09, 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by dagreatpanda
I'm the best person in here. I rule! I'm better than YOU Knightmare, you stupid CanadianFAIL dagreatpanda is FAIL

January 26th, 09, 03:40 AM
FAIL dagreatpanda is FAIL

LAWLZERS thanks for changing my reply

so you are going to wing it completely... id be careful if you do. say the right shit.

January 26th, 09, 03:41 AM
lol...ya...gotta keep ur shit right...haha...cant have the wrong shit come out of ur mouth...this sounds soo wrong...