View Full Version : Getting Diapers.

January 4th, 09, 09:55 AM
I told my mom i like diapers, but she wont get me any, and she doesnt wnt me to have them. Are there any ways i could get them without loking weird, like at a store or something?:confused:

baby lucario
January 4th, 09, 08:07 PM
i alwais buy them myself. i go to a phasmacy near my house, go to the diaper section, wait untill everybody is out of that section, get the diapers and go to the register. the lady at the cash register looked at me weird but i just smiled back.

if she says why you are buying them, just say that they are for you. or say that they are for a cousin that is staying over and doesnt want his parents to know that he bedwets.

ps. if you are giving an expplination of why u are buying them, dont make it too long otherweise the cashier will kno u are lying.

January 5th, 09, 01:13 AM
Thanks, ill try that out, and im pretty good at lying.

January 5th, 09, 02:32 AM
i alwais buy them myself. i go to a phasmacy near my house, go to the diaper section, wait untill everybody is out of that section, get the diapers and go to the register. the lady at the cash register looked at me weird but i just smiled back.

if she says why you are buying them, just say that they are for you. or say that they are for a cousin that is staying over and doesnt want his parents to know that he bedwets.

ps. if you are giving an expplination of why u are buying them, dont make it too long otherweise the cashier will kno u are lying.

i dont see the point of waiting for others to get out of that section, if the cashiers gonna see you with em anyway.

January 5th, 09, 04:34 AM
i dont see the point of waiting for others to get out of that section, if the cashiers gonna see you with em anyway.
lol, thats a good point.:)

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 5th, 09, 04:45 AM
It's not too difficult. I just walk down the aisle, grab a pack, and get in the longer line. Your less likely to get a look when you use the busier line.

January 5th, 09, 04:54 AM
I just go to the town over were there isnt many people I know, and then I just walk up and buy them.

the first time is hard but then it gets easier.

January 5th, 09, 04:59 AM
thx for all the advise.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
January 5th, 09, 05:10 AM
It's no problem. Almost everyone can understand what you are going through. Use headphones too. It minimizes need for actual speech.

January 5th, 09, 05:15 AM
It's no problem. Almost everyone can understand what you are going through. Use headphones too. It minimizes need for actual speech.

hah i never even thought about that, i have actually yet to buy em because of my lack of money, just gone through my head what i'd do. :P

Winnie Cooper
January 5th, 09, 05:19 AM
Just don't go into the store looking all nervous and jittery and then spend half an hour walking around and not just grabbing what you came for. That will draw more attention to yourself, especially from security. Just walk in and take them to the counter. Nobody cares why you are buying diapers.

January 5th, 09, 05:34 AM
Eh.. I don't even like going to the store for any reason.

January 5th, 09, 08:30 AM
Having an excuse pre-made should help boost confidence by having a backup plan anyways, in case idle conversation is made. I remember one of the two times I bought some Depends in the last semester something like idle conversation happened, I think I just muttered something about doing errands around town, that's like as vague as it gets.

Made me angry as hell, that the Walgreens I walked an extra 30 minutes to (I think that's round-trip) didn't have Depends in large size. There is a CVS/pharmacy closer to my college, but I checked and it's more expense. >: ( That so figures.

January 5th, 09, 08:35 AM
Having an excuse pre-made should help boost confidence by having a backup plan anyways, in case idle conversation is made. I remember one of the two times I bought some Depends in the last semester something like idle conversation happened, I think I just muttered something about doing errands around town, that's like as vague as it gets.

Made me angry as hell, that the Walgreens I walked an extra 30 minutes to (I think that's round-trip) didn't have Depends in large size. There is a CVS/pharmacy closer to my college, but I checked and it's more expense. >: ( That so figures.

thats actually what ive been doing as of late while waiting for my money, just thinking out the scenario, what if what happens, what do i say if said thing happens. should make for a very easy and quick shopping spree.

as for the trip, id have to say id be very pissed if i found out they didnt have em.

January 5th, 09, 12:01 PM
go to store and buy them that what i did i told my granddy to take me to the sotre and i bought theme told him it was candy got back hid them

January 5th, 09, 12:02 PM
go to store and buy them that what i did i told my granddy to take me to the sotre and i bought theme told him it was candy got back hid them

WOW. just WOW

baby lucario
January 5th, 09, 12:12 PM
lol, thats a good point.:)

the reason for that is so that it doesnt seem weird that you are buying diapers instead of your mom buying them for you. its hard to explain.....:o
anyways good luck on buying them:D

January 5th, 09, 12:38 PM
the reason for that is so that it doesnt seem weird that you are buying diapers instead of your mom buying them for you. its hard to explain.....:o
anyways good luck on buying them:D

yeah ill say, you confused me.

baby lucario
January 5th, 09, 12:39 PM
after i red what i posted i confused myself!! XD

January 5th, 09, 12:41 PM
after i red what i posted i confused myself!! XD

LOL mastah lucario please doo explan!

January 5th, 09, 03:58 PM
WOW. just WOW

I don't believe most of what people say about themselves, at least in here about there "diaper tales." The fact that it was so poorly written removes all credibility for me. Most people are just trying to pass off their fantasies on others by writing it as reality, I don't get how people can be so dense and desperate that they feel a need to try and pass their fantasies as their de-facto living situation.

January 5th, 09, 10:21 PM
the reason for that is so that it doesnt seem weird that you are buying diapers instead of your mom buying them for you. its hard to explain.....:o
anyways good luck on buying them:D
lol ya that is a little confusing. Wish my mom would just buy em, but she ignores my liking for them:(

January 6th, 09, 12:32 AM
I don't believe most of what people say about themselves, at least in here about there "diaper tales." The fact that it was so poorly written removes all credibility for me. Most people are just trying to pass off their fantasies on others by writing it as reality, I don't get how people can be so dense and desperate that they feel a need to try and pass their fantasies as their de-facto living situation.

Well I can see why!

January 6th, 09, 12:42 AM
I don't believe most of what people say about themselves, at least in here about there "diaper tales." The fact that it was so poorly written removes all credibility for me. Most people are just trying to pass off their fantasies on others by writing it as reality, I don't get how people can be so dense and desperate that they feel a need to try and pass their fantasies as their de-facto living situation.
this is a confusing little paragraph:confused:

January 6th, 09, 12:43 AM
this is a confusing little paragraph:confused:

Eh, how so? Maybe I can explain it a bit better.

January 6th, 09, 12:45 AM
i just dont understand what he is even tryin to say

January 6th, 09, 12:48 AM
i just dont understand what he is even tryin to say

Pretty much, he doesn't believe most of the stories that people write about on this site, like the diaper stories about themselves. He says their grammar and spelling removes any truth to the story. That's about as good as I can explain it, is it any better?

January 6th, 09, 12:49 AM
like the are lyeing?

January 6th, 09, 12:51 AM
like the are lyeing?

Eh essentially, more or less they are writing their 'fantasies' as their own.

January 6th, 09, 12:52 AM
ooh ok, lol, fantasies areant as fun as reality

January 6th, 09, 12:53 AM
That is pretty much what TS_Chris said.

January 6th, 09, 12:54 AM
okie dokie ty

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:17 AM
i prefer reality better. fantasies are just a bunch of lies!!! XD

January 6th, 09, 02:18 AM
I think everyone prefers reality.

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:57 AM
compleatly agree

January 6th, 09, 02:58 AM
well except crazy people :D

baby lucario
January 6th, 09, 02:58 AM

January 6th, 09, 08:34 AM
diapercharm was talkin to me bout his crazy diaper fantasies...lol

January 6th, 09, 08:29 PM
haha! :D

January 7th, 09, 08:13 AM
ya he said he cant have reality cause he cant sneak diapers past his parents.

January 7th, 09, 08:14 AM
ya he said he cant have reality cause he cant sneak diapers past his parents.

ou that sucks :(

January 7th, 09, 08:15 AM
ya i feel bad for him. he really wants some.

January 7th, 09, 08:17 AM
ya i feel bad for him. he really wants some.

so do i, but i might be getting my chance. next week if i get that money, ill just get dropped off at college, go to safeway, buy me a pack, stick it in my backpack then get a ride back from my buddy

no one will EVER know. thats if i get the money though.

January 7th, 09, 08:19 AM
thats a good plan, im planning on trying to talk with my mom again, i have a plan that might work.

January 7th, 09, 08:24 AM
thats a good plan, im planning on trying to talk with my mom again, i have a plan that might work.

kinda curious, but what does this plan entail?

January 7th, 09, 08:27 AM
ok it starts with me showing her this site, then a certain thread (creeds:i have a problem) which some1 gave the definition for infintalism and all the diaper loving stuff in it...if that dont work im going to a fricking phsycaiatrist(mispelled like hell) and he will probably insist that she babys me. might work...my mom listens to proffessionals.

January 7th, 09, 08:28 AM
ok it starts with me showing her this site, then a certain thread (creeds:i have a problem) which some1 gave the definition for infintalism and all the diaper loving stuff in it...if that dont work im going to a fricking phsycaiatrist(mispelled like hell) and he will probably insist that she babys me. might work...my mom listens to proffessionals.

eh... its a shot in the dark... but it might work.. might feel kinda weird though.

January 7th, 09, 08:30 AM
lol, if i have to goo all the way to the doctor it will feel weird.

January 7th, 09, 08:34 AM
lol, if i have to goo all the way to the doctor it will feel weird.

yeah it will. i could never do it.

January 7th, 09, 08:37 AM
i had a day dream bout wat would happen, it went well, but it was a fantasy

January 7th, 09, 08:39 AM
i had a day dream bout wat would happen, it went well, but it was a fantasy

too bad it wasnt reality.

January 7th, 09, 08:39 AM
i know...

January 7th, 09, 08:42 AM
i know...

i never get dreams anyways.

January 7th, 09, 08:43 AM
wow, ur that dull?

January 7th, 09, 08:44 AM
wow, ur that dull?

idk, i just never get dreams. im not 'dull' as you say it.

January 7th, 09, 08:46 AM
u may actually get dreams, but cant remember them, i don remember half of mine unless it was a great dream

January 7th, 09, 08:48 AM
u may actually get dreams, but cant remember them, i don remember half of mine unless it was a great dream

sigh.. no, usually i have at least some remnant. i dont think ive actually ever all out forgotton a dream. i mean i know ive had it but i dont remember what it was about. i guess i should rephrase what i said. I haven't had a dream for at least 3 years. I have had nightmares, which are technically dreams but arent really imo.

January 7th, 09, 08:49 AM
i dont like nightmares...i wet my self when i have bad ones

January 7th, 09, 08:52 AM
i dont like nightmares...i wet my self when i have bad ones

meh. they arent that bad, though i do sometimes wake up in a cold sweat

January 7th, 09, 08:53 AM
lol u wake up in sweat, i wake up in wet...

January 7th, 09, 08:54 AM
lol u wake up in sweat, i wake up in wet...

i said sometimes. anyways, its usually about falling and once i hit the ground, BAM im awake. ill have one every now and then, i cant recall my the last time i had one though.

January 7th, 09, 08:55 AM
lol, i love falling dreams, actually feels real, i always remember those

January 7th, 09, 08:56 AM
lol, i love falling dreams, actually feels real, i always remember those

yeah well alot of people are afraid of heights, i just happen to be one of them.

January 7th, 09, 08:59 AM
ooooh i see