View Full Version : Give me ideas

July 31st, 09, 02:33 AM
dont read if you havent played all of the kh games(including KH:COM)or havent played them at all.

I'm gonna do a KH fanfic and its going to involve some Larxene-on-Namine action about,lets say,5 or 6 times in the story total. And why? Larxene, in the story, plans to make Namine her own and to make Namine respect her by forcing her to have sex with her and stuff. But i cant think of a good fetish to go along with this. Some1 give me an option. And when you do, explain how and or why it wood be good 4 it.

July 31st, 09, 03:07 AM
Err, well, not my usual forte but I'm just pointing out the obvious here. Forced babying to make Namine depend on her. Sure, being resonable given there are 12, maybe 13 other given the speculation out there, they wouldn't have a lot of time for forced babying, unless Namine loss a bet or something. But forcing her to wear and use diapers during the day, hidden under her dress, would be do able...

I said more then I meant to. Anyways, the sex part I can't help with, but anything else I can if you want help, I'm very knowledgable on KH subjects.

July 31st, 09, 03:07 AM
1st increase and even their age.

Ribbons and Lace: To add that bondage theme that the nobodies displays and turn it into a nice frilly twist.

Pig/Pony/Quad-tails: Inorder to transition subtley into an infantailism + an added style.

Enema and Anal play: For punishment.

Belittleing the Submittive: Its what Organization XIII vagly does best.

Leaderhosen: Stole from pinocioh.

Worshiping the princess: Use your imagination.

Entrapment: adds to the bondage of an AB.

filling the diaper with fine kitty litter or rubs habinarro juice on her: Punishment.

Hope that helps.

July 31st, 09, 03:37 AM
Hmmm...good suggestions. just want to point something out though. i have all of the sex stuff planned out so dont worry about that part. now i just need to know HOW Larxene would be able to do this stuff secretly and without anyone else knowing. how would namine react to it? how will she handle it at first? Will she even get use to it at all? How will Larxene even get the stuff to do so and hide it? These questions popped into my head after i read the suggestion you guys gave me. Hope you guys can answer:D

July 31st, 09, 03:50 AM
Larxene needs to be subtle, slow active, and mischievously cunning in her dominatrix action. This will add an intimidation to her character and her will lure towards Namine will be more believable.

July 31st, 09, 03:50 AM
Well, given that Organization members have the ability to open dark portals to where ever they want, sneaking into stores with supplies in early morning hours would be easy enough.

As to how Namine would handle this, well there are a couple things to take into consideration. First off, Nobodies are essentially the bodies cast off when a person loses their hearts, and are naturally attributed with darkness. Then there's Namine, who is the Nobody of a princess of heart, which has no darkness.

Namine is as pure as Kairi is, but being a nobody limits her reactions, as Nobodies technically have fabricated emotions, particularly negative ones, but the whole array non-the-less. While Kairi would fight back and put her foot down, Namine would be a bit more submissive if she felt threatened enough.

So long as you make a scene showing just how deadly and dangerous Larxene can be, intimidating Namine and forcing her under her influence shouldn't be a problem. As for the other members, well, that's something you'll have to figure out on your own. Need anymore help from me, PM me sometime. I gotta get some sleep.

July 31st, 09, 04:23 AM
Well reading what you guys told me, my story is gonna be longer than i planned it to be. if im gonna fit both the fetish and sex i might have to double the chapters i plan to do, which was gonna be 30. And i think ill stick with forced infantalism. Plus, something to note, im not good at keeping "in-character" when it comes to this stuff. Usually i end up making Larxene like everyone else does; a bitch. And i know that they cant feel anything but they do state they remember how to feel. How will i do that?

July 31st, 09, 04:47 AM
That's simple, every member of the organization has shown to be mostly passive and emotionless when talking, bar Axel and Roxas. By keeping them everyone pretty much calm and collective, bar when each member is in their element, it should flow fairly simple.

Just don't allow the reaction to what a normal person would do be used to the full extent. By that I mean if a person would be furious, just make them angry. If they'd be giggling like a little school girl, make them politely chuckle or giggle, depending on the gender. If they feel sad, just make them feel somewhat down, but not overly noticable. Just tone down emotions a bit unless they were to feel a tremendous amount of them, i.e. your sex scenes.

July 31st, 09, 04:04 PM
ooooh! Thanks Misstress! ^^
Now that leaves some more problems:
1. How will the rest of the members play into this or react to this or something
2. Some of the members did make them seem they were feeling alot of a certain emotion(take Demyx for example) even when they didnt, soooo...
3. How will I fit all these new ideas that are in my head onto paper? :D

July 31st, 09, 08:54 PM
Well, the reactions are a bit tricky to deal with really. I can't say for sure how everyone will react, but I can say the two that would be most concerned would be Xemnas and Roxas, mostly due to Namine's mental state and her ability to preform for the organization for Xemnas, and because of the obvious Sora/Kairi Roxas/Namine connections for Roxas. I doubt some of the others would even get involved unless the whole thing affected them.

As I said before, downplay the emotions, since the most one can get from memories are fabricated feelings and emotions, in the case of Nobodies that is.

As for how to get all the ideas onto paper, I got two suggestions for you. First off, write down each idea you have for the story, get it all out of your head. Next, see if you can connect any of your ideas into something doable or believible of a story. Finally, if some of your ideas don't fit, then you have to ask yourself "Is it worth it to change my story to add this, or would it ruin it? Would it cause me too much trouble to work this into my story, despite my wanting it in?"

Honestly, there were several scenes I wanted to add to my Maylu story, but I cut them out because they just didn't fit in with the story, and I'd have to adjust to many things to make them work. My story turned out just fine without those scenes, so much so that the poll I had for my next story idea to do was for a sequel to the story. I guess what I'm trying to say is, while writing a story does take work, and the better the story the harder you have to work, it overall just doesn't seem worth it if you don't have fun writing it.

August 1st, 09, 02:32 AM
i agree with that last part. this story is seriously gonna take some time. Honestly, i think im gonna have to throw away what ive started thanks to your great advice :D now just help me with one last thing. i know your not me but if you were me, how would you start the story? Just curious. Maybe type a paragraph or two? i wont playdralize them though, just stir it around to my liking. Y'know what i mean?

August 1st, 09, 03:00 AM
Well, to start a chapter, much less a story, you gotta set the scene. One thing I learned from posting on the ABDL forum is that no matter how popular or known you think a series is, not everyone will know about it. To start off your story, give a brief monologe about the history of the KH world.

Mention how there are different worlds in the universe, all being threatened by creatures called the heartless. Give a brief description of the heartless, how more are formed, then introduce the nobodies and explain how they're formed. Then introduce Organization XIII members, briefly touch on their purpose, and you go from there.

As you introduce each character, i.e. the members of Organization XIII, give a brief, and I stress the word BRIEF, description of their character, two sentences top are all that's really necessary. One for basic appearance, since all they really wear are their trench coats, so all you need are their hair and eye descriptions. Then another for their personality. Unless you intend to have each member wear different outfits throughout the story, two sentences are all that's really necessary on their description. If you do choose to go with different outfits, to save some typing, only describe an outfit once, then only mention the character's clothes if they change them.

Hope that helps you ^_^

August 1st, 09, 03:11 AM
Thanks! :D i really appreciate it! ill get started right away as soon as i get home from my neice's b-day party at Chuck E. Cheese -_-;

August 1st, 09, 03:13 AM
No problem, family first after all. Say hi to the giant rat for me to, lol.

August 1st, 09, 03:58 AM
Oops. i forgot to put tomarrow in my last post. the party is at 1 in the afternoon which in my dictionary means morning. anyway, once again thanks and ill say hi to the rat for you! :D (the only thing good about the place is the pizza and the Simpsons arcade game -_-; )